Appendix I

List of Magical Herbs

Herbs are an integral part of spell work. Here is a list of some basic and easy-to-find dried herbs, roots, and other similar items that can be used for magical intentions in your candle spells.

(O) indicates that the herb or root is also generally available as an oil or essential oil that can be used for blending a spiritual oil.

Attract Customers/Clients: agrimony, devil’s shoe string/hobblebush/cramp bark, fumitory/earth smoke, Irish moss

Attraction: catnip, cedar (o), coriander (o), damiana, juniper (o), orange (o), orris root/Queen Elizabeth root (o), smartweed/knotweed

Authority: bergamot (o), jalap root/High John the Conqueror, masterwort root/master root, orris root/Queen Elizabeth root (o), Solomon’s seal root, woodruff/master of the woods

Banishing: asafoetida (o), barberry, bay laurel/bay leaf (o), boldo, cedar (o), devil’s shoe string/hobblebush/cramp bark, knotweed, salt (black), valerian/vandal root (o)

Beauty: catnip, elecampane (o), ginseng (o), rosemary (o), yerba santa

Blessing: angelica root (o), cedar (o), copal (o), frankincense (o), passionflower

Break Bad Habits: eucalyptus (o), hyssop (o), knotweed

Break Up: lemon (o), lemon verbena (o), red pepper, salt (black), sulfur, trillium root/Beth root/Southern John root

Business Success: agrimony, alfalfa, allspice, bayberry, benzoin (o), cinnamon, cinquefoil/five finger grass, fumitory/earth smoke, Irish moss, sassafras (o), woodruff/master of the woods

Career: cinquefoil/five finger grass, grains of paradise, gravel root, mistletoe, pecan, woodruff/master of the woods

Communication: deer’s tongue

Confusion: black mustard seed (o), grains of paradise, poppy seed, red pepper, salt (black), sulfur

Control Over Others: angelica (o), calamus root (o), cedar (o), ginseng (o), knotweed, licorice, mullein, quassia, tobacco

Courage: borage, mullein, tea, thyme (o), yarrow (o)

Court Cases/Legal Issues: black mustard seed (o), buckthorn, calendula, cascara sagrada, cinquefoil/five finger grass, dill seed (o), galangal/Little John root (o), oregano (o), poppy seed

Cursing/Jinxing/Crossing: asafoetida (o), black mustard seed (o), black pepper (o), chicory, grains of paradise, red pepper, salt (black), sulfur, tobacco, valerian/vandal root (o)

Dream Work: camphor (o), celery seed (o), chamomile (o), cinquefoil/five finger grass, flax (o), frankincense (o), hibiscus, jasmine (o), rosemary (o), star anise (o)

Evil Eye (Protection from): agrimony, anise (o), cumin seed (o), devil’s shoe string/hobblebush/cramp bark, elderflower, lemon, rue

Fall Out of Love: black walnut, pistachio

Fame: jalap root/High John the Conqueror, masterwort/master root, orrisroot/Queen Elizabeth root, passionflower, sunflower (O)

Fertility: black mustard seed (o), fig, hawthorn, myrtle, patchouli (o), pine (o), white oak, yellow dock/dock

Fidelity: basil (o), comfrey, cumin seed (o), hawthorn, magnolia, periwinkle, raspberry leaf, rosemary (o), senna, skullcap, spikenard (o), trillium root/Beth root/Southern John root

Gossip (Ending): chia seed, clove (o), oregano (o), slippery elm

Happiness: allspice (o), basil (o), benzoin (o), cacao beans, catnip,
lavender (o), marjoram (o), thyme (o), vanilla

Healing (Emotional): balm of Gilead, marjoram (o), vanilla

Healing (General): allspice (o), althaea, angelica root (o), calamus root (o), caraway (o), coltsfoot, goldenseal, grains of paradise, lemon balm (o), myrrh (o), rue, sunflower (o)

Health/Strength: acorn, bay laurel/bay leaf (o), coriander (o), dill seed (o), jalap root/High John the Conqueror, peony, pine (o, salt (red), thyme, white oak, white sage (o)

