The following appendix provides supplementary information on the aḥādīth cited, paraphrased, or referred to in the commentary. In many, though not all, cases these ḥadīth reports are to be found in the works of the traditional commentators (e.g., al-Ṭabarī or Ibn Kathīr), upon which the present commentary is largely based. Also included in this appendix are some reports comprising sayings of prominent Companions of the Prophet and other early figures that are narrated in ḥadīth collections.
The collection and classification of aḥādīth according to the reliability of their chain of transmission (isnād) in reporting the words and actions of the Prophet is a major discipline in Islamic studies. The ḥadīth collectors devised numerous categories, including those aḥādīth that were so widely corroborated (mutawātir) as to be without doubt the words or actions of the Prophet, those that were almost certainly falsely attributed to him, and the large range of possibilities in between. It is beyond the scope of this appendix to provide a comprehensive treatment in this respect, although those cases in which scholars have considered a purported saying of the Prophet to be very unreliable or to have been misattributed have been noted.
Moreover, the forensic enterprise of ranking aḥādīth was itself separate from the question of how such texts would then be used as authoritative sources in law, theology, spirituality, history, and commentary. It should be noted that most traditional authors did not limit themselves to the strongest and most reliable aḥādīth in their works, but made use of a wide range of aḥādīth, using different conventions in different areas of study. This is especially true in tafsīr (Quranic commentary), where the aim was to provide a basis for meditating on the multiple levels of meaning embedded in specific verses. In general, even the greatest scholars of Quranic commentary evinced a comparative leniency with regard to the relative soundness of the aḥādīth they cited, though there is considerable variation in the methods and standards employed from one work and author to another, depending on many factors.
As people of great erudition, the authors of major Quranic commentaries had at their disposal dozens of ḥadīth compilations that collectively comprised hundreds of thousands of entries, far beyond the famous collections, such as al-Bukhārī’s, that are household names in the Islamic world. Often these commentators (and learned traditional authors in general) quote a less well known variant or version of a ḥadīth, use only a portion of a ḥadīth, or combine more than one ḥadīth into a single comment. We have not parsed out all aspects of how these texts have been quoted, a task that would have required a separate volume. Rather, our goal is to provide the origins of these aḥādīth (a process in Islamic intellectual culture called takhrīj, or “extraction”) for students and scholars who are interested in the original sources of these crucial texts.
We have also not attempted to document all sources for a particular ḥadīth and have limited ourselves to citing a sampling of sources, giving priority to the most authoritative. In most cases where a specific report is found in the collections of al-Bukhārī and Muslim, we deemed it unnecessary to cite additional sources. For aḥādīth found in only one of the above named collections or in neither of them, at least three sources are cited, although there are some instances of exceptionally obscure aḥādīth. In a few cases, the report in question is cited only in the tafsīr literature and the earliest such citation(s) is indicated.
The number of the commentary in which the ḥadīth or saying appears is in red, followed by an identifying excerpt or short description and the work(s) in which the text (or part of it) can be found. A bibliography of the sources appears at the end of this appendix. Editorial notes about the citations appear in parentheses. Aḥādīth very similar to or very closely related to the ḥadīth in question appear within brackets.
The # symbol designates the serial number of the ḥadīth in the edition of the work listed in the accompanying bibliography; in cases where there is no serial numbering, the page number or the volume and page number are provided.
1:Introduction The Prophet declares al-Fātiḥah to be the greatest sūrah: Bukhārī, #4474; Abū Dāwūd, #1458; Ibn Mājah, #3785; Mālik, #231.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “I have divided the prayer . . .”: Muslim, #395; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #7958, #7959; ʿAbd al-Razzāq, #2767, #2678; {Mālik, #245}.
“By Him in Whose hand lies my soul, in neither the Torah . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2875, #3125; Nasāʾī, #914; Ḥākim, #3078; Ibn Khuzaymah, #500, #501.
“Satan was frightened four times . . .”: Majlisī, Biḥār, 89:237; {Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #4788}.
1:1c “I have prayed behind the Prophet, Abū Bakr . . .”: (not all verbatim) Bukhārī, #743; Muslim, #399; Nasāʾī, #907; Ibn Mājah, #815; Mālik, #227; Ibn Khuzaymah, #495.
“Among you I perform the prayer that is closest . . .”: Nasāʾī, #905; Ḥākim, #852; Ibn Khuzaymah, #499.
The revelation of the basmalah enabled the Prophet to separate one sūrah from the next: Abū Dāwūd, #788; Ḥākim, #848; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #2377.
“Any important matter not begun with the Name of God . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #8712; {more common, with “Praise be to God”: Ibn Mājah, #1894; Abū Dāwūd, #4840; Ibn Ḥibbān, #1, #2; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #10255}.
1:2c “When you say Praise be to God . . .”: (obscure ḥadīth with very weak isnād) Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Muttaqī, #6453.
“There is no way to enumerate the praise due to Thee . . .”: Muslim, #486; Tirmidhī, #3493; Abū Dāwūd, #879; Ibn Mājah, #1179.
1:4c “On the Day of Judgment, God will grasp the earth . . .”: (not verbatim, some partial) Bukhārī, #7412, #4812; Muslim, #2788, #2787; Abū Dāwūd, #4732; Abū Yaʿlā, #5558.
“Who is the most intelligent . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4259; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #4671.
“Bring yourself to account . . .”: (a much-cited saying of ʿUmar) Ibn Abī al-Dunyā, Mawsūʿah, #9874; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 1:52; {Tirmidhī, #2459}.
1:6c “God has set forth a parable . . .”: Ḥākim, #245; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17634; Ṭabarānī, Musnad, #2024; {abridged: Tirmidhī, #2859; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17636}.
Descriptions of the bridge over Hellfire: (not verbatim) Bukhārī, #6574, #7439; Muslim, #183; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #360; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11081, #11127; Abū Yaʿlā, #1253, #6663; Ibn Ḥajar, #4545.
1:7c The interpretation of those who incur wrath and those who are astray: Tirmidhī, #2953, #2954; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6246; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #3813; Ṭayālisī, #1135.
“When the prayer leader says . . .” Bukhārī, #4475; Muslim, #410; Mālik, #252, #253.
2:Introduction “Everything has a zenith . . .” Tirmidhī, #2878; {Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2158, #2161}.
“Truly Satan leaves a house when . . .”: Muslim, #780; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #10735; Tirmidhī, #2877; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2162.
“Learn al-Baqarah . . .”: Dārimī, #3419; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22950, #22157; {Muslim, #804}.
2:22c “O Messenger of God, what is the greatest sin . . .”: Bukhārī, #6001; Muslim, #86.
2:31c “Truly God created Adam from a handful . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4693; Tirmidhī, #2955; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6181; {Ḥākim, #3096}.
2:67–71c “Had they taken the nearest cow . . .”: Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Haythamī, Kashf, #2188.
2:72–73c “O Messenger of God, how does God revive . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #16196, #16194; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, 19:208.
2:74c “I know a stone in Makkah . . .”: Muslim, #2277; Dārimī, #20; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #1961.
“This is a mountain . . .”: Bukhārī, #2889, #4803; Muslim, #1365; Mālik, #1854.
The story of the weeping date-palm stump, Bukhārī, #2095; {Tirmidhī, #3627; Ibn Mājah, #1414; Nasāʾī, #1396}.
2:78c “We are an ummī people . . .”: Bukhārī, #1913; Muslim, #1080; Abū Dāwūd, #2319.
2:83c “Paradise is at the feet of mothers”: Nasāʾī, #3104; Ibn Mājah, #2781; Ḥākim, #2558.
2:87c “You will follow the ways . . .”: Bukhārī, #3456; Muslim, #2669; Tirmidhī, #2641.
2:93c “Trials and temptations come upon hearts . . .”: Muslim, #144; Ibn Ḥanbal, #23280, #23440.
2:94–95c “Let none of you long for death . . .”: Bukhārī, #6351; Muslim, #2680; Tirmidhī, #971.
2:98c “Whoever is an enemy of God’s friend . . .”: Bukhārī, #6502; Ibn Ḥibbān, #347; {Ibn Mājah, #3989}.
2:106c “It is one of those that has been abrogated . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #4637; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #13141.
2:108c “That Muslim commits the greatest crime . . .”: Bukhārī, #7289; Muslim, #2358.
“Those who came before you were ruined . . .”: Bukhārī, #7288; Muslim, #1337; Nasāʾī, #2619.
2:109c “Let there be no envy except . . .”: Bukhārī, #1409, #7141; Muslim, #816; Tirmidhī, #1936.
2:125c “This is the station of Abraham . . .”: (not verbatim, partial) Bukhārī, #402, #4916; Tirmidhī, #2959, #2960; Ibn Ḥanbal, #160.
2:126c “This land was made inviolable by God . . .”: Bukhārī, #112, #1349, #1587; Muslim, #1353, #1355.
2:143c Middle means “just”: Bukhārī, #3339, #4487; Tirmidhī, #2961; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11068.
“The best of things is their middlemost”: (weak or incomplete isnād) Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #6102; ʿAjlūnī, #1247; {“the best of works”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #3604}.
“God will cause to enter the Garden . . .”: Bukhārī, #1368, #2643; Nasāʾī, #1934; Ibn Ḥanbal, #204, #139.
“You are God’s witnesses over mankind”: (not verbatim) Bukhārī, #1367; Muslim, #949; Tirmidhī, #1058.
2:145c “Whoever prays our prayer . . .”: Bukhārī, #391; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #1669; {Nasāʾī, #4997}.
2:152c Ḥadīth qudsī: “I am as my servant deems Me . . .”: Bukhārī, #7405; Muslim, #2675; Tirmidhī, #3603; Ibn Mājah, #3822.
2:154c “The spirits of the witnesses . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3011; Ibn Mājah, #1449, #2801; Abū Dāwūd, #2520.
2:155c “Patience comes at the first blow”: Bukhārī, #1283, #1302; Muslim, #926; Tirmidhī, #988.
2:158c “Go to and fro . . .”: Ḥākim, #7022; Ibn Ḥanbal, #27367, #27368.
2:165c “You will be with those whom you love”: Bukhārī, #6168, #6169, #6170; Muslim, #2640, #2641.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “Those who loved each other in My Glory . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2390; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22080; Ḥākim, #8365.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “Where are those who loved one another . . .”: Muslim, #2566; Mālik, #2004; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7231, #7455.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “My Love is realized for . . .”: (not all verbatim) Ḥākim, #7393, #7394, #7395; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22080, #22002; Mālik, #2007.
2:168c Ḥadīth qudsī: “I created My servants as ḥanīfs . . .”: Muslim, #2865; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17484; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #2954.
“Make wholesome what you eat . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #6495.
2:172–73c “God is good . . .”: Muslim, #1015; Tirmidhī, #2989; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8348.
2:177c The ḥadīth of Gabriel, the five principal articles of Islamic faith: Bukhārī, #50; Muslim, #9, #10.
2:178c “The blood of all Muslims is equal”: Abū Dāwūd, #2751; Ibn Mājah, #2683; Nasāʾī, #4734.
2:180c “Let there be no bequests for heirs”: Abū Dāwūd, #2870; Tirmidhī, #2120; Nasāʾī, #3641.
“One third, and . . .”: Bukhārī, #5354; Muslim, #1628; Tirmidhī, #2116.
2:182c “Injustice in the matter of bequests . . .”: (verbatim but incomplete isnād) Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #12587; (with iḍrār instead of janaf) Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #12586; Dīnawarī, #3460.
“He who spends or gives charity . . .”: Nasāʾī, #3614; Bazzār, #4093; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #7834.
2:184c The Prophet orders Muslims to fast on ʿĀshūrāʾ in Madinah: Bukhārī, #3942, #3943, #2004, #2005; Muslim, #1130, #1131.
2:185c “When Ramadan comes . . .”: Bukhārī, #3277; Muslim, #1079; Mālik, #855.
“Make things easy . . .”: Bukhārī, #69, #6125; Muslim, #1734.
2:186c “You are calling One . . .”: Bukhārī, #6610; Muslim, #2704.
“Calling upon God is a form of worship”: Tirmidhī, #3372; Abū Dāwūd, #1479; Ibn Mājah, #328.
2:188c “I am only a man . . .”: Bukhārī, #2458, #7185; Muslim, #1713; Mālik, #2877.
2:197c “By Him in whose Hand is my soul, there is no deed . . .”: (verbatim, but mursal) Ibn Abī ʿUrūbah, #7; {Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 10:401; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7511}.
2:201c “Our Lord, give us good . . .”: Bukhārī, #4522, #6389; Muslim, #2690; Abū Dāwūd, #1519.
2:212c “Abū Dharr, look around . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #21396, #21493; Ibn Ḥibbān, #681; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #5862.
2:217c “I did not command you to fight . . .”: Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #17989; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, #77.
2:222c “Your menses are not in your hands”: Muslim, #297, #298; Ibn Mājah, #632; Nasāʾī, #384; Tirmidhī, #134.
2:223c “A single orifice”: (without repetition) Tirmidhī, #2979; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #14105; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #8035; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4166.
2:250–51c “God repels the punishment . . .”: (not found in aḥādīth with isnād) Thaʿlabī, Tafsīr, 2:224.
2:255c The Prophet told his Companions to recite Āyat al-Kursī before sleeping: Bukhārī, #2311, #3275, #5010; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2170.
Āyat al-Kursī as the greatest verse of the Quran: Muslim, #810; Abū Dāwūd, #1460; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2172.
Āyat al-Kursī as “a fourth of the Quran”: Bazzār, #6247; Ibn Ḥanbal, #13309; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2285.
2:260c “We have more right to doubt . . .”: Bukhārī, #3372, #4537; Muslim, #151.
2:261c “God makes the good deed . . .”: Bukhārī, #7492, #7538; Muslim, #1151; Ibn Ḥanbal, #4256, #9363.
“On the Day of Judgment you shall have . . .”: Muslim, #1892; Nasāʾī, #3187; Ḥākim, #2504.
2:264–65c “When a person gives a lawfully earned date . . .”: Bukhārī, #1410; Muslim, #1014; Tirmidhī, #661.
2:267c “None of you believes until . . .”: Bukhārī, #13; Muslim, #45; Ibn Mājah, #66.
“Truly God distributes your provisions . . .”: (variants) Ibn Ḥanbal, #3282; Ḥākim, #94, #95, #7381.
“Do not feed others with . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #24736, #24917, #25110.
2:268c “Satan has an inspiration . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2988; Ibn Ḥibbān, #997; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #10985.
2:269c “Let there be envy in only . . .”: Bukhārī, #1409, #7141; Muslim, #816; Tirmidhī, #1936.
