
As a culture, we’ve gone way overboard trying to beat the bulge. We’ve spent too much money, time, and effort trying to get thin. We’ve gone on all sorts of diets—low cal, low carb, low fat—in the hopes of achieving our dream body. We’ve popped endless pills and cleansed our insides until nothing’s left. We’ve eaten according to our blood type, subsisted on grapefruits for months on end, and come very close to starving ourselves. Why do we keep on getting fatter and fatter? Why is it that the country with the most gyms, health foods, low-cal salad dressings, and diet gurus on earth can’t seem to stop gaining weight?

We all know how fat we are as a country: More than one-third of US adults, a whopping 35.7 percent, are not just overweight but obese, and that already-shocking figure is expected to rise to 42 percent by the year 2030.1 But if we’re so aware of the problem, why can’t we seem to do anything to fix it?

Before we do anything else, we need to stop, take a step back, and look at what we’re actually doing.

Let’s agree that we’re confused. The competing information we’re being bombarded with day and night isn’t doing us any good. The Internet is great for streaming my favorite shows and finding out the weather, but when it comes to disseminating the right information about health and fitness, it’s nothing if not bewildering and even downright dangerous. Let’s just forget what we’ve heard—everything we know, or thought we knew.

We need to hit the reset button.

We need to reset the way we think about food.

We need to reset our metabolism.

We need to reset our bodies.

All of us, including me. That’s right: Despite having espoused a healthy, moderate lifestyle over the last 20 years, I have realized that moderation isn’t always enough, at least not as the first step toward real weight loss. Ultimately, moderation is the key to success. But while a more gradual approach to weight loss by working out five times a week and eating five balanced meals a day is incredibly effective for long-term weight loss, I have come to understand the urgent desperation so many of you feel—YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT NOW! Not next month, or even next week. Today. This afternoon. This conviction was deepened by a recent study that found people who lose a significant amount of weight early on in a weight-loss plan are far likelier to stick with the plan over the long run.2

That was certainly my experience working on the personal transformation show The Revolution on ABC, which was in many ways a life-changing experience for me. I saw over and over again that the women who lost the most weight right away were the ones who stuck with the program over the long haul, well after the TV show had ended. I saw, in other words, that instant gratification works. No, quick fixes might not be ideal, but we need to see results to stay motivated. That’s just how human nature operates.

I set out to create the plan of all plans, a plan that brought immediate and dramatic results, without compromising participants’ health or leading to that disastrous yo-yo effect (lose 10 pounds this week, regain 15 next week) associated with so many diets. The plan I’ve devised is so simple yet so effective that you will immediately lose weight regardless of any reasons you may have failed in the past.

I call it The Body Reset Diet. As you make your way through the program, you’ll be shocked by how effortlessly the pounds seem to fall off. You’ll also be shocked that you can build a lean, sexy body without investing in expensive equipment or waking up at 5 a.m. to do crazy things like one-handed pushups in boot camp for an hour.

Most of all, you’ll be shocked that when you follow this plan, you will experience no deprivation, only gratification. You will be satisfied by how good you look and how alive you feel, and you will be motivated to keep going.

This plan is so easy that you’ll forget you’re even on a plan. All it takes is a few minutes of food prep, a few minutes of structured exercise, and a commitment to get out there and get walking—I promise that nothing could be simpler or more effective.

But before embarking on the Body Reset, you must believe that you can lose weight. That you can transform your body, that you can be stronger and more energetic. You have to believe that in just 15 days you can be on the road to the best health—and the best body—of your life.

So before we get started, repeat after me: “I CAN look and feel better.”

Now, replace that “CAN” with “WILL” and say it out loud: “I WILL look and feel better!”

Do you feel a difference between the two statements?

Many weight-loss programs CAN possibly make you look and feel better for a short period of time. Your decision to follow the Body Reset Plan WILL make you look and feel better, now and forever.