Making Magic

W hile it is a common idea that candles used for magic must be handmade, most spell casters do their magic with commercially made candles and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Your spell tools are vessels that carry your energy. However, as you start doing more candle magic, you will naturally become more conscious about the products used in your work. Purchasing candles handmade by people who imbue their products with love and care as they make them will have a positive effect on your work … and purchasing candles specifically made for magic by magic practitioners, even more so.

As you become more adept at candle magic, it’s useful to understand everything that goes into the candlemaker’s craft. One of the things I love to teach my students is how to make their own candles. Again, it’s not that you need to make every candle you use in every spell, but it’s useful in a practical way to understand how candles are made, and on a spiritual level, making a candle from scratch gives you an opportunity to add even more power and intention to your spell.

In the following sections, I share my secrets for magical candle crafting: how to make candles that are charged with your spell’s intention for your extra special spells.

Rolled Beeswax Candles

Rolled beeswax candles are some of the easiest candles to create; you don’t need to melt wax or have any special equipment to make a beautiful and customized taper candle for your spell. Like a plain taper candle, you can add spiritual oils and small amounts of herbs to the candle, but instead of just applying them to the outside, you can add them as you roll the beeswax to integrate them all throughout the candle.

You can purchase thin sheets of beeswax that are pressed into a honeycomb pattern, called beeswax foundation, and roll them around a primed wick to create a taper candle. Primed wick is a candle wick that has already been dipped in wax to make it rigid and easier to roll (and easier to light once the candle is made). If you can’t get primed wick, raw wick (just plain cotton wick with no wax) can also be used. You can also prime raw wick yourself by dipping it in melted beeswax and letting it harden before you get started.

Making a Rolled Beeswax Candle

You will need

Sheet of beeswax foundation

Square braided cotton wick size 2/0 or 3/0 (not to be confused with #2 or #3 which are for much bigger candles). The length of the wick should be about 1/2" (12 mm) longer than your beeswax foundation.

Spiritual oil

Pinch of dried herbs

1. Lay the sheet of beeswax foundation on a table. Choose wax in a color that corresponds to your spell work.

2. Apply a few drops of an appropriate spiritual oil over the top side of your beeswax staying about 1" (24 mm) from the edges.

3. Sprinkle a small pinch of dried herbs over the top side of the beeswax. CAUTION: Dried herbs, flowers, and roots are flammable. In most cases, a small amount will not cause a problem, but if you get overly enthusiastic with your herb application, you’ll have a candle that can catch fire all over. More herbs (or oils, candles, or anything for that matter) do not equal more power in your spell.

4. Place the wick across one end of the foundation with the extra wick hanging over on one side.

5. Roll the wax around the wick. If you are making a candle to clear away something, you can start with the wick close to you and roll the candle away from you. If you are making a candle to bring something to you, you can start with the wick on the edge of the wax that is farthest from you and roll the candle toward you.

6. As you are rolling the candle, chant your spell words to bless the candle for your specific intention.

7. Once you’ve rolled the wax completely around the candle, gently press down the edge into the candle so that it makes a seam and holds the candle together.

8. The side with the extra wick is the top of your candle. Trim it down to 1/4" (6 mm) and it’s ready to light for your spell.

How to Make a Rolled Beeswax Candle

How to Make a Rolled Beeswax Candle

Extra Tip: Experiment by rolling sheets of beeswax that are different heights and widths to make tall slim candles or short wide ones. You can roll a sheet of beeswax cut into a right triangle to make a tapered cone-shaped candle that is tall in the center with sloping sides.

Dipped Taper Candles

Dipped tapers are quite involved but worth the effort if you want to make a magical candle from scratch. Before the introduction of candle molds, all tapers were made by being dipped. If you’ve ever been to an old-time crafts fair or historical reenactment site, you may have even had the opportunity to do this activity yourself. The process of dipping a taper candle is to take a piece of raw or primed wick and dip it into a vat of melted wax. Each time you dip it in, a layer is built on the wick. Do it over and over again, and enough layers are built up to create a taper candle.

