AL: I believe with all of my heart that the story of salvation recorded in the Bible is the absolute truth and is available for all men and women. Lisa and I did the same thing the people did on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2—exactly what many others recorded in the book of Acts and throughout ancient and modern history for the past two thousand years have done. We know the devastating nature of serving sin and serving ourselves. We have been there and done that! We also know the cleansing and freeing nature of following Christ, living with the help of the Holy Spirit, and understanding forgiveness, redemption, and renewal. Atheism and many of the world’s religions offer no hope of escaping sin’s wrath, no hope beyond a certain grave, and no hope of deliverance from the misery of humanity’s bad behavior.
Lisa and I don’t look back at how our sinfulness damaged us; instead we look ahead to the promise of eternity together with God. I would not have known how to deal with my own weaknesses or Lisa’s weaknesses had I not had help recognizing the true nature of sin and its consequences. Faith in Christ, the Bible, and people who have lived and learned helped show us a better way. If you are living an unfulfilled life because of your sin or someone else’s sin, we offer you the first step to healing and hope.
Anything we could tell you by way of advice for your life or marriage would begin with asking you if you have embraced Christ as your Savior. The salvation we received from Christ was our first step to a better life, a better way of thinking, and a better way of handling the effects of sin and its consequences.
How do you embrace Christ as your Savior? Believe that Jesus is who He says He is. Look at how many have been blessed by believing! Tell Him you will follow Him, learn more about Him, and tell others about Him. Commit yourself to following His example of living. Read His story, the Bible, and be ready to have a blessed and fulfilled life (John 10:8–10). Show the world you really have submitted your will to Him by being baptized to reenact His death, burial, and resurrection in that watery grave (Romans 6:1–14).
Once you are a Christian, the fruit that will begin to come forth from your life will be different. It will be fruit that is Spirit driven and not sin driven. Your life, your marriage, and your family will be better than you could have ever imagined (Galatians 5:16–26).
Lisa and I live a redeemed life, free from our past sins and hurts. We are deeply in love with our God and with each other. We love our children and grandchildren, and we know we are providing stability for them and a legacy of hope and truth, and an ability to handle whatever crisis comes their way—and the crises will come! Our new season is rich in love and mercy and is providing us with joy in all circumstances. We pray the same for the next season of your life, marriage, and family.