
abdominal massage, 20, 22, 225, 257258

accept and respect, yoga principles, 23

acupuncture, 255, 256257

aerobic exercise, 251

affirmations for fertility support, 238239

alternate nostril breath, 230

apana, 1112

ART, See assisted reproductive technology

Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™, 257

asanas, 225

assisted reproductive technology (ART), 206, 255, 258260

clomid/IUI, 259

collaborative reproduction/donor egg, 259260

IUI with injectable drugs, 259

IVF, 259

avidya, 14

Ayurveda, 245

back poses, 104110

basal body temperature (BBT), 21

belly breath, 38, 80, 126, 162, 181, 208, 229

benefits of yoga, 24, 1617

bent knee twist, 43, 109110, 134135, 186, 194, 218

blood flow, increased, 45

bloodstream, reducing stress hormones levels in, 67

BMI, See Body Mass Index


apana and samana, 1112

energy balances in, 911

life-force energy, 12

listening to, 2324

mind and, 9

regulation of, 3

Body Mass Index (BMI), optimal range of, 249

body-to-mind communication, during yoga, 23

bow pose, 101

breathing practices, 24, 228230

bridge pose, 105, 185

supported bridge pose, 207, 215

calming/centering breath, See centering/calming breath

calming effect, 139

prayer pose, 48, 87

calm mind, 89

cat-cow, 45, 83, 136, 166, 196, 210

circles, 46, 84, 137, 167, 197, 211

centering/calming breath, 38, 80, 126, 162, 192

cervical mucus, 22

chakras, 5

chant, to support fertility, 241

“chicken wing” shoulder stretch, 35, 62, 123, 148, 199, 213

child’s pose, 3132, 47, 50, 72, 8687, 120, 121, 138, 156, 169, 198

restorative, 212

variation of, 50, 103

Chinese medicine, 255, 256

approach, 244

fertility-supporting practices from, 257

Clear Passage Therapy™, 272

clomid/IUI, fertility treatments, 259

cobbler pose, 150, 201, 219

with heart opener, 36, 63, 150, 182, 214

cobra, moving, 31, 51, 75, 100

collaborative reproduction/donor egg, fertility treatments, 258259

coming up, 44, 61, 82, 110, 135, 195

conscious breathing practice for fertility support, 226228

conscious mind, 9

corpse pose, 37, 39, 125, 153, 161, 189, 221

counseling and life coaching, 258

counted breath, 229

dharana, 225

dhyana, 225

digestive energy in the body, 11

downward facing dog, 31, 49, 50, 71, 85, 91, 121, 140, 156, 168, 170

eagle arms, warrior 2 pose with, 74, 72

early pregnancy, legs up the couch pose, 204205

eight limbs of yoga, 225

emotional patterning, 14, 84, 137, 167, 197

emotional stresses, 5

endocrine systems, 50, 60, 68, 85, 99, 112, 129, 141, 152, 168, 179, 215

rebalancing, 14

regulating, 56


diagnosis of, 14

treatments, 1415


balances in body, 911

feminine, 9

increased, 45

life-force, 1112

essence, concept of, 253

feminine energy, 9

fertility abdominal massage, 20, 22, 255, 257258

fertility “altar,” 239–240, 274

fertility issues, 256

for hypnotherapy, 258

fertility nutrition

ayurvedic approach, 245

food sensitivities approach, 244245

lifestyle changes for, 243

recommendations for, 245247

traditional Chinese medicine approach, 244

Western dietician approach, 244

“whole foods” approach, 245

fertility support

affirmations for, 238239

conscious breathing practice for, 226228

meditations and visualizations for, 231

practices from Chinese medicine, 257

usefulness of yoga for, 11

“fight-or-flight” response, physiological changes associated with, 6

fish pose, 77, 106

folic acid, 246, 248249, 269

follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), 259, 267, 271, 274, 275

forward bend over one leg, 159, 180181

FSH, See follicle stimulating hormone

gentle seated twist, 202

goddess pose, 203, 209

groin stretch/lizard lunge, 73, 89

half-moon balance pose, 75, 9697, 158, 174175

hand and knee poses, 8391, 136142, 145150, 166170, 196198, 210214

happiness and the mind, 7

happy baby pose, 118, 132, 155, 165

hatha yoga poses, 2, 10

heart-to-uterus visualization, 237

hormonal system, imbalances in, 1314, 16

hormone levels, impact on, 251

hypnotherapy, 255, 258

immune booster, wide standing forward bend with, 75, 98, 158, 178179


facts, 261

unexplained factors of, 1314

Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), 259

intrauterine insemination (IUI)

cycle, 268, 272

with injectable drugs, 259

in vitro fertilization (IVF), 259, 273274

pose schedule for, 206207

process, 271

IUI, See intrauterine insemination

IVF, See in vitro fertilization

jing, 253

knee-down lunge, 33, 55, 72, 88, 121, 142

knee poses, hand and, 8391, 136142, 145150, 166170, 196198, 210214

knees to chest, 70, 81, 116, 127, 216

legs up the wall pose, 5, 20, 6768, 79, 111112, 124, 151152, 161, 187188, 206, 207, 226, 237

