Chapter 5 - Creating A Manifestation Portal With Your Mind
This is amazing. I feel like I understand the manifestation process so much more now. What if I receive no impulse? What if I have wanted something for the longest time and still, the Universe does not give me signs of what to do? What should I do?
This is where most people trip themselves up. They start to use their logical, reasoning minds to figure out what they can possibly do to get what they want. They start listing out ways and means through which they can achieve what they want. This is really an ill of our action-oriented culture, and sadly a practice which some self-help authors advocate — listing down all the ways which something can come to you.
When you do something like this, you are getting way ahead of yourself. What happens is that you are trying to generate possibilities using your reasoning, rational mind… and the reasoning mind always defaults to what it knows! So all the ways that you come up with using an exercise like this, no matter how “crazy” they may sound, are actually rooted in your current level of consciousness and possibilities. In fact, try it for yourself. Try to list out as many ways as possible on how a certain desired object will come to you. I have found, over time, that it is impossible to list something that is beyond our current accepted realm of possibilities.
In other words, we are merely coming up with ways based on our current viewpoint.
That is correct, and it is succinctly summed up in this quote by Einstein which I have also quoted before, “The problems of our generation cannot be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it.” If you approach manifestation as solving the problem of “How do I get the thing I want?”, then you cannot solve the problem by continuing to work on it at the same level of lackful and limited consciousness. Very often, when people list out all the rational ways in which something can come to them, or all the possible actions which they can take… they are actually doing so from the “same level of consciousness” that resulted in the asking. They’re focused more on the lack of the desired item, rather than the manifestation of the desired item.
If I’m not supposed to figure out how something will come to me, what should I do?
If you have asked for something for the longest time and it has not manifested in your experience, ease off a little! This is a point we keep coming back to — the importance of taking a light touch
. By taking a light touch, I mean not thinking so much about your desires. I suggested this exercise in my book “Banned Manifestation Secrets”, in which I encouraged readers to imagine how it would be like if something they desired has already manifested for them. Suppose that you want a new car, and somehow this new car came into your experience. You own the car now. It is in your physical reality now. How would you then think and act? Would you keep thinking about the car, and wishing for the car? Would you continually repeat affirmations or set intentions about the car?
Absolutely not! I already have the car. I would drive it and enjoy it, admire it every day if possible.
Exactly! And this is why most people trip themselves up. They think
they are conjuring up the feelings of having the desired object right now… when in fact they are conjuring up the exact opposite feelings. They are engaged in actions and conjuring up the feelings of NOT
having the item now. If I had the item right now, I would not even feel the need to think about it. It would be right there in my physical experience. I would not think about how to get it, or how it will come to me. I would not even worry about it. There is nothing to worry about, it is done! I would be happy, peaceful and at one with everything.
This is such a paradigm shift. But I know some readers will be thinking, “But I still want my stuff! You mean I’m not supposed to think about it?”
You have hit the nail on its head. This is what I call the manifestation paradox. If you can master the manifestation paradox on the inside, you will be a very successful and effortless manifestor. The effectiveness and speed of your manifestations is in direct proportion to how well you master this whole manifestation paradox.
What is the manifestation paradox?
It is the paradox of “wanting” or “desiring” something, and yet still acting / feeling that you don’t desire it at all. There is a balance to be had in the middle here. On one end, we have feelings of extreme wanting and desire, but on the other end of the scale, we have feelings of not wanting and not desiring. The manifestation paradox dictates that when you want something to manifest in your life… your inner state must lie somewhere in the middle
. That is the most conducive and magnetic state for your manifestations. When you reach that state, everything happens for you spontaneously.
Can you explain to the readers, step-by-step, how to reach this stage? Is it even possible to do so?
Absolutely. Countless of my readers have done so. It is something you do on the inside
. I have often written that manifestation is not some “grandiose” exercise that you do on the outside. You are not required to move mountains or to take massive action. Manifestation is all about fine-tuning your own inner state on the inside, to be conducive to receive what you are asking for.
Let me explain this paradox in greater detail. The first level of consciousness is when you want something very badly and you keep asking for it. That’s when the lack of something is so apparent to you that you keep asking for it. You keep worrying and wondering how it will come to you. You keep wondering whether all these techniques work and try to figure out how manifestations can appear in your life. The inner state of such an individual will be very unconducive for manifestations, as the Universe is picking up on the sum total of our feelings and emotions. Guess what inner state is the Universe picking up on in this individual? One of extreme lack and desperation! And therefore, more and more lack and desperation is brought to the individual through the perpetuation of his stuck states.
