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Achen, Christopher

Adams, John

Adams, John Quincy

Adams, Samuel





Africa, postcolonial

African Americans: mass incarceration of; in Rhode Island; voting rights of

Albany, N.Y., Tocqueville and Beaumont’s visit to

Albany Argus


Alcmaeonid family

All-Russian Union of Railroad Employees and Workers

All-Russia Peasants’ Union

American Association for Public Opinion Research

American Bureau of Labor Statistics

American Civil Liberties Union

American colonies

American Commonwealth, The (Bryce)

American culture, commerce and

American democracy; commerce and; consent as core principle of; democratic clubs in, see democratic clubs, American; distrust of big government in; elections as central to; equality as principle for; factions in; French Revolution’s impact on; individualism and; popular sovereignty and; presidency in, see presidency, U.S.; private property and; Republican Rome as model for; self-reliance as principle of; slavery and; Tocqueville on; voting rights in, see voting rights; Wilson on

American Dream

American exceptionalism

American Political Science Association

American Revolution

“American Scholar, The” (Emerson)

Ames, Fisher



Ancient Law (Maine)

Andreyev, L.

Anonymous (hacker collective)

Antigone (Sophocles)


antiwar movement

antiwar protesters, Huntington reviled by

Apprentice, The (TV show)

Arab Spring

Arendt, Hannah

aristocracy, in ancient Athens

Aristotle; Athenian political institutions described by; democracy criticized by; on elections vs. lotteries

arms race

Athenian democracy; Aeropagus in; Aristotle’s criticism of; Aristotle’s description of; Assembly (Ekklesia) in; civic tribes in; Cleisthenes and, see Cleisthenes; as community of self-governing citizens; concept of human rights as lacking in; conformity emphasized in; Council of 500 in; criteria for citizenship in; decline of; election of generals in; election of treasurers in; festivals in; in fourth century; jury system in; lotteries as defining feature of; Mytilene revolt and; nativism and; ostracism in; Pericles and, see Pericles; Plato’s criticism of; presupposed norms of; slavery and; Thucydides’ criticism of; as tyranny of the majority

Athens, ancient: as aggressive regional power; aristocracy in; City Dionysia in; compulsory military service in; hegemony of; infantry of; military reforms in; naval powers of; plague in; population of; slaves in; Solon’s reforms and; Thirty Tyrants regime in; tyrants in; women in

Atlantic Charter

Attwood, Thomas

Augustus, emperor of Rome

Azoulay, Vincent

Babeuf, Gracchus

Babeuf’s Conspiracy for Equality (Buonarroti)

Bakunin, Mikhail

bandwagon effect

Barber, Benjamin

Barère, Bertrand

Bartels, Larry

Bastille; fall of

Beaumont, Gustave de, at Albany Fourth of July celebration

Berlin Wall, fall of

Bernays, Edward; on public opinion

Bernstein, Eduard

Birmingham, England, Chartist Convention in

Birmingham Political Union

Bismarck, Otto von

Black Lives Matter

Blanqui, Auguste

Blight, David

Bodin, Jean

Bolsheviks; soviet executive committees takeover by

Bonaparte III, emperor of France

Boston, Mass., French Revolution celebration in

bounded rationality


Bowen, Sayles Jenks

Brecht, Bertolt


Brissot, Jacques-Pierre

Brown, John

Brunswick Manifesto


Bryce, James

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

Buonarroti, Philippe

Burckhardt, Jacob

bureaucracies, power of

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

California Democratic Council (CDC)

Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty)

capitalism; democracy and; Marx’s predicted self-destruction of


Carlyle, Thomas

Carter, Jimmy

Cartledge, Paul

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)


Chamberlain, Joseph

Charles II, king of England


Chartists; arrests and imprisonment of; Convention of; 1839 conventions of; electoral reforms demanded by; strikes and uprisings by; universal male suffrage as core principle of

Cherokee nation

Chicago, Ill., 1968 Democratic convention in

Chickasaw nation

Choctaw nation

Chomsky, Noam

Chronique de Paris

Churchill, Winston


City Dionysia

civil disobedience

civil liberties, Wilson’s suppression of

civil rights movement

Civil War, U.S.

