Our House

We all have our own idea of what home is. Each home looks different, composed of different individuals, different attributes and different components. A simple stick and a piece of moss evoked an idea that developed into Our House.

While the piece is composed of elements that speak to Ruth, represent her and mirror the history of her home, we hope you are inspired to find mementos to create and honor your home.

Materials List

24-gauge wire, 4" (122cm)

acrylic paints, assorted

buttons, 14-20

cloth rag

cut tacks, 6

dominoes, 2

double point tacks, 3

fabric strips

gel medium

gesso, white

glue gun


lined paper

molding paste

needle and thread

paintbrushes, assorted

palette knife


metal ruler



small bottle

spray sealant, clear acrylic


stick and moss

wire cutters

wood board

STEP 1: Prepare Materials

Cut out the wood house shapes, sand to smooth edges, then paint both pieces with white gesso. Once dry, mix a palette knife with 1 tablespoon of Titanium White and 1 tablespoon of acrylic Neutral Gray paint.

STEP 2: Apply Paint

Paint the house and roof with the shade created in step 1. Allow to dry.

STEP 3: Add Molding Paste

Place a stencil on the house. Using a palette knife loaded with about a teaspoon of molding paste, push it across the stencil. Continue this step until the house and roof are covered. Use a variety of stencils for visual interest. Allow this paste to dry completely, about one hour.

STEP 4: Paint the House

With a paint brush, add gray paint to the tip of the stenciled letters and numbers. With a soft wet cloth, wipe away excess. Allow to dry completely.

STEP 5: Color Wash

Mix a 14 cup of water and 14 teaspoon Raw Umber acrylic paint to make a color wash. Apply the wash with a bristle brush over the entire surface of the house and roof. Allow both pieces to sit for about 30 minutes. With a dry cloth, dab off any excess and allow to dry completely.

STEP 6: Create Aged Paper

Brush some of the Raw Umber color wash onto a lined piece of paper and set it aside to dry. Once dry, write on it with a pencil. Spray the paper with clear acrylic sealant.

STEP 7: Drybrushing

Dab about 12 teaspoon Titanium Buff onto your palette and dab a dry bristle brush into the paint to highlight your roof and house.

STEP 8: Apply Journal Paper

With a metal ruler tear your journaled paper to about 312" × 4" (9cm × 10cm). Apply gel medium to the back of the paper and burnish it onto the house, make sure the paper makes contact with the wood.

STEP 9: Dominoes and Shading

Glue dominoes onto the front of the house. With Titanium Buff paint and a dry brush, paint over the numbers and letters. Remove any excess paint with a baby wipe or soft cloth.

STEP 10: Attach the Bottle

To attach the bottle to your roof, hammer tacks to the wood on each side of the neck of the bottle. With one yard (91cm) of 24-gauge wire, attach your bottle to the wood by wrapping it around one tack, leaving a 1" (3cm) tail. Wrap the rest around the bottle neck twice, then around the opposite tack leaving another 1" (3cm) tail. When the bottle is secure, use wire cutters to remove the wire tails.

STEP 11: Make a Button Ring

To make a button ring, place ten buttons onto a 12" (30cm) piece of 24-gauge wire. With your fingers form a circle and wrap the wire ends together.

STEP 12: Make a Fabric and Button Strip

Cut out a 1" × 534" (3cm × 15cm) strip of fabric and three 314" (8cm) contrasting rectangles to the strip. Use a needle and thread to attach the buttons and rectangles. Use three double-point tacks and a hammer to secure the strip to the house.

STEP 13: Attach the Stick and Moss

Use a glue gun to attach a stick and moss to your house. Secure with fabric and tacks.

STEP 14: Attach the Roof

Glue the roof onto the house.