The Story of Dan, Beth, Chris, and Blank

There once was a girl named Dan

Who loved to fix and loved to fan:

She blowed and blowed

And sewed and sewed

And needled and needled

And wheedled and seedled.

She loved to fix and loved to fan

And that’s the story of Dan.

There once was a fella named Beth

Who loved to break and hold his breath.

Inhaled, inhaled

And sailed and sailed

Navigated, navigated.

Stavikated, avadrated.

She loved to break and hold his breath

And that’s the story of Beth.

There once was a cat named Chris

Who loved to kill and loved to kiss

He washed and wished

And fussed and fished

And lettered and littered

And glittered and twittered

She loved to kill and loved to kiss

And that’s the story of Chris.

There once was a what named Blank

Who loved to drink as it sat and thank

So sipped and sipped

and supped and supped

The opposite. So neither did—quite ill-fitted,

to say what’s the wrong of the . . .


It loved to drink as it sat and thank

And that’s the Story of Blank.