Chapter  Fourteen

The Start of a New Beginning

The trip to Dunedin was uneventful. An airy silence surrounded them as they came closer to land and could make out the dark hills towering above the settlement through the mist. The fawn coloured sand hills and the evergreen covered hills came down to the water’s edge. It was a while before Sarah heard the Captain shouting orders to his first mate. The crew then burst into action, busying themselves preparing the ship for landing. With no room to berth, the Captain gave orders to drop anchor. Passengers were given the option to off load into long boats or wait on board. Their possessions were to follow when the ship docked, which would not be until tomorrow. Because it was so calm, the decision was made to disembark animals. With blindfolds on, the horses were lead down planks into the long boats. They were ferried closer to land, then the head covers were removed and they were encouraged to  swim to land. This was not an easy task as the horses objected, but with a lot of persuasion, they jumped with their reins being held by crew members, pulling them towards the shore. Exhausted, they reached the beach, and after a few moments, were herded into the pens.

Patiently Sarah waited for her turn to board the long boats. Andrew assisted her into the boat, terrified least she would fall. Her dress caught at one time but Peter managed to free it. Sitting in the boat, her nerves calmed as she was rowed to shore and laughed at herself for being so nervous.

The mist cleared, exposing a lovely day. Angus was waiting for them when they arrived.

‘Welcome, welcome, we are all ready for yer. Beatrice is very excited. The dray is this way.’ Sarah followed Angus and climbed on to the cart. Glancing around while waiting for the men to collect their horses and Angus to load their gear, she saw Dunedin was a small town, with over a hundred wooden houses, and a sea mud for the main street. Sarah noticed several males lifting their female companions up and carrying them from one side of the street to the other so their feet would not get dirty or stuck in the mud. Angus climbed onto the trap, slapped the reins on to the horses’ back and moved off.

‘Gee up, old girl,’ and the horse moved slowly up the road. The men followed on their horses, each with another horse in tow. Sarah continued to survey the town; there were two butchers, three bakers and several shops with large windows displaying goods. She was particularly interested in the stationery and haberdashery stores. At one end of the street was a large barracks, for the use of newly arrived settlers, one end for women and children, the other for the men.

‘Yer can get servants, but good ones are hard to find and difficult to keep.’ Angus remarked. Passing a large hotel, he said: ‘It is as good a house as yer could wish for in Scotland. Waiter service, excellent food as well.’ Leaving the town, they made their way around the bay towards the other side of the harbour, where the road was crude and rough. At times, Sarah felt as if she was still on board the boat, as she was thrown about. After half an hour, they arrived at the house.

Situated on a small hill, surrounded in bush and by fruit trees, it faced over the harbour and commanded a wonderful view of Dunedin in the distance. As the dray came up to the front of the house, Sarah looked closely at the building. It was two storied, made of wood with a shingle roof, with a veranda along the front of it. Two balconies came off doors on the second floor, with ivy framing the windows and doors. Above were several attic windows with chimneys reaching upwards out of the roof. An English garden surrounded the house, with a wide path leading up to the front veranda. It was a large house, and Sarah felt it welcomed them. The entranceway was decked out with flowers and plants, several rooms came off the hall, and a large staircase wound its way up to the upper floors. Beatrice appeared from  the dining room.

‘Welcome, how are yer all? Yer must be Sarah? I have heard so much about yer from Angus.’ Beatrice was not a small woman, and had a pleasant face, covered with wrinkles from years of smiling. Looking behind Sarah, Beatrice spotted Andrew. Her face lit up even more, and tears formed of joy filled her eyes, as she headed towards him with her arms stretched out.

‘Andrew, Andrew!’ Placing her arms around him, she hugged and  kissed him.

‘Oh. I have missed yer lad. Though I must admit, I got used to having food in my pantry.’ Drawing back, she looked him up and down as she brushed the tears from her face.

‘Yer too skinny but I am sure with good home cooking we can fix that.’

‘I have put weight on since I have been here.’

‘Beatrice this is my good friend and brother to Sarah, Peter Paterson.’ Beatrice welcomed him.

‘Yer all must be tired and hungry. We have prepared lunch and I shall have it brought into the dining room.’

‘Why do not we eat in the kitchen?’ Angus complained.

‘Certainly not!’

‘How many times have we had Andrew in our kitchen?’

‘No Angus, the dining room. Now yer show our guests up to their rooms so they can freshen up and then we can all sit down and dine.’ Angus knew it was not worth arguing.

‘Lads, hang your hats up there and I will tell Teddy to bring up your bits and pieces. Come along, we do not want the food to get cold.’  

After a trip to the toilet and a quick wash, Sarah entered the dining room. A large long table was set with several places. A long side table had a selection of cold cuts, fruit and salads. A young woman in a maid’s uniform entered carrying cooked vegetables, followed by Beatrice.

‘This looks lovely,’ Sarah remarked.

‘Sit down my dear and start lunch, yer must be hungry by now.’ The rest of their party had arrived.

An hour later, they were still sitting around the dining room table talking and laughing, remembering both happy and sad past times.

‘Right yer lot out of the dining room so we can clean up.’

‘Yes, mother,’ Angus replied. Angus suggested they retire out onto the veranda for a smoke. Sarah wanted to go to her room for a rest, so excused herself.

On entering her room, she had more time to look around. The room was large, with a double bed, and a lovely bedspread of lace and silk. It was finely sewn and must have taken weeks to complete. The window was open and the lace curtains were blown gently by a light breeze. Blue velvet curtains hung down to the floor on either side of the window, and a matching rug completed the look, giving the room a comforting feeling. Sarah eyed the bed once more, she had not realised how tired she was. After months of travelling and living in tents and hotel rooms, it was nice to be in a home, one she knew she was welcome in. Lying down, she soon fell fast asleep.

