Creating Stencils

Creating your own stencils is another personal expression of your creativity and artistic voice. With just a few items, you can have an arsenal of personal stencils to work with in no time.

STEP 1: Create Shapes

With a black pen create personal shapes on plain white paper. Place a cutting mat on the work area. Place the white paper on the cutting mat followed by a transparency or a piece of acetate. With a craft knife cut the positive space from each shape.

STEP 2: Prepare to Brush

Load a dry brush with the desired paint. Tap excess paint off onto a paper towel.

STEP 3: Paint With Stencils

Place your stencil on your collage or other surface. Tap the brush over the surface of the stencil.

STEP 4: Complete Stenciling

Remove the stencil from the work area and clean it with a baby wipe or damp cloth.