2:271c “Charity puts out sin . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4210; Bazzār, #6212; Abū Yaʿlā, #3656.
“When you perform an evil deed . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #21487; Albānī, Ṣaḥīḥah, #1373; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 4:217.
2:272c The anecdote about a man who gives charity to an adulterer: Bukhārī, #1421; Muslim, #1022; Nasāʾī, #2523.
2:273c “The indigent person . . .”: Bukhārī, #1476, #4539; Muslim, #1039; Abū Dāwūd, #1631, #1632; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7539, #8187.
“Fear the firāsah of the believer . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3127; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7497; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 6:118.
2:275–81c “Ribā in the pre-Islamic times . . .”: (a statement, not a ḥadīth) Mālik, #2670.
“Gold for gold . . .”: Muslim, #1584, #1587; Nasāʾī, #4565; {Bukhārī, #2177, #2176; Ibn Mājah, #2255}.
Exchanging different quality dates for one another is ribā: (same principle, but no mention of Bilāl) Bukhārī, #4247, #7351; Muslim, #1594; Nasāʾī, #4553; Mālik, #2516.
2:275c “Lo! All ribā from pre-Islamic times is forgiven . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #3334; Tirmidhī, #3087; Ibn Mājah, #3055; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #10465.
2:277c “The ultimate result . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #2279; Ḥākim, #2347; Ibn Ḥanbal, #3754, #4026.
2:280–81c “Whosoever grants a delay . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #2418; Ḥākim, #2280; Abū Yaʿlā, #251; {Muslim, #1563, #3006}.
2:282c “Whosoever contracts a forward sale . . .”: Bukhārī, #2240; Muslim, #1604; Abū Dāwūd, #3463; Ibn Mājah, #2280.
2:284c “Whosoever intends a good deed . . .”: Bukhārī, #6491; Muslim, #131.
2:285–86c “Whosoever recites these two verses . . .”: Bukhārī, #5009; Muslim, #807, #808; Tirmidhī, #2881.
“I was given the two verses . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #21564, #21344; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #4145.
During his Night Journey and Ascension the Prophet was given three things: Muslim, #173; Tirmidhī, #3276; Bayhaqī, Dalāʾil, 5:474; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #32230.
“Truly God has absolved my community . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #2045; Ḥākim, #2860; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7219; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #15096.
God responds affirmatively to the supplications in this verse when recited in prayer: Muslim, #125; Ibn Ḥibbān, #139; Ibn Ḥanbal, #9344.
3:8c Making faith firmly rooted: Ibn Ḥanbal, #26576.
3:10c Quran reciters and teachers who consider themselves superior: Ibn al-Mubārak, #425; Bazzār, #283.
3:21c “The best struggle is to speak . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #18830; Abū Dāwūd, #4344.
“The Children of Israel killed . . .”: Bazzār, #1285.
3:27c The story of a Companion in debt: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, vol. 20, #323, #332; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 5:204.
3:31c “Idolatry is more hidden than . . .”: Ḥākim, #8017; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 8:368; {Haythamī, Kashf, #3566}.
3:42c The best or most perfect of all women: Ibn Ḥanbal, #2668, #2957; {mention of only the first two: Bukhārī, #3432; Muslim, #2430}.
3:55c The Prophets are brethren, Jesus will be known: Ibn Ḥanbal, #9270.
3:68c Every prophet has guardians: Tirmidhī, #2995; Ibn Ḥanbal, #3800.
3:75–76c The consequences of not fulfilling trusts: Ibn Mājah, #4054.
Aḥādīth concerning returning trusts to their owners: Ibn Ḥanbal, #15424; Abū Dāwūd, #3534; Tirmidhī, #1264; Abū Dāwūd, #3535.
3:92c “None of you believes until he loves . . .”: Bukhārī, #13; Muslim, #45.
3:96c The merit of prayer at the Kaʿbah: Bukhārī, #1190; Muslim, #1394; Ibn Mājah, #1406; Ibn Ḥanbal, #15271.
3:97c The inviolability of Makkah: Bukhārī, #1587; Muslim, #1353.
3:103c The Quran is “a rope extended . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3788; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11104.
3:104c Changing a wrong with hand, tongue, and heart: Muslim, #49.
“Consult your heart, piety brings peace”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #18001, #18006.
3:113c “No people from among any of the religions . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #3760; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #10209.
3:118c Each prophet has two groups of intimates: Bukhārī, #7198; Nasāʾī, #4202.
3:134c Curbing anger results in reward: Abū Dāwūd, #4778; {Abū Dāwūd, #4777; Ibn Ḥanbal, #15637}.
True strength is the ability to suppress anger: Bukhārī, #6114; Muslim, #2609.
3:137c “Whosoever establishes a good wont . . .”: Muslim, #1017; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19202.
3:145c Deeds are according to intentions: Bukhārī, #1; Muslim, #1907.
3:154c After the Battle of Uḥud, some Companions fell asleep: Bukhārī, #4562.
3:159c “You all know more about the affairs of this world . . .”: Muslim, #2363; {Ibn Mājah, #2471; Ibn Ḥibbān, #22; Bazzār, #6992}.
3:161c An alms collector was sent and accepted a gift: Muslim, #1832; Bukhārī, #7174; {Abū Dāwūd, #2944}.
3:169–71c “The grave is a Garden . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2460.
“The grave is the first station of the Hereafter”: Tirmidhī, #2308; Ibn Mājah, #4267; Ibn Ḥanbal, #454.
“Whosoever among you has died . . .”: (considered a saying, not a ḥadīth) Daylamī, #1121; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 6:267–68.
3:181–82c The blameworthiness of approving of sins: Abū Dāwūd, #4345.
3:185c “The area covered by a whip in the Garden . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3292; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4717.
3:187c “Whosoever conceals knowledge . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #10487; Ibn Mājah, #264.
3:190c The Prophet weeps at the recitation of this verse: Ibn Ḥibbān, #620.
3:191c “One hour of reflection is better . . .”: (considered a saying, not a ḥadīth) {“better than a night’s vigil”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab , 1:262, #117; Muttaqī, #5711}.
3:200c “One day of ribāṭ in the way of God . . .”: Bukhārī, #2892; Muslim, #1881; Tirmidhī, #1664.
Three modes of ribāṭ: Muslim, #251; Ibn Ḥibbān, #1039; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7729.
“You have returned from the lesser jihād . . .”: (much-cited adage, but weak ḥadīth) Bayhaqī, Zuhd, #373; ʿAjlūnī, #1362; Muttaqī, #11779; Khaṭīb, 15:685, #7297.
4:1c Eve’s creation from Adam’s rib: Bukhārī, #3331, #5186; Muslim, #1468.
“The Compassionate created from the womb . . .”: Bukhārī, #5988; Muslim, #2555.
4:10c The punishment for those who wrongly consume orphans’ property: Ibn Ḥibbān, #5566; Abū Yaʿlā, #7440.
4:15c The punishment for adulterers: Muslim, #1690; Abū Dāwūd, #4415; Tirmidhī, #1434; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22666.
4:17–18c “The door of repentance is open until . . .”: (not verbatim) Muslim, #2759, #2703; Ibn Ḥanbal, #10419.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “I will not prevent the repentance . . .”: (not verbatim) Tirmidhī, #3537; Ibn Mājah, #4253; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11244; Abū Yaʿlā, #1399; Ḥākim, #7753; Ibn Ḥibbān, #628.
4:21c “Be reverent with regard to women . . .”: Muslim, #1218; Abū Dāwūd, #1905.
4:23c The number of sucklings required to establish milk relations: Muslim, #1452; Tirmidhī, #1150.
4:31c The identification of four major sins: Bukhārī, #6675, #6870; Tirmidhī, #3021; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6884.
4:32c “Ask God for His Bounty . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3571.
4:34c The Prophet wished to allow retaliation against a husband who struck his wife: Ibn al-Mundhir, Tafsīr, #1701; Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr, #5246; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, #172, #173.
Striking a wife, but without leaving a mark: Tirmidhī, #1163.
The rights a wife is owed from her husband: Abū Dāwūd, #2142; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #9151; Ibn Mājah, #1850.
4:40c God settles all disputes on the Day of Judgment: Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr, #5335.
“God will remove from Hellfire . . .”: Muslim, #183.
4:41c “I am a witness over them . . .”: Bukhārī, #4582, #5050; Muslim, #800.
4:43c God made dust purifying for Muslims: Bukhārī, #335; Muslim, #521.
4:54c “Envy consumes good deeds . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4903; Ibn Mājah, #4210; Abū Yaʿlā, #3656; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #27005.
“I have not seen any oppressor . . .”: (considered a saying, not a ḥadīth) Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #6211.
4:57c “There is a tree in the Garden . . .”: Bukhārī, #4881, #3252; Muslim, #2826, #2827.
4:59c “Whoever obeys me has obeyed God . . .”: Bukhārī, #2957, #7137; Muslim, #1835, #1841.
The incident in which ʿAmmār grants unauthorized amnesty: Ibn Ḥanbal, #16814; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7081; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #3830, #3835; Ḥākim, #5734, #5737, #5742.
4:69–70c “You shall be with those you love”: Bukhārī, #6168, #6169, #6170; Muslim, #2640, #2641.
4:71c “Tether your camel . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2517; Ibn Ḥibbān, #731; Haythamī, Zawāʾid, #18097, #18187.
4:82c The Prophet’s admonishes those who argue about the Quran: Muslim, #2666; Ibn Mājah, #85; Tirmidhī, #2133; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6702, #6668.
4:86c “Peace is among the Names of God . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #10391; Bazzār, #1771.
Spreading greetings of peace is among the acts leading to Paradise: Tirmidhī, #2485; Ibn Mājah, #1334, #3251; Ḥākim, #7254; Ibn Ḥibbān, #508.
4:86c “By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, you will not enter . . .”: Muslim, #54; Tirmidhī, #2688; Ibn Mājah, #68; Abū Dāwūd, #5193.
4:92c “The killing of a believer . . .”: Nasāʾī, #3986; Ibn Mājah, #2619; Tirmidhī, #1395.
4:93c The dire fate of any who intentionally kill a believer: Ibn Mājah, #2620; Abū Yaʿlā, #5900; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #15865.
The punishment of the killer in this world . . .: Bukhārī, #6873, #3893; Muslim, #1709.
4:96c “There are a hundred degrees in Paradise . . .”: Bukhārī, #2790; #8423; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4611.
4:97c Religious emigrants share a special bond with Abraham and the Prophet: (weak, mursal ḥadīth) Dānī, #163; {Jesus and the Prophet: Ibn ʿAsākir, #52620}.
4:114c “The speech of the Children of Adam . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2412; Ibn Mājah, #3974; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #511, #4603.
4:125c The ḥadīth of Gabriel: Bukhārī, #50; Muslim, #9, #10.
4:128c Divorce is the most odious of all lawful things: Abū Dāwūd, #2178; Ibn Mājah, #2018.
4:129c “O God, this is my division . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #2134.
“Whosoever has two wives . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #2133; Tirmidhī, #1141; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7936.
4:134c The reasons for emigration: Bukhārī, #1; Muslim, #1907.
4:136c The ḥadīth of Gabriel, required Muslim beliefs: Bukhārī, #50; Muslim, #9, #10.
5:3c Killing an animal without piercing it: Muslim, #5081.
“For whomever I am his master . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3713; Ibn Mājah, #116; Ḥākim, #4642; Ibn Ḥanbal, #950, #22945; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #8145; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #32608.
5:6c “Whosoever performs ablution . . .”: Muslim, #245; Bazzār, #433; Ibn Ḥanbal, #476.
“Purity is half of faith”: Tirmidhī, #3519; Dārimī, #654; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #3297.
5:27–32c “Verily God gives you the example of the two sons of Adam . . .”: (weak, mursal ḥadīth) Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Albānī, Ḍaʿīfah, #3097.
5:35c Ḥadīth qudsī: The best means of approach to God: Bukhārī, #6502; Ibn Ḥibbān, #347; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #20980; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7833.
5:38–39c The Prophet would apply the penalty for theft even to his own daughter: Bukhārī, #3475; Muslim, #1688.
5:41c Two Jewish adulterers are brought to the Prophet for judgment: Bukhārī, #6819, #4556; Muslim, #1699; Abū Dāwūd, #4452.
5:54c “Tomorrow I shall give the standard . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #22993; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #8402; {Bukhārī, #3009, #3701, #3702; Muslim, #2404, #2405, #2460; Tirmidhī, #3798}.
5:58c The inspiration for the call to prayer: Abū Dāwūd, #499; Tirmidhī, #189; Ibn Mājah, #706; Ibn Ḥanbal, #16478.
The need for public announcement of prayer times: Bukhārī, #604; Muslim, #377.
5:79c “The best striving . . .”: Nasāʾī, #4209; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18830; Abū Dāwūd, #4344.
5:82–83c “Recite the Quran and weep . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4196, #1337; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1891, #1960.
5:90–91c “Wine is that which clouds the intellect”: Bukhārī, #4619, #5581, #5588; Muslim, #3032.
5:93c Ḥadīth qudsī: “My servant brings nothing that . . .”: Bukhārī, #6502.
5:95c Prohibitions also apply to Madinah, because of its sacred character: Bukhārī, #1867, #3179; Muslim, #1366.
5:98c “Were the fear of a believer weighed . . .”: (considered an adage, not a ḥadīth) Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #993, #994, #995; ʿAjlūnī, #2131.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “My Mercy . . .”: Bukhārī, #7553, #7554; Muslim, #2751.
5:100c “Mankind is like a hundred camels . . .”: Bukhārī, #6498; Muslim, #2987.
5:101–2c “Keep silent regarding . . .”: Muslim, #1337; Nasāʾī, #2619; Ibn Ḥanbal, #10607; Ibn Ḥibbān, #3704.
God dislikes “too much questioning”: Bukhārī, #2408, #5975; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18147.
5:106c “Whosoever would swear an oath . . .”: Bukhārī, #2679, #6108; Muslim, #1646.
5:111c Faith consists of “knowledge in the heart . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #65; Albānī, Ḍaʿīf al-Jāmiʿ, #2309; Daylamī, #371; {Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #16; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #6254, #8580}.
5:117–18c The Prophet is granted intercession for his followers who are innocent of shirk: Ibn Ḥanbal, #21328; Bazzār, #4061; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #32302.
6:12–13c “When God decreed the created realm . . .”: Bukhārī, #3194, #7422; Muslim, #2751.
ḥadīth qudsī: “My Mercy . . .”: Bukhārī, #7553, #7554; Muslim, #2751.
“O God, I seek refuge in Thy Contentment . . .”: Muslim, #486; Abū Dāwūd, #1427; Tirmidhī, #3566; Ibn Ḥanbal, #751.