Civil War in France, The (Marx)

Clash of Civilizations, The (Huntington)

class conflict

class struggle

Clayton Antitrust Act

Cleisthenes; civic festivals emphasized by; civic tribes created by; political reforms of; rise of



Clinton, Hillary

cold war

Cole, G.D.H.

Collective Thinking

Cologne, Germany

commerce: American culture and; American democracy and; Jackson’s advocacy of; Paine’s advocacy of

Committee on Public Information

Common Sense (Paine)

Communist League

Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels)

Communist Party of Great Britain

communists, communism; democracy and; in Germany

Condorcet, Marquis de; ad hominem attacks on; capture and death of; draft constitution of; enlightened public assumed by; as leader of 1792 constitution committee; mathematical and philosophical achievements of; sans-culottes insurrection defended by; warrant for arrest of; women’s rights championed by

Condorcet Jury Theorem

Congressional Government (Wilson)

Congress of Vienna

consent, as core principle of American democracy

Constant, Benjamin

Constitution, U.S.; Madison as chief architect of; viewed as democratic instrument; voting restrictions in

Constitution of Athens, The (Aristotle, attributed)

Continental Army

Continental Congress

Creek nation

Crisis of Democracy, The


Croly, Herbert

Crossley, Archibald

Crystallizing Public Opinion

Cuban missile crisis (1962)

culture, American, see American culture

Czechoslovakia; Velvet Revolution in

Dahl, Robert

Danton, Georges

David, Jacques-Louis

Davidson, Carl

Debs, Eugene V.

Declaration of Independence; as moral challenge

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, French



democracy: in American republic, see American democracy; in ancient Greece, see Athenian democracy; anxieties about; capitalism and; Cole’s conception of; communism and; conflicting views of; Dahl’s definition of; dangers of; demagogues and; Dewey’s conception of; dictatorial; direct, see direct democracy; Economist index of; eighteenth-century rebirth of; as enduring ideal; as European invention; forced export of; Freedom House index of; future of; as “government by popular opinion” (Wilson); Havel on; Huntington’s view of; inherent instability of; internationalism and; labor unions and; Lenin’s conception of; liberalism and; liberalism vs.; limits on; Lincoln on; Lippmann’s conception of; Marx’s ambivalence about; Mazzini’s view of; Michels’s faith in; misleading accounts of; modern conception of; as most often honored in the breach; nationalist movements and; in nineteenth-century Europe, see Europe, struggle for equality in; as pandering to desire; participatory (see also direct democracy); psychological limits on; public opinion and; representative, see representative democracy; revolt as recurrent feature of; Rice’s view of; Rousseau on; Schumpeter’s view of; slavery and; social, see social democracy; totalitarian; V-Dem Institute report on; Wallas on; Weber on; Whitman on; Wilson’s conception of; World War II and

democracy, as ideal: in popular opinion; as shared belief system

democracy, in twentieth century; American vs. Soviet versions of; centralized states and; cold war and; Guild Socialism and; marketing and; Russian Revolution and, see Russian Revolution; Wilson and, see Wilson, Woodrow

democracy, in twenty-first century; Occupy Wall Street and, see Occupy Wall Street movement

democracy, use of term: American radicals’ embrace of; in eighteenth-century America; fealty to U.S. Constitution conflicted with; historical variations in; Jackson and; in Renaissance; in republican thought; in Roman Empire; as synonym for “republic”; as synonym for violent anarchy; Wilson and, see Wilson, Woodrow: democracy as envisioned by

Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom (Rice)

Democracy Ancient and Modern (Finley)

Democracy in America (Tocqueville)

“Democracy in Crisis” (Freedom House)

Democracy Index

“Democracy Is in the Streets” (Miller)

democratic clubs, American; Washington’s criticisms of

Democratic National Convention of 1968

Democratic-Republican Party

Democratic Vistas (Whitman)

