Chapter Twelve

From Terror to Happiness

Morning dawned; all were up at six o’clock. The first part of the journey was easy, being along the side of the river. The sun was hot and after spotting and shooting a couple of ducks, they rested out of the sun for a few hours. Moving again, they followed the stream to it is source, and after crossing a pass in the mountains, they went down into another valley to the other side. The path lay along the steep sides of the hills. The horses managed well, and Sarah’s mount came into her own, picking its way over  difficult places, without her guidance. On reaching the other side, they found another source of a river, which flowed into the Clarence and followed it until nightfall and then made camp.

Setting out at five the following morning, they traced the stream until it came to the Clarence or the Waiautoa. Here the country was mountainous, but well grassed. Crossing at a junction, the group continued to follow the river. Entering a thick area of manuka bush, the horses became uneasy. Wild pigs were heard in the distance. Daniel was concerned; he had had run-ins with pigs before and knew they were extremely dangerous, easily bringing down a horse and attacking the rider. As if on cue, a large boar ran out of the bush straight at Peter’s horse, causing it to rear and take off.

Andrew went in hot pursuit, closely followed by Sarah’s and Daniel’s spooked mounts. Sarah found herself holding on for dear life as her horse ran after the others. The trees went past so fast, terrifying her. Branches slapped at her arms and legs like whips. Her body tingled with the surge of adrenaline running through her veins. The bush then cleared and she saw Andrew chasing Peter, seeing this made her snap out of her torment as she saw her brother’s out of control horse.

Passing branches whacked hard at Peter’s head and shoulders. His legs and knees knocked against the tree trunks. After several minutes, they reached a clearing but still the horse went on. It reared again, Peter was not ready for it and he fell, hitting his head on a rock and landing heavily on his shoulder. Andrew dismounted and quickly was at his side. Sarah managed to control her mount, pulling her up beside Peter. Jumping off, she ran up to her brother.

‘Peter! Peter! are you all right? Oh God, please be all right.’ By this time Peter had sat up, rubbing his head. Blood came from a wound on his forehead and he tried to move his arm. His trouser legs were in shreds and blood oozed from numerous small cuts and scratches.

Daniel arrived on the scene with the packhorse in tow. Dismounting, he quickly tied up the horses. Going over to Peter’s horse which was still disturbed and rearing, he grabbed the reins and talked softly to the beast.

‘Easy, girl, easy. Settle down, it is all right.’ The animal calmed down, sweat was pouring off her, as she snorted and shook her head. Then, without warning, she pulled the reigns out of his hands and ran off. Andrew glanced up to see Daniel mounting his horse to go after the animal. Back to Peter again.

‘Steady, there lad. Stay where yer are. Now, let me have a look at yer.’ Andrew glanced up at Sarah, who returned his gaze. He saw the concern in her face, thank God, she is back with us again, he thought.

‘Sarah, please go and get my medical kit from my saddle.’ Sarah stared at Peter. Andrew repeated himself. Sarah realised he was talking to her.

‘Oh, of course,’ she said.

‘And bring some water too!’ Andrew called out after her.

After retrieving the bag and water canister, Sarah handed the items to Andrew. He took a pad and placed it on the cut on Peter’s head. Peter shook as he placed his hand on the wound as Andrew encouraged him to hold the dressing in place. Ripping open the rest of Peter’s trousers, he checked if there was any damage to his leg. There was severe bruising all over the leg and one cut, which required stitching.

‘Anything else sore?’ Andrew asked.

‘My arm is stiff but I do not think it is broken.’ Andrew examined it. Like the leg, it was badly bruised. He placed the arm in a sling, then turned to talk to Sarah.

‘Sarah, I will stitch this cut and meanwhile we may as well camp here for the night.’ Daniel had returned without Peter’s horse and would look for her later. Andrew agreed she wouldn’t go too far, so Daniel surveyed the area for a camp.

‘There is a small stream over the hill. Do you think you can walk that far, Mr. Paterson?’

‘Yes, I think I can,’ Peter replied nodding, and occasionally wincing with pain as Andrew stitched his wound.

‘Right, Miss. Paterson and I can set up camp.’ Sarah did not want to leave Peter.

‘Go on Sarah, help Daniel, Andrew’s tending me, I will be fine. We will be over directly.’ Sarah looked at her brother, then at Andrew, who nodded his head in the direction of the campsite. Reluctantly, Sarah rose and walked over to the other horses and lead then over to the area soon to be their night’s accommodation.

Peter winced as Andrew continued cleaning and stitching his wound. He looked at his companion; Andrew had become a good friend. He had missed George when he died, Sarah filled the void to a certain extent, but sometimes he needed male companionship. There were certain things a brother could not discuss with his sister. Andrew was the right person to fill that gap, a good and honest man. The thought of a partnership with him seemed one more step to fruition. However, a nagging thought entered his mind, especially after this fall. He had discussed this topic earlier with Andrew, but Peter wanted further reassurance.

‘Old man, we are a handful, my sister and I.’

‘Oh, I have had my moments, with my knee and the fight in Wellington. It is yer turn now.’

Peter bit his lip; he took the pad off his head, looked at it and put it back on the cut again.

‘I will have to stitch it if it does nae stop bleeding,’ Peter nodded.

‘Andrew, I have got a favour to ask. I think I have asked this before but if anything happens to me, will you please take care of Sarah? Get her on a ship home or whatever?’ Andrew stopped and looked up at Peter.

‘Nothing will happen to yer and yer know yer do not have to ask. Of course I will.’

‘I felt I had to. She is a bit much sometimes but she is a good woman and works hard. Ouch that hurt!’ Andrew dug the needle into Peter’s skin.

