I love the position and dimension of the house in relation to the wood panel nestled behind it. Admittedly, I have become rather addicted to the idea of stacking items one upon another, items that may not necessarily go together. But that is when magic can happen. Your challenge is to create your own such piece—spread your wings a bit and think completely off of the canvas.
beeswax and melting pot
binder clip
black ink pad
bone folder
embroidery floss
ledger paper
rhinestone finding
Summer Linen acrylic paint
rubber stamps, assorted
various papers
watercolor crayon
wood board
wood shaped like a house
Measure a sheet of ledger paper to fit the wood panel. Cut and adhere the paper and use a bone folder to ensure all the air bubbles are removed.
Using black ink, stamp images onto the top of the paper.
Paint house with Summer Linen acrylic paint. Allow to dry.
Stamp text on the house using black ink.
Cut various papers approximately 21⁄2" × 1" (6cm × 3cm). Layer the papers on top of one another.
Hold the stack of papers together with a binder clip then apply a thick layer of adhesive to the top of the paper stack—making sure to avoid the binder clip.
Place a scrap of muslin that has been cut to the same width as the paper stack onto the adhesive. Keep the stack clipped together and let it dry.
Turn the first two pages of the stack over and adhere them to the back, top area of the house.
Embed a small strand of rhinestones into the bezel using adhesive or wax. Allow this to set or adhere the bezel the top of the paper stack.
With a needle and embroidery floss, create a ribbon bundle using a simple straight stitch. Tie the thread off in the front as this will add additional texture and interest. Adhere the bundle to the bottom center of the house.
With an strong adhesive adhere the rhinestone finding to the house.
With a brush reserved just for wax add a layer of wax to the top of the ledger paper.
With a watercolor crayon, highlight the perimeter of the house. To blend, use either a paper towel or finger dipped in a bit of water.
To complete the house add a bit of wax to the areas where watercolor crayon was added.