Later, a sound of someone tapping at the door.

‘Sarah, Sarah are yer there?’ It was Andrew. Sarah opened her eyes and took her a few minutes to register where she was.

‘Come in!’ she called out and was about to get up, when Andrew entered.

‘Hello sleepy head, it is six o’clock, time for tea.’ He said this as he came over and sat on the bed beside her. Sarah lay back again, looking up at him.

‘I did not realise how tired I was, I only closed my eyes for a minute.’ He gently brushed away a hair that was across her forehead. She looked so appealing he could not resist and leant forward to kiss her.

‘Well Sir, is it proper to be alone with your fiancée, in her bedroom?’ she laughed.

‘I have before but, I suppose yer better let me go.’

‘Hmm, I suppose I will have to.’ They kissed once more and Sarah released her hold around from Andrews’s neck.

‘Well woman, time to get up, dinner is nearly ready.’

‘It seems as though we have just had lunch.’

‘I will see yer down stairs.’ He left and after a quick freshen up, Sarah followed.

Dinner was pleasant; the children joined them. Jody was eighteen, a tall good looking young man, Annie at fourteen, had brown eyes which would attract any young man. Annie made it clear she wanted to sit next to Peter and spent the night looking at him with adoring eyes and trying to make conversation.

‘And when do yer two intend to tie the knot?’ asked Angus. Sarah glanced at Andrew, blushing.

‘Oh, we have not picked a date yet but it will be soon, as we will be busy in the next couple of months,’

‘What about next Saturday?’ Angus asked. Beatrice responded excitedly.

‘That will be grand as we are having a party, to introduce yer to our friends and we could turn it into a wedding instead. It would be wonderful.’ Sarah’s heart jumped.

‘What, oh, but I.... we cannot. I have not got anything organised, I have to finish organizing my dress and what about the banns?’ 

‘Yes yer can, we are not formal over here. Andrew and I discussed this. The church is being used this weekend, so yer could get married in the courthouse or here. People sometimes have to travel miles before they can find a minister and they marry then and there, no questions asked. Dr Burns will be pleased to marry yer, as he was coming anyway. I will send a message to him tomorrow to confirm.’

‘That is very kind but I...I...’ Sarah tried to speak but was interrupted by Andrew who gently squeezed her hand and winked at her.

‘It sounds grand Beatrice and Angus, I am sure we can organise something by then.’ Andrew felt this woman was driving him crazy. He wanted her; he wanted to feel his body as close as a man could get to a woman. He wanted to make her his for the rest of his life, he did not want to wait too much longer.

Sarah, meanwhile, thought that things were moving too quickly and after dinner, went looking for her brother in his room.

‘Peter, it is me Sarah.’

‘Come in, what is up?’

‘Oh Peter, I am so confused. I want to marry Andrew but not in six days’ time, it seems too soon. I have not got my dress organised; I do not know what to do.’

‘Come here.’ Peter pulled her close.

‘I think yer getting cold feet. Yer will not have another opportunity for weeks. Once we find a place, one of us has to stay there until we file for ownership, which could take us a long time.’

‘I know, I suppose you are right.’ she sniffed.

‘You have known Andrew for over three months, living with him every day, so you know what he is like. It will be equivalent to you courting for a year and more. You know him better than mother and father did before they got married... Do you love him?’

‘Oh Peter, of course I do and I know he loves me. I suppose I always considered Mother and Father would be at my wedding, not thousands of miles away.’

‘Things are different in New Zealand, it is not like England. They are encouraging people to marry and have children so as to increase the population.’ Peter released her and she walked over and sat on his bed.

‘So that is it. I feel like I am part of increasing the population, doing my part for the new nation.’

‘Oh come on sis, you know what I mean. Getting married to Andrew is important, but it is one thing on a long list of things you or we have to do. It seems convenient, and to be honest Andrew loves you. I knew in Wellington something would happen between you two.’

‘You could have told me,’ Sarah said sarcastically.

‘I told mother instead. I thought she needed something to cheer her up.’

‘Peter, no wonder she sent me a pair of satin slippers.’

‘Sis, I do not think you could find a better man than Andrew, except your brother of course.’

‘Listen to you, I am not a yes woman like Nancy.’

‘You may not be, but mark my words as I have said before; when you marry Andrew, I am sure he will be like the next man. He will want his woman to honour and obey and if it means you have to eat humble pie sometimes, my dear sister, then you will have to, or you will be in for a hard time. Once you are his wife, I will not be interfering.’

‘If he started hitting me like Mr. Thomas did to his wife,  would you not help?’

‘I do not think for one moment Andrew will treat you like that.’

‘I know he will not.’

‘And I bet he is a good lover,’ Peter said quietly.

‘What was that Peter?’

‘Nothing. I am off to have a smoke, why do not you come down and do yer sewing with Beatrice in the lounge. Everything will fall into place, do not worry.’ Leaning over he picked up his pipe and tobacco, give his sister a wink and left the room. Sarah sat on the edge of the bed thinking, she had a case of pre-wedding nerves.

‘It is grand to have Andrew here.’ Beatrice sat dressed in her night-gown, brushing her hair.

‘Aye, it is that and he brought a bonny lass with him and all.’ Angus finished dressing in his night-shirt and came over to Beatrice. Reaching out he took the hairbrush from her and brushed her long, greying hair.

‘I miss having a lot of people around, now all the older children have gone. It will be nice to have a wedding in the place again. Having Andrew here is like having one of my bairns home again.’