‘It sounds like yer trying to sell her to me.’ Peter studied his friend’s face.

‘I do not have to sell her. I feel she is already sold,’ he smiled, as Andrew grinned back.

‘Do yer now.’ Andrew paused and continued. ‘I have to admit there is something about yer Sarah.’

‘Ouch! And by the way her brother would have no objections if you .... shall we say, came calling.’

‘Let us get this finished and get yer supper.’

The fire was lit, and dinner cooked, as Peter half walked and was half carried by Andrew to the campsite. Sarah placed Peter’s blanket on the ground by the fire where he was thankful to lie down.

‘Yer will be sore tomorrow, Peter.’ 

‘Aye, I think I will. Pass me a drink of coffee Sis. I will stay here for the night. I do not think we need the tents, do we? Sarah, do you mind sleeping out in the open?’

Sarah hesitated before she answered.

‘I will be fine. It might be nice sleeping out tonight.’ Sarah was apprehensive, but it was going to be a lovely night, no clouds in the sky and it was warm. She set out her blanket next to Peter. ‘What would I have done if Peter had been killed?’ This thought and others continued to play on her mind all through dinner. Afterwards, she walked into the bush to go to the toilet, then down to the stream to have a wash. She realised she looked dirty and unkempt. Returning to the camp, she went back to the river, armed with a billy of hot water, soap and a change of clothes, and looked for a place to wash. Finding a spot, she glanced around as if searching for something or someone. Satisfied no one was near, she stripped and gave herself a good wash. Rubbing her hands through her hair; she found it felt awful, stringy and dirty. She tried to brush her hair, but it was full of knots and she became angry at, tugging and pulling at it. The more she brushed her hair, the more frustrated she got, so she gave up and washed it. She dressed in her clean clothes, picked up her things and went back towards the camp. As she approached, her shoulder caught on a small branch, causing her to drop the contents from her hands. She felt the pain, and saw her things lying scattered on the ground.

Her breathing increased, her fists were clenched by her side. Snatching up a branch, she lashed out, hitting a tree with all her strength. All her bottled up feelings came out. She struck the tree with force, over and over again. How dare Peter get injured, she hated everyone and everything, the travelling, missing her parents, Andrew too because she did not know where she stood with him and she especially hated the man who attacked her. Continuing to hit the tree harder and harder, she sobbed. Her arms and chest hurt, but she still continued to hit out. The branch finally broke. Sarah threw it away in disgust, and falling down on to her knees, she cried bitterly.

The men looked up as they heard the sound of the branch hitting the bark. They watched in silence as she continued crying. Peter could stand it no more and tried to raise himself to go to comfort her. Andrew placed his hand on his shoulder, and told him to stay, he would go. Crouching down beside her, his arms encircled her and pulled her tightly towards him, holding her firmly in his arms.

‘Come on, Sarah, let it all out. Cry as much as yer want to, lass. Yer safe now.’

Sarah let him hold her as she leant her head on his chest and sobbed. Andrew held her tight, he knew all too well of the feelings of hopelessness and frustration she was experiencing. He felt the memories of the past swelling up inside him. He forced the recollections away from his mind and turned his attention once more to Sarah, he continuing to talk quietly to her.

Several minutes later she was exhausted, and could cry no more. Sniffing, she looked up at Andrew. Daniel watched the pair,

‘Is there anything between those two, the Captain, and your sister?’ he asked Peter. Peter sighed.

‘I think there is. Andrew knows it, but has not done anything about it yet. Why do you ask?’

‘I thought by the way the Captain looks at her and her at him. It seems strange that he does not do somethin.’

‘Oh, I think he will. He will soon.’ Peter smiled at the idea. He knew something was bound to happen before they reached Christchurch, one way or the other. Feeling guilty about the times he deliberately interrupted them, and for being too protective, he decided to back off, giving Andrew permission to let the relationship take its course.

‘Sorry, Andrew.’ Sarah wiped her tears away. ‘You must think I am weak.’ Andrew spoke in his quiet, calming voice as he had spoken to her many times before.

‘No lass, no one should have been through what yer have. No man has a right to do what he did to you. Yer entitled to be angry.’ They stayed close together for several minutes longer. Sarah sniffed again and looked up into Andrew’s face.

‘I must go and see how Peter is.’ Andrew brushed her hair off her face, leaving his hand resting gently on her cheek. Not a word was said for a few moments. He then broke the silence.

‘Right lass, yer go down and wash yer face, it will make yer feel better. Now up yer come.’ Andrew helped her to stand. Sarah looked once more at Andrew, turned and picked up a towel and headed back down to the stream. Andrew scooped up the rest of her things and took them back to camp.

Sarah felt drained and every part of her body hurt. Her face and eyes had puffed up to twice their normal size. Feeling dazed, she dipped her hands in the water, and it stung a couple of fresh cuts on her hands. Splashing her face, the coolness hit her, bringing her sharply back to the present.

Arriving back at the fire, she found Peter was asleep; Andrew had given him an amount of laudanum. Sarah noticed her blanket had been moved to between Peter and the fire, as though Peter wanted her in front of him and not behind.

‘What I would do for a hot bath,’ Sarah said as she sat down on her blanket. Daniel looked up.

‘If we make a small detour we could be at some hot springs tomorrow morning. Be good for your brother and yourself, Miss. Paterson.’

‘That sounds nice. Andrew do you think we could go?’

‘I suppose so, if it is not too far out of our way.’ Sarah settled and was asleep as soon as she snuggled into her blanket.

In the morning, Peter felt as if he had been hit by a herd of cattle and not just the ground. Daniel went out to look for Peter’s horse and couldn’t find her anywhere but as he returned to camp, saw her ears sticking up above the manuka bushes and managed to catch her. With everything packed, Andrew helped Peter to mount. Battered and bruised, he managed to control Beauty with his good hand.

