Whitney felt good about her performance. It started off a bit rocky, but she’d managed to get a standing ovation at the end. She was so grateful for the audience participation when she sang the piece that she’d written just days before. It was a song about her breakup with Lane and the heartache she felt. She’d saved that one for last. Singing it was effortless; she just put her heart and soul into it.
Kenya was yelling as if they were at a Texas A&M football game. She smiled at her friend and shook her head. When she left the stage, she took a seat at the table next to her.
“You were so good, Whit! I was really feeling that song,” she said. “It made me cry. I thought about Will.”
“Aww, sweetie. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“It’s okay. Maybe if I get it all out, I can stop crying so much.”
Whitney’s heart went out to her best friend. “We’ll get through it together.”
“At least your guy still loves you,” she said.
“I doubt that.” She raised her hand to get the waitress’s attention.
“No, he really does.”
The waitress appeared and gave Whitney a smile. “You really did a great job, girl,” said the waitress.
“Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll just have a rum and pineapple.”
“Yes, ma’am. Right away.”
“Lane was here,” said Kenya after the waitress walked away.
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t be mad, but...” Kenya smiled sheepishly.
“But what? What did you do?”
“I reached out to him on Facebook. Told him about your performance tonight,” she said. “And he came!”
“He did! Sat right over there at that table.” She pointed across the room. “He slipped out after your performance.”
Whitney’s heart beat rapidly. “Who cares? He didn’t care enough to stick around.”
“But he came, Whit. He loves you.”
The waitress placed the cocktail on the table. “Here you go, Miss Talbot. Let me know if I can get you anything else.”
Whitney gave her a smile. She changed the subject. “I think I might have a regular gig.”
“I think so, honey. You rocked the house tonight,” said Kenya.
“I did, didn’t I?” Whitney giggled and took a sip of her cocktail.
* * *
She walked into her home, kicked her shoes off at the door. It had been a great night. Sean had asked if she could play again next Friday night, and she was elated. She had a week to work on some new material. She removed each piece of clothing as she made her way to her bedroom. She turned on the shower and hopped in. Tonight had been a great night.
* * *
Saturday morning came quickly. She rushed to meet Kenya at one of their favorite brunch spots. She walked to the table and to her surprise, Tasha was there, sipping on a glass of orange juice. Whitney was inclined to walk out but decided not to. She would face whatever Tasha had to offer.
“Hello,” said Whitney.
“Hey, Whit,” said Tasha. “Let’s hash this out. We’ve been friends too long.”
“I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” said Whitney. “Well, maybe I was. Because I was hurting, too. The two of you said some pretty mean things about Lane, and he heard every word.”
“I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have been so judgmental.”
“Yes, you were.” Whitney took a seat and signaled for the server.
“Aren’t you sorry for what you said about Louis?”
“I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. Louis has fathered a child since you’ve been together,” said Whitney. “The point I was making was that the Man Menu is ridiculous. If you get all these wonderful qualities in a man but love and trust are not on the list, then what’s the point? Seems worthless if you end up being disrespected in the end.”
“We’re working through our differences.”
“That’s great, and none of my business. I’m happy for you, whether you stay with Louis or leave him in the gutter,” said Whitney. “I just wanted you to be happy. And I want you to be happy for me and whatever I decide.”
“I realize now that I misjudged. And I would like to meet Lane.”
“It’s too late now. We broke up,” Whitney said matter-of-factly and then turned to the server, who was standing there. “I’ll start with a mimosa, and I’ll have the chicken and waffles. Please bring a glass of water also.”
“Will do, ma’am,” said the blond-haired youngster as he disappeared.
“You broke up because of this?” Tasha asked.
“Because it just wasn’t meant to be.”
“I’m sorry, Whitney. The things I said that night were mean and uncalled for.”
“It’s okay. Really,” said Whitney. “I’m sorry for attacking you about Louis.”
“Water under the bridge.” Tasha smiled. “I love you, sister.”
“I love you back.”
“Aww!” Kenya reached for Tasha’s and Whitney’s hands. The three of them held hands and raised them in the air. Their way of making things right between them.
“Whit, I know you weren’t really interested before because you were involved with Lane, but Jason is still very interested in you,” said Kenya.
“I know. He’s been calling, but I haven’t had a chance to call him back.”
“I’m having a few friends over next Saturday for a barbecue, and I’d like for you to come. Jason will be there.”
“I thought he was Will’s friend,” said Whitney.
“He’s a mutual friend. I knew him first. And he was not happy with Will and how things turned out with us,” said Kenya. “It’s just a few people from the office coming, but I could really use my girls there as a distraction.”
“Should I make my famous potato salad?” asked Tasha.
“Absolutely! The one that you pick up from the Kroger deli and pass off as yours?” Kenya giggled.
“Yes, that one.” Tasha laughed.
“What about you, Whit? Can you bring something sweet?”
Whitney wasn’t quite ready to socialize, and certainly not to date. Nothing about Jason interested her. “I can’t. I...have...um...absolutely nothing to do, but I’m really not up for a bunch of people.”
“Oh, come on, Whit,” said Kenya.
“Ugh!” Whitney groaned. “Sure. I’ll grab some cupcakes from my favorite bakery. And I’ll make some Bahamian macaroni and cheese.”
“Yay!” Kenya and Tasha both sang, and clapped.
Maybe it was time she met some new people. What harm could it do?