‘He could say yer saved his life. The weeks after the ambush, it was yer who nursed him back to health. Without you, my dear, he would have been long gone.’

Beatrice swallowed and fought back the tears as she remembered Andrew, his body torn apart by sword and bullet. She recalled the endless nights she had stayed up with him, as he fought the fevers and bad dreams. She recalled the battle she had with her own man too, when he was injured.

‘I suppose yer right.’

‘He feels like one of my own. I am sure he will make her happy. He is been taught by the best.’

‘And what did yer mean by that comment, Sir?’

‘Aw lass, I think yer know.’ Angus leant forward and gave her a kiss on her neck.

‘Angus behave, we have guests in the house.’

‘Since when has it stopped us before?’ he whispered, and she giggled as he continued to caress her neck.

‘Time for bed, my dear.’ Taking the hairbrush from his hand she placed it on the duchess. Angus was already in bed, with a smile on his face as he tapped the mattress with his hand.

‘Turn the lamp down low,’ he said as she came towards him.

The following morning was a busy one. After breakfast, the men  rode into Dunedin, as Angus wanted to introduce them around. There was a lot of interest in Peter being a Solicitor.

‘Will have to work on him,’ said one of Angus’s acquaintances. ‘We need Solicitors with experience in land transferral, as we will be getting more and more people wishing to settle and where there are people, there are bound to be arguments.’

Angus introduced them to the Land Commissioner who was helpful in giving them an idea of where the good available land was. The Colonel had work to do, and said he’d meet them for lunch and then return to the house. The men stayed longer at the office, made firm plans to travel and check out the land, then had a look around Dunedin.

Meanwhile back at the house, Sarah was still unsettled. She hoped her dress would be all right, but deep down she wished she had something else to wear. Then Beatrice knocked on her door and entered.

‘Yer looked worried, my dear.’

‘Everything is happening so fast, I was thinking of my dress for the wedding but I do not think it is good enough. I have not seen it since I left England and I do not know what condition it is in.’

‘Yer did not bring a wedding gown with you?’

‘No, I did not think I will be married so quickly.’ Beatrice looked Sarah up and down.

‘I may have just the thing. Victoria was married last year and I have still got her wedding dress. Yer look about the same size. I will go and fetch it.’

Beatrice returned several minutes later with a gown. Sarah tried it on, and after a few tucks here and there, they found it would be perfect.

‘I have got a bonnet and shoes; all I need now is a pair of gloves. Thank you, Beatrice. Do you think Victoria will mind?’

‘No, no. She is up in Wellington and she would be delighted. Sarah smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror.

‘We can go into Dunedin tomorrow and see about a pair of gloves.’ Sarah nodded but still felt unsettled, thinking of the wedding night to come.

Duncan and his children arrived at the house in the afternoon. Andrew greeted him with open arms and after brief introductions, they settled down to talk about old times. Peter liked Duncan straight away and it was obvious the three would get on well together. Duncan’s wife, Margaret, was unable to come as one of the children was ill but he had brought the other children to their grandmothers to give his wife a break. He had five children, Jeffery, four, twins, Matthew and Irene, three, then two year old Angus and the new born, Mairead, who was at home; five children under five. Children ran in all directions, with Annie trying to help her mother keep them under control. Sarah wanted children but how on earth would she manage with so many at once. The only way she knew how to prevent children was with abstinence and, obviously, Duncan did not practice this at all. It did explain the conversation she overheard between Duncan and Peter, about the wife not wanting him near her and how he knew of an establishment which could meet his needs. Typical of Peter to get onto that topic; she pretended it did not matter but worried it might be his downfall one day. They stayed for tea and Beatrice insisted she come back to the house with Duncan to help for the night. The next morning she planned to help Margaret find a nanny for the children. Angus did not argue, and kissed his wife good-bye as she climbed onto the trap.

Shopping in Dunedin was an event in itself. Beatrice met Sarah in town, after a night with Duncan’s family. All  morning she had tried to find a woman, suitable for nursery work but settled in the end for an eighteen-year-old. It was extremely hard to find good workers. Although feeling tired, she managed a surge of energy for the wedding preparations.

‘She will only last a couple of weeks but I suppose she will be of some use while the little one is sick. I have been telling Duncan for weeks that Margaret needed a nanny.’

Sarah needed other bits and pieces. At the bottom of the main street was a putrid mud heap, with organic matter as well as animal and vegetable remains and sewerage from the town. A humid gas came off the pile and moving through the town depending on which way the wind was blowing. Princess Street was a sea of mud as it had rained the night before, but there were crossings of ‘long flax’ thrown down for the walkers.

At one point, Sarah went off on her own and was about to cross a road when she met Andrew.

‘Excuse me, madam,’ he tipped his hat. ‘Are yer trying to cross the road?’

‘Why yes I am, Sir.’ Scooping her into his arms, packages and all, he carried her over to the other side. Sarah felt slightly embarrassed.

‘Andrew, put me down.’

‘I will in a minute, if yer stop squirming.’ He placed her down on the other side.

‘I could have managed you know.’

‘Yes and got stuck half way and we would have had to dig yer out.’

‘Thank you anyway. Did you get your jobs done?’

‘Yes, we have a couple of places that look interesting. Peter and I will have to leave in a week’s time if we want to secure the better of the two.’ A ripple of fear shot though her. She had not thought the men would be leaving her alone. She paled at the thought.

‘Are yer alright?’

‘Fine, fine,’ she snapped back, her stomach in a knot once more.’

Laddened with packages, Beatrice came along the walkway, talking to another woman as she walked. On coming up to Andrew and Sarah, she introduced them to her companion.

