Increasing the Resistance
The resistance-training component of Phase III is just an extended version of the easy, at-home exercises you’ve gotten in the swing of doing during Days 6 through 10. It still takes only 5 minutes a day, only this time you’ll be alternating between 2 sets of exercises 5 days a week.
The Phase III program consists of Circuit A, which you mastered in Phase II, to work all the posterior muscles of your body, and Circuit B, which works all the anterior muscles, or the muscles at the front of your body.
The main anterior muscles we’ll be working include:
• Your chest (pectorals)
• Your sides (obliques)
• The front of your thighs (quads)
• The front of your midsection (rectus abs)
You’ll do Circuit A (see page 120 for descriptions and demonstrations of exercises) on Days 11, 13, and 15, and Circuit B on Days 12 and 14.
Notice how you end up doing three Circuit A routines and only two Circuit B routines per week? That’s no accident: It’s our way of correcting the muscle imbalances that have built up in our bodies over time. By consistently favoring the anterior over the posterior muscles, we are giving the underused muscles on the backs of our bodies a chance to catch up with our overburdened fronts. That’s also why we’re doing a plank, instead of a crunch which strengthens the front of our bodies without putting strain on our backs. It’s important to work both the anterior and posterior muscles to maintain a straight, strong posture. It’s not only good for our bodies but it helps us look great in our clothes, too!
Circuit B
Again, in Phase III, you’ll be doing Circuit A three times and Circuit B twice. Depending on your fitness level going into the Body Reset, you can again modify the exercises as described.
Beginners: Do 20 repetitions of each exercise; do one circuit.
Intermediate: Do 20 repetitions of each exercise; do two circuits.
Advanced: Do 20 repetitions of each exercise; do three circuits.
How Often?
In Phase III, you will do Circuit A three times—on Days 11, 13, and 15—and Circuit B twice—on Days 12 and 14.
Works: Lower body (glutes, quads, hamstrings)
How to: As you squat and lunge, keep your weight on the arches of your feet and try not to roll onto your toes. Keep looking up the whole time and never lower your butt past your knees. Your thighs should end parallel to the floor.
Intermediate (shown at right): Use a lower seat and continue to sit onto it as before. If you’d like to make it even more difficult, hug a watermelon or add a set of light dumbbells.
Advanced: Now you’re ready for the Skater Lunge. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. With your right leg, step back and across your body, dropping your right knee behind your left heel. Then return to the beginning stance and do the opposite—step your left leg back and across your body, dropping your left knee behind your right heel. Keep alternating legs, bending one knee to the opposite heel.
Works: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
How to: Lean against a bench or countertop. Keep your body rigid and in a straight line. Line up your hands right above your collarbone and nipple line. Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body toward whatever surface you’re using. Extend your elbows and repeat.
Intermediate: Perform this exercise on the floor with your knees bent and touching the floor and your ankles crossed behind you.
Advanced (shown above): Do a full pushup, with your knees off the floor and your entire body raised.
Works: External and internal obliques (aka “love handles”)
How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your right index finger and middle finger behind your right ear and your left arm straight against your side. Gently lean your upper body to the right. Repeat in the opposite direction.
Intermediate/Advanced: Do the exercise with weights—a grocery bag full of canned food, a jug of water, or a dumbbell—in your straight arm.
Works: Rectus abdominals (front of your core)
How to: With your elbows bent, rest your forearms on the edge of your bed, or the arm rest of a couch, and extend your legs back so your feet are on the ground and there is a straight line from your heels to your shoulders. Contract your midsection and form a rigid plank with your body.
Intermediate (shown at left): Now perform the same exercise on the floor. Rest your forearms on the floor but allow your hips to be slightly above the plane of your body.
Advanced: Perform the same exercise but make sure your hips are in a straight line with your shoulders and heels.
Meeting your goal of 10,000 daily steps should be second nature by now, allowing you to focus on the expanded resistance training.
Here’s a chart to break down your movements over the course of Phase III.
Phase III: Summary
In Phase III, between Days 11 and 15 of the Body Reset, you’ll have one smoothie, two C-snacks, and two S-meals a day. You’ll be alternating Circuits A and B of resistance training while continuing to walk 10,000 steps every day.