6:14c “Praise be to God who feeds . . .”: Ibn Ḥibbān, #5219; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #10060; Ḥākim, #2055; Ibn Abī al-Dunyā, Mawsūʿah, #5110.
6:15c “I have the best knowledge of God . . .”: Bukhārī, #6101, #7301; Muslim, #2356.
6:32c “The world is the prison of the believer . . .”: Muslim, #2956; Ibn Mājah, #4113; Tirmidhī, #2324.
6:42–44c “When you see that God has given . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #17311; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #9272; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #4540.
6:54c “Do you know the right of God . . .”: Bukhārī, #2856, #6500; Muslim, #30.
6:59c “The keys of the Unseen are five . . .”: Bukhārī, #4697; Ibn Ḥanbal, #5133.
“I have been given the keys of eloquent speech . . .”: Bukhārī, #7273; Muslim, #523.
6:65c “My community will divide into seventy-two . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4597; Tirmidhī, #2641; Ibn Mājah, #3993.
“If the sword . . .”: Muslim, #2889; Abū Dāwūd, #4252; Tirmidhī, #2202; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17115, #22395.
Differences among the Muslim community are a mercy: (a much-cited adage, but not considered a sound ḥadīth) ʿAjlūnī, #153; Albānī, Ḍaʿīf al-Jāmiʿ, #230.
6:74c “God transferred me from pure loins . . .”: (not verbatim) Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #14076; Bayhaqī, Dalāʾil, 1:174; Albānī, Ḍaʿīf al-Jāmiʿ, #1320; Abū al-Nuʿaym, Dalāʾil, #14, #15; Qasṭallānī, 1:45–46.
6:92c “Whosoever leaves off prayer . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2621, #2622; Ibn Ḥanbal, #14979; Muslim, #82.
6:103c “Verily you will see your Lord . . .”: Bukhārī, #554, #7434; Muslim, #633.
6:110c “The heart of the believer . . .”: Muslim, #2654; Ibn Ḥibbān, #902; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6569.
“O Turner of hearts and sights . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2140, {Ibn Ḥanbal, #12107, #24603; #26519}.
6:125c Expansion of the breast as “a light that God . . .”: Bayhaqī, Zuhd, #974; Ibn al-Mubārak, #300; {Ḥākim, #7944; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #35317, #35318}.
6:151–52c “Deeds are according to intentions”: Bukhārī, #1; Muslim, #1907.
6:158c The sun rising from the West: Bukhārī, #4635, #4636; Muslim, #157.
6:159c The Jews divided into seventy-one sects: Abū Dāwūd, #4596; Tirmidhī, #2640; Ibn Mājah, #3992.
6:162–63c The Prophet was a prophet “while Adam was still between water and clay”: Tirmidhī, #3609; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6404; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12571; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #16623, #20596, #23212; ʿAjlūnī, #2007}.
The Prophet recited these two verses and v. 79 before night prayer: Muslim, #771; Abū Dāwūd, #760; Tirmidhī, #3422; Dārimī, #1273; Ibn Ḥibbān, #1771, #1773.
7:6–7c “There is not one of you . . .”: Bukhārī, #6539; Muslim, #1016.
7:8–9c “Nothing is heavier in the balance . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2002; Abū Dāwūd, #4799; Ibn Ḥanbal, #27517.
Belief in the One God and Muhammad’s prophethood outweighs a vast record of sin: (not verbatim) Tirmidhī, #2639; Albānī, Ṣaḥīḥah, #1776.
7:29c People will be resurrected “barefoot, naked, and uncircumcised”: Bukhārī, #3349, #4740; Muslim, #2860.
7:55c The Prophet criticizes excessive supplication: Bukhārī, Adab, #639; Ibn Mājah, #2846; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1483, #25019.
7:56c Ḥadīth qudsī: “When God decreed the created realm . . .”: Bukhārī, #3194, #7422; Muslim, #2751.
7:157c The Prophet was described in the Torah: Bukhārī, #2125, #4838; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6622.
7:175–76c “Whoever increases in knowledge . . .”: Daylamī, #6298; Albānī, Ḍaʿīf al-Jāmiʿ; ʿAjlūnī, #2402, #5393; Ghazzālī, 1:59.
7:179c God decrees the destiny of every unborn child: Bukhārī, #7454; Muslim, #2643.
7:180c God has ninety-nine Beautiful Names: Bukhārī, #6410, #7393; Muslim, #2677.
7:181c “Verily among my community is a group . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #2483; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19851; {Muslim, #1037; 1920; Abū Yaʿlā, #2078}.
7:187c “The one who is questioned . . .”: Bukhārī, #50; Muslim, #9, #10.
7:199c “Be easy; do not be difficult”: Bukhārī, #2125; Muslim, #1734; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12333.
7:205c “When My servant remembers Me in himself . . .”: Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr, 5:1647, #8738; {Bukhārī, #7405; Muslim, #2675; Ibn Mājah, #3822; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7422}.
“All that is on the earth is accursed . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4112; Tirmidhī, #2322.
8:1c One trait by which the Prophet was distinguished was the ability to take spoils of war: Bukhārī, #335; Muslim, #521.
8:17–18c Ḥadīth qudsī: “I will be his hearing . . .”: Bukhārī, #6502; Ibn Ḥibbān, #347; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #20980; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7833.
8:25c The parable of ship passengers: Bukhārī, #2493; Tirmidhī, #2173.
8:38c “Submission cuts off . . .”: Muslim, #121; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17827, #17813.
8:46c “I was helped by the east wind . . .”: Bukhārī, #1035; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6421; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2013.
8:74c “There is no migration . . .”: Bukhārī, #2825; Muslim, #1353.
9:12c Abū Bakr is outraged but refuses to execute: Abū Dāwūd 4363; Ibn Ḥanbal, #54.
9:31c Christian worship of religious authorities: Tirmidhī, #3095; {Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #20350}.
9:36–37c The restitution of the twelve-month year and four sacred months: Bukhārī, #4662; Muslim, #1679; Ibn Ḥanbal, #20386.
9:40c “O Abū Bakr, what dost thou think of two . . .”: Bukhārī, #3653; Muslim, #2381.
9:58c “Woe unto you! Who shall be just . . .”: Bukhārī, #2123; Muslim, #1064.
9:60c “Teach them that God has prescribed charity . . .”: Bukhārī, #1395; Muslim, #19.
Charity given to a man buried under debt: Muslim, #1556; Abū Dāwūd, #3469; Tirmidhī, #655.
9:69c “You will follow the wonts of those . . .”: Bukhārī, #3456; Muslim, #2669; (following in the footsteps of Byzantines and Persians) Abū Yaʿlā, #6292.
9:77c The four signs of the hypocrite: Bukhārī, #34; Muslim, #58.
9:82c “If you knew what I knew . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2313; Ibn Mājah, #4191.
“Weep, and if you . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4196, #1337; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1891, #1960.
9:91c “Religion is naṣīḥah”: Muslim, #55; Abū Dāwūd, #4944; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19640.
9:111c The stipulations and promised reward of the second pledge of ʿAqabah: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 435; Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #17078, #14456}.
10:7–8c “He who loves to meet God . . .”: Bukhārī, #6508; Muslim, #2686.
10:26–27c The inhabitants of Paradise will look upon God: Ibn Mājah, #187; Tirmidhī, #3105; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18941; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7441; {Muslim, #181; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18935}.
10:62–64c “When they are seen, God is remembered”: Ibn Mājah, #4119; Bukhārī, Adab, #323; Ibn Ḥanbal, #27599, #17998; Bazzār, #2719.
11:Introduction “Hūd and her sisters . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, 17:286–87; Ibn Saʿd, 1:375; {Tirmidhī, #3297}.
11:9–10c Ḥadīth qudsī: “I am as My servant thinks of Me . . .”: (not verbatim) Bukhārī, #7505; Muslim, #2675; Tirmidhī, #2388; Ibn Ḥibbān, #639; Muttaqī, #5855.
11:11c “Patience is the key to success”: (considered a saying, not a ḥadīth) Daylamī, #3660; {Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #9524}.
11:15–16c “Verily actions are judged . . .”: Bukhārī, #1; Muslim, #1907.
11:114–15c “Verily from prayer to prayer . . .”: (not verbatim) Muslim, #233; Tirmidhī, #214; Abū Yaʿlā, #6486; Ibn Mājah, #1086; Ibn Ḥibbān, #1733; Ibn Ḥanbal, #10285, #8715.
“Follow up an evil deed . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1987; Dārimī, #2791; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21354: Ibn Ḥibbān, #524.
“For everything there is a polish . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #519; Muttaqī, #1777, #1848; {considered a saying, not a ḥadīth: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #520}.
12:7c “Beware of envy . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4903; Ibn Mājah, #4210; Abū Yaʿlā, #3656; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #27005.
12:42c “God have mercy on Joseph . . .”: Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr, #11635; Ibn Ḥanbal, Zuhd, pp. 103–4.
12:91–92c “O party of the Quraysh . . .”: (not verbatim) Ibn Saʿd, 2:131–32; Wāqidī, 2:835–36; Abū ʿUbayd, 1:200, #322; {without mention of the verse: Ibn Hishām, 2:412}.
13:7c “I am the warner . . .”: Ḥākim, #4709; Ṭabarī, Tafsīr, 13:443; Albānī, Ḍaʿīfah, #4899.
13:28c “The world and all that is in it . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4112; Tirmidhī, #2322.
“Let thy tongue be always moist . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3375; Ibn Mājah, #3793; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #1474, #2289; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17680.
“Shall I tell you about the best of all deeds . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #3790; Tirmidhī, #3377; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21702.
“For everything there is a polish . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #519; Muttaqī, #1777, #1848; {Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #520}.
“The heavens and the earth cannot contain Me . . .”: (oft-cited, but without sound basis in isnād) ʿAjlūnī, #2256; Ghazzālī, 3:15; Albānī, Ḍaʿīfah, #5103.
14:5–6c “Faith consists of two halves . . .”: Daylamī, #378; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #9264; Albānī, Ḍaʿīfah, #625.
14:24–25c The believer is likened to a date-palm tree: Bukhārī, #61, #72, #2209, #6144; Muslim, #2811.
14:32–33c “The heart of the believer . . .”: {variant regarded as fabricated: ʿAjlūnī, #1886}.
14:34c God will grant one’s legitimate requests in one of several ways: Ibn Ḥanbal, #11133; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1089, #1090; Tabrīzī, #2259; Abū Yaʿlā, #1019.
15:6c “Verily God has sent down . . .”: (cited with no isnād or indication of source) Rāzī, Tafsīr.
15:34–35c “Pride is My mantle and Greatness My garment . . .”: (not verbatim) Muslim, #2620; Abū Dāwūd, #4090; Ibn Mājah, #4173, #4175; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7382; Ibn Ḥibbān, #5672.
15:49–50c If the children of Adam did not sin . . .: Muslim, #2748, #2749; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8082.
“O God, Thou art Forgiving . . .”: (not verbatim) Tirmidhī, #3513; Ibn Mājah, #3850; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #10708; Ibn Ḥanbal, #25384; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #3702.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “Verily My Mercy . . .”: Bukhārī, #7553, #7554; Muslim, #2751.
15:85–86c Coming of the Hour symbolized by the distance between two fingers: Tirmidhī, #2213; (not verbatim) Ibn Ḥanbal, #18770.
“The one questioned . . .”: Bukhārī, #50; Muslim, #9, #10.
15:87c The Fātiḥah is unique among scriptures: Tirmidhī, #3125; Ibn Ḥibbān, #775; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21094, #21095; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #6407.
15:90–93c God questions the Makkan idolaters: Tirmidhī, #3126; Bukhārī, Taʾrīkh Kabīr, 2:86, #1778; 8:133, #2463.
16:25c “Whoever calls to error . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #205; (similar but not verbatim) Muslim, #1017, #2674; Abū Dāwūd, #4609; Tirmidhī, #2673; Ibn Mājah, #206; Ibn Ḥanbal, #9160.
16:58–59c Whoever has daughters . . .: Bukhārī, #1418, #5995; Muslim, #2629.
16:68–69c The Prophet instructs a man to feed his ailing brother honey: Bukhārī, #5684, #5716; Muslim, #2217.
“Honey is the cure . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #3452; Ḥākim, #7512, #7514; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #30520.
The Prophet forbade his followers to kill bees: Ibn Ḥanbal, #3242; Ibn Ḥibbān, #5646.
16:71c The feeding and clothing of slaves: Bukhārī, #6050; Muslim, #1661.
16:77c “I and the Last Hour . . .”: Bukhārī, #6503; Muslim, #2950.
16:90c “Worshipping God as if you saw Him”: Bukhārī, #50; Muslim, #9, #10.
“Loving for one’s brother . . .”: Bukhārī, #13; Muslim, #45.
17:1c “The canonical prayer is the ascension of the believers”: (considered an adage, not a ḥadīth, except in some Shiite sources) Majlisī, Biḥār, 82:303.
The Archangel Gabriel rouses the Prophet for the Night Journey and Ascension: Bukhārī, #3207, #3393, #3430; Muslim, #164; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7415; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17833.
17:18–19c “Deeds are only according to intentions”: Bukhārī, #1; Muslim, #1907.
17:24c “The Contentment of God . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1899; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #7446.
17:49–51c On the Day of Resurrection death will be brought forth as a ram and slaughtered: Bukhārī, #4730; Muslim, #2849.
“I and the Hour . . .”: Bukhārī, #6503; Muslim, #2950.
17:78c The recitation at dawn is ever witnessed by the angels: Bukhārī, #648, #4717; Muslim, #649; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7185.
17:82c “Whosoever does not seek a cure . . .”: (considered a weak or fabricated ḥadīth) Muttaqī, #28106; Albānī, Ḍaʿīfah, #152–53; {ʿAjlūnī, #2403}.
18:10c “O God, make virtuous . . .”: Ibn Ḥibbān, #949; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #1196; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17628.
18:18c “Man is asleep . . .”: (considered an adage, not an attributable ḥadīth) ʿAjlūnī, #2795; Suyūṭī, Durar, #427; Albānī, Ḍaʿīfah, #102.
18:28c “Praise be to God, Who did not let me die before . . .”: Abū Yaʿlā, #1151; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #10012; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, #299; {without direct mention of the verse: Abū Dāwūd, #3666}.
18:30c The ḥadīth of Gabriel: Bukhārī, #50; Muslim, #9, #10.
18:39–41c “There is no strength . . .” is among the “treasures of the Garden”: Bukhārī, #6610; Muslim, #2704.
18:60c People are to refer to a slave as “young man” or “young woman”: Bukhārī, #2552; Muslim, #2249; Abū Dāwūd, #4975.