They set out onto a large plain which was surrounded on all sides by mountains and had as well several swamps to avoid. Progress was as slow as it had been on the previous days. This time it was not Sarah slowing them down, but Peter, as they stopped every two hours for him to rest. As evening approached, they crossed over another large river in time to prepare themselves for a storm of sleet. After pitching the tents and covering them with manuka scrub, they tied the bivouacs down, hoping it would help to protect them. It paid off, in the morning everyone was dry and rested.

Setting off early the next morning, they arrived at the hot pools. There were several surrounded in bushes, private enough for Sarah to have a swim without fear of being seen. Collecting her things, she made her way to the pool. After undressing she sighed as she slowly lowered herself into the water. As usual, her body stung all over. Looking down at her breasts, she could still see a lot of bruising. Placing her hands across them she examined the skin more closely. The bruising was changing colour, from the angry red and black, to a subtle yellow and brown colour. But at least they were no longer sore, as they had been before. The rest of her body had patches of the same. Washing herself, she rubbed harder than she needed to. Maybe it was the feeling of at last getting rid of the man and what he had done. Several minutes later, with her hair washed again, her body, once more felt like her own and more comfortable.

The men chose a pool which was lower to hers and were also feeling relaxed. After undressing, all entered naked into the warm pool to have the full effect of the medicating water. Andrew offered around a small bottle of whisky, which both Daniel and Peter accepted. Peter’s body, like Sarah’s, was battered and bruised, especially his shoulder and leg. The water felt wonderful and as the whisky took effect, all his aches and pains subsided, leaving him free to relax. Daniel was due to leave them that day and when he finished his swim, he excused himself to get something to eat before he rode out. Peter and Andrew continued to bathe letting the water caress their pain away.

Sarah dried herself and dressed in clean bloomers, and a bodice but discovered she had forgotten her top clothes. After glancing at the clothes she took off, they were so dirty she could not bear to wear them again. Maybe she could go unnoticed back to camp without the men seeing her. She knew they were in a pool below her as she had heard the sound of their laughter echoing around the forest. Grabbing her dirty clothes, she edged her way along a small cliff. Looking down, she saw the men bathing below her. Both appeared to have no clothes on. Half of her wanted to look, the other half told her to look the other way. Holding on to her clothes, she tried to manoeuvre herself past the top of the cliff and into the bush. Her foot slipped and, to her horror, she found herself falling into the lower pool. She screamed as she fell, making a large splash as she hit the water within inches of Peter.

‘What the...?’ he shouted. As Sarah surfaced, she looked up to see her clothes glide gently downwards, landing to float on the water. Recovering from the shook of falling, she glanced first at Peter, then Andrew.

‘Look who has dropped in,’ Andrew remarked.

‘Sarah, what on earth do you think you are doing?’ Peter asked, looking sternly at her.

‘I slipped on the ridge as I was trying to get past.’

‘A likely story. You were peeking,’ Peter said, laughing at the surprised expression on his sister’s face.

‘Peter, I was not!’ Sarah stood up and grabbed her clothes, dragging them through the water. Once on the bank, she placed them onto a rock, then turned to look back at the two in the pool.

‘I would not stand there too long if I were you Sarah,’ Peter commented.

‘Why not?’ Peter stared at her face then looked downwards, nodding at her chest. Sarah followed his eyes and looked down. To her dismay, her bodice was totally revealing. She looked at her brother, then at Andrew. The smile on Andrews’s face told her all she needed to know. She placed her arms over her breasts, not knowing what to do for a few seconds, paused, then in panic, plunged back into the pool, making sure her chest was below the water line. As the water was a green colour, she knew she could not be seen. Andrew smiled with the sight of Sarah, with her firm breasts and erect nipples. Peter admitted to himself that she had a good figure. Sister or not, he too did not turn away, like he should have.

Back in the safety of the pool, Sarah stared at the pair.

‘Here, Andrew, catch.’ Peter threw him the bottle of whisky but it landed in front of Sarah. Feeling annoyed and embarrassed, she picked up the bottle. A bit of this would not go a miss. Sarah had not tried whisky before, always thinking it was a man’s drink or for medicinal purposes only but felt she needed it. Uncorking it, she took a swig, then coughed and spluttered. Peter laughed.

‘Hey, go easy. You will be sick.’ In a gruff, half coughing, half choking voice, she replied:

‘I will be fine, just fine.’ And passed the bottle to Andrew, still coughing. Sarah wanted to get out, but decided to stay until the men left first, but they had other plans, so stay she must. The men relaxed again, enjoying the water, while Sarah was too self-conscious to. They talked briefly about this and that. Sarah took another sip of the whisky and then another. Her head felt slightly woozy. After several minutes, she spoke:

‘Did you know it is now 1854? I seemed to have missed the New Year.’

‘You were not yourself at all a couple of days ago.’ Peter added.

‘I suppose you are right, any way Happy New Year, Peter.’ She pecked him on the cheek. She turned to Andrew, determined to do the same. Maybe it was the whisky making her bold, but regardless she did not care. Peter watched her. Andrew moved his hands as if to guard a certain part of his anatomy as she came nearer. She placed her arms around his neck and wished him a Happy New Year. As she leant forwards to kiss him on the cheek, Andrew moved his head and she kissed him on the lips. They stared at each other. Sarah felt slightly unsettled. This stirred something in Peter, as he enjoyed watching the pair. Andrew glanced at him, but Peter merely looked back, not bothering to interfere. If it had been another man, he would have said something, but it was Andrew. He could trust him not to go too far and any way, he would not dare with her brother watching. He leant back on the rock and closed his eyes. Occasionally he peeked out from under his eyelids at the pair.