Immortality: acacia, apple, sage (o), tansy

Loans: alfalfa, cinquefoil/five finger grass, jalap root/High John the Conqueror, orris root/Queen Elizabeth root, Solomon’s seal root

Love (New): cardamom (o), catnip, coriander (o), cubeb (o), lemon balm (o), lovage, sandalwood (o), senna, trillium root/Beth root/Southern John root

Love (Platonic): acacia, catnip, clove (o), passionflower

Love (Romantic): American mandrake root/mayapple, caraway (o), catnip, cinnamon (o), cumin (o), damiana, deer’s tongue, dill seed (o), dragon’s blood, elecampane (o), gentian, ginger (o), hibiscus, jalap root/High John the Conqueror, jasmine (o), lavender (o), lemongrass (o), lovage, marjoram (o), myrtle (o), orris root/Queen Elizabeth root (O), passionflower, patchouli (o), red clover, rose (o), saffron, salt (pink), sandalwood (o), tonka bean (o), vanilla, violet leaf, yellow mustard seed (o)

Luck (Gambling): alfalfa, allspice (o), angelica (o), arrowroot, calendula, chamomile (o), cinnamon (o), clove (o), comfrey, devil’s shoe string/hobblebush/cramp bark, five finger grass, ginger (o), grains of paradise, Irish moss, jalap root/High John the Conqueror, Job’s Tears, mistletoe, nutmeg (o)

Luck (General): acorn, alkanet, basil (o), benzoin (o), calamus root (o), catnip, cumin (o), devil’s shoe string/hobblebush/cramp bark, ginger (o), gravel root, jalap root/High John the Conqueror, pennyroyal, peony, salt (pink), salt (white), saltpeter, star anise (o), trillium root/Beth root/Southern John root

Marriage: blood root, caraway (o), coriander (o), deer’s tongue, hawthorn, lavender (o), magnolia, marjoram (o), myrtle (o), orange (o), periwinkle, raspberry leaf, red clover, rosemary (o), spikenard (o), trillium root/Beth root/Southern John root

Mental Wellness/Clarity: cacao beans, caraway (o), coltsfoot, mustard seed (o), periwinkle, rosemary (o), rue, smartweed, spearmint (o)

New Ventures: acorn, cinnamon (o), ginger (o), lemon balm (o), lemongrass (o)

Peace: allspice (o), basil (o), benzoin (o), blood root, comfrey, cornflower, lavender (o), marjoram (o), myrrh (o), pennyroyal, periwinkle, rosemary (o), sandalwood (o), valerian/vandal root (o)

Personal Power: bergamot (o), carnation (o), devil’s shoestring, echinacea/purple coneflower/sampson snake root, gentian, ginger (o), jalap root/High John the Conqueror, masterwort/master root, orris root/Queen Elizabeth root (o)

Prosperity/Money: acorn, alfalfa, alkanet, allspice (o), basil (o), bayberry, blue flag root, calendula, cascara sagrada cinnamon (o), cinquefoil/five finger grass, clove (o), comfrey, dragon’s blood, fenugreek (o), ginger (o), Irish moss, nutmeg (o), patchouli (o), pine (o), sarsaparilla, sassafras (o), skullcap, smartweed

Protection (General): acacia, agrimony, althaea, angelica (o), balm of gilead, barberry, basil (o), bay laurel/bay leaf (o), benzoin (o), black pepper (o), blessed thistle, blue cohosh, calamus root (o), cascara sagrada, cinquefoil/five finger grass, coriander (o), devil’s shoe string/hobblebush/cramp bark, dragon’s blood, elderflower, eucalyptus (o), fennel (o), feverfew, flax (o), ginger (o), grains of paradise, lemon (o), lemongrass (o), marjoram (o), mistletoe, mullein, mustard seed (o), myrrh (o), oregano (o), pennyroyal, peony, pine (o), poke, rue, salt (pink), salt (red), salt (white), sandalwood (o), slippery elm, Solomon’s seal, trillium root/Beth root/Southern John root, verbena (o), white sage (o)

