French Historian

The name of this piece was inspired by a page from an antique French history book in my library. While it took me years to finally pull a page from this lovely treasure (purchased specifically to integrate into art), I felt the moment was right. The charming and delicate hand, created with an image transfer, helps the tale develop. Layers of color and whimsical circles bring lightness to this work, which would have been much different if another color palette had been chosen.

Materials List

acrylic paints, assorted colors

antique French book (or book of choice)

baby wipe or soft cloth

bone folder

bubble wrap

cardstock, printed

circle template

container of water

gel medium


image, 2" × 6" (5cm × 15cm)

paintbrushes, assorted


palette knife

pencil, no. 2


spray bottle

transparency transfer paper

wood board, 714" × 8" (18cm × 20cm)

STEP 1: Paint the Sides and Back

With a foam brush, paint the sides and back of the wood with white gesso.

STEP 2: Mix a Lighter Shade of Aqua

Place a dollop of white paint on your palette. In a separate palette pot place a small dab of Aqua. With a palette knife add a drop of Aqua to the white and mix. Continue until the desired color is achieved.

STEP 3: Paint the Background

Using the lighter aqua created in step 2, paint the entire surface and sides using a 1" (25mm) flat brush.

STEP 4: Add an Antique Book Page

Tear the bottom quarter of an old book page, creating an aged look. Using gel medium adhere the book page to the left side of the wood.

STEP 5: Create a Gel Medium Transfer

Print or copy your image. Place a liberal amount of gel medium over the image and place it on the painted board. Smooth it down with a bone folder or a finger to remove any bubbles. Allow to dry.

STEP 6: Remove the Paper From the Transfer

Spray a small amount of water over the back of the image. Begin rolling the white paper away from the transfer with wet fingers. Continue until all the paper has been removed.

STEP 7: Add Cardstock

Cut a 14" × 6" (6mm × 15cm) strip of printed cardstock. Adhere the cardstock to the board with gel medium, working from left to right.

STEP 8: Add the Floral Spray

Cut a floral spray from cardstock. Place gel medium on the back of the cut-out and adhere it to the blocks overlapping the book page and the cardstock adhered in step 7.

STEP 9: Apply Bubble Wrap Marks

Paint a layer of white acrylic onto bubble wrap. Use the wrap as a stamp and stamp the left corner as well as the right side and the bottom.

STEP 10: Use a Circle Template

Draw three 34" (2cm) circles on the right side with a pencil. Paint the interior of the circles with white acrylic paint.

STEP 11: Shade the Circles

With a no. 2 pencil, shade the exterior of the stamped circles and the circles created with the template.

STEP 12: Add Color

Add pale pink acrylic paint randomly to the circumference of the circles created with the bubble wrap using a no. 6 round brush.

STEP 13: Drip Paint

Dip a round brush into water, then into pale pink acrylic paint. Lay the brush on its side at the top of the wood block and allow the paint to drip down. Repeat this action, increasing the amount of water added to the paint to achieve varying degrees of shading.

STEP 14: Drybrush

Load a 12" (12mm) flat brush with white acrylic paint. In a random manner add the white to the top and sides of the wood. Wipe away excess paint with a soft cloth or baby wipe.

STEP 15: Final Drybrushing

With the pencil add detail to the image transfer and the perimeter of both the wood and the cardstock. Add shading around the painted circles. Add additional markings with cream and white paints, using a dry brush.