‘SO have you been to Wave Rock?’ Simone asked Billy as they sped through the outskirts of town.
‘Yeah, but not for ages. We have a few rocks on the farm that I play on with Seth.’
‘Who is Seth?’ she asked and was pleased when Billy replied excitedly, telling her about his best friends who lived next door and all the things they got up to, from building bush cubbies to racing their bikes.
‘Are we going to my house?’ Billy asked at one point as he glanced around, trying to work out where they were.
‘We’re going to Wave Rock first. I’ll get your ice-cream there and we can have a look around together. Make some memories,’ she said with a smile.
Billy looked at her strangely. ‘But I don’t want to go to Wave Rock. I want to go home,’ he said softly. ‘You said we were going to Dad.’
‘We are, Billy. After our ice-cream, remember?’
Simone could hardly believe that this little boy was made from her DNA, grown inside her belly, that she’d given birth to him after nine hours of labour. It had all been so sudden, in the end. One minute she was walking around Drew’s house cursing the heat and her swollen ankles, and the next she’d been struck down with pain so intense she’d craved a hit of any sort. For five months Alice had hovered over her like a prison guard – don’t do this, don’t do that, you must eat this, it’s good for the baby. Simone had grown to dislike the child, as life in the Saddler household had become unbearable. It was all about the baby. When he was born she’d been so relieved it was all over, relieved she could be herself again.
Yet the memory of that white room, the doctor and nurses, the blood and the newborn baby cries had always stayed with her, no matter how hard she’d tried to burn them from her mind with whatever concoction she could find.
She could still remember the moment the doctor had lifted him up to her, saying, ‘It’s a boy!’ Simone hadn’t wanted to know, hadn’t wanted to see him either, but it had been too late. His little body was there, all red and mucky. She’d turned her head away then, hot tears running from her eyes. Not because of any love that was swamping her, but from relief that it was all finally over. At last she could have her life back – and they could have the baby.
But later Simone had been curious about the boy. It was surreal to think he’d been the baby growing inside her all that time. But because she refused to hold him or be near him, she’d severed whatever bond may have grown. As soon as she’d felt up to walking, she took the meagre possessions she had left and escaped back to the city.
Suffering through the after-effects of her pregnancy and labour constantly reminded her of what she’d been through – breasts full and aching, a body trying to recover, and then the baby blues, which made her depression worse. Getting back to normal, the parties, the good times, had seemed to ease her mind. She at least felt free. The way Alice had lorded over her and gone on and on about the child and its health – well, she’d been glad to be rid of him. In a way she’d been jealous of the love and devotion they’d given an unborn child when Simone struggled to get anything from her own mum.
It wasn’t until her mum passed away from a drug overdose that she recalled any happy childhood memories of her own. Going for ice-cream, visits to the beach. Some of those times were to escape her dad when he was in a foul mood but it had brought them closer together. Simone often wondered, if her mum had really loved her, why hadn’t she left her abusive husband and started a new life?
Here she was now, facing her own son and trying to make amends. Her mum had never left her, after all, no matter how bad things had got.
Simone pulled out a cigarette and lit it.
Billy gaped at her. ‘You can’t smoke in a car,’ he said. ‘We’ll choke. Smoking kills you. Gives you cancer. I don’t want cancer.’
The kid was going on and on. Simone saw the horror on his face; it looked as if he might jump out the car, so she wound down her window and threw her cigarette out.
‘That’s littering. You’re lucky it’s not summer or you could have started a fire.’
‘Jesus, kid, who are you? The goody-two-shoes police?’ The sooner they could get to Wave Rock, the better. She was dying for a ciggie. ‘Can I stop and have a smoke?’ she asked him.
He shook his head and crossed his arms. ‘I want my dad. Can we go home now?’
‘But we haven’t had our ice-cream yet, and I promised you two, remember?’ Maybe she should just stop and have a quick smoke before her nerves went crazy.
‘I don’t want one. I just want to go home.’ His bottom lip dropped.
‘Well, I want to see Wave Rock and have an ice-cream, so we’ll keep going.’
Simone’s mother had brought her up on tough love and she knew that with a firm hand Billy would understand and get over it. Once he got his ice-cream it would be fine.
She glanced across and saw big fat tears falling down his face.
