Candle Spell Layouts

Candle spells have the option of layouts; that is, positioning the candles in a way to create a shape or design that also supports your candle work. Layouts can be created with multiple candles or by creating shapes with sprinkled sachet powders or herbs. Layouts can be created simply to be visually appealing or they can be designed to add a specific intention to your spell work.

To map out a layout, you need to look at your spell from a bird’s-eye view, looking down at your tray or altar space from above. An easy-to-imagine example of creating a layout would be with a spell using three candles. Three candles could be arranged on a tray in a line of three in a row or in a triangle shape.

To make a layout, observe your candles from above and arrange them in a shape. Some people like to set a central candle (such as a large pillar or a figural candle) on a tray and position smaller support candles around in a shape. You can also sprinkle herbs and sachet powders on your dish or tray next to or between candles to reinforce these shapes, or just use a single candle with herbs or powders sprinkled on the tray to create some of the more complex shapes.

Candle Spell Layout Example

Candle Spell Layout Example

Shapes and Symbols

Each design you might select for your layout can have a particular meaning that can amplify the power of your spell.


Direction, movement, unification, separation.

Arrows can be laid out pointing up, down, left, or right; each with its own meaning.

Point Up

Forceful movement, direction, expressive power, building strong foundations, ascension, hierarchy.

Point Down

Receptivity, drawing something in, bringing spiritual knowledge down to earth.

Point Right

Moving forward in time, progress, new ventures, travel.

Point Left

Looking backward, revisiting, going back to a better time, sending things backward, revision, history, healing the past.

Two-Headed Arrows (One Point on Each End)

Two arrows or a two-headed arrow pointed away from each other signify two or more elements moving away from each other, separation, or break-ups. Two arrows or a two-headed arrow pointed toward each other signify two or more elements moving toward each other, reunion, or unification.


Unity, completion, wholeness, harmony, never-ending, infinity, cycles, perfection, enlightenment, protection, cycle of rebirth, spirit, fertility, luck, commitment.

Circles can be laid out with the candles or drawn around candles with herbs or sachets to give definition; joining with other elements (anything inside the circle) and separating other elements (anything outside the circle).


The four elements (air, fire, water, earth), four directions (east, south, west, north), the meeting of spiritual and material, intersections, crossroads, Christianity, Christ consciousness, banishing.

Cross layouts can be used to symbolically place something at the crossroads—that is, call in spirits to give blessings and assist with your spell. They can also be used to either cast something out into the wider world or to send your spell intention out to be seen in the wider world. Sometimes crosses are used to “X” out something unwanted. Pagans, Wiccans, and those who spiritually connect to the four elements or four directions can also use a cross layout to section out special candles in each quadrant.


Power, royalty, divine blessing, success, mastery, attainment, achievement, wisdom.

Laying your candles or herbs and powders in a crown pattern (a flat line for the base of the crown with a zig zag line above for the points of the crown) is used to bring in power and success. Generally, the layout includes three points on the crown, but if you have a spell with several intentions (for example, “I am successful, wealthy, healthy, respected, and famous”), you can create a crown with a point for each intention and set a candle at each point for those particular intentions.

Crown Layout Example

Crown Layout Example


Wealth, action in two directions, “as above, so below,” manifestation, transformation.

A diamond shape combines the stability of a square (four sides) with the dynamic nature of the triangle. You may create your diamond by fusing two triangles together (a diamond with a line through the middle) or just outlining the four sides.

Diamond Layout Example

Diamond Layout Example


The All-Seeing Eye, protection from the evil eye, second sight, psychic awareness, opening of the third eye.

An eye-shaped layout is used for spells where you are either protecting from the evil eye, opening up spiritual vision, or wanting to keep an eye on something or someone.


Love, romance, emotional healing, marriage, soothing a broken heart, reconciliation, lust, family love, friendship, love of humanity, heart chakra opening.

Heart shapes are most often used in romantic love spells, and can be used to attract a new love or to build on an existing one. However, hearts can also be used for other kinds of love, including opening the heart to giving and receiving good friendships and harmonious family relations.


Work, job, industriousness, community, group efforts, harmony, order, business, new ventures, protection, truth, manifestation.