18:65c The servant is identified as Khiḍr: Bukhārī, #4725, #4726; Muslim, #2380.
18:80–81c “God does not decree anything for a believer . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #12906; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #12160; Abū Yaʿlā, #4019; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #9951}.
18:82c “We judge according to the outward . . .”: (wording not found in standard Ḥadīth collections) {Bukhārī, #2641, #2458, #6967; Muslim, #1713; ʿAjlūnī, #585}.
18:94c Eschatological events: Bukhārī, #3346, #7121, #7135; Muslim, #2937; #2880; Ibn Mājah, #4079; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6830; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11731.
18:110c Believers are warned to be wary of “minor shirk”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #23630, #23631.
19:4–6c Prophets do not have heirs to their wealth: Bukhārī, #3130.
“Whosoever is content with God’s Decree . . .”: (not verbatim) Tirmidhī, #2151; Abū Yaʿlā, #701; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1444.
19:39c After the Day of Judgment, God will bring forth death as a ram and slaughter it: Bukhārī, #4730; Muslim, #2849.
19:53c The Prophet says to ʿAlī, “Your position in relation to me . . .”: Bukhārī, #4416; Muslim, #2404; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #8141; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1583, #11272.
19:56–57c The Prophet reports encountering Idrīs in the fourth heaven: Bukhārī, #3207; Muslim, #164; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7415; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17833, #17835.
19:58c “Recite the Quran and weep . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4196, #1337; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1891, #1960.
19:64c “What prevents you from visiting us . . .”: Bukhārī, #3217, #3218, #4731, #7455; Tirmidhī, #3158; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2044; #3365.
19:71–72c Muslim veterans of Badr and Ḥudaybiyah will not enter the Fire: Ibn Mājah, #4281; Abū Yaʿlā, #7044; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, v. 23, #358, #363; Ibn Ḥanbal, #26440.
19:96c When God loves a servant, He calls out to the Archangel Gabriel: Bukhārī, #7485; Muslim, #2637.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “Verily My servant does not cease to draw nigh unto Me . . .”: Bukhārī, #6502; Ibn Ḥibbān, #347; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #20980; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7833.
20:Introduction Sūrah 20 is one of three sūrahs in which God’s Supreme Name is to be found: Ibn Mājah, #3856; Ḥākim, #1913, #1918; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7758, #7925.
20:6c “When you ask, ask only of God . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2516; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2669; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #195.
20:29–35c The Prophet said to ʿAlī, “You are to me as Aaron was to Moses . . .”: Bukhārī, #4416; Muslim, #2404; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #8141; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1583, #11272.
20:102–4c “People are asleep . . .”: (considered an adage, not a ḥadīth) ʿAjlūnī, #2795; Suyūṭī, Durar, #427; Albānī, Ḍaʿīfah, #102.
20:114c “If a day comes upon me . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #6636; Ibn ʿAdī, 2:79.
20:115c “Adam forgot . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3076, #3078, #3368; Ḥākim, #4191; Abū Yaʿlā, #6377, #6580.
21:44c “God does not take away knowledge . . .”: Bukhārī, #100; Muslim, #2673.
21:62–63c “Abraham lied only concerning three things . . .”: Bukhārī, #3357, #3358; Muslim, #2371; Tirmidhī, #3166.
21:79c If judges exercise their judgment . . .: Bukhārī, #7352; Muslim, #1716.
21:104c “O people! You will surely be resurrected . . .”: Bukhārī, #6526; Muslim, #2860; {Nasāʾī, #2082}.
22:5–6c Human beings develop in their mother’s belly and then receive their destiny with regard to four things: Bukhārī, #2643; Muslim, #2643.
22:11c Islam melts away impurities: Suyūṭī, Durr, 10:428–29; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 501.
22:19c A disputation between the Garden and the Fire: Bukhārī, #4850; Muslim, #2847.
22:29c The Kaʿbah is called “the Free House”: Tirmidhī, #3170; Bazzār, #2215; Ḥākim, #3522.
22:32c “Reverence is here . . .”: Muslim, #2564; Tirmidhī, #1927.
22:38c “A flag will be hoisted . . .”: Bukhārī, #6178; Muslim, #1735; Ibn Ḥanbal, #5192.
22:46c “In the body there is a lump of flesh . . .”: Bukhārī, #52; Muslim, #1599.
22:78c “We have returned from the lesser striving . . .”: (considered a saying, not a ḥadīth, by some) Bayhaqī, Zuhd, #373; ʿAjlūnī, #1362; Muttaqī, #11779; Khaṭīb, 15:685, #7297.
“The best of your religion is that which is easiest . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #15936; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, vol. 20, #704; {Bukhārī, #39; Muslim, #2816}.
“When I command you to do a thing . . .”: Bukhārī, #7288; Muslim, #1337; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7501.
23:2c “How many a worshipper stands to pray . . .”: (not verbatim) Dārimī, #2762; {Ibn Mājah, #1690; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #13413; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8856; Ḥākim, #1572; Ibn Ḥibbān, #3481}.
“The servant has of his prayer . . .”: (cited without isnād) Ghazzālī (see Irāqī, Takhrīj Aḥādīth al-Iḥyāʾ, #423); {Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 7:61}.
23:10–11c “When you ask God for something . . .”: Bukhārī, #7423, #2790.
23:60–61c ʿĀʾishah’s question: Ibn Mājah, #4198; Ibn Ḥanbal, #25705.
24:2c The stoning of adulterers: (examples) Abū Dāwūd, #4426; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #7173; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2874, #10988; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12304; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4438.
24:12c “In their togetherness and compassion . . .”: Bukhārī, #6011; Muslim, #2586; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18373.
24:16c “A Muslim is he from whose tongue . . .”: Bukhārī, #10, #6484; Muslim, #40.
24:19c “Do not insult the servants of God . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #22402; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #19776}.
24:28c “If one of you asks permission three times . . .”: Bukhārī, #6245; Muslim, #2153. The Prophet’s severe rebuke of a man for peeking: Bukhārī, #6901; Muslim, #2156; (“If a man peeks at you . . .”) Ibn Ḥanbal, #9525; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6002.
24:30c “Let not a glance . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2777; Abū Dāwūd, #2149; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22974; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #1369; Dārimī, #2709; Ibn Ḥibbān, #5570}.
“Give the road its rights”: Bukhārī, #6229, #6465; Muslim, #2121.
24:31c What women are obliged to cover before strangers: Abū Dāwūd, #4104.
Veiled women appearing “as if crows were on their heads”: Abū Dāwūd, #4101.
24:33c “There are three who have a right with God to be helped . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1655; Ibn Mājah, #2518; Ibn Ḥanbal, #9631.
24:35c “I saw Light”: Muslim, #178; Tirmidhī, #3282; Ibn Ḥibbān, #59.
“O God! Praise be to Thee . . .”: Muslim, #769; Abū Dāwūd, #771; Tirmidhī, #3418; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2710.
24:62c “When one of you comes upon a gathering . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2706; Abū Dāwūd, #5208; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7142.
25:12c The Fire that will come upon disbelievers has a neck, two eyes, two ears, a tongue . . .: Tirmidhī, #2574; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8430; {Ibn Abī Shaybah, #35140}.
25:62c “God . . . extends His Hand by night . . .”: Muslim, #2759; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19529, #19619.
25:63c “When you come to the prayer . . .”: Muslim, #602; Tirmidhī, #329; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7250; {Bukhārī, #908}.
25:70c Abū Hurayrah is rebuked for his harsh reply to a female adulterer: Suyūṭī, Durr, 11:219–20; Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr, #15443.
26:87c Abraham sees his father in a wretched state on Day of Resurrection: Bukhārī, #3350; Ḥākim, #2995.
26:218–20c “Straighten your rows . . .”: Bukhārī, #718, #725; Muslim, #434; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #8255; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6338}.
26:227c “Versify against them . . .”: Bukhārī, #3213, #4123; Muslim, #2486; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #18650}.
Ibn al-Rawwāḥah recites verses against the Makkan idolaters: Tirmidhī, #2847.
27:8c “God sleeps not . . .”: Muslim, #179; Ibn Mājah, #196; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19530, #19587.
27:18–19c “An ant bit a prophet . . .”: Bukhārī, #3019; Muslim, #2241; Ibn Ḥanbal, #9229.
27:27–28c “None love excuses more than God . . .”: Bukhārī, #7416; Muslim, #1499.
27:39c The Prophet overpowers an ʿifrīt: Bukhārī, #461, #3423; Muslim, #541; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7969.
27:62c “Be mindful of the supplication of the oppressed . . .”: Bukhārī, #2448; Muslim, #19; Abū Dāwūd, #1584; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2071.
27:82c “There are three things that . . .”: Muslim, #158; Tirmidhī, #3072; Abū Yaʿlā, #6170; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #38592.
27:89–90c “Lā ilāha illa ʿLlāh is the best of good things”: Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 4:217–18; {Tirmidhī, #1987; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21403}.
28:9c Had Pharaoh agreed with his wife, he would have been guided to faith: {Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11263}.
28:88c “The truest words spoken by a poet . . .”: Bukhārī, #3841, #6147; Muslim, #2256.
29:3c “No fatigue . . .”: Bukhārī, #5642; Muslim, #2573; Tirmidhī, #966; Ibn Ḥanbal, #3618.
29:8c “To attribute partners unto God . . .”: Bukhārī, #6273; Muslim, #87; {among three or four major sins: Bukhārī, #2654; Bukhārī, #6675, #6870; Tirmidhī, #3021; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6884}.
Conversion of Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqāṣ and his pagan mother’s reaction: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, pp. 546–47; {Muslim, #1747; Tirmidhī, #2079, #3189, Abū Dāwūd, #2740; Abū Yaʿlā, #782, #735}.
29:45c “He whose prayer . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #11025; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2992; (a saying of Ibn Masʿūd) Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2994.
“If one of you had a river at his door . . .”: Bukhārī, #528; Muslim 668; Tirmidhī, #2868; {Mālik, #578}.
“The world is accursed . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4112; Tirmidhī, #2322; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #4072.
29:46c “Do not confirm the People of the Book . . .”: Bukhārī, #4485, #7362; Abū Dāwūd, #3644; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6257.
29:51c “There is no prophet who was not given miracles . . .”: Bukhārī, #4981, #7274; Muslim, #152.
29:58–59c “In the Garden there are rooms . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1984; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1338; Abū Yaʿlā, #437; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #3089.
29:60c “Were you to trust in God as He merits . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2344; Ibn Mājah, #4164; Ibn Ḥanbal, #205; Ibn Ḥibbān, #730.
30:20c “God created Adam from . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4693; Tirmidhī, #2955; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6181; {Ḥākim, #3096}.
30:21c “The believer whose faith is most complete . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1162; Ḥākim, #173; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4176; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #7981.
30:28c The idolaters’ pilgrimage chant: Muslim: #1185; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #7910; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12348.
30:30c Ḥadīth qudsī: “Verily I created My servants . . .”: Muslim, #2865; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17484; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #2954.
30:47c “No Muslim defends the honor of his brother . . .”: {not verbatim, without explicit mention of the verse: Tirmidhī, #1931; Ibn Ḥanbal, #27536, #27543; Ibn Abī al-Dunyā, Mawsūʿah, #8396, #8407}.
31:13–14c The greatest of major sins: Bukhārī, #6273; Muslim, #87; {among three or four major sins: Bukhārī, #2654; Bukhārī, #6675, #6870; Tirmidhī, #3021; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6884}.
31:19c “Is there anything that drags people . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2616; Ibn Mājah, #3973; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11394; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22016.
31:22c The interpretation of ʿAbd Allāh ibn Salām’s dream: Bukhārī, #7014; Muslim, #2484.
31:27c The Prophet’s discussion with some Jews in Madinah concerning knowledge: Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Ibn Hishām, 1:308; {Tirmidhī, #3140; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2309}.
31:34c “The keys of the Unseen are five . . .”: Bukhārī, #1039, #4697, #7379; Muslim, #10; Ibn Ḥanbal, #4766, #5133; {similar text found in the ḥadīth of Gabriel: Bukhārī, #50; Muslim, #10}.
32:Introduction The Prophet’s practice of reading Sūrah 32 before sleeping: Tirmidhī, #2892; Ḥākim, #3602; Dārimī, #3454.
The Prophet’s practice of reciting Sūrah 32 during morning prayer on Fridays: Bukhārī, #891; Muslim, #879, #880; Tirmidhī, #520.
32:7c “Verily God has enjoined making beautiful . . .”: Muslim, #1955; Tirmidhī, #1409; Abū Dāwūd, #2815.
32:14c “The intelligent person is one . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2459; Ibn Mājah, #4260; Ḥākim, #7720.
“The most frequent in remembering death . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4259; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #4671.
32:15c “The closest that a servant can be to his Lord . . .”: Muslim, #482; Abū Dāwūd, #875; Ibn Ḥanbal, #9461.
32:17c Ḥadīth qudsī: “I have prepared for My righteous servants . . .”: Bukhārī, #3244, #4779; Muslim, #2824; Tirmidhī, #3292.
The Prophet’s spiritual counsel to Muʿādh ibn Jabal: (not verbatim) Wāḥidī, Wasīṭ, 3:452–53; Ḥākim, #3605; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22133, #22016; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #3078, #3079; {Tirmidhī, #2616}.
33:Introduction “Love God for how He nourishes you . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3789; Ḥākim, #4779; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #2639.
33:1c Leaders of the Quraysh come to Madinah seeking compromise with the Prophet: (report without isnād) Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 561; Thaʿlabī, Tafsīr.
33:5c The rectification of Zayd ibn Hārithah’s name: Bukhārī, #4782; Muslim, #2425; Tirmidhī, #3209.
“God exonerates my community . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #2045; Ḥākim, #2860; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7219; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #15096.
33:6c “None of you truly believes until . . .”: Bukhārī, #14, #15; Muslim, #44.
The Prophet’s sermon at Ghadīr Khumm: Ḥākim, #4640; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11104; {Tirmidhī, #3788; Muslim, #2408; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19265}.
The Prophet’s affirmation of the elevated status of ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib: Bazzār, #786; (not verbatim, partial) Ibn Mājah, #116; Tirmidhī, #3713; Ḥākim, #4640, #4641, #4642; Ibn Ḥanbal, #950, #22945; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #3052.
The Prophet says to ʿAlī, “You are to me as Aaron to Moses . . .”: Bukhārī, #3706, #4416; Muslim, #2404; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #8141; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1583, #11272.
33:7c “I was the first prophet to be created . . .”: Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr, #17594; {Ibn Abī Shaybah, #35345; Ṭabarānī, Musnad, #2662}.