Andrew stared back at Sarah. Was Peter giving him permission to do more? Sarah was flirting with him and her brother was saying nothing.

‘I think yer should go back over there, lass.’ Andrew whispered as he nodded towards Peter. He wanted more. He knew it was the whisky talking, making her behave in the way she was. This did not stop part of him from stirring more than it should. It could cause embarrassment if he were not careful. Andrew felt slightly cross, more with frustration than with her, but decided to teach this little nymph a lesson. Lifting up one of his hands, he tried to release her hands, bringing them down one at a time from his neck, but to no avail.

‘Yer know, young lady,’ he said quietly. ‘This is not a good time for yer to tease a naked man. I think it is  inappropriate.’ She ignored him, moving her hands to his chest, where she rubbed her hands through his hair. His eyes did not leave hers; his face showed no expression. He glanced at Peter, who was not looking.

‘I think yer should not do that,’ he said. Sarah smiled as the whisky took away all her inhibitions. Slowly her hands moved downwards, towards his lower torso and slowly approached his groin. Andrew grabbed her hands, preventing them from travelling further. This was enough!

Sarah did not know what to do, she tried to pull her hands away, but he held them firm. A look of panic crossed her face and she blushed. Holding both her hands both firmly in his, his other was free to be placed on her waist. He moved it up towards her breasts.

‘I will like to get out now, Andrew.’ Sarah said suddenly sobering up.

‘Yer would, would yer now?’ his eyes laughed at her.

‘Yes I think, I would,’ she said breathlessly. ‘And if you move one-step higher. Do not think I would not slap you, Captain Andrew Mackenzie.’ Sarah stared at him with a determined look on her face. He squeezed her hands slightly tighter, as she tried to pull them away. Andrew kept his other hand where it was, until it moved to under her breast, and he let his thumb slide across the side of her well-formed bosom towards the areola.

‘If yer play with fire, yer bound to be burnt,’ he said as he glanced at Peter. Sarah gasped as he moved his thumb backwards and forwards across her now erect, nipple. Their faces were only inches away. Her eyes were wide, her bottom lip trembled.

‘Next time yer flirt with me yer better not do it when yer all but naked. Yer may take on more than yer bargain for and I may not be responsible for my actions.’ Andrew’s eyes teased. His gaze travelled over her chest; he saw the bruising still present on the surface of her skin. Bastard, but he returned her defiant stare.

‘Is that a threat or a promise?’ she whispered breathlessly. Sarah tried to control her breathing, trying to manage the situation, but her heart beat faster and she found this difficult. Her mouth felt dry as she swallowed. Peter eyes were still closed, but cleared his throat loudly as if to warn Andrew and spoke, 

‘I think it is time yer got out, Sarah!’ Peter had heard everything. Reluctantly, Andrew released her hands, but his hand remained on her breast.

‘Out yer get,’ he said, his smile had faded slightly but eyes were warm.

‘Will you turn around then,’ she whispered, but he did not move. She became more frightened.

‘Off yer go.’ Andrew winked, removing his other hand. He lay back on the rock closing his eyes. Peter with one eye continued to monitor the pair. As his sister moved towards to edge of the pool, he closed his eyes as to give her privacy.

A few minutes later, Peter opened them again and looked over to Andrew. Their gazes met; nothing was said until after Sarah left.

‘I suppose I had better get out,’ Peter said moving over towards Andrew.

‘Aye we best move, but I think I will stay here a bit longer, as my knee is feeling good.’ Peter looked at him and laughed.

‘Could be embarrassing if you got out, eh Andrew?’

‘It might be.’ Peter still smiling shook his head, leaving Andrew to wait until part of his anatomy went back to normal.

Andrew reflected about what had happened. He knew he needed to make her his, and soon. Sighing, Andrew closed his eyes and contemplated what may have been if they had been on their own.

Sarah arrived back at camp and dressed, soon being joined by Peter. Sarah’s head was spinning and she needed to take some powders for it. Several minutes later, Andrew arrived. She glanced at Andrew, feeling embarrassed, especially when he stared back at her. She soon crawled in between her blankets and fell asleep.

Rain fell again and Daniel was due to leave them, to head for a place up the Waiau River. Though Daniel got on well with the trio, Sarah was pleased he was going. He had been present at the attack and the men needed to decide what to do about it. Andrew was adamant they should speak to the authorities. Peter looked at all the legal angles and insisted Daniel make a written statement of what he witnessed. They could present his version to the police magistrate in Christchurch, and pass on information on how they could get in touch with him. He could not write, but dictated a statement for Peter to take down, then signed it with his mark. In the afternoon, Daniel bid them farewell, after giving instructions how to continue their journey.

Peter felt much better now, apart from a few aches and pains, particularly in his arm. The two men were thankful when the rain stopped and they could settle down around the fire to talk. Meanwhile, Sarah slept.

‘She will sleep all night. She needs to sleep, the alcohol helped I think.’ Andrew nodded in agreement.

The birds’ singing woke Sarah. Sarah felt better, both mentally and physically, though her head was sore and she still felt slightly embarrassed. She had begun to put the past behind her and was now happier, much to the men’s relief and as they did not mention the incident at the pool, she pretended it did not happen. As Sarah came out of the tent, she looked up at the sky, to find that it was threatening rain again at any moment. Because of this, they decided to start out as soon as possible, and set out at five, following the stream as Daniel had instructed them to do. The country was mountainous but well grassed and eventually the stream became a large river. Peter crossed at a junction but seeing no old tracks on the other side, came back. They followed the river  to a place where they saw sheep tracks on the sand. Here they stopped; the river seemed to disappear into nothing but a high gorge, where it flowed higher and faster. There was nowhere to cross. Tracking down stream, they found a place which was not too deep.

