1 What if Lloyd George and Keynes had gone to Russia in 1916?
David Boyle
2 What if proportional representation had been introduced in 1918?
Robert Waller
3 What if Lloyd George had done a deal with the Tories in 1931?
Jaime Reynolds
5 What if Richard Nixon had become President of the United States in 1961?
Neil Stockley
6 What if Harold Macmillan had not resigned in 1963?
Mark Stuart
7 What if the UK had never joined the EEC?
Richard Briand
8 What if Rupert Murdoch had not bought The Times in 1981?
Simon Buckby and Sam Cannicott
9 What if Mrs Thatcher had settled with the miners in 1984?
Adrian Moss
10 What if Margaret Thatcher had won the 1990 Conservative leadership contest?
Graham Kirby
11 What if the coup against Gorbachev in 1991 had succeeded?
Christian Walker
12 What if Gordon Brown had stood for the Labour leadership in 1994?
Peter Riddell
13 What if the United Kingdom had not gone to war in Iraq in 2003?
Tony McNulty
14 What if David Davis had been elected leader of the Conservative Party in 2005?
Iain Dale
15 What if Tony Blair had remained as Prime Minister?
Jane Griffiths
16 What if Gordon Brown had called an election in 2007?
Philip Cowley
17 What if Hillary Clinton had secured the Democratic nomination in 2008?
David Bean
18 What if Harris and Marris had won in 2010?
Matt Cole
20 What if Pope Benedict had been assassinated on his visit to Britain in 2010?
Andy Mayer
21 What if Ken Livingstone wins the 2012 London mayoral election?
Mark Munro
22 What if Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister in 2016?
Sam Macrory