Found Circular Marks

To say an array of objects can be used to make circular marks is quite the understatement. While the focus of this technique is primarily circular, keep in mind that really anything can be used to make a mark. Peruse the kitchenware, hardware and even the shipping aisles of your favorite stores, and I promise you will be amazed at the treasures you’ll find.

Scouring Pads

A wire scoring pad (complete with handle) is great for creating small dots. Because the surface is circular you will need to tap in different directions if you wish to fill a linear space.


Easy to find and use, simply load a dry brush with paint and fill in the punches.

Paper Doilies

Doilies add design and texture. Start with a dry brush and a small amount of paint, and tap the brush wherever openings occur.

Plastic or Fabric Doilies

Just like their paper cousins, these doilies offer up easy design options. Use the same method as in previous step.

Produce Bag

Citrus fruit often comes in woven plastic bags. Hold on to these—they create great diamond patterns when paired with a dry brush and paint. Simply lay the bag on the surface and tap away. When you’re finished, rinse the bag and wipe it clean.

Bubble Wrap

Perhaps one of the most tried and true materials, bubble wrap is great because it comes in a variety of sizes. Brush on a small amount of paint, being sure to stay within the raised areas. Press the wrap onto the surface and lift away.

Discarded Room Keys or Gift Cards

These durable plastic cards are perfect for creating linear markings. Simply dip the card into a bit of paint and run the edge along the surface of the collage. Press firmly when doing so to ensure all of the paint transfers.

Completed Texture

This completed block gives you an idea of how each texture translates. While the shapes of some are similar, each one creates a very different look. Once all of your texture has dried, add shading or a wash or glaze to amplify the appeal.

Must Have and Can Do’s

If you come across plastic doilies, they are a must-have since they can be rinsed and reused many times.

If you cannot locate punchinella, a great alternative is to create your own using a piece of cardstock and a hole punch.