‘Harriet, may I introduce Captain Andrew Mackenzie and his fiancée, Miss Sarah Paterson. Andrew and Sarah, this is Harriet Jones, who is the wife of Mr. Ian Jones, the town clerk.’ They shook hands and spent a few moments chatting before Mrs. Jones went on her way. Andrew helped the ladies back to the dray with their packages and left them.

Everything went smoothly over the following days, with both the land and the wedding plans resolved. Sarah was pleased to rest as she finished her monthly, and was studying lists of things she would have to do while the men were away. They would need supplies to last them at least six months, from flour, candles and preserves. Angus offered them fruit from their trees. There were plenty of peaches, apricots and apples, to name a few from the MacPherson’s orchard. Sarah made a mental note to plant fruit trees and a vegetable garden when they arrived at their new home.

She checked their supplies in the barn, where the smell of dry hay, with a hint of canvas, greeted her. A hen clucked around her feet as it scratched on the ground for a morsel of food. Sarah wanted the preserving jars she had brought from England and Auckland. Spying her piano, she went over and pulled the covers off. Opening the lid, she tinkled with the keys; the piano seemed to be slightly out of tune, but this did not worry her. She had not played the piano for weeks, not since the Ashton’s. Pulling up a large case, she placed it by the instrument and played. The song was one her mother liked, a ballad. Tears entered her eyes as she remembered home and her parents and wished they were here.

‘Thinking of home?’ a voice came from behind her.

‘Yes, Peter. I wish mother and father were here.’

‘I know sis, I know.’

‘Do you think we will ever see them again?’ she asked. Sarah saw a slight tear in his eyes. He swallowed before answering:

‘I do not know.

‘You are a big softy, dear brother, is that a tear?’

‘Certainly not, do not be ridiculous.’ But Sarah knew better. She dried her own tears and smiled.

‘While you are here, you may as well help. I am looking for my preserving jars.’ Peter always seemed to be the stronger of the two of them, but he must also feel the loneliness of being far from home. It would be sometime before Nancy would be joining him and in some ways she saw why he chose to go into town for a night out, to have his needs met. She knew all about his exploits. Sarah noticed Andrew did not join him and was thankful. After locating the jars, Peter helped her carry them back to the house.

It was Friday; the next day was her wedding. They had decided to have it at the house and not at the courthouse. Once more, Sarah ventured into the town. Peter and Andrew wanted to go and with Beatrice for company, they set off in the dray. The streets of Dunedin were as they had been since they arrived, a sea of mud and other unmentionable stuff. Sarah purchased the gloves she wanted for the wedding. She then went to cross the road.

‘Just in time dear knight,’ she said as she spied Peter.

‘What is up?’ he asked.

‘Could you help a damsel in distress?

‘You do not look too distressed to me.’

‘I want to cross the road and need you to carry me.’

‘You want me to carry you?’

‘Yes please, and thank you for the offer.’

‘I do not know about you, Sarah.’ He smiled as he picked his sister up and carried her across the extremely muddy road, setting her down right in front of Mrs. Jones.

‘Why thank you kind Sir.’

‘Any time, Madam.’

‘Oh, Good morning, Mrs. Jones.’

‘Well, I never,’ said Mrs. Jones and she stuck her head up in the air and both women walked away as Mrs Jones talked to her companion.

‘What was that all about?’ Sarah asked. Peter shrugged his shoulders.

The two finished their shopping and went back to the dray. They were standing beside it when Beatrice and Andrew appeared, looking as they were enjoying a good joke.

‘I do not know Sarah, but yer have been only in town for a couple of days and yer the gossip of the place.’

‘Beatrice, whatever do you mean?’

‘We met Mrs. Jones who informed us yer were seen in the arms of a young man, who may I add, was not your fiancée. She told us yer kissed this gentleman on the cheek. Do yer have an explanation for yer behaviour, young lady?’ she said trying to keep a straight face.

‘You are joking; Peter was helping me across the road. Did she think ....Oh dear? I hope you put her right?’

‘I was going to say Andrew will scold yer when we got home, but I decided better not to and put her out of her misery or pleasure. She loves a good gossip and it will be all around the town in no time.’ The group smiled as the men helped the ladies onto the dray. Sarah looked at Andrew suspiciously.

‘What is this about scolding me? Yer would nae dare?’ She imitated his accent.

‘Oh, I do not know. A husband can scold their wife in public, if her behaviour is inappropriate.’

‘You are making that up?’

‘Oh am I.’ Andrew winked and smiled, as he slapped the reigns onto the back of the horse. ‘Gee up!’ Sarah gave Andrew a funny look as they drove back home. No, he is only joking.

Sarah woke, she had not slept well, and dragged herself out of bed. Pulling back the curtains, she saw there a thick mist. This did not disappoint her because she knew it would be burned off by lunchtime. She saw her wedding dress was hanging on the back of the door. The petticoat, shoes, gloves and stockings were on the chair, and her coal shuttle bonnet was on the duchess. Beatrice had decorated the house beautifully, with flowers. Sarah felt scared, she wanted her mother with her on this day. Taking a big breath she sat down on her bed and stared at the floor. A knock on the door brought her back to reality.

‘Come in!’ Peter entered the room and looked at his sister.

‘Should you not cover up when a man enters your room?’

‘Oh, sorry, I was not thinking.’ Grabbing her dressing gown she hastily put it on.

‘Decided I’d check to see how the bride was this morning.’

‘Fine, fine....No, I am not, I’m scared.’

‘It is normal for someone to be nervous on their wedding day.’

‘I bet Andrew isn’t. It is different for a man.’ Peter walked over to the dresser and put his hands in his pockets and leant his back against the furniture. He recalled Andrew that morning admitting he was a nervous wreck.