“While Adam was between spirit and body”: Tirmidhī, #3609; Ḥākim, #4268; Ibn Ḥanbal, #16623; #20956, #23212.
“Truly I was with God, the Seal of Prophets . . .”: Ḥākim, #4234; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6404; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17150, #17163.
33:10c “Say ‘O God, cover our weaknesses . . .’”: Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Ibn Ḥanbal, #10996; Haythamī, Kashf, #3119.
33:21c “He was the most generous of people . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3638; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #32340; Bayhaqī, Dalāʾil, 1:269–70.
33:23c The heroic martyrdom of Anas ibn al-Naḍr during the Battle of Uḥud: Bukhārī, #2805; Muslim, #1903; Tirmidhī, #3200, #3201.
33:25c “Now we will attack them . . .”: Bukhārī, #4110; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18308, #27206; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #6484.
33:26–27c Saʿd ibn Muʿādh’s judgment upon the Banū Qurayẓah: Bukhārī, #3043, #6262; Muslim, #1768; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11170.
33:28–29c The Prophet offers his wives the choice to divorce or remain married: Bukhārī, #4785: #4786; Muslim, #1475; Tirmidhī, #3204.
33:33c The Ḥadīth of the Cloak, in which the Prophet prays for the purification of his closest family members: Tirmidhī, #3205; #3787; Ḥākim, #3615; Ibn Ḥanbal, #26508; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #2281.
“Heed God with regard to the members of my family . . .”: Muslim, #2408; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19265; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #5028; Dārimī, #3359.
“Faith will never enter a person’s heart . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3758; Ibn Mājah, #140; Ḥākim, #7039; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #32738.
“The likeness of the people of my household . . .”: Ḥākim, #3370, #4783; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #5536; Ibn Ḥanbal, Faḍāʾil, #1402.
33:35c Asmāʾ bint ʿUmays complains about the lack of mention of women in the Quran: (report without complete isnād) Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 569; Ṭabarī, Tafsīr, 33:35.
Umm ʿUmārah al-Anṣāriyyah complains about the lack of mention of women in the Quran: Tirmidhī, #3211; {concerns Umm Salamah: Ibn Ḥanbal, #26575; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11340; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, 23:293–94, 298–99}.
33:37c The Prophet tells Zayd to keep Zaynab bint Jaḥsh: Bukhārī, #4787, #4720; Tirmidhī, #3212; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12511.
The Prophet is rebuked for fearing the people more than God: Muslim, #177; Tirmidhī, #3207, #3208.
Zaynab’s boast: Bukhārī, #4791, #7420; Tirmidhī, #3213.
33:40c “No prophethood shall remain after me . . .”: Bukhārī, #6990; Abū Dāwūd, #5017; Ibn Ḥanbal, #23795; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #3051; {Mālik, #2011}.
“Messengerhood and prophethood have ceased . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2272; Abū Yaʿlā, #3947; Ibn Ḥanbal, #13824; Maqdisī, 7:206, #2645.
“My likeness among the prophets . . .”: Bukhārī, #3534, #3535; Muslim, #2287, #2288; Tirmidhī, #3613.
“I have been favored above the prophets in six things . . .”: Muslim, #523; Ibn Ḥanbal, #9337; Ibn Ḥibbān, #2313.
33:41c “Let thy tongue be . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3375; Ibn Mājah, #3793; Ḥākim, #1784; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17680, #17698.
“Remember God much . . .”: Ḥākim, #1891; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11653, #11674; Abū Yaʿlā, #1376.
“Which of those who strive . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #15614; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, v.20, #407.
33:46–47c “My son, had you seen him . . .”: Tirmidhī, Shamāʾil, #123; Baghawī, Anwār, #462. {Tirmidhī, #3648; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6309}.
“He was dignified and awe-inspiring . . .”: Tirmidhī, Shamāʾil, #8; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, v. 22, #414; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1362.
“On the day when the Messenger of God entered Madinah . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3618; Ibn Mājah, #1631; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6634; Ibn Ḥanbal, #13830, #13312.
33:53c “When the Messenger of God married Zaynab bint Jaḥsh . . .”: Bukhārī, #4791, #5166; Muslim, #1428; Tirmidhī, #3218.
“When one of you invites his brother . . .”: Muslim, #1429; Abū Dāwūd, #3738; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6337.
33:56c “We know how to give thee greetings . . .”: Bukhārī, #3370, #6357; Muslim, #405, #406; Tirmidhī, #3220.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “No member of thy community invokes blessings upon thee . . .”: Nasāʾī, #1283; Ḥākim, #3632; Ibn Ḥanbal, #16361, #16363; Ibn Ḥibbān, #915.
“The miser is one who . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #1736; Ḥākim, #2067; Ibn Ḥibbān, #909; Abū Yaʿlā, #6676.
“When one makes supplication . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3477; Abū Dāwūd, #1481; Ḥākim, #991; Ibn Ḥanbal, #23937.
“A supplication is suspended between Heaven and earth . . .”: Tirmidhī, #486; {Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1475; Albānī, Ṣaḥīḥah, #2035}.
“I went out with the Prophet through the environs of Makkah . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3626; Ḥākim, #4297; Dārimī, #21.
33:69c Moses’ modesty was not due to a physical defect: Bukhārī, #3404, #4799; Muslim, #339; Tirmidhī, #3221.
34:Introduction “O Messenger of God, what is Sheba . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3222; Abū Dāwūd, #3988; Abū Yaʿlā, #6852; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #2898}.
35:1c The Angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet with six hundred wings: Bukhārī, #4857; Muslim, #174; Tirmidhī, #3227.
35:2c Ḥadīth qudsī: “My Mercy . . .”: Bukhārī, #7553, #7554; Muslim, #2751.
“I cannot put mercy in your heart . . .”: Bukhārī, #5998; Muslim, #2317; Ibn Mājah, #3665.
35:28c “The one among you who has the most knowledge of God . . .”: (similar ḥadīth) Bukhārī #6168.
“Whosoever sets upon a path to seek knowledge . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2682; Abū Dāwūd, #3641; Ibn Mājah, #223.
35:32c “The people of knowledge . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2682; Abū Dāwūd, #3641; Ibn Mājah, #223.
“The Quran is a proof . . .”: Muslim, #223; Tirmidhī, #3517; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22902, #22908: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #3423.
35:34c “As for one who wrongs himself . . .”: Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21697; #21727; Ibn Abī al-Dunyā, Mawsūʿah, #1958.
35:35c “None will enter Paradise by virtue of good deeds . . .”: Bukhārī, #5673; Muslim, #2816.
36:Introduction “Everything has a heart . . .”: Dārimī, #3459; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2233; {Tirmidhī, #2887}.
“Recite Yā Sīn over your dead”: Abu Dāwūd, #3121; Ibn Mājah, #1448; Ḥākim, #2127(a).
“Verily in the Quran there is a sūrah . . .”: {Ibn al-Ḍurays, #216; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2237}.
“Whosoever recites Sūrah Yā Sīn at night . . .”: Dārimī, #3460; Abū Yaʿlā, #6224; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2236.
“Whosoever recites Yā Sīn when he awakens . . .”: Dārimī, #3462; ʿAjlūnī, #3413.
36:7c “The Quran is a proof . . .”: Muslim, #223; Tirmidhī, #3517; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22902, #22908: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #3423.
36:12c “Your footprints are recorded . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3226; Ḥākim, #3661; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2630.
“When the son of Adam dies, all his deeds . . .”: Muslim, #1631; Tirmidhī, #1376; Abū Dāwūd, #2880.
36:57c “I was shown the Garden . . .”: Bukhārī, #748, #1052; Muslim, #907; Ibn Ḥibbān, #2832; #2853.
36:58c “While the people of the Garden . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #184; Ibn Abī al-Dunyā, Mawsūʿah, #5594; Dīnawarī, #1828.
36:65c “Do you know at what I am laughing . . .”: Muslim, #2969; Ibn Ḥibbān, #8358; Abū Yaʿlā, #3977.
36:74c “The most frightening thing . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4205; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7145; {Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #6411}.
36:78–79c “Do you think that God can revive . . .”: Ḥākim, #3663; Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, 3:519–20; {ʿAbd al-Razzāq, Tafsīr, #2498}.
37:6–10c God asks the Prophet about what the Highest Assembly disputed: Tirmidhī, #3235; Bazzār, #4172; {Dārimī, #2195; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #938}.
37:88–89c “Abraham did not lie . . .”: Bukhārī, #3358; Muslim, #2371.
37:143–44c “Seek to know God in times of ease . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2516; Ḥākim, #6383; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2803; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #11243.
37:181–82c “If you send peace upon me . . .”: Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr; Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Abū Nuʿaym, Akhbār, 1:149, 2:311.
The Prophet often recited vv. 180–82 at the end of his prayers: Ibn ʿAsākir, 71:274; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #3111; {Abū Yaʿlā, #1118}.
“Whosoever desires that the greatest measure of reward . . .”: Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr; {Abū Dāwūd, #982}.
38:5–7c “O my uncle! I only want from them . . .”: Ḥākim, #3674; Ibn Ḥanbal, #3419; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11372; {Tirmidhī, #3232}.
38:17c “The prayer most loved by God . . .”: Bukhārī, #1131; Muslim, #1159.
38:42c “When the Prophet Job was taking a bath . . .”: Bukhārī, #3391; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8159; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6229.
38:50c “Heaven has eight gates”: Bukhārī, #3257; Dārimī, #2860; Abū Yaʿlā, #5012.
“Whosoever was among the people of prayer . . .”: Bukhārī, #3666; Muslim, #1027.
38:69–70c “My Lord came to me at night . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3234; Dārimī, #2195; Abū Yaʿlā, #2608.
“O God! I ask Thee that I may perform . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3235; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22109; Bazzār, #2668; Ḥākim, #3678}.
39:Introduction The Prophet would not sleep until . . .: Tirmidhī, #2920, #3405; Ibn Ḥanbal, #24388.
39:7c Ḥadīth qudsī: “O My servants! If the first of you . . .”: Muslim, #2577; Tirmidhī, #2495; Ibn Mājah, #4257.
39:9c “These two are not joined together . . .”: Tirmidhī, #983; Ibn Mājah, #4261.
“The virtue of the pious scholar . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #3641; Ibn Ḥibbān, #88; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1697.
39:20c “For those who speak kindly . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1984; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1338; Abū Yaʿlā, #437; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #3089.
“The people of the Garden . . .”: Bukhārī, #6556; Muslim, #2831; Tirmidhī, #2556.
39:22c “When light enters the heart . . .”: Bayhaqī, Zuhd, #974; Ibn al-Mubārak, Zuhd, #300; {Ḥākim, #7944; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #35317, #35318}.
39:29c “Whosoever makes his aspirations . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #257, #4106; Ḥākim, #3715; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #9857.
“One for whom the world is his aspiration . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4105; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #9855; {Tirmidhī, #2465; Bazzār, #6704}.
39:30–31c “Yes. They will indeed return to you . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3236; Ḥākim, #3040; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1405, #1434.
39:42c “Sleep is the brother of death . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #4416; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #8816; Albānī, Ṣaḥīḥ al-Jāmiʿ, #6808.
“In Thy Name, my Lord, I lay down my body . . .”: Bukhārī, #6320; Muslim, #2714.
39:53c “I would not wish . . .”: Ṭabarī, Tafsīr.
“If you did not sin . . .”: Muslim, #2748; Tirmidhī, #3539; {ḥākim, #7704}.
39:67c “O Muhammad! God will put the heavens . . .”: Bukhārī, #4811, #7414; Muslim, #2786.
39:68c “Then God will send down a rain . . .”: Bukhārī, #4935, #4814; Muslim, #2955.
39:69–70c They will gather “barefoot, naked, and uncircumcised, engulfed by their sweat . . .”: (“sweat to their ear lobes”) Ḥākim, #3956; {without mention of sweat: Bukhārī, #3349, #4740; Muslim, #2860}.
39:73c The Garden has eight doors: Bukhārī, #3257, #3435; Muslim, #27; {Tirmidhī, #55; Ibn Mājah, #470}.
“I will be the first to enter Paradise”: Tabarānī, Awsaṭ, #4160; {Muslim, #196; #197; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6481; Abū Yaʿlā, #3964}.
A group “appearing like the moon on the night when it is full . . .”: Bukhārī, #3245; Muslim, #2834; Tirmidhī, #2537.
This group is reported to number seventy thousand or seven hundred thousand: Bukhārī, #6472, #6554; Muslim, #219, #220.
40:3c Ḥadīth qudsī: “My Mercy . . .”: Muslim, #2751; Abū Yaʿlā, #6281; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7299.
40:13c “Be mindful of the insight of the believer . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3127; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7497; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 6:118.
40:14c “There is no god but God, alone . . .”: Muslim, #594; Abū Dāwūd, #1506; Nasāʾī, #1339.
40:17c Ḥadīth qudsī: “O My servants! I have forbidden injustice . . .”: Muslim, #2577; Bazzār, #4053; Bukhārī, Adab, #490; {Ḥākim, #7687}.
40:35c “In the body there is a lump of flesh . . .”: Bukhārī, #52; Muslim, #1599.
40:39c “What have I and the world to do with . . .”: Ḥākim, #7939; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2744, #3709; Tirmidhī, #2377; Ibn Mājah, #4109.
40:60c “Supplication is worship”: Tirmidhī, #3372; Abū Dāwūd, #1479; Ibn Mājah, #328.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “For one whose remembrance of Me . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2926; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #567, #3786; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #29761.
41:10c “God created the earth on Sunday and Monday . . .”: Ḥākim, #3740; ʿAbd al-Razzāq, Tafsīr; Bayhaqī, Asmāʾ, pp. 335–36; {Muslim, #2789}.
41:15–16c “I have been helped by the east wind . . .”: Bukhārī, #1035, #3205; Muslim, #900.
41:20–21c “Then he will say, ‘My Lord, didst Thou not promise . . .”: Muslim, #2969; Muslim, #2969; Ibn Ḥibbān, #8358; Abū Yaʿlā, #3977.
41:22–23c “God is in accord with the thought . . .”: Muslim, #2675; Tirmidhī, #3603; Ibn Mājah, #3822.
41:30c “Some people have said it . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3250; Abū Yaʿlā, #3495; Bazzār, #6885.
41:34c “Let there be no harming . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #2340; Mālik, #2860; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22778.
“Keep relations with those who . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #17334, #17452; Ibn ʿAdī, 5:165.
41:47c “The one questioned about it . . .”: Bukhārī, #50, #4777; Muslim, #8; Tirmidhī, #2610; Abū Dāwūd, #4695.
42:7c The Prophet says to Makkah, “By God! Thou art the best land of God . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3924; Ibn Mājah, #3108; {Ḥākim, #4329}.
