Poor Givret—since he's easily the shortest man at court, his size makes him easy to overlook. But what he lacks in stature Givret makes up for with clever thinking. Surely there's more to knighthood than height? So beginneth the adventures of Sir Givret the Short, the Brilliant, and the Marvelous.
"Delivers more quests and adventures geared for a younger audience than the author's Squire's Tales books.... Brush and ink illustrations, both full-page and vignettes, are scattered throughout, adding interest to the humorous story line ... a reckless young knight out to prove himself results in an entertaining tale that is sure to please young readers." —School Library Journal
"The books in Morris's Knights' Tales series feature short, episodic chapters and funny little illustrations of knightly derring-do ... the emphasis is on cleverness over heroism.... This is often quite funny, and just exciting enough to capture the attention of budding young Arthur-philes." —Booklist