Mike Zimmerman’s returns for a second appearance in these pages after his fun “Splatterfairies” story last issue. Mike sent me this really fun story as part of the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter stretch goal and it caught me right from the start, as I have a hunch all of Mike’s stories will do.
Mike is a full-time bestselling writer, editor, and brand storyteller who specializes in finding and honing a person/place/product’s unique voice. He has done that across a multitude of divergent brands — from publicly-traded companies to national magazines to B2B mavens to household-name authors.
He uses journalism, research, analytics, good prose chops, razor-sharp copywriting, a bent brain, and a sense of humor to create world-class content for any audience. With far over 50 books in print, including 35 novels, you can find out more about Mike at zimwrites.com including information about his new book Jet Lag Is For Suckers.