Protection (Money): alkanet, chamomile (o), dragon’s blood, peppermint (o), sassafras (o), spearmint (o)

Protection (Spirits): angelica (o), anise (o), asafoetida (o), basil (o), bay laurel (o), caraway (o), dragon’s blood, elder, frankincense (o), holly, mistletoe, pine (o), rue, star anise (o), white oak

Psychic Abilities: acacia, althaea, anise (o), bay laurel/bay leaf (o), camphor (o), celery seed (o), cinnamon (o), coltsfoot, dandelion, flax (o), gravel root, jasmine (o), mugwort (o), peppermint (o), spearmint (o)

Reconciliation: balm of Gilead, basil (o), cornflower, damiana, dragon’s blood, forget-me-not, spikenard (o)

Removing Obstacles: devil’s shoe string/hobblebush/cramp bark, lemon balm (o), lemongrass (o), pine (o), salt (white)

Repel Enemies: barberry, bay laurel (o), black pepper (o), eucalyptus (o), peppermint (o), red pepper, salt (black), spearmint (o), sulfur, valerian/vandal root (o)

Revenge: asafoetida (o), black mustard seed (o), black pepper (o), grains of paradise, jalap root/High John the Conqueror, red pepper, salt (black), sulfur, tobacco, valerian/vandal root (o)

Reversing Curses: agrimony, asafoetida (o), devil’s shoe string/hobblebush/cramp bark, epsom salts, eucalyptus (o), lemongrass (o), rue, salt (black), vetiver, white sage (o)

Self-Confidence: bergamot (o), cinquefoil/five finger grass, echinacea/purple coneflower/sampson snake root, ginger (o), jalap root/High John the Conqueror, orris root/Queen Elizabeth root, tobacco, yarrow (o)

Sex/Lust: blood root, calamus root (o), caraway (o), cardamom (o), celery seed (o), cinnamon (o), cubeb (o), damiana, dragon’s blood, echinacea/purple coneflower/sampson snake root, ginger (o), hibiscus, jalap/High John the Conqueror, juniper (o), lemongrass (o), myrrh (o), patchouli (o), safflower (o), salt (red), sandalwood (o), sarsaparilla, yellow mustard seed (o)

Spirit Work (Connection to Spirits): acacia, althaea, anise (o), balm of Gilead, cascara sagrada, celery seed (o), copal, dandelion, frankincense (o), grains of paradise, holly, sweetgrass, thistle, tobacco, wormwood (o)

Spiritual Cleansing/Uncrossing: agrimony, alkanet, angelica root (o), anise (o), asafoetida (o), bay laurel/bay leaf (o), benzoin (o), blue cohosh, calamus root (o), camphor (o), chamomile (o), cinnamon (o), cinquefoil/five finger grass, dill seed (o), dragon’s blood, feverfew, galangal/Little John root (o), hyssop (o), lemon balm (o), lemon verbena (o), lemongrass (o), nettle, patchouli (o), pennyroyal, peony, peppermint (o), pine (o), poke, rosemary (o), rue, salt (pink), salt (white), saltpeter, slippery elm, solomon’s seal, spearmint (o), sulfur, valerian/vandal root (o), verbena (o), white oak, white sage (o)

Success/Victory: cinnamon (o), clover, echinacea/purple coneflower/sampson snake root, ginger (o), jalap root/High John the Conqueror, lemon balm (o), masterwort/master root, orris root/Queen Elizabeth root, sunflower (o), woodruff/master of the woods

Travel Safety: cinquefoil/five finger grass, comfrey, mugwort (o), rue, thistle

Wisdom: bay laurel/bay leaf (o), Solomon’s seal, sunflower (o), white sage (o)

Wishes: bay laurel/bay leaf (o), buckthorn, dandelion, elderflower, fava bean/mojo bean, ginseng, grains of paradise, Job’s Tears, sage (o), sandalwood (o), sunflower (o), tonka bean (o)
