There is a great sense of whimsy and movement within this piece. Texture, color and shapes create layer upon layer. It is virtually impossible to absorb everything upon a first viewing, which is exactly how Ruth intended it to be. I Will Return evolved over a few days, as each layer beckoned for another. We hope you, too, will delve into a project such as this. Allow the layers to build and walk away from the piece once in a while, as clarity is often found during these breaks. Your artistic voice will know when the last layer has been added.
acrylic paint, assorted colors
beading needle
book text
cup or lid
fabric hearts
gel medium
lightweight fabric
molding paste
multipurpose cloth
needle and thread
paper towel
perle cotton thread
wax paper
Cut out pieces of wax paper and lightweight fabric measuring 81⁄2" × 10" (22cm × 25cm). Place the fabric on the wax paper. Press a hot, dry iron over the fabric for 40 seconds or until the wax paper adheres to the fabric. Use a blotting cloth to protect your iron from the wax paper.
Open a text program or a photo-editing program and choose an image. Place the fabric paper into the printer and print on best quality. Allow to dry for 20 minutes.
Cut one 12" × 12" (30cm × 30cm) piece of multipurpose cloth. Apply book text to the cloth with gel medium.
With a 1" (25mm) flat brush paint the entire piece of fabric with Portrait Pink.
Using various stencils, create markings and shapes on the background with white acrylic paint.
After the paint has dried, push molding paste through stencils to create texture.
Place the rim of a cup or lid into white acrylic paint to create a half-circle bunting. With a paintbrush fill in the circles with paint.
With a dry brush, paint over the piece with light Portrait Pink, being sure to go over the molding paste but also leaving some parts white. Use a paper towel to remove any excess color.
9 Stain the Fabric Mix a 1⁄2 cup of water and 2 tablespoon pink paint to create a color wash. Dip a 10" × 10" (25cm × 25cm) piece of fabric into the pink color bath, squeeze out excess water and set it aside to dry. Repeat with a strip of cheesecloth.
Apply white acrylic paint through a stencil with a dry stiff brush to the dried pink-stained fabric.
Water down white glue to the consistency of milk them brush the glue on a piece of muslin fabric. Make sure to completely saturate it before attaching a piece of paper or book text, pressing down to adhere. Allow to dry completely.
Use gesso and molding paste to create texture on the piece of book text or paper. Once dry, use a color wash or coffee stain to tint your text.
Sew together your fabric paper and fabric elements with either a sewing machine or needle and thread.
Cut out and hand stitch your printed fabric hearts, stuffing with fiberfill before you close them up. Then use a beading needle and thread to attach beads. Use perle cotton thread and an embroidery needle to make decorative stitches. Attach the hearts and beads to your painted base by stitching through the canvas. Heavy gel medium can also be used to help adhere the paper to the base.