ONE OF THE most important things I learned while writing this book is the power of telling and sharing our stories. The struggles of life with chronic illness are numerous and different for everyone, and I want to know about your struggles, your highs and lows, and the joys and setbacks of dealing with sickness while trying to lead a normal life.

I would also like to hear from those of you who are caregivers, you who are so often ignored as you carry the special burden of caring for others while living your own lives. I intend to post many of these stories on the Strong at the Broken Places website for all to share in and gain strength.

We, the sick, are a community. We need a place to gather. The Strong at the Broken Places website,, will serve as such a meeting place. We will be posting regular updates on Denise, Buzz, Ben, Sarah, and Larry. You will be able to find links to information about chronic illnesses. And you can take part in the message board, where any topic is up for discussion.

You are not alone in your illness; you are not alone in your experiences with the trials of chronic illness. I hope you will visit the website to share your stories and read about the lives of others.