‘What do you mean by that?’ Sarah paused before she spoke.

‘You know. It is not exactly his first time.’ Sarah did not know who else to ask about the wedding night; Peter was the only family she had.

‘The wedding?’

‘No afterwards.’

‘Oh!’ Peter became nervous. Was she asking what will happen at night? He knew she knew something about it, but he was not the person to explain the finer details.

‘I am sure it will be fine. It is time for breakfast, so hurry up and come down stairs. I will see you then.’ He went over and kissed her on the forehead and went out the room, glad to be on the other side of the door. She would have to speak to Beatrice.

The children had finished their breakfasts, leaving Andrew, Peter and Angus eating when Sarah entered the room. She felt apprehensive at seeing Andrew and tried not to show it.

‘Good morning everyone,’ she said as she entered and sat down next to Peter. Andrew sat opposite her, and looked up, trying to catch her attention. Sarah glanced at him but looked away slightly embarrassed. Angus watching the interaction between the two. Folding the paper, he placed it on the table.

‘And how is the lassie this morning?’ he asked.

‘Feeling fine thank yer, Angus.’ Sarah smiled. Andrew once more looked at her and realising she was not going to look his way, continued with his meal. He was determined to make eye contact so asked her for the sugar. Sarah picked up the bowl and as she handed it to him, accidentally knocked the milk jug over. Sarah panicked.

‘Oh gosh, sorry Andrew. I will go and get a cloth.’ Still without making eye contact, she left the room. Andrew glanced at Peter.

‘What on earth is the matter with her?’ he asked.

‘It is her wedding day and she is nervous and I am not talking about the actual wedding but afterwards. I do not think she is aware of what to do,’ Andrew stared at his friend, the pair looking at each other for a few moments. Peter raised his eyebrows and sipped his tea. Andrew nodded back. Angus watched the two, nothing was said but important information had passed between them. Sarah returned and mopped up the mess. Andrew was still unable to catch her eye but had empathy for his wife to be, so did not push it.

The morning flew by. Beatrice was busy organizing servants. Sarah tried several times to talk with her but they were always interrupted. Soon it was time for Sarah to go and have her bath.

‘I will be up in a few moments to help yer dress!’ Beatrice called out after her, as Sarah climbed the stairs. Half an hour later, Beatrice and Annie helped her dress. Again, she wanted to talk to her but with Annie there it was impossible. Finally, Beatrice placed her bonnet on her head and tired the ribbons and she was ready.

‘Yer look lovely, my dear.’ Sarah’s stomach, was on the move again, bouncing around inside her.

‘I will go and get Peter. Come on Annie, I will finish you in your bedroom.’’

Sarah jumped when she heard the knock on the door.

‘May I come in?’ he asked.

‘Yes, Peter,’ 

‘Are you ready? How are you feeling now?’

‘Fine thank you, how do I look?’ Sarah studied herself in the long mirror. Peter came up behind her to look over her shoulder.

‘Just wonderful. If you were not my sister, I would marry you myself.’

‘Liar, I am too difficult for you.’

‘True, true. Let me have a look at you.’ Sarah turned, feeling nervous.

‘I hope everything goes well. Beatrice and Angus have been so wonderful. All these people have come to welcome us, and be here for the wedding. The Reverend seems a nice fellow. Annie is so excited about being a flower girl...... I think she likes you, Peter.’ He smiled.

‘My dear, remember what I said about you, you will no longer be Sarah Paterson but you will be Mrs. Andrew Mackenzie and you will have to behave yourself, no back- chatting your husband.’

‘Yes dear brother anything you say.’

‘You look beautiful.’ Peter held out his arm and pulled her to him, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

‘Time to go, Sarah.’ He escorted Sarah slowly, step by step down the stairs. Once she caught sight of Andrew’s face, and for a few moments, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. Dressed in traditional Scottish dress, a kilt and white shirt and jacket he looked truly handsome. Sarah felt her heart would burst with joy and pride.

Andrew found it hard to breathe as she came closer. He saw Sarah was nervous, her flowers shook and tears had formed in her eyes. She looked around at all the strange faces, fifty people witnessing the exchange of vows between them. Andrew winked at her, and she felt as if no one else was in the room except him and the preacher.

‘Ladies and Gentlemen, may I please present to you Captain and Mrs. Andrew Mackenzie.’  Andrew gave her a soft, long delicate kiss, then presented her to the crowd.

The rest of the evening was filled with dancing and laughter, food and wine. Finally, Beatrice approached Sarah.

‘I think it is time to go upstairs, some of the guests would like to go but they feel they can nae until yer disappear. I will come up and help yer with your gown. Go and say yer good nights.’

She saw Andrew with glass in his hand leaning against the wall, surrounded by Peter and Duncan. She did not want to go up to him and only hoped he had seen her. Sarah signalled she was about to go upstairs, she saw him nod and wink at her across the top of his glass. His heart beat faster; it would not be long now. His anatomy reacted to his want, until he was interrupted by his companions, and turned to continue his conversation, giving Sarah time to go up and get settled.

As Beatrice and Sarah entered her room, Sarah sighed as Beatrice came over to the bedside table and poured her a glass of wine.

‘Here my dear, have this, it will calm your nerves. Let me help yer with your bonnet and ties.’

‘Thank you Beatrice, I am so nervous, I have never....’

‘Do not worry my dear; it is normal to be anxious. Andrew is a gentle man and to be perfectly honest, Angus took him under his wing years ago, if yer know what I mean. Yer have nothing to worry about. Relax and let your feelings lead you. Yer will be fine. Have another glass of wine.’ Beatrice handed her another.