42:13c Ḥadīth qudsī: “If my servant draws nearer to Me by a span . . .”: Muslim, #2687: Ibn Mājah, #3821; {Bukhārī 7405}.
42:17c “You will be with those whom you love”: Bukhārī, #6168, #6169, #6170; Muslim, #2640, #2641.
42:20c “Whosoever among them performs . . .”: Ḥākim, #7976; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21220; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #6833.
42:23c Ibn ʿAbbās says, “There was not a single house of the Quraysh . . .”: Bukhārī, #3497, #4818; Tirmidhī, #3251.
42:25c “God rejoices more emphatically over the repentance . . .”: Muslim, #2748; Ibn Ḥibbān, #618; {Bukhārī, #6309; Tirmidhī, #2498}.
42:27c “If the son of Adam had a valley of gold . . .”: Bukhārī, #6439; Muslim, #1048; Tirmidhī, #2337.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “Among My believing servants . . .”: Muttaqī, #1160; Ibn Abī al-Dunyā, Mawsūʿah, #1990; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12719; Ibn ʿAsākir, 7:96.
42:30–31c “No believer is afflicted with fatigue . . .”: Bukhārī, #5642; Muslim, #2573; Tirmidhī, #966; Ibn Ḥanbal, #3618.
42:37c “A strong person is not one . . .”: Bukhārī, #6114; Muslim, #2609.
“Anger comes from the Devil . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4784; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #7938; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17985.
42:38c “If your leaders are the best of you . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2266; Dānī, #303.
42:41–42c “When two people insult one another . . .”: Muslim, #2587; Tirmidhī, #1981; Abū Dāwūd, #4894.
43:37c “There is none among you but . . .”: Muslim, #2814; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #2593; {Nasāʾī, #3960}.
43:55c “When you see that God gives . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #17311; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #9268; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #4540.
43:61c “One of the signs of the Hour . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4311; {ʿAbd al-Razzāq, #20834}.
44:Introduction “Whosoever recites al-Dukhān . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2888; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2246.
44:37c “I know not whether Tubbaʿ was a prophet”: ḥākim, #104; Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr, #18556.
44:43–44c “If but one drop of Zaqqūm were to fall . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2585, Ibn Mājah, #4325; Ḥākim, #3743.
44:56c “Do you think this woman would allow . . .”: Muslim, #2753; Bukhārī, #5999; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #6729.
45:13c ḥadīth qudsī: “O Son of Adam! I created the things . . .”: (obscure report without basis in isnād).
45:14c The tale of the chief hypocrite ʿAbd Allāh ibn Ubayy: Bukhārī, #2691; Muslim, #1799; Abū Yaʿlā, #4083; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12607, #13292.
“Muhammad’s Lord is in need . . .”: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, pp. 603–4; {with significant variation: Ibn Abī Ḥātim, Tafsīr, #4589; Ṭaḥāwī, #1830}.
45:23c “The intelligent person is one who . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2459; Ibn Mājah, #4260; Ḥākim, #7720.
45:24c ḥadīth qudsī: “The son of Adam vexes Me . . .”: Bukhārī, #4826, #7491; Muslim, #2246; Abū Dāwūd, #5274.
45:28–29c “The Quran is a proof . . .”: Muslim, #223; Tirmidhī, #3517; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22902, #22908: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #3423.
46:9c “The prophets are half brothers . . .”: Bukhārī, #3443; Muslim, #2365.
46:10c Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās says, “I have never heard the Prophet . . .”: Bukhārī, #3812; {Muslim, #2483}.
46:15c “Your mother”: Bukhārī, #5971; Muslim, #2548.
“Whosoever is unkind to our young . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1921; Abū Dāwūd, #4943; Abū Yaʿlā, #4242.
46:24–25c The Prophet’s prayer when a storm approached: Bukhārī, #3206; Muslim, #899.
47:2c Embracing Islam “wipes out all previous sins”: Muslim, #121; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17827, #17813; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #18190.
47:6c “When the believers have been saved . . .”: Bukhārī, #2440; Ḥākim, #3407; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7434.
47:13c The Prophet says to Makkah, “By God, thou art the most beloved land . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3924; Ibn Mājah, #3108; {Ḥākim, #4329}.
47:15c “I was raised to the lote tree of the boundary . . .”: Bukhārī, #3887; Muslim, #164.
47:18c “I was sent like this in relation to the Hour . . .”: Bukhārī, #6503; Muslim, #2950.
47:22c Ḥadīth qudsī: “God created creatures . . .”: Bukhārī, #5987; Muslim, #2554.
47:24c The Companions’ method of learning the Quran: Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Ḥākim, #2099; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1801; {Ibn Abī Shaybah, #30427; Ibn Ḥanbal, #23482}.
“The best of you is one . . .”: Bukhārī, #5027; Tirmidhī, #2907; Abū Dāwūd, #1452.
48:Introduction ʿUmar’s anxious guilt and the Prophet’s joy at the revelation of Sūrah 48: Bukhārī, #4833, #5012; Tirmidhī, #3262; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11499; Ibn Ḥanbal, #209.
The Prophet recited Sūrah 48 on the day of the conquest of Makkah: Bukhārī, #4835; Muslim, #794; Ibn Ḥanbal, #20542.
48:2–3c “Should I not be a thankful servant?”: Bukhārī, #4836; Muslim, #2819.
48:5c The Companions say, “Congratulations, O Messenger of God . . .”: Bukhārī, #4172; Tirmidhī, #3263; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12226.
48:18–19c The victory is thought to refer to the Pledge of Good Pleasure at Ḥudaybiyah: Bukhārī, #4150; #Ibn Ḥibbān, #4801.
“None of the companions of the tree . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4653; Tirmidhī, #3860; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11444; Ibn Ḥanbal, #14778; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4802.
48:24c The attempted surprise attack on the Muslims at Ḥudaybiyah: ḥākim, #3773; Ibn Ḥanbal, #16800; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11447.
48:25c Umm Salamah counsels the Prophet to sacrifice his animal: Bukhārī, #2731, #2732; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #37837; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #10076; Ṭabarī, Taʾrīkh, 2:637.
48:27c ʿUmar questions the Prophet about the unfulfilled promise of performing the ʿumrah: Bukhārī, #2731, #2732; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18928; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4872.
48:29c “God is not merciful to one who . . .”: Bukhārī, #7376; Muslim, #2319.
“The merciful are shown mercy . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1924; Abū Dāwūd, #4941; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6494.
“Whose prayer is much at night . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #1333; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2830.
49:1c “None of you truly believes until . . .”: Bukhārī, #15; Muslim, #44; Ibn Mājah, #67; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12814, #13911.
49:2c Abū Bakr and ʿUmar argue loudly in presence of Prophet: Bukhārī, #4745, #4847, #7302; Tirmidhī, #3266; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11514; Ibn Ḥanbal, #16106, #16133.
49:4c The report about Aqraʿ ibn Ḥābis: Tirmidhī, #3267; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #878; Ibn Ḥanbal, #15991, #27203.
49:5c Seeking permission to enter a house: Bukhārī, #6245; Muslim, #2153.
49:6–8c The context of the revelation involving Walīd and the Banū Muṣṭaliq: Ibn Ḥanbal, #18459; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #17975; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, 23:201, #960.
“My life is a great good for you . . .”: Albanī, Ḍaʿīf al-Jāmiʿ, #2746; {Bazzār, #1925; Ibn Saʿd, 2:174; Haythamī, Bughiyah, #953}.
49:9c “Help your brother whether . . .”: Bukhārī, #6952; #2443; Tirmidhī, #2255; Ibn Ḥibbān, #5167; Abū Yaʿlā, #3838; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11949, #13079.
This verse was revealed regarding an incident involving ʿAbd Allāh ibn Ubayy: Bukhārī, #2691; Muslim, #1799; Abū Yaʿlā, #4083; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12607, #13292.
“Cursing a Muslim is a sin . . .”: Bukhārī, #48; Muslim, #64.
49:10c “The believers are like a single structure . . .”: Bukhārī, #2446; Muslim, #2585; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19625.
“None of you truly believes until . . .”: Bukhārī, #13; Muslim, #45; Tirmidhī, #2515.
“God helps His servant as long as . . .”: Muslim, #2699; Tirmidhī, #1425; Abū Dāwūd, #4946; Ibn Mājah, #225.
The seven types of people to be granted Paradise: Bukhārī, #660, #1423; Muslim, #1031; Tirmidhī, #2391.
“Whosoever possesses these three qualities . . .”: Bukhārī, #16, #6941; Muslim, #43; Tirmidhī, #2624.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “God will ask on the Day of Judgment . . .”: Muslim, #2566; Dārimī, #2757; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #8577; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7231, #8455.
49:11c “Unless people cease boasting . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3955; Ibn Ḥanbal, #10781; {Abū Dāwūd, #5116; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8736, #8792}.
The Prophet changed people’s names: Bukhārī, #6190; Abū Dāwūd, #4956; Ibn Ḥibbān, #5822; Ibn Ḥanbal, #23673.
49:12c “Beware of conjecture . . .”: Bukhārī, #5144, #6724; Muslim, #2563; Tirmidhī, #1988; Abū Dāwūd, #4917.
“A leader will corrupt his people . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4889; Ḥākim, #8217; Ibn Abī ʿĀṣim, #1073.
Those who eavesdrop “will have molten copper . . .”: Bukhārī, #7042; Abū Dāwūd, #5003; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #11637; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1866, #3383.
“O gathering of those who submit with their tongues . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2032; Abū Dāwūd, #4880; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19776.
“Whosoever covers the faults of a . . .”: (not verbatim, partial) Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #7244; Ḥākim, #8239; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7427; Ibn Ḥibbān, #534; {Bukhārī, #2442; Muslim, #2580, #2699; Tirmidhī, #1426}.
49:13c “God does not look at your bodies . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #10637; Bayhaqī, Asmāʾ, p. 442; {Muslim, #2564; Ibn Mājah, #4143; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #3456}.
“There is in man a clump of flesh . . .”: Bukhārī, #52; Muslim, #1599; Abū Dāwūd, #3330; Ibn Mājah, #3984; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18374.
49:14c “Modesty produces naught but good”: Bukhārī, #6117; Muslim, #37; Abū Dāwūd, #4796.
“If a servant submits . . .”: Nasāʾī, #4998; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #24, #25.
50:Introduction The Prophet recited Sūrah 50 during the Friday sermon: Muslim, #872; Abū Dāwūd, #1100; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #1732.
The Prophet read Sūrahs 50 and 54 during the two feast-day prayers: Muslim, #891; Tirmidhī, #534; Abū Dāwūd, #1154; Ibn Mājah, #1282.
The Prophet often recited Sūrah 50 during the morning prayer: Muslim, #458; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #1938; Ibn Ḥibbān, #1816.
50:29–30c “As for the Fire, it will not be filled . . .”: Bukhārī, #4850; Muslim, #2846; Tirmidhī, #2561; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #7693.
50:39c “You will see your Lord . . .”: Bukhārī, #554, #4851; Muslim, #633; Tirmidhī, #2551; Abū Dāwūd, #4729.
50:40c After prostrations is taken as a command to glorify God after each prayer: Bukhārī, #4852.
Ibn ʿAbbās says, “The receding of the stars . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3275; Ḥākim, #1119; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #7458.
51:18c “Every night during the last third of the night . . .”: Bukhārī, #1145, #6321, #7494; Muslim, #758; Tirmidhī, #3498; Abū Dāwūd, #4733; Ibn Mājah, #1366.
51:50c “O God! I seek refuge in Thy Contentment . . .”: Muslim, #486; Tirmidhī, #3566; Abū Dāwūd, #879.
51:56c Ḥadīth qudsī: “O Son of Adam! Dedicate yourself . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2466; Ibn Mājah, #4107; Ibn Ḥibbān, #393; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #9856.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “I was a hidden treasure . . .”: (a much-cited saying in Sufi literature, but with no sound basis in isnād) {ʿAjlūnī, #2016}.
52:4c “I was taken to the house inhabited . . .”: Bukhārī, #3207; Muslim, #164; Nasāʾī, #448; Ibn Ḥibbān, #48.
52:12c “Whosoever can guarantee me that . . .”: Bukhārī, #6474; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #16671; Abū Yaʿlā, #1855; {Tirmidhī, #2408, #2409}.
“The fornication of the tongue . . .”: Bukhārī, #6243; Muslim, #2657.
“Restrain this . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2616; Ibn Mājah, #3973; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11394; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22016.
52:21c “God elevates the ranks of the believers’ progeny . . .”: Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 4:302; Ḥākim, #3801; Ṭaḥāwī, #1075; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12248.
52:48c “No fatigue . . .”: Bukhārī, #5641, #5642; Muslim, #2573; Tirmidhī, #966; Ibn Ḥibbān, #2905.
52:49c Ibn ʿAbbās says, “The receding of the stars . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3275; Ḥākim, #1119; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #7458.
“The two cycles of the supererogatory morning prayer . . .”: Muslim, #725; Tirmidhī, #416; Nasāʾī, #1759.
53:8c Ḥadīth qudsī: “My servant draws nigh unto Me . . .”: Bukhārī, #6502; Ibn Ḥibbān, #347; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #20980; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7833.
53:11c “He is a light . . .”: Muslim, #178; Tirmidhī, #3282; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #8300.
“The light of my vision was placed . . .”: (obscure ḥadīth with weak isnād) Ṭabarī, Tafsīr.
“His veil is light . . .”: Muslim, #179; Ibn Mājah, #195; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19587, #19632.
53:19–20c The account of the Satanic Verses: Bazzār, #5096; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #8316, #12450; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, pp. 504–5, pp. 505–6, #309; Ibn Saʿd, 1:174–75; Ṭabarī, Taʾrīkh, 2:337–40.
53:28c “Beware of conjecture . . .”: Bukhārī, #5144, #6724; Muslim, #2563; Tirmidhī, #1988; Abū Dāwūd, #4917.
53:32c “Verily, God has decreed for the son of Adam . . .”: Bukhārī, #6243, #6612; Muslim, #2657.
“Woe to you! You have cut off the neck . . .”: Bukhārī, #6061; Muslim, #3000.
53:38c “Whosoever establishes a sinful custom . . .”: Muslim, #1017; Tirmidhī, #2675; Ibn Mājah, #203, #207; Nasāʾī, #2554.
53:39c “When a person dies . . .”: Muslim, #1631; Tirmidhī, #1376; Abū Dāwūd, #2880.
53:60c “If you knew what I know . . .”: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 630, #393; {Bukhārī, #4621, #6631; Muslim, #2359, #901; Tirmidhī, #2313; Ibn Mājah, #4191}.
