Bounty of Secrets

Inspired by the secrets a personal journal holds, I set about to create a piece that would have not only visible journaling but also a little bit of journaling tucked away in each of three glass vials. The nature of this piece speaks volumes of who we are as individuals. We are all composed of layers of beauty, secrets and that which is seen by others.

Combining materials that are both hard and soft in nature, this piece becomes a true narrative, piece that pays homage to all of the facets that make up who we are.

Materials List

acrylic paint pen, white

assorted acrylic paints


book text

bone folder or old gift card

assorted colored pencils

craft sheet or wax paper

foam stamps

French stamp

gel medium


glass bottles, 3, very small

ledger paper

paint pen, wide white

paintbrushes, assorted

paper tape, 8" (20cm)

pen or pencil

printmaker’s stamp


scissors or paper trimmer

sealing wax

sheet music scrap

stamp pad, brown ink


vintage notebook paper

vintage paper


watercolor paper

wax stamp

wood board

STEP 1: Prepare the Board

Paint a layer of gesso on the board and let it dry.

STEP 2: Create a Textured Layer

Paint watercolor paper with blue acrylic paint and allow it to dry. Then, with white acrylic paint and foam stamps, create a pattern on the blue paper.

STEP 3: Adhere Textured Paper

Apply a layer of gel medium on the back of the blue paper and adhere it to the bottom half of the board. Smooth down all the edges with a bone folder or old gift card.

STEP 4: Layer Paper Elements

To the top of the blue paper adhere elements in the following order: vintage notebook paper, wallpaper, watercolor paper, vintage paper, ledger paper and sheet music.

STEP 5: Add a Ribbon

Cut a strip of ribbon and adhere it to the vintage notebook paper.

STEP 6: Create Secret Journaling

Cut vintage notebook paper that will fit in your glass bottles. With a pen or pencil, write on the paper.

STEP 7: Fill the Jars

Roll the paper to create scrolls. Wrap a piece of book text around each scroll to hide the journaling, if desired. Place the scrolls into the bottles and seal with corks.

STEP 8: Wrap the Jars

Cut 20" (51cm) of string and tie the bottles together. Tie the string with a simple knot. Fray the ends of the string by rolling them between your forefinger and thumb.

STEP 9: Adhere the bottles

Use an aggressive adhesive to adhere the group of jars to the center of the layered paper background.

STEP 10: Add Sealing Wax

Light the wick of the wax pen. Once the wax heats, hold the pen over the corner of the watercolor paper and the wallpaper.

STEP 11: Stamp Into the Wax

Once the wax has pooled, place a sealing stamp into the wax. Allow the stamp to remain in the wax until cool. Remove the stamp.

STEP 12: Create Personal Art Tape

From a roll of paper tape, cut 8" (20cm), and place the tape on top of a piece of wax paper or a silicone craft sheet.

STEP 13: Paint and Stamp the Tape

Paint the tape with cream acrylic paint. Once the tape is dry, stamp imagery onto the tape.

STEP 14: Adhere the Tape

Cut the tape into two strips. From the two strips cut a series of strips in varying lengths. Tear some of the edges by hand for an interesting look. Adhere the tape to the top left corner of the background. With a colored pencil add shading around the tape.

STEP 15: Add Acrylic Paint

With a dry flat paintbrush, create scuff marks in a random fashion along the edges.

STEP 16: Create Depth

On the top right corner create three circles with a pencil. Fill the circles with a blue patina acrylic paint. Once dry, highlight the circumference of each circle with a Burnt Umber colored pencil.

STEP 17: Add Journaling

With a colored pencil add journaling to the bottom and left sides of the painted surface.

STEP 18: Add Markings

Add markings such as hash marks, Xs and Os to all edges of the layered paper.

STEP 19: Shade the Edges

Adding a colored pencil at a 90° angle, run the edge of the pencil along all sides of the wood.

STEP 20: Add Stampings

With a printmaker’s stamp and brown ink, stamp along the edges in a random manner.

STEP 21: Make Acrylic Markings

With a white acrylic paint pen, create random markings in the lower right-hand corner and the top left edge.

STEP 22: Smudge Paint

While the paint is still wet, run the tip of your finger over it, blurring and smudging the paint for added texture.