Gently easing the horses into the river, it only came up to their bellies. Sarah was apprehensive, but her horse passed the test, as she let her feel her own way across the river, reaching the other side without incident. Once on the other side, they made camp.

Next morning, up early and once more on their way, they climbed to the top of a small hill, and saw yet another river in the valley below which they rode towards. The rain had started again; Peter became concerned they may not make the river crossing before it came up too far, making it impossible for them to cross. The horses were slipping more than walking as the party approached the river. As Peter feared, it was too high and far too dangerous to attempt a crossing, so downstream the small group continued. As night was approaching, it was urgent they crossed the river before it was too dark. If the rain continued, by tomorrow, it could be days before it was safe enough to cross. A decision was made, it was now or never.

Halting at the next wide part of the river, Andrew placed his baggage on the top of his saddle, put his matches in the top of his hat and proceeded to take his trousers off. Peter followed suit.

‘What are you two doing?’ Sarah inquired.

Peter recommended that she do the same or the water would fill up her trousers and drag her under. Sarah thought this over for a few minutes but reassured them she would be all right.

‘No Sarah, I think you should take them off.’

‘No Peter!’

‘You could be sucked underneath if you do not.’

‘I will not!’ she stood tall with her hands on her hips.

Peter lost his patience.

‘You stood half naked in the pool flirting with Andrew, but you will not take your trousers off here.’

‘Peter I will not. No!’ Sarah was adamant and angry at him for bringing up the latter.

‘Lass, yer will find it hard going,’ Andrew tried also to persuade her.

The water climbed with every second they argued. Peter gave up, and shaking his head, he snatched a rope off the ground and started to unravel it. Andrew shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to put his swimming belt on. Peter held the end of a rope and handed it to Andrew, who tied the other end to his horse and then to Toby. Taking the reins, Andrew mounted Princess and drove the horse into the water, pulling Toby behind them. The water was swift and strong. It took all his horses’ strength to stay afloat. On reaching the other side, he looked back and signalled for the next person to come across. He saw Peter and Sarah arguing, and Peter shaking his head. Taking the other end of Andrew’s rope,  Peter tied it to his horse and then tied another onto hers. Placing his trousers around his neck, he too edged his horse into the water.

Once Peter was safely across the other side, it was Sarah’s turn. She felt butterflies jumping around in her stomach. Making sure the end of the rope was securely tied to her horse, she dug her heels into its side, and slowly entered the water. For two thirds of the way, the horse managed to stay on her feet.

‘Let the mare find its own way.’ shouted Andrew. Sarah felt the strength of the water against her legs. The horse fell and turned over, feet up, head down. Sarah found herself thrown into the water, but by struggling every inch of the way, she eventually managed to get to the other side. She lay still on the bank for a while, exhausted. Meanwhile, the two men battled to keep hold of the rope. The force of the river pushed the horse’s head up and brought her to the side of the river. Once there, the creature lay down and did not attempt to get up. The weight of the wet things on her back was too much for her, and the men could not go near her as the bank was composed of loose stones, making it impossible to be pulled in. Resting on the bank for a few minutes, they decided to float the horse down the river, keeping her head up until a better place could be found to bring her onto the bank of the river. Andrew rushed in and managed to loosen the girths, then with an almighty heave, the horse got up on her legs; but Sarah’s kit was thrown, into the river. Horrified to see her saddle, and all her things floating away, Sarah jumped in to the river after them, but Andrew beat her to it and tossed the gear onto the riverbank.

In the water Sarah lost her footing. The water pressure on her body, forced her under and filled her trousers up with water, pulling her further under. Trying to grab hold of anything was impossible; the water tossed her about pushing her up and down like ping-pong ball. Gasping for air, she panicked, flinging her arms out trying to grab hold of a rock, only to be forced under seconds later. Down she went again, there was pain in her chest, pressure, suffocation, more panic, and Sarah heard her inner voice screaming for air, but no air came. There was more water, pressure around her chest and something pulling at her arms, then blackness, a floating sensation and nothing. Nothing but silence and a calm sensation surrounding her body........

A feeling of warmth and well-being enveloped her. Waking she was lying covered in blankets. Her body ached all over. The warmness of someone else was close; the faint smell of tobacco and a manly smell wafted around her. She was sore, but felt calm and at peace. Stirring, she opened her eyes to see a naked chest. She saw the chest rising and falling, felt the bare skin was next to her face. The hairs tickled her nose. Strong muscular arms were wrapped about her. Becoming aware that she too, was scantily dressed in only a bodice top and long john pants, she looked up, to see Peter’s face. His eyes were closed, and then they slowly opened and to see her.

‘You gave us a scare,’ Peter’s voice spoke quietly. ‘You were dragged under and were cold when we got you out, Andrew and I have been taking turns to warm you up and now it is my turn.’ There was a twinkle in his eyes; a slight smile appeared on his lips.

Sarah felt the colour rising in her cheeks.

‘Awake at last.’ She heard Andrew’s voice. Turning slightly, she saw him rise from the fire and come closer. ‘Thank God, Peter does not have to write a letter to yer Mother and Father. Yer gave us a fright lass. How are yer feeling, all warmed up?’

‘Yes, thanks.’

‘I will get more wood for the fire; yer clothes are all dry. Yer have been out to it for two days.’ With that comment, he rose, glanced at Peter, and walked into the bush.

Sarah looked back at her brother; his face had a serious look.

‘That man shared this bed with me, without many clothes on?’

‘He had his long johns and promised to behave himself.’

‘You believed him?’