The hexagon is sacred geometry; and its shape is found in nature, most recognizably in the shape of honeycomb cells and snowflakes. Using this pattern in spells for businesses, groups, and organizations helps them to flow harmoniously and effortlessly toward a common goal.

Lemniscate (Infinity Symbol)

Infinite energy, connection to divine enlightenment, magic, manifestation, past lives and future lives, never-ending growth.

The lemniscate is a figure eight on its side and represents the idea of infinity. Much like a circle, it represents never-ending cycles but has a more dynamic quality of building and acceleration. The point where the figure eight crosses over itself also incorporates the qualities of the cross. Use this symbol when you want your outcome to be ongoing and growing.


Division, separation, connection, movement, a path, open roads, travel, growth, direction.

Lines can be created in layouts either horizontally (for stability) or vertically (for dynamic energy). Straight lines represent directness. Wavy lines represent overcoming obstacles, finding one’s way, psychic links, and spiritual connection.

Lines drawn with sachet powders or herbs can be used to connect two or more things or can be used to separate them.


Transition, renewal, regeneration, rebirth.

Octagons can be used in spells where you desire change or the renewal of something that has died out.


The five elements, manifestation, creativity, travel, free-spiritedness, freedom, spiritual over material.

Pentagons are used in spells to invoke the five elements (air, fire, water, earth, spirit) or to focus on a material manifestation. They are also excellent for spells to increase creative flow or openness.

Pentagon and Star Layout Example

Pentagon and Star Layout Example


Movement toward structure, reliability, stability, order, authority, longevity, communication, messages, four elements (see Square).

Rectangles share many of the same qualities as squares with the added element of movement. Place your candles in a horizontal rectangle to create more harmony or in a vertical rectangle to bring more dynamic energy to your spell work.


Invoking/banishing, inward/outward spiritual journey, shamanism, altered states of consciousness, meditation.

Spirals are an ancient symbol and represent the connection to the inner and outer worlds. Create a layout that spirals clockwise for spells to connect to your inner self or for invoking. Working with a counterclockwise spiral is ideal for bringing the inner spiritual life to the conscious level and for banishing.


Structure, reliability, stability, order, authority, longevity, four elements, home, blocking, binding, protection, comfort.

Squares are used for spells where structure and stability are important. When doing a spell where you want something strong and long-lasting or you want authority to be respected, laying out a square will bring that defined energy.


Fame, recognition, happiness, good fortune, luck, divine connection, protection, human body, connection between the material and the spiritual, manifestation, health, wisdom, spiritual guidance.

Stars of all kinds represent connection to divine energy. Stars with a certain number of points can also be used for their numerological value.

The five-pointed star (pentagram) with the point upright represents the human body with head and extended arms and legs or the five elements. Pentagrams represent protection, manifestation in the material world and the element of earth.

The six-pointed star (Seal of Solomon) represents the combination of the four elements, the fusing of duality or the Seal of Solomon and can therefore be used in spells for manifestation, reconciliation, or spiritual wisdom. It’s especially meaningful as a symbol of Judaism.


Trinity, past-present-future, body-mind-spirit, summoning of spirits, direction, movement, alchemy symbols of the four elements.

Triangles contain the magic number three as well as the idea of movement. The subtleties of this movement can be expressed in the direction that the triangle’s point is facing.

Point Up

Forceful movement, expressive power, strong foundations building up, ascension, hierarchy, success, spiritual expansion.

Point Down

Receptivity, drawing something in, bringing spiritual knowledge down to earth, manifestation.

Point Right

Moving forward in time, progress, new ventures, travel.

Point Left

Looking backward, revisiting, going back to a better time, sending things backward, revising history, healing the past.

Using Multiple Shapes in Layouts

With any spell, you can mix and match shapes. Place the candles in a layout of one shape and sprinkle herbs and powders in other shapes to bring dimension, richness, and beauty to your spell work.


Putting candles in the directions of north, south, east, and west can add another combination of elements to your spell work layout. These directions can be discerned with a compass, or you can use the symbolic directions of north being the top of your plate (away from you, the viewer), south being the bottom of the plate (closest to you), east to the right, and west to the left.