One of the beautiful aspects of dipped candles is that you can say your spell words each time you dip the wick into the pot of melted wax, making a deeply magical candle.

Making a Dipped Taper Candle

You will need

1 lb/.5 kg beeswax (2 lbs/1kg if you are going to make a longer candle)

Primed square braided cotton wick size 2/0 or 3/0 (not to be confused with #2 or #3, which are for much bigger candles). The length of the wick needs to be about double the length of your finished candle.

Large, clean can (a 46 oz/1300 ml tomato juice can is about right)

Old cooking pot large enough to hold the juice can (you will get wax on it and, while beeswax is nontoxic, it’s a pain to clean up, so don’t use your good cookware).

Cooking thermometer (candy thermometer or meat thermometer that measures to 155°F/68°C)

Scissors or knife

Candle dye (optional)

Lid to a cooking pot (optional). You may want to have this on hand, just in case you need to snuff out a fire.

1. Put beeswax in your clean juice can.

2. Create a double boiler by placing the juice can in the cooking pot and filling the pot 1/2 to 3/4 with water. Don’t add water to the wax can, just to the pot.

3. Heat on a low flame. Heat the water to lower than a simmer, and never boiling. Wax is flammable and if you heat it too hot, it could catch fire.

4. Be patient! Depending on the amount of beeswax you are melting and whether it is in small pieces or one large chunk, it can take three or more hours for the wax to melt.

5. Check the temperature of the water at intervals and make sure it is about 150° to 155°F/68°C. Lower than 150°F/65°C, your wax won’t be melted enough and you’ll end up with a lumpy candle (if you can make one at all). Higher than 160°F/71°C, the wax will be too hot to build layers. At temperatures higher than 185°F/85°C, the wax will be ruined and become a fire hazard.

6. Once the wax is melted, you can add candle dye. Use only candle dye. Other coloring, such as crayons, food coloring, cloth dye, etc., will not blend with wax or are not safe for candles.

7. Begin by dipping the wick into the melted wax. After you pull it out, let it cool for a moment and then pull on both ends of the wick to straighten it. Let it cool for about 45 to 60 seconds.

8. There is a technique to dipping candles. Don’t leave them dipped in the wax for too long. If you do, you’ll heat up the layers of wax that you’ve built up and melt them off. The trick is to dip the wick in and out quickly and let it harden for about 30 to 60 seconds before dipping it in again.

9. As you make each dip, say your spell words to infuse your candle with powerful intention.

10. As you dip, wax will build up like an icicle at the bottom of your taper. Trim this off with scissors or a knife from time to time as you are dipping or right before you do your final few dips. The trimmed wax can go back in the melting pot.

11. When the candle is about as thick as your finger, you’re done. Let it harden completely overnight. If you want to add some extra magic, let it harden somewhere where it can pick up the light of the moon.

12. Trim the wick down to about 1/4" (6 mm). Your magical candle is ready for lighting.

Dipping of Candles

Dipping of Candles

If you decide to work with another kind of wax other than beeswax, please do your research. Different waxes have different melting points and need different types of wick.

Herb-Rolled Taper Candles

Herb-rolled candles are a variation on dipped candles. By adding herbs to the outside of your taper, you can add the power of the herbs to assist with your spell. They also look very rustic and witchy and are fun to work with if you like your spell candles to look extra magical. Two variations on this follow. The first method is for after dipping a candle from scratch. The second method doesn’t require candle dipping equipment.

Making an Herb-Rolled
Taper Candle—Dipped Method

You will need

Beeswax taper candle

Beeswax dipped taper tools (can of beeswax in pot of water)

Cookie sheet or flat tray

Dried herbs that support your spell’s intention

Tongs, clothespin, or clip

1. Prepare wax for dipped tapers as described in the recipe above.

2. Sprinkle light and crumbly herbs on a cookie sheet.

3. Bless the herbs by holding your hands over them and visualizing your magical goal.

4. Dip a regular beeswax taper candle (a purchased candle or one you have made) in the hot wax two or three times, waiting 30 to 45 seconds between each dip. If you are using a purchased candle with a short wick, you will need to use tongs, a clothespin, or a clip so that you can dip the candle in the hot wax and keep your fingers safe.

