

Most of my readers know I have a passion for writing about Alaska. This is the third book I’ve set there, after Whitewater Rendezvous and Breaking the Ice. It’s such an extraordinary backdrop for a nature-based adventure, full of plot possibilities and vivid sensory images, and I embraced the chance to revisit some favorite characters from the previous novels as well as introduce a new couple to the landscape. As with my previous books, it’s my profound hope High Impact not only entertains, but also inspires readers to join in the battle to preserve our greatest national treasure—the Alaskan wilderness—from the threat of oil drilling and other perils.

My deep appreciation to all the women at Bold Strokes Books who contribute so much to making my books the best they can be. Radclyffe, for her leadership and vision, and for taking the chance on a new and inexperienced author. Editor Shelley Thrasher, who inspires and challenges me to always improve my craft, and catches me when I fall short. Graphic artist Sheri, for another amazing cover. Connie Ward, BSB Publicist and first-reader extraordinaire, and all the other support staff who work behind the scenes to make each BSB book an exceptional read.

I’d also like to thank my dear friends Jenny Harmon and author Carsen Taite, for your invaluable feedback and insights. Jenny, you help keep me on track and motivated during the writing of each manuscript more than you’ll ever know.

Although all the characters in my books until now have been fictional, two in this book are based on real-life friends, Dita Eidson and Toni Whitaker, who were the top contributors to an auction I held to benefit a woman with cancer. I hope they’re pleased with how they’re portrayed.

I am blessed to have a circle of close friends who provide unending support. Marty, Xenia, Pattie, Clau & Es, Linda, Felicity, Kat. Near or far, you are always close to my heart. Thank you to my brother Tom, always willing to chauffeur me to the airport.

And especially to all the readers who encourage me by buying my books, showing up for my personal appearances, and for taking the time to e-mail me. Thank you so much.