antique (an-TEEK)—a very old object
eerie (EER-ee)—strange, frightening, or unsettling
familiar (fuh-MIL-yur)—well-known or recognizable
hunchback (HUHNCH-bak)—a humped back
plaque (PLAK)—a plate with words inscribed on it that is usually placed on a wall in a public place
plot (PLOT)—to make a secret plan, or a small area of land, like a grave
recognize (REK-uhg-nize)—to see someone and know who they are
reputation (rep-yuh-TAY-shuhn)—what other people think of you
sacrifice (SAK-ruh-fisse)—the offering of someone or something in order to earn favor or fortune
scowled (SKOULD)—made an angry frown
shattered (SHAT-urd)—broke into tiny pieces
wicked (WIK-id)—evil or cruel