5. As you dip your candles, you can say your spell words to add some extra power to your working.

6. After the last dip, wait just five to ten seconds and then roll your candle back and forth in the herbs on the cookie sheet, pressing the herbs into the warm wax of the candle.

7. As with all herbs and candles, go easy on the extra herbal matter. Herbs are flammable, so you don’t want to add too many.

Rolling Candle in Herbs

Rolling Candle in Herbs

8. Optional step: Let the candle rest for 1 to 2 minutes and then dip it one more time in the wax to seal the herbs in place. Note that some of the herbs from your candle may fall off into your wax. They’ll probably sink to the bottom of the wax but, if they’re light, they may get into your next candle spell. Unless the herbs are powdered, you can always strain your candle wax through a scrap of cheesecloth to clear out any herbs that get mixed in.

9. Let the candle harden completely overnight. If you want to add some extra magic, let it harden somewhere where it can pick up the light of the moon.

10. If this is a candle you have made from scratch, trim the wick down to about 1/4" (6 mm). Your magical candle is now ready for lighting.

11. Pay extra close attention to an herb-dipped candle as you are burning it so you can snuff it out if the herbs catch on fire.

12. Snuff your candle out when you go to sleep or leave the house and relight it when you return.

Making an Herb-Rolled Taper
Candle—Hair Dryer Method

Rather than dip a candle in wax, you can take a prepared beeswax candle and heat it with a hair dryer set to hot and then roll the candle in the herbs. It’s important that it’s a beeswax taper, as paraffin tapers will not soften or get sticky enough to let the herbs stick. Use the hair dryer on your candle somewhere far away from your herbs on the tray. You don’t want to accidentally blow away all your herbs!

You will need

Beeswax taper candle

Cookie sheet or flat tray

Dried herbs that support your spell’s intention

Hair dryer

1. Sprinkle the herbs on the cookie sheet

2. Bless the herbs by holding your hands over them and visualizing your magical goal.

3. Take a regular beeswax taper candle (a purchased candle or one you have made) and blow hot air from a hair dryer over one side of the candle to soften the wax.

4. After one side is soft, immediately roll the soft side of the candle back and forth in the herbs on the cookie sheet, pressing the herbs into the warm wax of the candle.

5. Repeat with the other side of the candle.

6. As with all herbs and candles, just use a little bit. Remember that herbs are flammable—more herbs do not equal more power.

7. If this is a candle that was cooled and hardened before you started, you only need to let the candle set for 10 to 20 minutes.

8. Trim the wick down to about 1/4" (6 mm). Your magical candle is now ready for lighting.

9. Pay extra close attention to an herb-dipped candle as you are burning it so you can snuff it out if the herbs catch on fire.

10. Snuff your candle out when you go to sleep or leave the house and relight it when you return.

Fixed Vigil Lights

Vigil candles are the tall beeswax or paraffin pillar candles that are en-
cased in long, slender glass jars. Vigil lights have a special place in candle magic, as they burn extra long and are relatively safe. That longer burn is great for stubborn spiritual matters that need a push. The glass candle jar can also be decorated with stickers, labels, or paint pens.

While it’s possible to purchase a fixed vigil light, for your purposes as an experienced candle spell caster you will want to purchase a plain candle without herbs, oils or fragrance, so that you can dress and bless it yourself. The burning of fixed vigil candles is sometimes called “the setting of lights,” and this section will tell you how to prepare a fixed vigil light.

Making a Fixed Vigil Light

You will need

Plain, unscented, undressed vigil candle

Dried herbs

Spiritual oil

Dropper for oil

Long, sharp tool such as a screwdriver, awl, icepick, metal chopstick, or metal knitting needle

Prepared petition paper

Glitter (optional)

Paint pens or permanent markers (optional)

1. Choose a candle of a color that supports your intention (see the Color Magic section). You can also choose a candle with a label or silkscreened image that supports your outcome.