Democrats, Democratic Party, U.S.; Jacksonian; Wilsonian


Dewey, John; democracy as understood by

dictatorships, “democratic”


direct democracy: Michels’s admiration for; Occupy Wall Street as; and problems of scale; radical tendencies of; Russian soviets as examples of; of Swiss Landsgemeinden; Theodore Roosevelt’s advocacy of; utopianism of; see also Athenian democracy; Parisian sectional assemblies

Divenire Social, Il

Dorr, Thomas Wilson

Douglass, Frederick


Dunn, John

economic inequality; growth of

Economist, Democracy Index of

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

elections: as central to American democracy; lotteries vs.

elections, U.S.: of 1800; of 1824; of 1828; of 1840; of 1912; of 1916; of 1936; of 1956; of 1960; of 1968; of 2008; of 2016; as failing to produce responsive government; voter suppression in; voter turnout in

Electoral College

elites; rule by

Emerson, Ralph Waldo; self-reliance preached by

Émile (Rousseau)

Engels, Friedrich





equal rights

Equal Rights Amendment

“Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Theory of Decision Making” (Condorcet)

Essays on Popular Government (Maine)

Essence and Value of Democracy, The (Kelsen)

Estates General, French

Estlund, David M.


Europe, struggle for equality in; Chartist movement in, see Chartists; growth of political parties in; insurrectionists in; labor unions in; Marx and; Mazzini and; nationalist movements in; 1905 Russian general strike in; Paris Commune of 1871 in, see Paris Commune of 1871; revolutions of 1848 in; secret societies in; social democratic movements in, see social democracy

Fabian Society; Lippmann and

Fanon, Frantz

Fascist Party

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Federalist Papers


Federal Reserve Act

Federal Trade Commission Act

Fifteenth Amendment

Figaro, Le

Finley, M. I.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Foreign Affairs

Foster, Stephen

Fourth of July celebrations

France: as imperial power; Third Republic of; universal manhood suffrage in; war on Austria declared by (1792)

Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871)

Fraternal Democrats

freedom, free enterprise as pillar of

Freedom House

freedom of the press

free enterprise, as pillar of free society

free labor

free trade; as guarantor of civic freedom; Paine as advocate of

French National Convention; Condorcet’s draft constitution in; constitutional committee of; Jacobin constitution ratified by; monarchy abolished by; opposition to Condorcet’s draft

constitution in; popular sovereignty as principle of; Robespierre’s address to; sans-culottes at; sans-culottes’ takeover of

French Revolution; constitutional monarchy and; fédérés (volunteer soldiers) in; high level of literacy in; Jacobin constitution of 1793 in; Marx’s study of; Paris Commune in, see Paris Commune of 1792; Paris sectional assemblies in, see Parisian sectional assemblies; Reign of Terror in; representative democracy as outcome of; storming of Bastille in

French Revolution, The (Carlyle)

French Revolution, U.S. response to

Freud, Sigmund

Fugitive Slave Law

Führerdemokratie (leadership democracy)

Fukuyama, Francis

Gallup, George

Gauchet, Marcel

General Convention of the Industrious Classes (1839)

General German Workers’ Association

general will; Rousseau’s concept of

Genet, Edmund Charles

Geneva; armed revolts in; political system of

Genoa, Republic of

Gentile, Giovanni

Germany, communists in

Germany, Imperial: Bismarck’s unification of; social democracy in; universal manhood suffrage adopted in

Germany, Nazi


Gilens, Martin

Gorky, Maxim

Gotha Program

government: regulatory and administrative functions of; secrecy of

Government of National Defense, French

Graeber, David

Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)

Greece, ancient: aristocracies and oligarchies as primary form of government in; forms of government in; in Hellenistic period

Greek Commonwealth, The (Zimmern)

Grote, George

Guild Socialism

Habermas, Jürgen

Habsburg Empire

Hamilton, Alexander; on democracy

Hansen, Mogens Herman

Harney, Julian

Harpers Ferry, Brown’s raid on

Harvard University, Center of International Affairs at

Havel, Václav

Hegel, G.W.F.


