Super-simple DVD holder



Time: 2 hours

Skill level: Intermediate

This clever shelf holds DVDs, CDs or even small books. You can make yours with as many shelves as you like simply by changing the length of the trunk.

To get started, cut the trunk and shelves to length. Bevel one end of each shelf by tilting your miter saw or table saw blade to 5 degrees. Mark the notches in the shelves and trunk (Photos 1 and 2). Measuring from the top of the trunk, center the notches at 8-1/2, 11-1/2, 17-1/4, 20-1/4, 26-1/4 and 29 in. Cut the notches using a 5-degree guide block and a pull saw (available at home centers). Assemble the shelf (Photo 3). Screw metal straps to the back of the trunk, leaving one screw hole exposed so you can screw the DVD holder to the wall.


Materials: 8 ft. of 1x6 hardwood, wood glue, 2-in. x 1/2-in. metal straps, 1-5/8-in. screws, spray lacquer.



Set your bevel gauge at 5 degrees using the miter gauge and fence of your table saw.



Mark the notches on the edge of the trunk using the bevel gauge. Mark the face of the trunk with a square.



Test-fit each shelf and then glue it into place. If a shelf fits so tightly that it’s hard to remove after test-fitting, just leave it—no glue is needed.