early pregnancy, 204205

less strenuous exercise program, 252

life coaching, counseling and, 258

life-force energy, 1112

listening to the body, 2324

L-methylfolate, 249

locust, 5354, 102

lying on back, 3944, 127, 128, 163165

mala beads for meditation, 240

male fertility

challenges, 16

pose for, 223

mantras, 12, 20, 240

masculine energy, 9, 228

meditation, 7

benefits of, 231

elements of, 232

mala beads for, 240

mindful walking, 235

passage, 236

practices, 277

seated, See seated meditation

methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), 248249, 276

heterozygous for, 270

middle pain, See mittelschmerz


awareness, 19

communication channel, 9

Mind-Body Fertility Connection, The (Schwarz), 238

mind/body program at fertility clinic, 267, 271

mind/body techniques, 17

mindful walking meditation, 235

miscarriage, 15

mittelschmerz, 22

“monkey mind,” yoga, 89

monthly cycle, yoga routine, 1920

mountain pose, 33, 5658, 122, 143144

moving bridge, 127, 128, 133, 154, 163

moving cobra, 31, 51, 75, 100

moving sphinx, 32, 52

MTHFR, See methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase

nadis, 4

negative thinking, reduction of, 89

niyamas, 225

normal-weight women, pregnancy in, 250

nutritional deficiencies, 247249

nutrition, fertility, See fertility nutrition

outer hip stretch, 29, 41, 42, 118, 131, 217

ovaries, 56

ovulation, 2122

predictor kit, 22

oxytocin, 223

pancreas, 14

passage meditation, 236

pelvic areas, yoga for fertility increases, 4

pelvic floor contractions, 36, 6465

bridge pose prep with, 104

pelvic tension, 4

pelvic tilts, 29, 40, 77, 104, 118, 133, 160, 184

physiological changes, associated with

“fight-or-flight” response, 6

relaxation response, 7

pigeon pose, 73, 9091, 157, 170

polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 14

practitioners, long-term yoga, 3

prana, 1112

pranayama, 12, 222

effects of, 228

for fertility support, 226228

prayer pose, 3133, 4748, 50, 54, 72, 76, 8687, 103, 120, 121, 138139, 141, 156, 169, 198

variation of, 50, 103

pregnancy, 15

mind/body techniques, 17

in normal-weight women, 250

problem, 256

progression, 277

test, 267

yoga for, 204205

pre-relaxation poses on the back, 184186

principles of yoga, 2325

Qi, acupuncture, 256

reclined cobbler pose, 42, 113, 203

regular yoga practice, 3

relaxation poses, 6769, 111113, 151153, 187189

relaxation response, physiological changes associated with, 7

reproductive energy center, sacrum, 39

reproductive systems, 13, 14

stimulation of, 5, 255

RESOLVE, national infertility organization, 258

restorative child’s pose, 212

rest, yoga principles and, 24

sacrum circles, 28, 39, 117, 130, 154, 164, 193

samadhi, 225

samana, 1112

seated deep breathing, 228

seated meditation

for calming, 234

to clear the mind, 233

seated poses, 148150, 180181, 199202

seated spinal twist, 36, 66

seated wide-leg straddle, 149, 183, 200

shoulder stand, 107108

side angle pose, 93, 145, 171

sphinx, moving, 32, 52

squat pose, 146147, 176177

standing hip circles, 34, 57

standing poses, 5661, 143147, 181179

stress hormones, reducing levels of, 67

stress reduction, 24, 206, 208

massage and, 269

exercise for, 252

subconscious messages, affect fertility, 238

subconscious mind, 9

suggestions, fertility, 260263

supine poses, 5155, 100103

supported bridge pose, 207, 215


in pelvis, 4, 38, 42

release from muscles, 41

release by circling motion, 46

3-part abdominal breathing, 229

toxicity in body, 256

tree pose, 58, 144

triangle pose, 9495, 172173

ujayii (audible) breath, 228

uncomfortable feel in yoga practice, 24, 95, 173, 239

unexplained infertility, factors of, 1314


endometriosis and, 14

thickened lining of, 7, 21, 154

vigorous exercise, 250

for stress reduction, 252

vision boards and fertility alerts, 239240


for fertility support, 231

heart-to-uterus, 237

vitamin B12, 248

vitamin D3, 247248

warrior 2 pose with eagle arms, 92

weight and fertility, optimal range for, 249

wide standing forward bend, 59

with immune booster, 9899, 178179

with twist, 60

yamas, 225

yang energy, 10, 230

yin energy, 10, 230

yoga benefits, 24

yoga for fertility benefits, 34

yoga practice

advantage of, 9

basic principles of, 25

deep breathing and, 126, 162

for early pregnancy, 204

recommendations for, 222

regular, 3, 7, 15, 17

uncomfortable feel in, 24, 95, 173, 239

yoga principles, 2325

yoga routines, 2022, 191

yogurt, 246