Heart of Home

Ruth and I have a great fondness for both houses and hearts. Perhaps our great love of family and friends encourages this fascination with such imagery and structure.

Because my husband works away from home much of the year, this creates a unique situation for us, making our home that much more significant. Home is a sacred place for our family at all times, but even more so when he is home. This piece honors the solace and love that our home provides for us.

Materials List

acrylic paints, assorted

adhesives, including fabric-safe

black thread


Brushed Corduroy ink pad

canvas paper, 9" × 12" (23cm × 25cm)

fine-point black pen

glassine scrap


paintbrushes, assorted

papers, assorted

pencils, asssorted

red watercolor


sewing machine or needle

sheet music scrap

soft cloth

spiral paper scrap

watercolor crayons: ochre and gray

STEP 1: Prep the Canvas Paper

Cut canvas paper to measure 9" × 12" (23cm × 30cm). With a 1" (25mm) paintbrush, apply gesso to the canvas paper and allow to dry.

STEP 2: Prepare the Muslin

Cut muslin to measure 812" × 10" (22cm × 25cm). With a flat brush, apply a layer of white acrylic paint approximately 12" (12mm) from the sides, top and bottom. Allow to dry.

STEP 3: Draw the House

With a charcoal pencil draw a house. With the lines drawn, use a soft cloth or the tip of your finger to buff the charcoal.

STEP 4: Create Spiral Paper and a Glassine Strip

Trim a scrap of spiral paper to 514" (13cm) and tear a glassine strip to measure the same length. Place them on top of the muslin under the house.

STEP 5: Stitch the Scrap Bundle

With a sewing machine and black thread or needle and thread, stitch the two scraps to the muslin.

STEP 6: Add Paper

To the right side of the house add a small scrap of dictionary paper where a door might be. To the roof add a small scrap of sheet music.

STEP 7: Add Some Dimension

Dip the end of the paintbrush into Cadmium Red acrylic paint. In the top right-hand corner create three dots by tapping the paintbrush on top of the muslin.

STEP 8: Journal

With a fine-point black pen, journal on the bottom of the muslin as well as along the right side.

STEP 9: Add Ink to Corners

Create lines by pressing the Brushed Corduroy pad into the corner of the painted muslin. Repeat this at each corner of the muslin.

STEP 10: Add Shading to the Corners

With an ochre watercolor crayon, place shading in all four corners. With a wet paintbrush or wet fingertip, smear the crayon to create nicely shaded areas.

STEP 11: Add Color

With a red watercolor crayon, add shading to the top right-hand corner, being sure to draw around the red dots created in step 7.

STEP 12: Create Pencil Markings

Using a pencil, create personal markings in all four corners of the muslin (in the painted areas). Add dotted markings along the sides of the roof.

STEP 13: Add Final Shading

With a gray watercolor crayon, add shading to the interior of the house as well as the bottom left corner.

STEP 14: Adhere the Muslin to the Canvas Paper

Adhere the muslin to the top of the canvas paper using a fabric-safe adhesive; use a brayer to smooth out any air bubbles. Let dry.