‘Sarah, if he wanted to take to you, there have been several times he could have done so, but he did not.’ Peter whispered. ‘He was worried about you. It was the only way we could warm you up.’ She looked up at her brother suspiciously. ‘We better get up and get going. You stay here; I will bring you your clothes and a warm drink.’ Peter withdrew his arms, and extracted himself from the blankets. Grabbing the rest of his clothes, he dressed.

Sarah felt confused, offended on one hand that Andrew had shared her bed, but liking the thought of it, on the other. What did Peter mean, when he had said Andrew wanted to take her? The idea they may part in Christchurch sent her brain reeling. Remembering the incident out of Nelson, it may not matter any way, as she could be put into prison. But Sarah could not put Andrew out of her mind and she watched Andrew as he carefully placed wood on the fire. A spark jumped onto his shirt. Quickly flicking it off, he glanced over to Sarah, and their gazes met.

Andrew once more been through the trauma of nearly losing her. He remembered what Peter said about a good woman being hard to find, one that a person could feel comfortable with, one whom you could spend the rest of your life with. If she loved him, she would not mind if she lived in a hut or a mansion. Whatever he did, he must not let her get away because such a chance only came once. Yes, he would have to think long and hard about when he must make his next move.

It would be only three days until they reached Christchurch. Peter had talked about a possible partnership and the decision would have to be made in the next few days. Andrew looked away from Sarah and into the fire. Peter was a good fellow, he did not know much about farming, but he had a good head on his shoulders, was not afraid of hard work and was willing to learn. Being a Solicitor, that would be invaluable in securing land. The problem was Sarah; she would be there to haunt him. Andrew became restless; he knew what he had to do. He had made his decision and it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He must not let her go, they had been through too much. His heart ached when he thought he may have lost her in the river, but it had confirmed that he loved her.

Andrew rose and gave Sarah a mug of tea and her clothes. Back to the fire once more, he glanced up to see Peter returning with the firewood. When he looked back at Sarah, she was gone. He did not speak to Peter but continued to stare into the flames.

‘You all right Andrew?’

‘Yes, yes, fine, fine.’ Andrew began to prepare breakfast. The three sat in silence and then broke camp and once more, they were on their way. The horses had recovered and soon they came to a farm station. The house consisted of a hob in a bank with a roof over it and a long tube for a chimney. There were about six hundred sheep, all scabby. No yards, or sheds, so the shearers sheared under a blanket for shelter. The wool was put into the nearly full house. Once shorn, the sheep were dipped into a cask, full of liquid tobacco, then released back into the rest of the flock. The sheep were difficult to keep together, as they were wild. Many got away, darting off into the hills as fast as they could go.

The trio, were offered lunch, which consisted of mutton and bread. There was the usual conversation about their trip. A shepherd said there were many isolated shepherds’ huts and people would not mind if they stayed in them for the night. With this in mind, the group started off again.

Another station could be seen in the distance but they did not approach and continued on their way. Both Andrew and Sarah were quiet; each seemed preoccupied with their own thoughts. Peter, thinking something was up, talked more than the others. Continuing down into another plain, they found the country treeless but covered with long fine grass. The whole of the area appeared to be taken, but not stocked. Firewood was sparse so was obtained from the riverbanks as they went. As dusk began to fall, they came across an abandoned shepherd’s hut.

All agreed to spend their penultimate night of the trip in the hut. The floor was paved with small round pebble stones, but with a couple of blankets placed near the fire on straw which Peter located out in the side shed, it made for a comfortable night’s sleep. The men tended the horses while Sarah prepared half of their rations. Sarah realised once more she would lie next to Andrew. Yesterday, her body wanted to be close to him, to smell his manly scent and feel the heat from his body. Not knowing what the future had in store, this may be the last time she would sleep near him. Her heart sank thinking about it and she made herself busy placing the bedding on the straw, making sure hers was between the two men. They would not think this strange, as she had done this on many occasions since the attack.

With the meal over, the light faded and it was time to retire for the evening. The three settled down for the night. Sarah placed extra perfume onto her neck and wrists. She was not sleepy and spent the time devising ways to get closer to Andrew. Peter, was as usual snoring. She felt Andrew’s body close, yet so far away. Andrew appeared to be sound asleep. Maybe she could pretend to be asleep and roll accidentally toward Andrew. Yes, that would look innocent enough.

Sarah settled down, but a few minutes later, she could wait no longer. Gently rolling towards Andrew, her body was now touching his. If she opened her eyes, she would be looking up into his, but she dared not. Trying to control her breathing, she pretended to be asleep, and nestled closer. She felt the heat from his body, and the smell of tobacco and his breath on her face. Sarah lay still, too frightened to move in case she woke him. Maybe this was not such a good idea after all.

Meanwhile, Andrew was not asleep either; he too found it hard to settle. In two days they may part. He had pondered seriously about the partnership between him and Peter, but had doubts. The idea of seeing Sarah all the time would be unbearable, unbearable if she was not his. He lay motionless, not wanting to move. Sarah moved closer. She was beside him. Her scent reached his nose, tickling his senses, making it intolerable. Suddenly, his arm came out and pulled her closer. Sarah felt the pressure of his arm around her. She opened her eyes; the light from the fire danced on Andrews’s face.

‘Sarah,’ he paused. His lips met hers in a long passionate kiss. Sarah could do nothing but respond; tears entered her eyes. A sense of want, rippled from her nipples to her loins. Pulling back, breathless, she said:

‘I, I love you Andrew Mackenzie.’

‘And I, you,’ replied Andrew. Again, they kissed; Andrew pulled Sarah’s blanket back and put his over both of them. His arm explored her back, waist, and hips, coming back up again to her face, stroking her cheeks. Peter stirred, Andrew looked over Sarah’s head at him, but he settled again.