‘Slower this time. Now turn around and I will undo your gown.’ Sarah felt the hook releasing the buttons on her dress, then tugging  as Beatrice undid the laces of her corset.

‘I will leave yer now my dear, yer can manage now.’ Beatrice tapped her on her hip and came around in front of her giving Sarah a kiss on the cheek.

‘Thank you, you have been so kind.’

‘My pleasure, my dear. Good night.’ Beatrice left the room closing the door behind her. Sarah slipped out of the rest of her clothes and into her night-gown. Sitting down in front of the mirror, she reached for the hairbrush, something caught her eye; it was the letter from her mother. Sarah picked the letter up and opened it.

Dearest Sarah,

By the time, you read this you will be a married woman. Both your Father’s and my heart goes out to you, especially as we are so far away. Peter has told us about Andrew, and I am sure he will be a good and kind husband, as well as a good provider.

You are an independent woman, and in some ways you were born before your time, but you must remember you are still a woman, in a man’s world. You must honour and obey as your wedding vows say, if you wish to have harmony in your life.

There are things you have to do as a wife, which may not be enjoyable, but it is a necessary part of your married life. There will be times when the demands of your husband will have to override what you want. You must submit without question. I am sorry I have not prepared you for this night, but I am sure, knowing you, you will be fine.

Once more all our love to you and Andrew

Love Mother and Father. xxxoxox

Sarah read the letter again, and placed it back in the envelope on the table. Her mother was wishing her good fortune but on the other hand was saying she must do everything he wished of her, which included submitting to him whenever her wanted to have her. She did not feel comfortable, but now was no time to think about it. After removing her clips, she brushed her hair and studied the young woman in the mirror. Well girl, when he wants to make love, you have to comply whether you like it or not, according to your mother. I cannot do that. Surely Andrew will not force himself on me, like that man did. For a few fleeting seconds, she felt frightened. Her mind drifted back to the first time she met Andrew and the events that had followed their meeting; at first not liking him and how things had changed. He was tender, patient and kind; he would never force himself if she did not want him. Now she couldn’t be without him and she would surrender to him, but because she wanted to. Placing the hairbrush on the dressing table, she got into bed. Pulling the bedclothes up over her chest, she waited for Andrew to appear.

Ten minutes later, a knock on the door.

‘Come in!’ Sarah called out. Andrew entered, closed the door. He looked at Sarah as he removed his jacket and placed it on the back of the chair. Walking over to the bed, he sat down beside her. Sarah held the blankets firmly across her chest; leaning forward Andrew kissed her on the forehead.

‘Hello Mrs. Mackenzie and how are yer this bonny evening?’

‘Fine thank you, Captain. Mackenzie.’ Andrew removed a hair from across her forehead, and slowly traced over her eyebrows with his finger, then down her cheek, his thumb crossing over her lips. Sarah’s lips parted, he felt her trembling. Tilting her head up he kissed her on her lips, she smelt and tasted wonderful. He felt his heart quickening, his loins ached to be close to her, but he knew he would have to wait. Andrew gave her a long penetrating kiss, Sarah responded not quite knowing what to do but following his cue. She tasted the tobacco and whisky on his breath, she liked the smell. He pulled back; their gazes locked.

‘I love yer so much. Yer were a thorn in my chest. Always there, a sharp pain in my heart. I tried not to love yer but I could nae resist. I think I lost the battle when I first saw you.’ Sarah released the blankets, placed her arms around his neck, rubbing her fingers though his hair as she did so.

‘I love you too. I could not believe you loved me.’ He stopped her talking with another long and passionate kiss, his hand following the line of her breast; he felt her nipple tightening under his touch. The wine was having an effect on her but no matter how she tried, Sarah could not help but quiver on feeling his hand.

Andrew released her and removed his shirt and placed it on the chair, and coming over to the lamp he extinguished the flame. The other bedside lamp still burnt. His naked chest reflected the lamplight as he turned towards Sarah. She saw his scars but it was as if they disappeared before her eyes. His muscles were taut and strong. Her breasts tingled, she could sense a strange sensation lower down her body. Andrew turned the other lamp down as Sarah felt the blankets lift and the pressure of his body sit on the bed. The pressure and warmth of his body was then beside her, one arm pulled her close to him, the other was gently placed under her head so it rested on his arm.

She tingled with anticipation, her breath quickened, she still held tightly to the top of the bedding. Releasing the blanket from her other hand, he flicked it down to the bottom of the bed. Although she had a night-dress on, Sarah felt naked. Closing her eyes, she felt Andrew kissing her on the lips once more, his hand slowly undoing her night-dress buttons. She felt the pressure of his hand as it brushed against her, past her breasts towards her waist, moving back up to her chest, parting the gown, his hand searching and finding her breasts. Sarah tried not to gasp at the sensation of him exposing her nipple, and the warm wet lips taking it in to his mouth licking and suckling her erect nipple.

She wanted to bring her hand down and stop him but it was held gently, her other arm was trapped between their bodies. The strange sensations scared her but made her feel excited in a way she had not experienced before. Andrew enjoyed the taste of her erect nipple in his mouth; he felt her tense, but as he proceeded, she relaxed.

‘Take yer night dress off,’ he whispered. Sarah sat up and threw it on to the floor. Lying back, she brought her arms up to cover her breasts, thankful the lights were low. Trembling as her whole body exposed, she was now naked, looking up to see Andrew following the lines of her body down to her thighs. She closed her eyes, trying to pretend she was not there.

Andrew felt a shiver of excitement. She was beautiful, and he more than ever, wanted to be inside her. He remembered seeing her naked in the pool and his body responded pushing against her side, as he became erect, frightening her.

