CYMARON: Cum-AAR-on (sounds like “Aaron”), the castle

MAELIENYDD: Mile-ee-EN-ith, the kingdom

GWYNEDD: GWIN-eth, a kingdom to the far north

POWYS: POW-iss, a kingdom to the immediate north and west

DEHEUBARTH: De-HI-barth, a kingdom to the south and west


MAELGWYN: MILE-gwin, ruler of Maelienydd

CADWALLON: Cad-WA-thlon, ruler of Maelienydd


TEULU: TIE-lee, a lord’s bodyguard and personal warband

PENTEULU: Pen-TIE-lee, the title for the captain of the teulu forces

GWILYM: GWI-lim, the castle steward

MARGED: MARE-ged, the castle cook

DAFYDD: DA-vith (Welsh David), Marged’s grandson

EFAN: pronounced “Evan,” the king’s penteulu

HAFAIDD: HAV-eye-th, the castle usher

GORONWY: Gor-ON-wee, the royal judge

GWALLTER: GWATHL-ter, the king’s chamberlain

HYWEL: pronounced “Howell,” the king’s bard

CADWGAN: Cad-OO-gan, the castle marshal

EDNYFED: Ed-NUV-ed, the marshal’s son

ANGHARAD: Ang-HAIR-ad, the queen’s woman

GENERYS: Gen-ER-is (hard g), the queen’s woman

MADRUN: MAD-rin, the queen’s woman

LLWYD: pronounced similarly to “Floyd,” the queen’s doorkeeper

HUW: pronounced “Hugh,” a baron of Maelienydd

OWAIN: OW-in, a baron of Maelienydd

HUMFFRI: HIM-free, a baron of Maelienydd

LLEWELYN: Thlew-EL-in, prince of Gwynedd

CYNAN: CUN-an, a baron of Gwynedd

RHYS: Rh-ees, the deceased ruler of Deheubarth


1. A “dd” is pronounced as “th” (as in leather); “th” written as “th” is pronounced as in smith.

2. The Welsh double “l”: an aspirated “l”; the nearest description for someone unfamiliar with Welsh is “thl.”