Hetherington, Henry


History of the French Revolution (Michelet)

History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides)

Hitler, Adolf

Hobbes, Thomas

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.


hoplites (Greek infantrymen)

Horseshoe Bend, Battle of (1814)

Hôtel de Ville, Paris

House Un-American Activities Committee

Howe, Irving

Human Condition, The (Arendt)

Human Development Index

Human Nature in Politics (Wallas)

human rights; Athenian democracy as lacking concept of; Declaration of Independence on; UN declaration of; UN Human Development Index of

Humphrey, Hubert

Hungary; workers’ councils in

Huntington, Samuel P.; academic career of; on American national identity; antiwar protesters’ reviling of; democracy as viewed by; on erosion of white male power; in Johnson administration; liberalism of; Vietnam War and

immigrants, undocumented

imperialism, Versailles Peace Treaty and

India, partition of

Indignados (the Outraged)

individualism; perfect


Industrial Workers of the World

inequality: growth of; see also wealth inequality

information, Internet and aggregation of

institutions, representative, direct actions as frustrated by

Intercollegiate Socialist Society


internationalism, democracy and

International Socialist Congress

International Working Men’s Association

Internet: and aggregation of information; propaganda and

Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (Freud)

Iraq, U.S. invasion of

Italy: Carbonari in; Fascism in


Jackson, Andrew; background of; commerce promoted by; 1828 presidential campaign of; elites detested by; historians’ views of; Indians hated by; rule of law disregard by; in War of 1812

“Jacksonian democracy”

Jacobins, Jacobin clubs; as laboratories of direct democracy; Reign of Terror implemented by; Robespierre in address to

James, Henry

Jay, John

Jay Treaty (1795)

Jefferson, Thomas; Declaration of Independence and; as sympathizer with French revolutionary cause

Jena, Germany

Jews, Holocaust and

Johnson, Lyndon

Jones, Gareth Stedman

Jowett, Benjamin

Kahneman, Daniel

Kelsen, Hans

Kennedy, John F.

Keyssar, Alexander

King, Martin Luther, Jr.; assassination of

Korea, see North Korea; South Korea

Korean War

Kropotkin, Pyotr

labor unions; democracy and; general strikes and; rise of

“La Marseillaise”

Landon, Alf


Laski, Harold

Lassalle, Ferdinand

League of Nations; nonviolent conflict resolution as principle of; self-determination as goal of

Leaves of Grass (Whitman)

Legislative Assembly, French; arming of citizens by; factions in

Lenin, Vladimir; democracy as viewed by; on Paris Commune of 1871; “peace decree” of; in return to Petrograd; self-determination as principle of; Swiss exile of

Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor

liberalism; democracy and; democracy vs.; Lippmann and; modern attacks on; use of term; Wilson and


Liberty and the News (Lippmann)


Lijphart, Arend

Lincoln, Abraham; on democracy

Lindsay, A. D.

Lippmann, Walter; democracy as envisioned by; as journalist; on media’s role in politics; on public relations; as socialist; Wallas and

Lissagaray, Prosper-Olivier

Literary Digest, straw polls of

Liveright, Horace

Lives (Plutarch)

Locke, John

London, political exiles in

London Democratic Association

lotteries: in Athenian democracy; elections vs.

Louis XIV, king of France

Louis XV, king of France, execution of

Louis XVI, king of France; attempted flight of; sans-culottes’ confrontation of; war on Austria declared by

Lunn, George

Luxemburg, Rosa

MacArthur, Douglas

Macedonian Empire

Machiavelli, Niccolò

Madison, James; as chief architect of U.S. Constitution


Maidan revolt (2013)

Maine, Henry Sumner

Manchester, England, Chartist riot in

Mandat, Marquis de

Mannheim, Germany

Marat, Jean-Paul; Condorcet’s draft constitution opposed by

Marie Antoinette, queen of France

marketing, democracy and

Marx, Karl; capitalism’s self-destruction predicted by; democracy as viewed by; economic theories of; end to social divisions predicted by; French Revolution studied by; Hegel’s influence on; need for revolution conceded by; Paris Commune of 1871 extolled by

