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The Robertson Family

Al and Lisa may not always show up on television screens or find themselves in the spotlight as much as some other Robertsons, but they are an amazing behind-the-scenes presence in our family. In many ways, they’re our anchor and our compass. In other words, they keep us grounded, and they help us know which way to go when we need guidance and godly direction.

Before Duck Dynasty became one of cable television’s most popular shows ever, we were a relatively unknown group of duck call makers and wives in Louisiana. We faced the same hopes, dreams, and struggles as other American families. We still do. And when we run into challenges, Al and Lisa are the people we run to.

As a family, when we think of Al and Lisa, two words that come to mind for us are admiration and appreciation. We admire them for their strength of heart, their spiritual maturity, their character and integrity, their courage, their perseverance through difficulties, and their unbreakable, unending commitment to each other. We admire the way they love God, each other, and their family and for the way they use the lessons of their own brokenness to help others.

We appreciate the love, wisdom, and godly advice they provide for all of us as we navigate the seasons of our lives. We’re grateful for the great role models they are for us and for our families. We appreciate them for loving us unconditionally and for being people we can trust and depend on, no matter what.

When we found out Al and Lisa were writing this book, we all wanted to share something personal about what they mean to us.

FROM PHIL AND KAY: We have tremendous love, respect, and admiration for Al and Lisa because of their strong, solid marriage (which has not come easily) and their Christian maturity, and because they are just such fun people to be with. When we think about who they are, all we have to do is look at the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. That list of qualities describes them perfectly. Their lives always seem to exhibit love, joy, peace, longsuffering (which is like patience on steroids), kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. That’s who they are!

We are so thankful to have Al and Lisa in our family because they have a soothing, steadying effect on us all. They relate well to everyone—the older members of the family and the younger ones. Al and Lisa are the “go-to” couple when there are problems. As the oldest brother of four boys, Al is always available to help and counsel the men in our family, and they really look up to him. Lisa functions in the same way with the women in our family, and they admire her greatly.

They are well-versed in Scripture and they have served our home congregation and many other believers through Al’s work as a pastor and elder and through the teaching and counseling they provide. They are exceptionally gifted at bringing peaceful solutions to crisis situations, whether the crisis pertains to our family, our church, or any of their many friends. No matter what people need, Al and Lisa are always there to help.

WILLIE AND KORIE: As the oldest brother and sister-in-law in this big, crazy Robertson family, Al and Lisa have been there for us in the good times and bad. They are a great example of a marriage that loves, forgives, and stays together through the tough times. Plus, they are the most fun people to be around. Their willingness to share their story is a testimony to their generosity of spirit; they really to want to help others through what they have been through. This is how they live their lives. You will enjoy getting to know Al and Lisa, but most importantly they will point you to the One who saved them.

JASE AND MISSY: When Jase and I (Missy) got married, I had only one sister-in-law. Lisa had been married to Al for a little more than five years, and they already had two baby girls. Al and Lisa had overcome some major struggles in their marriage by this time, and from what we could see, things seemed to be working out for them. Lisa was an encouragement to me as a new wife, and she mentored me in what being a Robertson was all about. A few years later, when the truth came out about Lisa’s affair, I became witness to what unfaithfulness looks like in a family. Heartbroken and devastated, I saw how this selfish act was about to break up a beautiful family. I—and most everyone else—believed that this marriage had been damaged too badly to ever be put back together again. But because of Al’s spirit of forgiveness, patience, and unwavering love for his wife and Lisa’s sincere repentance, they began to rebuild what could have been lost forever. Only through their trust in God and complete sacrifice to His will were they able to accomplish this. Lisa has proven, without a shadow of a doubt, that her life is completely devoted to her Savior Jesus Christ. The old Lisa is gone, and the new is covered by the blood of Jesus.

What a blessing both she and Al are to our family! We are proud to call them our brother and sister, and we could not ask for better role models for our children. Their lives are open books, not because they are proud of what they have done in the past, but just the opposite. They are ashamed of their past deeds, just as we all are ashamed of our own sins. But they are willing to expose their failures in order to help others come to the same realization they have: that Jesus Christ can bring you back from the dead. We thank God for them!

JEP AND JESSICA: Al and Lisa have been key instruments in helping us learn how to build a God-centered marriage. Through Scripture and life lessons they have learned as individuals and as a couple, they have shown us how to build a lasting marriage. We are eternally grateful for their love for our Father, their love for each other, and their perseverance through all the struggles they have overcome. Because of their openness and honesty, many lives have and will continue be changed.

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All of us know how powerful Al and Lisa’s story is, because we know how powerful their lives are. We are excited about this book because we know their message of hope and redemption is life-changing. God bless you as you get to know Al and Lisa better and as you find hope, strength, and redemption through the pages of this book!