2. Holding your candle firmly, poke seven holes in the top of the candle in a circle around the wick with your long, sharp tool. Poke down as far as you can go. With soft soy wax or paraffin, you might be able to poke a hole a few inches deep. With firm beeswax, you may only be able to poke down a few millimeters. As you do, you can repeat your spell words each time. Do this in a clockwise direction to bring something in, or in a counterclockwise direction to clear something out.

3. Alternatively, you can choose a number other than seven that corresponds to your spell’s intention (see chapter 8 for guidance on using numbers to enhance your candle magic).

4. With a dropper, place one drop of spiritual oil in each hole. As you do, you can again speak your spell words. One drop per hole is sufficient. Too much oil will cause a smoky burn and leave soot on the glass that will give a false negative reading to the candle remains.

5. Sprinkle a very small pinch of the herbs that support your work on the top. As you sprinkle your herbs, you can ask them to support your spell’s intention. Be sparing with the herbs. Again, if you use too many, they will catch fire when you light your candle and at the very least, create sooty smoke that may give a false negative to your candle reading. Too many herbs on fire can also create extra heat that can crack your candle glass or create a blaze you will have to contend with.

6. If you would like to add some additional color magic, you can sprinkle some glitter in a color that matches your candle color or in an alternate support color.

7. If you’d like to decorate the glass of the candle with words, sigils, symbols, or magical designs, you can do so with a paint pen or permanent marker.

8. Place your petition paper under the candle.

9. Hold one or both of your hands over the top of the candle and pray over your candle or visualize your intention.

10. Light your candle as you speak your petition.

11. Snuff your candle out when you go to sleep or leave the house and relight it when you return.

Making a Fixed Vigil
Light with a Pull-Out

Vigil candle pull-outs can also be prepared like a regular vigil light, but pull-outs have the advantage that you can dress and decorate the outside surface of the wax before you pop it into the glass holder.

You will need

Glass vigil candle holder

Plain vigil candle pull-out

Inscribing tool (candle inscriber, nail, linoleum block gouge, candle tool)

Spiritual oil

Dropper or paint brush

Glitter and/or powdered herbs

Soft cloth for wiping off glitter (an old T-shirt works great for this)

Additional dried herbs that support your spell’s intention

Prepared petition paper

Newspaper to protect your table

1. Before starting, you may want to lay down newspaper to collect the carved wax and excess glitter that will fall from your candle.

2. Choose a candle of a color that supports your intention.

3. Using your inscribing or carving tool, you can carve words, sigils, symbols, or designs that support your intention into the side of your candle. Carve these deep and wide enough so that glitter or powdered herbs can get embedded in the grooves.

4. Using a dropper or paint brush, put the spiritual oil into the carved inscriptions.

5. Dust the candle with glitter and/or powdered herbs over the grooves.

6. Don’t worry if you don’t stay in the lines. Wipe down the excess with a soft rag so that the majority of the herbs/glitter remains just in the grooves.

7. Place your candle in the glass vigil holder.

Pull-Out Candle

Pull-Out Candle

8. Sprinkle a very small pinch of the herbs that support your work on the top of the candle. As you sprinkle your herbs, you can ask them to support your spell’s intention.

9. If you would like to add some additional color magic, you can sprinkle a small amount of glitter on top of the candle in a color that matches your candle color or in an alternate support color.

10. Place the folded petition paper beneath your candle holder.

11. Hold one or both of your hands over the top of the candle and pray over your candle or visualize your intention.

12. Light your candle as you speak your spell words.

13. Snuff your candle out when you go to sleep or leave the house and relight it when you return.

Series of Vigil Lights

Vigil lights may be done individually or done as a series of two or more lights. If you choose to do a series, you can do them over a certain amount of time or do a certain number of candles. (Check out chapter 8 for more information on numerology and working with multiple candles consecutively.)