Marxists, Marxism


Mass Strike, the Political Party, and the Trade Unions, The (Luxemburg)

Mathiez, Albert

Mazzini, Giuseppe; democracy as viewed by; religious rhetoric of

media, political role of

Melbourne, Lord


Michelet, Jules

Michels, Robert; faith in democracy of; Fascism and; Weber and

Mill, John Stuart

minstrel shows

Mirabeau, Comte de

“Modern Democratic State, The” (Wilson; unpublished)


Morgan, Edmund

Morley, John

Morris, William

Mosca, Gaetano

Moscow, 1905 general strike in

Mouvement socialiste

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Mussolini, Benito


Mytilene revolt

National Assembly, French

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Constituent Assembly, French

National Gazette

National Guard, Parisian

National Institute of Standards and Technology

nationalist movements; democracy and

National Liberal Federation, British

National Science Foundation

Native Americans: Jackson’s hatred of; resettlement of

nativism; Athenian democracy and

natural rights



New England, town meetings in

New Left

New Orleans, Battle of

New Republic

New School for Social Research

New York State

New York, N.Y.: January 2017 anti-Trump protests in; Zuccotti Park in

New York Democratic Society: Fourth of July celebration of; popular sovereignty espoused by

New York Police Department

New York Times, The

Nicholas II, tsar of Russia, abdication of

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Nineteenth Amendment

Nixon, Richard

North Carolina, voting rights in

Northern Star

North Korea

nuclear weapons

Obama, Barack

Ober, Josiah

O’Brien, Bronterre

Occupy Oakland

Occupy Wall Street movement; as direct democracy

Orbán, Viktor

Ossining, N.Y.


Ostrogorski, Moisey Y.

Ottoman Empire

Page, Benjamin

Paine, Thomas; background of; commerce promoted by; Common Sense by; representative democracy praised by; on representative democracy


Pannekoek, Anton

Pareto, Vilfredo

Paris, Prussian advance on (1792)

Paris Commune of 1792; sectional assemblies’ insurrection in

Paris Commune of 1871; establishment and violent end of; leftist veneration of; Lenin on; political reforms as response to

Parisian sectional assemblies; arming of citizens by; as laboratories of direct democracy; as open to even poorest critics; in Paris Commune insurrection; participation in; Rousseau as inspiration to; Section Roi-de-Sicile of

Parliament, British: Chartist demands for reform of; Chartist petition rejected by

participatory democracy; see also direct democracy

Partito Socialista Italiano

Paul, Ron


Peloponnesian War; Athenian defeat in; Mytilene revolt in

Pennsylvania: 1776 constitution of; voting rights in

Pennsylvania Magazine, The: or, American Monthly Museum

People’s Party (Rhode Island)

perfect individualism

Pericles; Athenian imperialism defended by; background of; death of; funeral oration of; as military leader; military reforms of; as orator; public works projects of; Thucydides’ admiration of

Persians, The (Aeschylus)

Persian Wars, Greek victories in

Petrograd: 1917 uprising in; see also St. Petersburg, Russia

Petrograd soviet: Bolshevik takeover of; direct democracy in; Executive Committee of; plenary sessions of

Phantom Public, The (Lippmann)

Philadelphia, Pa., democratic clubs in

Philosophy of Right (Hegel)

Piketty, Thomas


Plato; democracy criticized by



Poland, Solidarity in

polarization, political

Political Order in Changing Societies (Huntington)

political participation: dangers of; Mill on

political parties; bureaucratic inertia of; growth of

Political Parties (Michels)

politics: freedom from; media’s role in

poll taxes


Poor Man’s Guardians

popular opinion, “democracy as government by” (Wilson)

popular sovereignty; American democracy and; and Condorcet’s draft constitution; Parisian sectional assemblies and, see Parisian sectional assemblies; pluralism and; as principle of French Convention; Robespierre and; Rousseau’s conception of; tyranny as facilitated by; Wilson on

populism; modern rebirth of

“Port Huron Statement, The”

postcolonial world

Preconditions of Socialism and the Tasks of Social Democracy, The (Bernstein)