‘Now, I am supposed to ask permission from yer father but he is not here. I should ask yer brother but he is fast asleep, so I will have to ask yer. Sarah Paterson, will yer marry me?’ He searched her face for a hint of what would be the reply.

‘Oh, yes, Andrew with all my heart and soul. I will marry you.’ Both smiled, as Andrew pulled her closer. Kissing her lips, his hands moved down to her breast, where he paused. Sarah gasped at his touch and shook. Sensing her discomfort, his hand once more travelled to her hips. She reached up and kissed his forehead, exposing the tops of her breasts. Andrew kissed them, first one, then the other. His hands slipped inside her trousers and rested on the naked skin of her buttocks. Once more he pulled her towards him. She felt him hardening; at this point, they knew they must stop. Sarah pulled back, both breathing rapidly. One last kiss and Andrew held her close, but then removed his hands and told her to roll over, pulling her nearer once more. Sarah back was nestled against Andrews’s stomach and chest, his arms held her tightly. She felt a part of his body wanted to continue, but of course he would not compromise her.

‘We’d better get some sleep. There is a way to go before we reach Christchurch.’ Andrew kissed her on the neck, making Sarah flush all over and they both lay content in each other’s arms and settled for the night.

In the morning, Peter was the first to wake. On opening his eyes, he looked towards Sarah and Andrew. Andrew’s arms were around his sister as she slept.

He smiled and rose quietly to stir the warm embers. Placing several pieces of wood on the fire, it burst into life. Glancing once more at the pair, and thinking of Nancy, he turned and walked outside. Andrew heard Peter, and kissing Sarah gently, he rose. Andrew knew he needed to speak to him.

Peter was saddling up the horses.

‘Good morning Andrew, you look well this morning.’

‘Good morning Peter,’ Andrew replied, as he went towards him. Peter placed a saddle on Beauty and strapped it on.

‘Aye, Aye, I feel fine.’ There was a pause.

‘There is something I would like to discuss with you.’

‘Yes Andrew, and what would that be?’ Peter tried not to smile, as he noticed his friend’s obvious discomfort. Andrew looked at the ground, kicking the dirt with his foot as he spoke,

‘I want to ask, as yer Sarah’s closet relative, if I can ask Sarah to marry me?’

‘Oh,’ Peter glanced at Andrew. ‘What would you say if I said no?’ Andrew stared back, not knowing what to say next. He looked concerned and his face went slightly red. ‘But I will not. Actually, I have a feeling you have already asked her.’ Andrew smiled and nodded. Peter finished doing up the strap.

‘And what did she say?’

‘Aye, she said yes.’ Andrew glanced at Peter, grinning from ear to ear.

‘It is about bloody time. You two have been driving me crazy.’ They shook hands. ‘Since you have been together, it is been a love hate relationship. I have been wondering when you both would realise you were meant for each other and get on with it.’

‘That sounds romantic, but Sarah was not always interested in me and she seemed distant.’

‘You are so unobservant sometimes. Just as that fellow Cormack said in Wellington. The way you looked at her and she at you, it was obvious. You could have had her before we reached Wellington, but of course I would have not let you. Anyhow congratulations, it could not have happened to a nicer chap. I am sure you will make Sarah very happy and if you do not, you will have me to answer to. It is about time someone else keeps her under control.’

‘Enough said. Yer know the partnership we discussed. Are yer still interested?

‘Yes I am, as long as you remember I am no farmer and I want to have the option to return to the law. I will keep my money in, you could say, for Sarah’s sake, but I have got to be able to go back, if farming does not suit.’

‘Fine by me. Are yer thinking of Nancy when yer say this, because I have no objection.’

‘Mmm, you could say that. She is not an isolated farm girl. She has told me this. I want to keep things open. Done deal?’ Peter asked.

‘Done deal,’ replied Andrew. They shook on it and walked back towards the other horses to saddle them.

‘The land appears to have all gone in the Canterbury district. In Nelson, they said Otago seems promising. Do you think are you game to try there?’

‘I guess yer right. I have heard Dunedin is like Scotland and many Scots have settled there. Therefore, it sounds good. We will make that decision in Christchurch. We had better get organised and get on our way. I will go and wake Sarah.’ Andrew turned and walked into the hut, while Peter continued with the saddling of the horses.

‘Good morning, sleepy head.’ Sarah opened her eyes. Was it a dream, had Andrew asked her to marry him? Her answer came as Andrew walked over to her. She sat up as he crouched down and brushed several hairs out of her eyes. Bending down towards her, he kissed her gently on her lips, Sarah responded. Her heart jumped about again.

‘Come on, we want our breakfast.’

‘I beg your pardon; I am not married to you yet. I have a good mind to withdraw my consent. Is that all you want me for, to cook your breakfast?’

‘Of course not, I am in love with yer and yer love me. Stop talking a lot of nonsense, I adore yer breakfasts.’ He helped her up and tickled her.

‘Andrew!’ Sarah protested, laughing.

When Sarah saw Peter, he gave her cuddle, confirming he was pleased at their news.

‘I am sure you will be happy with Andrew. Any problems, do not forget I will be there to help you out. But he is to be your husband. In some matters, I will not interfere.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You can be a handful sometimes and once you are wed, he will be the one to discipline you.’

‘You make me sound like a child.’

‘Sometimes, dear sister, you are.’

‘Peter, I deny that!’ she said indignantly

‘We will leave it there. Beg to differ, I think they call it.’ 

