Beeswax is not only a great natural artist’s medium but also a wonderful dimensional tool. If you purchase beeswax by the block, be sure to read the heating/melting instructions carefully. I prefer to purchase beeswax pellets and then melt them in a melting pot as instructed for pellets. Here are two great ways to add beeswax to your collages.
With a brush reserved just for wax, create a small pool of wax.
While the wax is still very hot and melted, push a rubber stamp into the wax.
Once the wax has cooled, remove the stamp by pulling it away and to one side.
When stamping into the wax, any residue ink on the stamp will lodge itself within the wax.
The stamp should move easily when the wax has sufficiently cooled.
Place a small drop of hot wax into a bezel or other deep vessel. While the wax is still warm, place rhinestones into the bezel and allow to cool. If need be, apply additional wax to the sides.
Dip a brush into the wax. With one stroke, cover the surface of the photo and allow it to cool.
If need be, thin the wax with a heat gun; this will smooth and disperse the wax.
Rubbing cooled wax with a piece of nylon hose will remove the stickiness that may appear on the surface.
If the wax has pooled too much or is too thick, a heat gun can be used to thin it out.