“The Fire will not reach a man . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1633, #2311; Ibn Mājah, #2774; Ibn Ḥanbal, #10560.
One of seven categories of people said to be “shaded by God . . .”: Bukhārī, #660; Muslim, #1031; Tirmidhī, #2391.
54:Introduction The Prophet performs the miracle of splitting the moon for skeptical Makkan pagans: (blended report based on multiple aḥādīth) {Bukhārī, #3636–38, #3868–70, #4864; Muslim, #2800–2803; Tirmidhī, #3285; Ibn Ḥanbal, #16750; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #11642.
Travelers bring confirmation of the splitting of the moon: Bayhaqī, Dalāʾil, 2:266–67; Ṭayālisī, #293.
54:1c “I was sent like this in relation to the Hour . . .”: Bukhārī, #4936, #5301, #6503; Muslim, #2950, #2951; Tirmidhī, #2214; Ibn Mājah, #45.
54:17c “The best among you are those who . . .”: Bukhārī, #5027; Tirmidhī, #2907; Abū Dāwūd, #1452.
“If the Quran is enclosed by skin . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2444; Abū Yaʿlā, #1745; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #5901; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17365.
54:45–46c The Prophet recited these verses at the Battle of Badr: Bukhārī, #4875, #2915.
54:47–49c The Prophet’s dispute with idolaters over God’s “measuring out”: Muslim, #2656; Tirmidhī, #3290.
54:48c “Are people thrown into Hell . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2616; Ibn Mājah, #3973; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11394; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22016.
54:49c “No servant of God truly believes until . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2144; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #1955; {Ibn Mājah, #77; Abū Dāwūd, #4699; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6985, #21589; #27490; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #11243; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #211}.
“Every community has its Magians . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4692; Ibn Ḥanbal, #5584; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #20870.
55:Introduction “For everything there is a bride . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2265; Tabrīzī, #2180.
55:3c “The word ‘womb’ derives its name . . .”: Bukhārī, #5988; Muslim, #2554; {Abū Dāwūd, #1694; Tirmidhī, #1907}.
55:8–9c “The heavens and the earth are founded upon justice”: (words reportedly spoken by Jews of Khaybar, not the Prophet) Abū Dāwūd, #3410; Ibn Mājah, #1820.
55:13c “Why do I see you silent . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3291; Bazzār, #5853; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2264, #4103.
55:29c “Among God’s tasks is to forgive sin . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #202; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #3140; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1066, #1067.
55:48c “Two golden Gardens for the foremost . . .”: Bayhaqī, Baʿth, #219; Dīnawarī, #1415; {Ibn Abī Shaybah, #35821; Ḥākim, #3829}.
55:58c “If a woman among the women . . .”: Bukhārī, #2796; Ibn Ḥanbal, #13780; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7398; {Ibn Abī Shaybah, #34982, #34981; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12436; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #5512}.
55:60c Ḥadīth qudsī: “Is the reward of one whom I have blessed . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #425; Wāḥidī, Wasīṭ, 4:227; {ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī, #930}.
Goodness is “to worship God as if you see Him . . .”: Bukhārī, #50; Muslim, #9; Tirmidhī, #2610; Abū Dāwūd, #4695.
55:78c “Persist in invoking . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3525; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17596; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #7669, #11499.
“O God, Thou art Peace . . .”: Muslim, #591, #592; Tirmidhī, #298; Abū Dāwūd, #1512; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #1261.
56:Introduction “Whosoever recites Sūrat al-Wāqiʿah . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2267, #2268; Ibn ʿAsākir, 33:187–88.
56:8–9c “We went over the nearest heaven . . .”: Bukhārī, #349; Muslim, #163.
56:11–14c “You live at a time when . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2267; Ṭabarānī, Ṣaghīr, 2:137–38; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 7:316; Muttaqī, #38630.
“The best generation is mine . . .”: (examples, many variants) Bukhārī, #3651, #6428; Muslim, #2533; Tirmidhī, #2302; Abū Dāwūd, #4657.
“A group among my community . . .”: Bukhārī, #3641; Muslim, #1920; Tirmidhī, #2229; {Bukhārī, #7469; Muslim, #1037, #1924}.
Various signs of the Final Hour: Tirmidhī, #3508; Abū Dāwūd, #4341; Ibn Mājah, #4014.
56:17c “The servants of heaven . . .”: (considered a saying, not a ḥadīth) ʿAbd al-Razzāq, #20079; Bazzār, #4516; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #2045.
56:20–21c The birds of Paradise: (not verbatim) {Tirmidhī, #2542; Ibn Ḥanbal, #13311, #13306; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #32468}.
56:22–24c Ḥadīth qudsī: “I have prepared for My righteous servants . . .”: Bukhārī, #3244, #4779; Muslim, #2824; Tirmidhī, #3292.
56:30c “In the Garden there is a tree . . .”: Bukhārī, #4881, #3252; Muslim, #2826–28; Tirmidhī, #2524.
56:36–37c “They are those who in this world . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, 23:367–68, #870; {Tirmidhī, #3296}.
56:63–67c “Let none of you say . . .”: Ibn Ḥibbān, #5723; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #8024; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #11752.
56:71–73c “This fire of yours . . .”: Bukhārī, #3265; Muslim, #2843; Tirmidhī, #2589.
56:82c Ḥadīth qudsī: “Some of My servants arose as believers in Me . . .”: Bukhārī, #846, #1038; Muslim, #71; Abū Dāwūd, #3906; Nasāʾī, #1525.
57:Introduction “Within the Glorifiers there is a verse . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2921, #3406; Abū Dāwūd, #5057; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #10481, #10482.
57:3c “God was and there was nothing . . .”: Bukhārī, #3191; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11176; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #17702.
“O God, Lord of the seven heavens . . .”: Muslim, #2713; Tirmidhī, #3400, #3481; Ibn Mājah, #3831.
57:10c “If one of you were to spend . . .”: Muslim, #2540; Bukhārī, #3673; Abū Dāwūd, #4658.
Gabriel inquires about Abū Bakr’s impoverished condition: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 641, #403; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 7:105; Ibn ʿAsākir, 30:71.
“One who is strong in belief . . .”: Muslim, #2664; Ibn Mājah, #79; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #10382.
57:13c Ḥadīth qudsī: God tells the angels to bring from the Fire those to whom God wishes to show mercy: Bukhārī, #7437, #6573; Muslim, #182; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7717.
57:16c “I seek refuge in God from a heart . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3482; Abū Dāwūd, #1548; Nasāʾī, #5467; Ibn Mājah, #250.
“The first thing to be removed . . .”: (not verbatim, partial) Ibn Ḥanbal, #23990; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #5879; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7183; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4572.
Ibn Masʿūd says, “There were but four years . . .”: Muslim, #3027; Ibn Mājah, #4192; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11504; Ḥākim, #3744.
57:17c “The difference between one who remembers God and . . .”: Bukhārī, #6407; Muslim, #779.
57:22c “No illness or fatigue . . .”: Bukhārī, #5641; Muslim, #2573; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #6537.
57:23c “How remarkable is the situation of the believer . . .”: Muslim, #2999; Ibn Ḥibbān, #2896; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #3849; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #4169.
57:26c “The upright will depart one after another . . .”: Bukhārī, #6434, #4156; Dārimī, #2761; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #2677.
57:27c “Every Prophet has a form of monasticism . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #13807; Abū Yaʿlā, #4204; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #3923; {ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #7708}.
“Giving up the world does not mean . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2340; Ibn Mājah, #4100; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #7954.
57:28c People of the Book who believe in the Prophet receive double reward: Bukhārī, #97, #3011, #5083; Muslim, #154; Tirmidhī, #1116.
Descriptions of the bridge over Hell: (not verbatim) Bukhārī, #6574, #7439; Muslim, #183; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #360; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11081, #11127; Abū Yaʿlā, #1253, #6663; Ibn Ḥajar, #4545.
57:29c “The parable of you and the Jews and Christians . . .”: Bukhārī, #2269, #558; Tirmidhī, #2871; Bazzār, #5819; Ibn Ḥanbal, #4508.
58:1–2c Khawlah bint Thaʿlabah is repudiated by her husband, Ḥākim: #3848; Ibn Ḥanbal, #27319; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4279; Ibn Mājah, #2063.
“You are now forbidden to him . . .”: Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Ibn Abī ḥātim, Tafsīr; Ibn Shabbah, 2:12–13.
58:3–4c The atonement of the offending husband of Khawlah bint Thaʿlabah: Abū Dāwūd, #2214; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #15284; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #27319}.
58:8c ʿĀʾishah responds angrily to a Jewish malediction upon the Prophet: Bukhārī, #6030; Muslim, #2165; Ibn Ḥanbal, #25924.
“God does not like indecency . . .”: Muslim, #2165; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #8677; Ibn Ḥanbal, #25924.
58:9–10c “The speech of the Children of Adam always . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2412; Ibn Mājah, #3974; Ḥākim, #3950; Abū Yaʿlā, #7132; Muttaqī, #7865.
58:11c “God ceases not to aid the servant so long as . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1930; Abū Dāwūd, #4946; Ibn Mājah, #225.
Ḥadīth qudsī: “I am as My servant thinks of Me . . .”: Bukhārī, #7405; Muslim, #2675; Tirmidhī, #3603; Ibn Mājah, #3822.
“The superiority of one who has knowledge . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2682; Abū Dāwūd, #3641; Ibn Mājah, #223.
58:12–13c ʿAlī says, “There is one verse in the Book of God . . .”: Ḥākim, #3851; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #32661.
58:14–18c “A man will come to you . . .”: ḥākim, #3852; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12307; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2407.
58:19c “The likeness of one who remembers his Lord . . .”: Bukhārī, #6407; {Muslim, #779; Ibn Ḥibbān, #854}.
58:22c “Whosoever has submitted . . .”: Muslim, #1054; Tirmidhī, #2348; Ibn Mājah, #4138.
59:Introduction “Within the Glorifiers there is a verse that . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2921, #3406; Abū Dāwūd, #5057; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #10481, #10482.
59:5c The ramifications of the felling of the date palms of the Banū al-Naḍīr: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 657; {Tirmidhī, #3303; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11510; Abū Yaʿlā, #2189; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #587; Ibn Hishām, 1:191; Wāqidī, 1:373}.
59:7c “When I order you to do something . . .”: Muslim, #1337; Ibn Mājah, #2; {Bukhārī, #7288; Ibn Ḥibbān, #18}.
59:9c “Truly the dwellers of the heavens are amazed . . .”: Bukhārī, #3798; #4889; {Muslim, #2054; Tirmidhī, #3304}.
“Abstain from the world, and God will love you . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4102; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #5972; Ḥākim, #7954; Muttaqī, #8577.
“Your worst enemy . . .”: Bayhaqī, Zuhd, #343; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #3445; Kharāʾṭī, #32; Daylamī, #5289.
“Be on your guard against committing oppression . . .”: Muslim, #2578; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11519; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #20450.
59:18c The Prophet, moved by the poverty of some Muslims, appeals for charity: Muslim, #1017; Ibn Ḥibbān, #3308; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19174.
59:19c “He who knows himself . . .”: (oft-cited saying without sound basis in isnād) ʿAjlūnī, #2532; Majlisī, Biḥār, 14:415 (accepted in many Shiite sources).
59:21c Ḥadīth qudsī: “My heavens and My earth embrace Me not . . .”: (oft-cited ḥadīth qudsī with no basis in isnād) Albānī, Ḍaʿīfah, #5103; ʿAjlūnī, #2256; Suyūṭī, Durar, p. 217, #361; Ibn Ḥanbal, Zuhd, p. 129, #421.
59:22–24c Fuḍayl ibn ʿIyāḍ says, “One who reads . . .”: Ibn al-ḍurays, p. 103, #227; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2271; Dārimī, #3466.
59:23c Some Companions used to pray “Peace upon God,” until the Prophet corrected them: Bukhārī, #6328, #7381; Muslim, #402; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #758; Abū Dāwūd, #968.
59:24c “God has ninety-nine Names . . .”: Bukhārī, #7392, #2736, #6410; Muslim, #2677; Tirmidhī, #3506; Ibn Mājah, #3861.
“I implore Thee by every Name . . .”: ḥākim, #1929; Ibn Ḥanbal, #3712; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #29808.
60:1c Ḥāṭib ibn Abī Baltaʿah sends a letter to the Quraysh: Bukhārī, #3007, #3983, #4890; Muslim, #2494; Abū Dāwūd, #2650; Tirmidhī, #3305.
60:8c Asmāʾ, the daughter of Abū Bakr, refuses to meet her idolatrous mother: Bukhārī, #5978, #2620; Muslim, #1003; Abū Dāwūd, #1668; Ibn Ḥanbal, #16111; Ḥākim, #3861.
60:12c This verse comprises the elements of the oath of Islam that the Prophet would take from women: Bukhārī, #4891, #4895; Muslim, #884, #1866; Ibn Mājah, #2875; Ibn Ḥanbal, #26326; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4554.
The women’s pledge includes not wailing for the dead: Bukhārī, #4894; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6850.
“Whosoever among you fulfills the pledge . . .”: Bukhārī, #18, #3892, #7199; Muslim, #1709.
61:2–3c “Whosoever claims for himself . . .”: Muslim, #61; {Ibn Mājah, #2319; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21465}.
61:4c “A Muslim believer is a mirror reflection . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #4918; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #16681; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #2114; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #7239.
“The entire Muslim group . . .”: Muslim, #2586; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19349, #18434; {Bukhārī, #6011; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18373, #18433}.
61:6c “I have several names . . .”: Bukhārī, #3532, #4896; Muslim, #2354; Tirmidhī, #2840; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6313.
61:14c “Every prophet has his apostle . . .”: Bukhārī, #7261, #3719; Muslim, #2415; Tirmidhī, #3545; Ibn Mājah, #122.
62:Introduction “The best day . . .”: Bukhārī, #935; Muslim, #854; Tirmidhī, #488, #491; Abū Dāwūd, #1046; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2709.
“It is named ‘The Gathering’ because . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #23718; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #6092; {Muslim, #854}.
62:5c A warning of impending calamities when religious understanding is lost: Ibn Mājah, #4048; Tirmidhī, #2653; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17920.
“There will soon come upon the people . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1763; Ibn ʿAdī, 4:128.
62:6c “Whosoever desires to meet God . . .”: Bukhārī, #6508; Muslim, #2684, #2685, #2686; Tirmidhī, #1066, #2309; Ibn Mājah, #4264.
62:9c “When you come to prayer . . .”: Bukhārī, #635, #636, #908; Muslim, #602; Abū Dāwūd, #572, #573; Ibn Mājah, #775; Nasāʾī, #861.