‘Let’s put on some music, hey? What do you like to listen to?’ Simone turned up the radio. She ignored his crying and sang along. Soon he’d give up trying to get her attention.
‘I want my dad,’ he sobbed, but she ignored his hiccups and snotty nose. He just wanted his own way but she guessed he’d be fine after a treat.
‘We’re nearly there. I wonder if they still have the animals there. We could see the white kangaroo.’ She might as well have been talking to herself. Billy just cried even more. This kid was persistent.
And it only got worse. By the time they arrived in Hyden, he was in near hysterics. He wouldn’t get out of the car so she left him there while she had a quick smoke then went to get the ice-cream.
‘Here, buddy, just what you wanted,’ she said, opening the car door. But he didn’t move, wouldn’t even look at her. ‘Okay, then. Suit yourself.’ She left the ice-cream on the ground for him. ‘Well, I’m going to have a look around the rock. Come with me if you like. It will be fun.’
He stayed put, so she turned and headed to the rock. As she walked through the bush and climbed over the rock, looking for tadpoles in the little pools, she wondered if he was hoeing into the ice-cream.
But on her return she found it where she’d left it, melted into a mess on the ground. Billy was asleep in the front seat, snot and tears smeared over his face. The kid had been crying non-stop for over an hour – no wonder he’d crashed.
He would be better when he woke up, she thought. He just needed time to realise he was fine with her, that they could be a family.
Simone went to buy some chocolate before waking him up.
‘Hey, Billy, wanna come and look at the animals with me?’
He sat up with a start, looking around and trying to get his bearings. ‘Where’s my dad? I want my dad,’ he said, starting to cry again.
‘No, Billy, enough crying. You’ll have no tears left soon.’ She reached out for his arm to pull him out of the car. ‘Come on, you’ll feel better if we go see something.’
‘I don’t want to,’ he said. ‘No!’ he screamed when she pulled him from the car.
She let him go and he fell to the ground, sobbing, and that’s when she saw the dark patch spreading across his school pants. She was hit with the strong smell of urine.
Billy didn’t seem to care that he’d wet himself; he just lay there on the ground with more tears and snot. What was it with this kid? Surely he was too old to be wetting his pants. Didn’t kids stop that before they got to school?
‘Damn it, Billy. You don’t have any other pants to wear. Now what are we going to do?’
Simone didn’t know what to do with him. She hadn’t even changed nappies, so there was no way she wanted to be changing a grown boy’s pants. She couldn’t call her mum. Instead she lit up another cigarette and watched him. ‘You’re just making this harder on yourself, kid. It doesn’t have to be like this.’
Simone’s earlier thoughts of having her son with her, doing the family thing, lots of laughs and fun, all suddenly slipped away, replaced by the cold reality. But she didn’t want to give up just yet. He had to come around. She just had to be patient. TV, she suddenly thought. Kids love TV.
Somehow she managed to get him back into the car, and they drove to the Hyden motel, where she booked a room for them. She couldn’t coax him from the car so she ended up carrying him, crying and screaming, to the room. Luckily the place was quiet, so no one would pay them any attention. Simone had seen plenty of unruly kids before, anyway. People would just think he was misbehaving.
She put him down on the floor and turned on the TV. Billy curled up into a ball and kept crying for his dad. Her friend had a ten-year-old boy and she’d looked after him a few times. He’d never been this difficult. Even when his mum hadn’t returned as promised, even two days later, he’d never become this hysterical.
Simone left him and went downtown to buy some bourbon UDLs to get her through, and a heap more snacks and chips from the roadhouse. When she returned he was asleep on the floor.
‘Hey, little dude. You hungry?’ she said, shaking him gently.
He opened his eyes but they were blank.
‘Come on, you need to eat or at least drink something.’ She piled it up beside him and went to sit on the bed, hoping he might eat if she wasn’t watching.
Man, what had she done wrong? Was this kid just different? He did seem a little strange but she’d just put that down to him being shy.
As she went back outside for a smoke, she noticed he hadn’t touched anything. The way they were going, Billy was going to win this round. Simone wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep this up. Is this what being a parent was all about? If it was, she wasn’t sure her nerves could take it. Just as well she’d bought another two packets of cigarettes. With a sigh, she opened her next can and took a big drink. It was going to be a long night.