The packing in the morning did not take long and soon they were on their way. By nine o’clock they crossed more plains similar to the ones the day before. Soon the Hurunui River rose up in front of them. Checking first, Andrew and Peter agreed it was safe to ford. It was decided that Andrew would go first with Toby, followed by Sarah then Peter. A rope was secured between the horses but Sarah was still apprehensive about the crossing. Slowly entering the water, the horses moved gradually across the river. The water was swift but only came to the horses knees and they made it across easily. Sarah sighed with relief as her horse climbed up a small bank on the other side.

As dusk arrived, a river came into view. Surrounded by trees, with logs large and small suitable for firewood made it a perfect campsite.

The sun went down, bathing the scene in a red glow. With not a cloud in the sky, the travellers prepared for the night. It was hot and they did not bother to pitch the tents, preferring to sleep out in the open. The fire was lit, and the mutton put on to cook. With no tea left, Sarah boiled water instead. At last, everyone was settled for the long night ahead.

Sarah could not sleep; she was preoccupied with the thought she would have to face up to the magistrate. Andrew asked her to marry him, and her mind spun with all the things she would have to do for that occasion. But she could be in prison for all she knew. If Andrew did marry her, could it mean Peter would not be with her? She would have to go where Andrew went without her brother. Feeling afraid, she felt she did not know this man and he did not know her. However, many marriages were made when neither husband nor wife had met each other and got to know each other only after they were wed.

She arose carefully so not to wake the men. There was no one else was around for several miles, and she felt safe. The moon was high and it was easy to see her way to the river. Her whole body felt sticky. Taking a handkerchief out of her pocket, she dipped it into the cool water and proceeded to wash her neck and face. The water felt refreshing, it was a shame it was not deeper or she would have gone for a swim.

Andrew stirred, he was aware Sarah had got up. Peter’s snoring was particularly loud and after a few moments, he too raised himself. Making his way down towards the river, he saw Sarah’s silhouette against the moonlight.

‘Could yer nae sleep.’ Sarah was startled for a few moments, but relaxed when she realised who it was.

‘No, too sticky. Cannot seem to settle and Peter’s snoring does not help.’ Andrew remembered the night they had sat on the log. Her face glowed in the moonlight as it had then. Back then, he wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her, but he could not. Tonight it was different, for he had declared his love to her and she to him. He looked at her once more; her face glowed as she smiled. Placing his arm around her, he pulled her close. Sarah looked up into his eyes, it was too much for him to bear, and he kissed her. Sarah returned his kiss, each not wanting to stop. Hugging closer to each other, neither wanted to let go.

‘Sarah I love yer so much. From the start of our journey yer have been like a sword in my side, then in my heart. I hope I do not disappoint yer. We will have a lot to do; it may not turn out the way we want, but no matter what happens, I will love you and will protect yer with all my heart and strength. That I will promise yer.’

‘I know you will, my love. I know you will. I am not frightened of hard work. I hope I will not disappoint you. What will happen if the constable arrests me and I go to prison or worse?’ Andrew pulled back.

‘Yer can never disappoint me and nothing will happen. It was self-defence and Peter is sure no man could convict yer. Do not worry.’ He kissed her once more. Taking her hand, he led her over to a log and sat astride of it and encouraging Sarah to sit beside him. With her back towards him she nestled herself close into his body. Andrews’s arms held her tight. They looked out at the river as it slowly made its way past them. Andrew took out his pipe and lit it. The two made plans. He told her of the partnership between her brother, and him and what was in the agreement. Sarah was relieved to learn Peter would be remaining with them.

‘I will be with two of the three men I love most in the world.’


‘You, Peter and my father.’ Andrew laughed. He had a wonderful laugh, one which was infectious and would warm anyone’s heart.

‘I knew that.’

They became silent, each absorbed with their own thoughts. Andrew leant forward once more, and kissed the top of her head. Sarah snuggled closer to his chest and closed her eyes. She heard his breathing drawing in as he occasionally took a puff of his pipe. The sound of the water trickling over the stones calmed her and soon she drifted off to sleep. Andrew stroked her cheek and kissed her gently on the forehead, then on her lips, waking her.

‘Come on lass, time for bed.’

Andrew restocked the fire and they snuggled into their blankets, with Peter’s snoring sounding out over the quiet night. They tried to sleep but Sarah was still greatly concerned with what would happen when they reached Christchurch.

Dawn came and it was stunning as the sunset had been the night before. The prairie was bathed, in golden colours from the rising sun. Sarah’s body felt weary like it had on many mornings before, but the idea of sleeping in a bed once more made her come alive. Her skin felt slightly burnt from the many days of being exposed to the elements. She smelt the smoke and heard the crackling of the fire as someone prepared breakfast. Opening her eyes, she rose and grabbed a face cloth from her kit, and made her way down to the river. She paused to look at the scene in front of her, and smell the fresh air. Feeling calm and at peace, the thought of Andrew loving her gave her a sense of great happiness. Sarah knew they would be content with each other. She only hoped she would not let Andrew down and would be a good wife and, eventually, a mother. She remembered Kate’s layette in Nelson, remembered the feel and smell of it, one day that may be for her too. Turning back to the camp, she packed up for the last day’s travelling.

It was approximately forty-five miles to Christchurch but they could not go there directly, as there where swamps in the way where they could get stuck. It was about eleven o’clock when they reached the edge of a dry riverbed. The horses were slow and tired, they too feeling the weariness of days of travel. It seemed to take forever to cross the nearly mile wide riverbed. Rounded stone caused the horses to take extra care. On the other side, they found a house from which there was a dray road. They passed several huts, native places and two ferries, which were used to cross sluggish looking rivers. Sarah’s horse was tired and stopped at every house they came to, reluctant to move on. The country remained flat, with sand hills banked up near the sea. They reached the town at about five o’clock.