‘Andrew I.. I do not know what to do. I never..’ she wanted to cry, he stopped her talking by placing a finger across her lips.

‘Shsh, my darling.’ Andrew kissed her tears away. Andrew knew he needed to be gentle, to take his time. No matter how much he wanted her, he had to be patient, to make her know what it is to be made love to and later how he would teach her to make love to him. He wanted it special, to give her pleasure, to give himself to her and she to him.

Removing her hands away from her chest, he kissed her breasts again, kissing down across her stomach towards her delicate curls. Sarah felt herself flush, her heart beating faster still, wanting him to stop. She felt confused. He moved up wards and kissed her stomach and breasts, her lips. His hand travelled between her thighs, parting her legs he found his way to her private spot, gently parting and massaging the area where no one ever touched her before. She felt warm and moist but not yet ready. Her hand came down to stop him.

His fingers were now inside. She felt tight and firm, a slight resistance from her virgin skin, but with more massaging and stretching she was nearly ready. Andrew could not wait any longer, and he wanted to taste her. His tongue was on her spot, between her lower lips, licking and he teased her more and more. Sarah’s head spun, as unable to control her feelings, she felt confused at the enormous number of new sensations. Her body wanted more, and she lifted her hips up to meet him, her hands resting on his head. Teasing her, drawing her to the point of no return, his hands stimulated her nipples. Still delicately and deliberately, he continued. She wanted him to stop, she could not bear it any longer until she gasped and held her breath. Another gasp, and Sarah fell back finding it hard to breathe.

Andrew stopped but continued kissing her stomach, her breasts and her lips. She tasted a sweet taste of herself. His hand touching hers, they moved together as though they were one.

‘Andrew, I cannot.’ Again she wanted to stop, to pull her hand away, but it somehow felt right.

‘Trust me my darling,’ he said. Sarah was confused. She was bombarded by several different emotions, her hand was guided down past her curls to between her thighs where her fingers were placed upon her sensuous spot. She had never touched herself like this. Her lower lips throbbed, her breathing was fast bringing her close to the edge, her hips moving in rhythm. Kissing her on the lips, it was hard to breathe she was so hot. Andrew brought her fingers up to his lips, and kissed them one by one.

She was ready, he could wait no longer and eased himself on top, parting her legs, and gently entering her, slowly, as not to hurt. Deeper and deeper he went, Sarah responded, moving to meet him.

‘Slowly, I do not want to hurt you,’ he said. She did not care, she wanted him inside her, deep inside her and pushed her hips higher to meet him, and then he was there. Her breathing increased, and she closed her eyes to enjoy the sensations which took over her body. They moved in unison, as she brought her legs up around his hips and across his back. Sarah’s heart pounded, her body flushed, her hormones took over.

She was tight yet it felt wonderful. They both reached the ultimate perfection, they came together. Their bodies quivered with the excitement, joined as one they fell back, breathless. Andrew lowered himself beside her, turning her towards him, to stay joined. He kissed her on the forehead; she looked up into his eyes.

‘Thank yer my darling, yer were wonderful,’ he said. Sarah’s mouth was dry, breathless; the event so overpowering she could not speak. Bringing her face up to his she kissed him, holding tight, their hot moist bodies feeling smooth and wet as they touched. Andrew was content to hold her close; she heard the fast beating of his heart and it calmed her and she fell asleep.

In the morning, Andrew was first to wake, both were still entwined. Andrews’s leg rested over the top of Sarah’s, his arms surrounded her. She looked beautiful and so peaceful; he gently removed himself from her and dressed in his kilt and shirt, disappeared out of the bedroom. Sarah woke; Andrew was not next to her but she too had to get up. Putting on her night-dress and dressing gown, she headed for the bathroom. They met in the corridor, Andrew looked around in case someone was there and grabbed her; he gently pushed her against the wall, and whispered:

‘Well my love, I will see yer in a few minutes but have this to remember me.’ Sarah giggled as he once more took her in his arms and gave her a long passionate kiss. With the sound of someone coming up the stairs, Sarah broke away from him and headed in the direction of the closet. Turning towards the stairs, Andrew saw Beatrice arriving at the top carrying a tray with tea things on it.

‘Good morning Beatrice.’

‘Morn Andrew. I wanted to ask how yer are but I do not think I need to.’

‘Would yer like a hand with that tray?’ She paused before she spoke.

‘No, no. I got it for Angus but on second thoughts, give it to Sarah.’

‘Nae. I will go down and get a tray.’

‘No yer will not. Not in my kitchen.’ As Beatrice placed the tray into Andrews’s hands his shirt came open exposing his scars. Shaking her head, she pulled his shirt away to expose more of his shoulder scar.

‘Are they uncomfortable, lad?’ she asked

‘No, not anymore, they were a problem for months afterwards but they are fine now. It must have been because of all the wonderful nursing I got when I was ill.’ Beatrice smiled and brought her hand up to his cheek and tapped it gently. Removing her hand, she turned and walked back down the stairs. He watched her go for a few moments, then entered his room and placed the tray on the dressing table, pouring a cup of tea for himself and one for Sarah, before he got back into bed.

‘Oh, Andrew how lovely. Just what I wanted before we get dressed,’ she smiled as she picked up the cup of prepared tea and walked over to the bed. Andrew had other ideas about getting up, but first he would let her finish her tea. She nestled back into the pillows, sipping her drink slowly.