Spirit Candles and Altar Candles

Spiritualists, devotees, and people who want the assistance of their ancestors, deities, saints, angels, or spirit guides may want to use a candle to invite a spirit into their presence. These candles are sometimes called altar candles or spirit candles. These candles are not done for a wish or spell but are simply an ongoing way to honor and welcome a spirit or ask for assistance and protection. Usually, a larger candle that can be burned over several days is used for this purpose: a large pillar candle or a vigil candle are typically used.

Choose a color that is associated with the particular spirit, or a white or metallic silver candle, if there is no special color association. Some people choose a glass-encased vigil candle that is decorated with the image of the saint or deity that they are invoking, but if a ready-made version doesn’t exist, you can easily make one, either by pasting an image to the glass with white glue, using a computer printer to make a paper sticker, or drawing or painting the name, symbols, or an image of the spirit on the glass using a paint pen.

Dedicate your spirit candle by holding the candle and envisioning the spirit and speaking words to invite them into your presence. You can light the candle during ritual when you invite the spirit to be in your presence or during meditation when you would like to connect with the spirit. Snuff the candle out when you would like to dismiss or release the spirit. Some people like to burn these spirit candles alongside their spell candles so that they get the support of the spirit to help with their intentions.

Another way to work with this kind of candle is to set up a spirit altar (a small altar dedicated to the spirit) and allow the candle to burn continuously whenever you are awake and at home.

Unlike spell candles, spirit candles are not burned with the intention of completion but are burned whenever you would like to invite a connection, communication, or the help of a spirit. When your candle is nearing completion, it is traditional to prepare and dedicate a new candle of the same kind, lighting it with the flame of the old one. You can use a match or a taper candle to transfer the flame from the old candle to the new one. Once the new one is lit, snuff the old candle out and dispose of it.

Secret Spells

Most of the time when we picture spells, we imagine gorgeous spiritual altars covered with candles and radiating power, but not all spells can be done this way. What if you live in a house with people who don’t appreciate your fabulous witchiness? What if you want to do a spell on a person but don’t want them to know you’re doing a spell on them? There are times when we need our magic to say, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” (And just like that, my Star Wars nerdery comes out!).

In your magical journey, there may be times when you want your spell to go unnoticed. Whatever your reasons, here are some tips for keeping your spell work hidden in plain sight.

First, choose a candle that doesn’t look too “magic-y.” Tall tapers and pillar candles are pretty mundane-looking. You can see candles like these on dinner tables, in bedrooms or in bathrooms and no one thinks twice about them. In fact, almost everyone defaults to looking at them as non-magical candles, which can work in your favor. So, choose one of these candles for your candle spell and you can keep it really secret.

If you really, really have to be secretive about it, like “no-one-can-ever-see-me-burn-a-candle” secret, you can use a very small candle that will burn quickly and use it while you have some privacy, either by burning the candle when others are out of the house or even going into a locked bathroom to do your spell work. A typical chime candle will burn in less than thirty minutes and a birthday candle will burn in less than five minutes.

To keep things on the down-low and still be magical, you can apply an oil to the candle and no one will be any the wiser. Oils might add a sheen, but most non-magical folks won’t notice. There’s also no need to sprinkle herbs if you’re trying to make your candle work unnoticeable. If you dress your candle in a spiritual oil blend, you are applying the energies of the herbs in a nearly invisible way.

You can also hide your petition paper inside a candle holder or underneath a tray. If you’re doing your spell with a taper, you can use a traditional metal candle holder. Write your petition on a tiny paper and place it in the candle holder underneath the candle. If your candle holder has a hollow base, you can stuff your petition paper up inside the base of the candle holder and it will be virtually invisible. For larger pillar candles burned on decorative trays, you can place a very small petition paper underneath the candle, and it should be unnoticeable.

If working with a larger pillar candle, you can load the candle: carve out a small hole in the bottom of the candle, put your petition paper and any herbs inside, and seal up the hole with wax. Check out the Loading a Candle section in chapter 4 for details.