Placing particular candle colors, herbs, and talismans in these quadrants adds detailed energy to your spells.


Items placed in the east can be used to influence conscious ideas, thought and communication. It’s also great for new beginnings, written or spoken words, mental influence over others and fresh inspiration.


Items placed in the south can be charged to create movement, action, energy, passion, and will. Placing items here will create motivation, influence how you or others act and move in the world and is great for getting the action going.

North, South, East, West Layout Example

North, South, East, West Layout Example


Items placed in the west connect to the spiritual, psychic, mystical and deep emotional realms. Use this direction to influence the subconscious, dreams, and beliefs, or to contact the spirit world or divine energy.


Items placed in the north influence the material world: objects, money, the body, places, buildings, ownership, physical health. The north represents physical manifestations, so if you are working to get a “thing” of some kind, this is the perfect direction to focus your energies.

Moving Candle Spells

Moving candle spells are multi-candle, multi-day layout spells where the candles are moved each day. The goal of a moving candle spell is to move one or more candles across the tray either toward or away from another candle.

An example of a moving candle spell could be working to bring in more money, with individual candles representing sources of income moving toward a candle representing you. Another could be doing a spell to clear negative people out of your life by having a candle representing you and a candle to represent each of the people that you want to banish and having them move away from one another.

The classic example of a moving candle spell is a seven-day “Come to Me” spell where two candles are set up, one representing yourself and one representing your target. As each day passes, you move the candles step-by-step, closer together until the last bits are touching one another and burn to completion on the seventh day.

Come to Me Moving Candle Spell

You will need

Two nude figural candles—one representing you and one representing your target

Cookie sheet, long serving dish, or tray

Spiritual oil for love, attraction, or commitment

Dried herbs for attraction such as catnip, damiana, cinnamon, ginger, or patchouli


Inscribing tool

1. Choose a male or female candle to represent yourself and another to represent your target. Select colors that support your intention. They can both be of the same color or each be different colors.

2. Inscribe your name horizontally on the front of the base of the candle that represents you and your target’s name across the base of the candle that represents them.

3. Dress the candles in a spiritual oil for love by applying several drops of oil to your hand and rubbing it on the surface of the candle. You will want to apply it “up,” from base to wick, because this particular spell work is meant to bring in love. Visualize your good outcome and feel the energy in your hands radiating and charging your candles.

4. Sprinkle glitter on the candles.

5. Place the candles facing each other at either end of your tray.

6. Sprinkle a path of herbs in a line between the two candles.

7. Light your target’s candle first (to activate them first) and then your candle second as you speak your intention.

8. Let the candles burn about one-seventh of the way down and then snuff them out. Snuff out your candle first and your target’s candle second.

9. If, while the candles are burning, you notice one candle burning faster than the other, snuff the faster burning candle out so that the slower burning one can catch up.

10. Always snuff your candles out when you go to sleep or leave the house.

11. On the following day, move each of your candles toward each other along the path of herbs about one-seventh of the way closer together.

12. Light your candles again and burn them about one-seventh of the way down.

13. Repeat for each of the seven days with the candles representing you and your target moving closer together. If your candles drip and stick to the tray, use a butter knife or similar object to lift them off the tray. Don’t worry if some of the wax drips get left behind as you move your candles closer.

14. On the seventh day, make sure to move the last bit of the two candles together as closely as possible (they may have to overlap to be touching) and let them burn completely.

Diagram of Come to Me Moving Candle Spell

Diagram of Come to Me Moving Candle Spell

Moving candle spells are a powerful ritual to bring things or people closer together, moving them apart or moving them in unison. If you are planning a multi-day spell, you can incorporate moving candles to highlight the movement element of your spell.

Some Examples of Moving Candle Spells:

Moving a person toward a career goal

Moving a prize or gift toward a person

Moving a person toward or away from a location

Moving clients toward a business

Moving bad luck away from a person or place

Moving a couple toward a new home

Moving two lovers closer together or moving them apart

Moving prosperity toward a person

Moving a person toward health

Moving a person toward an as yet unknown soulmate or vice versa