Preface to Politics, A (Lippmann)

presidency, U.S.: founders’ expectations for; Jackson and; Wilson on

Princeton University, Wilson as professor and president of

prisons, blacks in

private property

Progressives, of Theodore Roosevelt


proletariat; dictatorship of

propaganda: Bernays’s justification of; Internet and; truth as casualty of

“Protestant Ethic and the ‘Spirit’ of Capitalism, The” (Weber)

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph

Prussia, in advance on Paris (1792)

Public and Its Problems, The (Dewey)

Public Health Services

public opinion: Bernays on; democracy and

Public Opinion (Lippmann)

public opinion polls; bandwagon effect and; and 1936 election

public relations: Bernays as father of; Lippmann on

Puerto Rico


Putin, Vladimir

race, voting rights and

racism; Versailles Peace Treaty and; see also white supremacy

Radical Republicans

Raoul Rigault, Public Prosecutor

Rawls, John


Reed, John

Reform Act of 1832, British

Reform or Revolution (Luxemburg)


“Report on the Principles of Public Morality” (Robespierre)

Representation of the People’s Act (British; 1884)

representative democracy; evolution of; institutions of, see institutions, representative; as outcome of French Revolution; Paine on; Paine’s praise of; Robespierre on; Rousseau on; as “undemocratic”

republic, used as synonym for “democracy”

Republic (Plato)

Republicans, Republican Party

revolt, as recurrent feature of democracy

revolutions of 1848

Rhode Island; blacks given right to vote in; blacks in; 1842 constitution of; 1842 voting rights struggle in; People’s Constitution of; People’s Convention in; royal charter of

Rhode Island Suffrage Association

Rhode Island Supreme Court

Rice, Condoleezza, democracy as understood by

Rigault, Raoul

Rights of Man, The (Paine)

Right to Vote, The (Keyssar)

Robespierre, Maximilien; address to Jacobins club of; address to National Convention of; arrest and execution of; popular sovereignty and; in Reign of Terror; on representative democracy

Roland, Madame

Roman Empire; criteria for citizenship in

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Theodore; direct democracy advocated by

Roper, Elmo

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; as ambivalent about reason; background of; on democracy; general will as concept of; popular sovereignty as concept of; on representative democracy

Roux, Jacques

rule of law; Jackson’s disregard of

Runciman, David

Rush, Benjamin

Russell, Lord John

Russia, tsarist; 1905 general strike in; October Manifesto of; social democracy movement in; socialism in; in World War I

Russian Revolution (1917); media coverage of; Petrograd uprising in; Provisional Government in; soviets in; Wilson’s praise for

Saigon, fall of

Saint-Just, Louis-Antoine

Salamis, Greek victory at



Sardinia, Kingdom of

Schama, Simon

Schapper, Karl

Schnadhorst, Francis

Schumpeter, Joseph

Second International

secret societies

Seditious Meeting Act (British, 1817)

self-determination, of peoples

self-reliance; as principle of American democracy

“Self-Reliance” (Emerson)

Selma to Montgomery march

Seneca Falls, N.Y., 1848 women’s rights convention at

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

Shaw, George Bernard

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

Shklar, Judith

Sicily, 1848 revolution in


Sing Sing prison

Sixteenth Amendment

Skinner, Quentin

slaves, slavery; abolitionism and; American democracy and; in ancient Athens; democracy and

Smith, Adam

Social Contract (Rousseau)

social democracy; in Germany; Michels and; in Russia

Social Democratic Labor Party, German

Social Democratic Party, German (SPD); growth of; hierarchies and organization of; Michels’s critique of

Social Democratic Party, Russian

Socialist Party, U.S.

socialists, socialism; Lippmann and; in Russia

social theory

Socrates; trial and execution of

Soldier and the State, The (Huntington)