Andrew placed the empty cup on the bedside table reached over and took hers from her and placed it beside his. Once more, he wanted to be close to her, to make love to her. Moving his hand down, he pulled her night-dress up, then slowly and gently pulled her closer to enter her. Sarah found herself sitting on Andrews’s loins. He moved her hips gently, adjusting himself and her into a more comfortable position. She felt him moving inside her, feeling slightly uneasy and self-conscious as she looked at him. He returned her stare, his hands, encouraging her to take her night-dress off. Sarah threw the gown onto the floor.

Last night she had been self-conscious as it was dark, but now no shadows hid her. Andrew smiled, and reaching up he removed her hands away from her chest, placing them on his he encouraged her to play and tease his nipples. Reaching down, she kissed first his left nipple and it tightened under her touch; moving to the right side, she did the same to his other nipple, teasing it with her tongue. Her eyes saw his scar, and moving up towards it she kissed it slowly, and deliberately, massaging it with her tongue. She heard Andrew’s breathing intensify, his hips moved against her. Kissing his neck, Andrew could not bear it any longer; rolling Sarah over, he was on top of her. His passion increased; as did hers and they once more made love, both reaching their climax together. Breathlessly, they collapsed in each other’s arms, their moist bodies entwined and, exhausted, they slept.

It was late in the morning when Andrew reached over and checked the time, then kissed Sarah awake,

‘Come on lass, it is time for us to make an appearance for lunch.’ Andrew got out of bed.

‘It so late.’

‘Yer are allowed to sleep late on the morning after your wedding.’ Sarah had not seen him completely naked before. His body looked strong, his buttocks were tight but he appeared thin as he picked up his shirt, stopping to look at her. Sarah realised she was staring and looked away. She was not ready to do the same, not yet and reached for her dressing gown to cover herself. She remembered asking her mother if she had ever seen her father naked. Her reply surprised her.

‘Certainly not. Do not be so vulgar Sarah. You only expose what you have to, nothing more. Now I do not want to discuss this topic any further.’

Here was Andrew standing in front of her without caring if she saw him or not. The way he made love showed her it was enjoyable.

Sarah dressed and sat in front of the small mirror on her dressing table. Picking up the brush Andrew gave her for Christmas, she brushed her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror. You are a woman now, a married woman and  married to a man who loves you. She smiled as she continued to brush her hair.

Andrew came up behind her, and reaching across her shoulder he moved his hand to rest on her breast and play with the nipple.

‘May I?’ he asked as his hand came over the top of hers to take the hair brush. He gently brushed her hair. ‘I have wanted to do this for weeks. Every time Peter brushed it, I was jealous,’ he smiled and kissed her on the top of her head, then continued his task. Sarah closed her eyes and tipped her head back towards him, feeling the warm sensation of his touch.

‘Penny for your thoughts?’ he asked. Sarah smiled opened her eyes and looked at him in the reflection of the mirror.

‘My thoughts are not worth a penny, they are worth a pound.’ Andrew smiled. Placing the brush back on the dresser, he put his hands on her shoulders, gently squeezing them together as she brought her hand up and placed it over the top of his. He pulled her up and turned her towards him. Once more he kissed her passionately and Sarah, slightly out of breath, drew back.

‘We better get down now, so you better behave yourself.’

‘Until tonight then,’ he said.

‘You think you will get lucky again, do you?’

‘I am going to try.’ Sarah reached up and kissed him

‘We will see about that.’ Sarah realised she did have power over her man after all.

‘About time you two got up. We were going to send out a search party,’ Peter greeted them as they entered the dining room.

‘I considered we were not going to see you until tomorrow.’

‘Very funny,’ came his tart reply.

‘Beatrice, is there anything I can do to help you?’ asked Sarah.

‘No, no dear. Yer can have a day off. Now go and take yer tea onto the veranda until lunch is ready and I will come and join yer.’

Peter watched his sister as she walked out the French doors. She looked happy and content, still the new bride glow about her. Many a time, he had seen the bride the next day looking drawn and shocked. Glancing at Andrew, he admired this man, who was now his sister’s husband, his brother-in-law and his partner. He reflected on the events that had happened over the past few months. He could not have found a better man. Still going over memories in his mind, he settled down to wait for lunch.

The next morning the men headed into central Otago. It would be the first time Sarah had been apart from either Peter or Andrew since their journey began.

‘Andrew, why cannot I come with you? You know I can keep up and I want to look at the land as well.’ Andrew sighed; he knew she was building up to something. He pulled her close and gave her a long kiss.

‘Stop changing the subject,’ she said.

‘I am not. I’d  like yer to come, but you are needed here to get our supplies ready. We will need food to last a good six months and to be perfectly honest, I am no good at preserving.’

‘What would you do if I refused to stay?’

Here it comes, he gave her another kiss, giving him time to think.

‘We are married now, and did not yer say once yer wanted a partnership in a marriage?’ Sarah nodded; in one of their many talks she had.

‘Well, if one partner could do something better than the other, do not yer think they should do it? Mine is to go and sort out the land and you, my dear, are our supply officer. Is that not correct?’ He used army terms with her and she acknowledged he was right.

‘I suppose you are right. I think the problem is I will miss you both.’

‘I know. There will be times when we will be apart, but yer will always know I love yer.’ Placing his fingers under her chin, he lifted it up wards to see her face. They looked at each other and then once more Sarah felt his strong arms around her and his lips on hers. Her heart pounded as it always did when he was near her and she melded in his arms. This time, he had managed to persuade her to his way of thinking, but a day will come soon no doubt when she would assert herself. Yet he was the head of the family; her husband, and she must realise this no matter how hard it was for her to understand.

Tomorrow would be the start of securing their land and then work would begin to make a home, a farm and hopefully a family with Sarah. They would make it, he was determined they would.

As the men rode off, this phase in their lives ended and a new life was about to open up before them.