Shading With Pencils

I consistently reach for pencils when creating markings and shading. Not only does the addition of a variety of pencils add depth and interest but also a personal marking that becomes much like a signature.

STEP 1: Create Additional Marks

A simple black colored pencil is great when adding personal markings to your work. Generally these would be added at the end of creating a piece; however, this is not a hard and fast rule and should be done when you feel it needs to be.

STEP 2: Smear Your Marks

Watercolor pencils are much like their cousin, the watercolor crayon. Create markings with the pencil, then go back and smear them with a damp cloth or fingertip.

STEP 3: Create Depth

To create depth with a charcoal pencil, simply draw lines and markings. I prefer to smear the lines with my fingertip or a soft, dry cloth. Remember, if adding charcoal to your piece, to seal it with a charcoal sealant.

STEP 4: Add Defined Lines

Graphite pencils are a go-to when you wish to add defined lines within your collage. They can be smeared a bit to add shading; however, graphite lines are also appealing just as they are.