Chapter 10 - Closing Words
Thank you. My understanding has improved so much in the short time we spent together. You have provided many helpful tips and techniques for our readers. As this conversation draw to a close, do you have any advice for our readers before they go off and apply all this in their own lives?
I certainly do. The first is to remind everyone that if I can do it, and if the tens of thousands of readers around the world can do it after reading my words… then you can do it too no matter where you are. Be willing to give up any excuses or self-imposed limitations. Be willing to give up your fears, worries and negative thoughts and just immerse yourself wholeheartedly in your inner world. Stay there until the physical manifestations happen and resist the urge to “check reality”. That is the gist of my message in this book.
The second is to remind readers to let go, and stop trying so hard. If you have asked for something for the longest time and it has not manifested in your life, perhaps it is time to ease off a little. Examine what you have done in terms of the three-step process (outward, inward and outward) we went through earlier, and see how you may have unknowingly sabotaged your progress. Make peace with the things that are not yet manifest in your life. Instead of thinking of them as “not ever manifesting”, think of them as not yet manifest. They’re on their way to you… They have to, if you apply these Universal Laws!
Finally, the biggest tip is just to go out here and have fun with this stuff! Life is about joyful living and not about trying to make any of this work! Constantly remind yourself that “I’m already doing things right.” All I’m doing now is to fine-tune my vibrations and see where life takes me. I’m curious about how my life can get even better with my new understanding! If you’ll adopt this joyful attitude as you approach your manifestations, you’ll soon be living your desired reality… and it can very well happen this afternoon… if you allow it to!
Amazing. Blessings and love to you. I appreciate this conversation very much. You have been such a great help!
Pleasure is mine, and it is done!