Sorel, Georges

South, voting restrictions in

South Korea

soviets; Bolshevik takeover of; direct democracy in

Soviet Union: cold war and; collapse of; creation of; as imperial power

Spain: anti-austerity protest in; Podemos movement in

Sparta, Spartans

Stalin, Joseph

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

State, The: Elements of Historical and Practical Politics (Wilson)

Steffens, Lincoln

Stevenson, Adlai

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

St. Petersburg, Russia: 1905 protest in; see also Petrograd

St. Petersburg soviet

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Sukhanov, Nikolai

“Summer Meditations” (Havel)

Sunstein, Cass

Supreme Court, U.S., Worcester decision of

Swiss Guards

Switzerland, rural communes (Landsgemeinden) in

Sydney, Algernon


Taft, William Howard

Tauride Palace

Tea Party

Ten Days That Shook the World (Reed)

Thiers, Adolphe

Thoreau, Henry David

Thoughts on Government (Adams)

Thucydides; democracy criticized by

Tocqueville, Alexis de; at Albany Fourth of July celebration; on American democracy

“To Rome” (Aelius)

“To Those Born Later” (Brecht)

Trotsky, Leon

Truman, Harry

Trump, Donald J.; boorish behavior by; election of; and popular distrust of government; popular protests against

Tuileries Palace, Paris; Louis XVI’s confinement in; sans-culottes’ confrontation with Louis XVI in; storming of


Turin, Italy

Turner, Frederick Jackson


Tversky, Amos

Twenty-fourth Amendment

Ukraine, Maidan revolt in

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)

Union of Unions, Russian

United Kingdom: Brexit vote in; Chartist movement in; Guild Socialism in; as imperial power; voting rights in

United Nations: creation of; Human Development Index of

United Nations General Assembly

United States; cold war and; as commercial republic; electoral system of; entry into World War I of; French Revolution and; as imperial power; Iraq invasion of; liberalism in; low level of trust in government in; national identity of; political polarization of; in postwar era; racism in; Western expansion of; see also American democracy

United States Revenue Act (1913)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

universal manhood suffrage; late nineteenth-century spread of

Varlet, Jean

V-Dem Institute

Velvet Revolution

Vendée: Jacobin slaughter of civilians in; uprisings in

Versailles, Palace of

Versailles, Peace Treaty of (1919); imperialism and; racism and

Vietnam War

Vindication of the Government of New-England Churches, A (Wise)

Virginia, voting rights in

voter suppression

voter turnout

voting, compulsory

voting rights; of blacks; 1842 Rhode Island struggle over; felony disenfranchisement and; poll taxes and; race and; restrictions on; Southern restrictions of; state variation in; struggle over; in UK; of women; see also universal manhood suffrage

Wallas, Graham

Walzer, Michael

War of 1812

War on Terrorism

Washington, D.C., blacks given right to vote in

Washington, George; democratic clubs criticized by

wealth inequality; see also inequality

Wealth of Nations, The (Smith)

Webb, Sidney and Beatrice

Weber, Max

Webster, Daniel

Whiskey Rebellion

Whitehead, Alfred North

white males, erosion of power of

white supremacy; of Wilson

Whitman, Walt; on democracy

Who Are We? (Huntington)

Wilde, Oscar

Wilson, James

Wilson, Woodrow; anti-immigrant policies of; as antiwar candidate in 1916 election; background of; in call for U.S. entry into World War I; civil liberties suppressed by; democracy as envisioned by; Fourteen Points of; liberalism and; in 1912 presidential election; as political scholar; on popular sovereignty; as president of Princeton; progressive policies of; on role of U.S. president; Russian Revolution praised by; self-determinism as principle of; white supremacy of

Wilsonian Democrats

Wise, John

women: in ancient Athens; voting rights of

Women’s March on Washington (2017)

women’s rights, Condorcet as champion of

Worcester v. Georgia

workers’ councils

Workers’ Group of the Central War Industries Committee

World War I; Russia in; U.S. entry into

World War II: death toll of; democratic ideals and

“Wrongs and Resources of the State” (Robespierre)



Xerxes, king of Persia

Young Italy

Zeno of Elea

Zimmern, Alfred

Zuccotti Park (Manhattan)