Suppose an individual manages to break through by reading these books. This is the second stage where many of my readers are at. They now understand the importance of letting go of their worry and fear thoughts. They understand how all of these thoughts can interfere with their manifestations. They understand all this information at an intellectual level, but the manifestation paradox still exists because they cannot find a way to live this information.
They understand it logically, and most will agree that it makes sense… but they just cannot find a way to incorporate it at the level of their being.
The third stage is the real breakthrough. The breakthrough comes when they finally realize that they must strike a balance, and take a light touch. They must desire (ask for) something, and yet at the same time be in a position to receive it. They are in a position to receive something they asked for only if they do not care for whether it manifests in their life or not. That is the feeling we are going for, and this is the part which trips so many people up, because they are always asking the question, “If I do not desire it, how will it come to me?”
What you are saying here is that we have a desire, then let it go completely from our consciousness?
That’s right. We either let it go completely from our consciousness, or we immerse ourselves in the “It Is Done!” feeling. I talk about this feeling in detail in that book of the same name. The “It Is Done!” feeling is actually very similar to the feeling I talked about earlier. It is the feeling you have when you actually own the new car, or when the new car is on its way.
You sometimes have to be creative and start playing little games with yourself. This is also something I learnt from Abraham-Hicks. You must start playing games with yourself by changing the stories you tell. So for example, instead of saying “My new car is here, I am driving it…” which is obviously not true, you can say, “My new car is on its way to me now… It is inevitable!”
When you make the second statement, you are not immediately contradicting your current reality and therefore it is easier for most people to accept. Many people trip themselves up once again by forcefully insisting that “I AM NOW driving my new car” when they are actually driving their old car! They are arguing with reality which only solidifies their lack! Because when you utter the first statement, you immediately notice that your physical reality is something else, and therefore you experience this deep sense of dissonance! This deep sense of dissonance within is what the Universe also picks up on!
This is a very powerful piece of the manifestation puzzle. Am I right to say that we can create whatever reality we want through the creative use of these statements?
That’s absolutely correct! You see, although I may call it “playing games with myself”, I am really not playing games! This is no trivial matter. Many people often tell me, “Richard, I have no time for these mind games! I want to know the exact steps in which I can have that new car manifest for me RIGHT NOW!”
And I tell them, “If you’re not willing to use your imagination to play these games, then you’re not going to create a new reality for yourself because you will forever remain fixated on your old reality.”
What really happens when we play a game anyway? Have you noticed how you felt when playing a make-believe game where you really allowed yourself to be immersed in an imaginary world?
I felt like time was passing very quickly, and everything in the game became real for the players. It was almost like being in a flow state… everything was so enjoyable and real.
That’s exactly it! When we say we are playing a “game” with make-believe rules, we are immersing ourselves into a totally new alternate Universe. We are temporarily suspending our beliefs and rules about how the “real” world functions, and replacing those set of rules and assumptions with those from our make-believe world. Suddenly, everything becomes so real for us. Then we come out of the game and tell ourselves, “Oh, that’s only a game” and everything reverts back to our ordinary reality.
Games are powerful manifestation tools if we use them in the correct way. You may think that you are playing a silly imagination game with yourself, when in fact you are directing your energies in a very powerful way. As we have discussed earlier, your thoughts have physical equivalency, which means that all of those thoughts are actually doing something out there right now.
By being willing to play the “It is on its way…” game, you are blurring the lines between your current reality and a more desired reality. You are creating some sort of a transition portal between the two worlds. Without deliberately creating this transition or bridge for yourself, many people would find it difficult to step directly into their new reality without contradicting themselves. They’re stacking the deck against themselves without even knowing it.
I love the energy of our discussion and where this is going. Guide us through how to play the “It is on its way” game?
Games are a way for us to soften our focus on current reality, and to ease ourselves gently into a more desired reality. Using the earlier example, let’s suppose that you want to manifest a new car. You have done all the inner work necessary, like letting go of your fear and worry thoughts about how it will come to you. You are also immersing yourself in the “It Is Done!” feeling.
What most people would do at this stage is to affirm, “I AM
driving a brand new car.” As mentioned earlier, this immediately sets up strong contradictions within your vibrations. So what you want to do is to ease into
the vibrations of a new car gently. You want to make the transition into your new desired state gently. So what you can say is, “I am still driving my current car, and as I drive it, I know that my new car is on its way to me. I can feel it coming to me…” Can you feel how much of a difference that makes in your inner state? You become less resistant and even more receptive to any manifestations that can come your way.