62:11c Worshippers abandon the Prophet during Friday prayers when a caravan arrives: Bukhārī, #936, #2058, #4899; Muslim, #863; Tirmidhī, #3311.
63:1c The story of the chief hypocrite ʿAbd Allāh ibn Ubayy and the revelation of vv. 1–8: Bukhārī, #4901; Muslim, #2772; Tirmidhī, #3312.
63:2c “The signs of the hypocrite are four . . .”: Bukhārī, #34, #2459; Muslim, #58; Abū Dāwūd, #4688; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6768.
64:2c “People are born in various degrees . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2191; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11143, #11587; Ṭayālisī, #2156.
“A person may act like the people of the Garden . . .”: Muslim, #112; Bukhārī, #2898, #4202, #6607; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22813.
64:15c “Wretched is the slave of dīnārs . . .”: Bukhārī, #2886, #2887; Ibn Mājah, #4136; Ibn Ḥibbān, #3218; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #21148.
65:Introduction “Verily, of that which is permitted . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #2177, #2178; Ibn Mājah, #2018; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #14894; Ḥākim, #2853.
65:1c The prohibition against divorcing a menstruating wife: Bukhārī, #5251, #5252; Muslim, #1471; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 681, #426.
65:3c “Fear God, and be patient!”: ḥākim, #3877; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 683, #427.
“Faith is to believe in God . . .”: Muslim, #8; Tirmidhī, #2610; Abū Dāwūd, #4695; Ibn Mājah, #63; {Bukhārī, #50, #4777; Nasāʾī, #4991}.
65:4c Ubayy ibn Kaʿb inquires about “women regarding whom nothing was mentioned . . .”: ḥākim, #3878; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, #428; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #15379.
65:12c “Whosoever usurps a span of land unjustly . . .”: Muslim, #1610, #1612; Bukhārī, #2452, #2453, #3195; Tirmidhī, #1418.
66:1c The story of the Prophet renouncing his rights to relations with Māriyah: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, #429, #432; Saʿīd ibn Manṣūr, #2249; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12640; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #2316, #8764; {Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11543}.
66:3c ḥafṣah tells ʿĀʾishah of the incident with Māriyah: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, #429, #432; Saʿīd ibn Manṣūr, #2249.
66:8c “O people! Repent unto your Lord . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2754; {Ibn Mājah, #1081; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #5570; Abū Yaʿlā, #1856}.
66:11c “The best among the women of the Garden . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #2957, #2668; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7010; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #8306; Abū Yaʿlā, #2722.
“Verily in the Garden . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #5485/2, #8006; (several versions) Ibn ʿAsākir, 70:118–19.
67:Introduction “Sūrat Tabārak is a shield . . .”: (not verbatim) Tirmidhī, #2890; Ḥākim, #3896; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12801.
“Verily, there is a sūrah in the Quran . . . that will intercede . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #1400; Ibn Mājah, #3786; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11548; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7975; {Tirmidhī, #2892}.
“There is a sūrah of the Quran . . . that will argue . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #3654; Bayhaqī, Dalāʾil, 7:41; {ḥākim, #2127}.
“I would love for it to be in the heart . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #11616; Ḥākim, #2128; Ibn ʿAsākir, 26:270.
67:2c “God has humbled the son of Adam . . .”: (ḥadīth mursal, with incomplete isnād) Suyūṭī, Durr, 6:247; Māwardī, 6:50.
The human beings who suffer the greatest trials: Tirmidhī, #2398; Ibn Mājah, #4023; Ibn Ḥibbān, #2900, #2901; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1494, #1607.
“No fatigue . . .”: Bukhārī, #5641, #5642; Muslim, #2573; Tirmidhī, #966; Ibn Ḥibbān, #2905.
“If God wants to do good to somebody . . .”: Bukhārī, #5645; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7235; Ibn Ḥibbān, #2907; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #7436.
“Deeds are only in accord . . .”: Bukhārī, #1, #54, #6953; Muslim, #1907.
“The most wary of what God has forbidden . . .”: Ibn Abī ḥātim, Tafsīr; Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Dīnawarī, #262.
67:5c Qatādah says, “The creation of the stars . . .”: (unnumbered saying) Bukhārī, 59:3 (Kitāb badʾ al-khalq, Bāb fī al-nujūm).
67:6c “Whosoever comes to a fortune-teller . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #3904; Tirmidhī, #135; Ibn Mājah, #639; Ibn Ḥanbal, #9290, #9536.
67:10–11c “God will accept the repentance . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3537; Ibn Mājah, #4253; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6160, #6408; Ibn Ḥibbān, #628; Abū Yaʿlā, #5609.
67:12c One of seven categories of people to be “shaded by God . . .”: Bukhārī, #659; Muslim, #1031; Tirmidhī, #2391.
67:13c “Whosoever believes in God and the Last Day . . .”: Bukhārī, #6018, #6019, #6135; Muslim, #48; Tirmidhī, #2500; Abū Dāwūd, #5154; Ibn Mājah, #3672.
“For my community God passes over . . .”: Bukhārī, #2528, #5269; Muslim, #127; Tirmidhī, #1183; Abū Dāwūd, #2209; Ibn Mājah, #2040.
67:19c “Were you to trust in God . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #205; Tirmidhī, #2344; Ibn Mājah, #4164; Ibn Ḥibbān, #730.
68:1c Ḥadīth qudsī: “The first thing God created . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2155, #3319; Abū Dāwūd, #4700; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22707.
“Nūn is a tablet of light”: (obscure ḥadīth with incomplete isnād, mursal gharīb) Ṭabarī, Tafsīr.
68:4c The Prophet’s character was the Quran: Bukhārī, #994, #6310; Muslim, #746; Abū Dāwūd, #1342; Nasāʾī, #1601.
“O God, you have beautified . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #3823, #24392; Ṭayālisī, #374; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #8542, #8543; Ibn Ḥibbān, #959.
“I was only sent . . .”: Bazzār, #1973; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8952; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #20782, Shuʿab, #7979.
“The best of you . . .”: Bukhārī, #6029, #3559; Muslim, #2321; Tirmidhī, #1975; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8822, #10232, #10022; Ibn Ḥibbān, #91; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #20784.
“Reverence God wherever you may be . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1987; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #8026; Dārimī, #2791; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #3779; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21354.
“What admits people most into Paradise . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2004; Ibn Mājah, #4246; Ibn Ḥibbān, #476; Ḥākim, #8000.
“Nothing is placed on the scales . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2003; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #8003, #8004; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #4210; {Abū Dāwūd, #4799; Ibn Ḥanbal, #27517}.
68:11c Those who spread calumny will not enter Paradise: Bukhārī, #6056, #218; Muslim, #105, #292; Tirmidhī, #2026, #70; Abū Dāwūd, #4871, #20.
68:20c “Avoid sins of disobedience . . .”: Ibn Abī ḥātim, Tafsīr; Suyūṭī, Durr.
68:42c “God will lay bare His Shank . . .”: Bukhārī, #4919; Mujāhid, Tafsīr, pp. 669–70; {Muslim, #183}.
68:44c “God grants the wrongdoer respite . . .”: Bukhārī, #4686; Muslim, #2583; Tirmidhī, #3110; Ibn Mājah, #4018.
68:51c The anecdote about a man with the evil eye: (not a ḥadīth) Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 694.
“Seek refuge in God . . .”: Bukhārī, #5740, #5944; Muslim, #2187, #2188; Abū Dāwūd, #3879; {Tirmidhī 2061; Ibn Mājah, #3506}.
“If one of you sees something of his brother . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #15700; Abū Yaʿlā, #7195; Ḥākim, #7579.
69:12c The Prophet says to ʿAlī, “God has commanded me . . .”: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 695; Ibn ʿAsākir, 42:361.
“I asked my Lord . . .”: (ḥadīth with incomplete isnād) Ṭabarī, Tafsīr; Ibn Abī ḥātim, Tafsīr.
69:17c “Today those carrying the throne are four . . .”: (ḥadīth with incomplete isnād) Ṭabarī, Tafsīr.
69:18c “The people are brought forth . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2425; Ibn Mājah, #4277; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19715.
69:19–20c The most intelligent of believers are “the most frequent . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4259; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #4671.
69:22–23c “Verily I saw the Garden . . .”: Bukhārī, #748, #1052; Muslim, #907; Ibn Ḥibbān, #2832; #2853.
69:50–51c “The Quran is a proof . . .”: Muslim, #223; Tirmidhī, #3517; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22902, #22908: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #3423.
70:4c “He will lighten for the believer . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #11717; Ibn Ḥibbān, #7334; Abū Yaʿlā, #1390; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #356.
70:29–31c “Whosoever is able to guarantee . . .”: Bukhārī, #6474; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #16671; Abū Yaʿlā, #1855; {Tirmidhī, #2408, #2409}.
The spread of illicit sexual intercourse . . .: Bukhārī, #6808; Muslim, #2671; Ibn Mājah, #4045; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12806.
70:32–33c “The signs of the hypocrite are three . . .”: Bukhārī, #33, #6095; Muslim, #59; Tirmidhī, #2631; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8685.
70:34c “Establish the prayer and . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #277; Dārimī, #655; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22378; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #7015.
“My comfort is in prayer”: Nasāʾī, #3939, #3940; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12293, #12294, #13057; Abū Yaʿlā, #3530.
“The first thing for which one will be . . .”: (not verbatim) Tirmidhī, #413; Abū Dāwūd, #864; Nasāʾī, #465; Ibn Mājah, #1425, #1426; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #4000.
70:42c “Let whosoever believes in God and in the Last Day . . .”: Bukhārī, #6018, #6019, #6135; Muslim, #48; Tirmidhī, #2500; Abū Dāwūd, #5154; Ibn Mājah, #3672.
71:23c The gods mentioned here were . . .: Bukhārī, #4920.
72:Introduction Al-Jinn was revealed at a time when the jinn were distraught . . .: Bukhārī, #773, #4921; Muslim, #449; Tirmidhī, #3323.
72:8–9c “Some people asked the Messenger of God about the fortune-tellers . . .”: Bukhārī, #6213, #7561; Muslim, #2228.
The anecdote about a shooting meteor: Tirmidhī, #3224; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1882; {Muslim, #2229; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1883}.
72:18c “The earth has been made . . .”: Bukhārī, #335, #438; Muslim, #521, #522; Ibn Mājah, #567.
73:1–2c “Every night during the last third of the night . . .”: Bukhārī, #1145, #6321, #7494; Muslim, #758; Tirmidhī, #3498; Abū Dāwūd, #4733; Ibn Mājah, #1366.
73:3–4c Umm Salamah reports the Prophet’s manner of recitation: Abū Dāwūd, #4001; Ibn Ḥanbal, #26583; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #4713; Ḥākim, #2969; {Abū Dāwūd, #1466; Tirmidhī, #2923}.
“Adorn the Quran with your voices”: Abū Dāwūd, #1468; Ibn Mājah, #1342; Nasāʾī, #1015, #1016; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18494.
“Whosoever does not chant the Quran . . .”: Bukhārī, #7527; Abū Dāwūd, #1469, #1471; Ibn Mājah, #1337; Ibn Ḥibbān, #120; Ibn Ḥanbal, #1476.
“Whosoever recites the Quran fluently . . .”: Bukhārī, #4937; Muslim, #798; Abū Dāwūd, #1454; Ibn Mājah, #3779.
“Never does a group gather . . .”: Muslim, #2699; Abū Dāwūd, #1455; Ibn Mājah, #225; Ibn Ḥanbal, #9274; Ibn Ḥibbān, #768.
“The believer who recites the Quran . . .”: Bukhārī, #5020, #7560; Muslim, #797; Tirmidhī, #2865; Abū Dāwūd, #4829.
73:5c ʿĀʾishah reports that the Prophet would perspire when the revelation came upon him: Bukhārī, #2, #3215; Muslim, #2333; Tirmidhī, #3634; Nasāʾī, #934; Ibn Ḥanbal, #24309.
ʿĀʾishah says, “When the revelation came . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #24868; Bayhaqī, Dalāʾil, 7:53; Ḥākim, #3922; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #27575}.
74:Introduction The Prophet’s account of the first revelation: Bukhārī, #4926; Muslim, #161; Tirmidhī, #3325; Ibn Ḥibbān, #35.
74:4c “Whosoever performs ablution . . .”: Muslim, #245; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2475; Ibn Ḥanbal, #476.
“When a person washes his face . . .”: Muslim, #244; Tirmidhī, #2; {Muslim, #832; Ibn Mājah, #283; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8020; Ibn Ḥibbān, #1040}.
74:12–15c “If the son of Adam had . . .”: Bukhārī, #6439; Muslim, #1048; Tirmidhī, #2337.
74:31c “Hell will be brought on that Day . . .”: Muslim, #2842; Tirmidhī, #2573.
74:56c Ḥadīth qudsī: “I am most worthy . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4299; Tirmidhī, #3328; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #12442}.
75:1–2c “There is no pious or profligate soul . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2403; Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 8:178.
75:3c The anecdote about ʿAdiyy ibn Rabīʿah: (not a proper ḥadīth) Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 703.
75:13c “Whosoever establishes a beautiful custom . . .”: Muslim, #1017; Tirmidhī, #2675; Ibn Mājah, #203, #207; Nasāʾī, #2554; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19202.
75:16–18c Ibn ʿAbbās’s report of the change in the Prophet’s manner of receiving revelation: Bukhārī, #5, #4927, #7524; Muslim, #448; Nasāʾī, #935; {Tirmidhī, #3329}.
75:22–23c “Truly, you all will see your Lord . . .”: Bukhārī, #7435; Muslim, #633.
“Are you harmed by seeing . . .”: Bukhārī, #4581, #7434; Muslim, #183; Abū Dāwūd, #4730; Ibn Mājah, #179.
“Truly, you will see your Lord just as you see . . .”: Bukhārī, #554, #7435; Muslim, #633.
“When the people of the Garden . . .”: Muslim, #181; Tirmidhī, #2552, #3105; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18935.
75:30c “Return My servants to the earth . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #3212, #4735; Ibn Mājah, #1549; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #18534; Ṭayālisī, #789}.
75:37–40c After the Prophet recited v. 40, he would say “Yea!”: Abū Dāwūd, #884, #887; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7391.
76:Introduction The Prophet would often recite Sūrahs 32 and 76 during the early morning prayer: Muslim, #879; Abū Dāwūd, #1073; Tirmidhī, #520.
76:8c “The indigent is not one who . . .”: Bukhārī, #1476, #4539; Muslim, #1039; Abū Dāwūd, #1631, #1632; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7539, #8187.
76:14c “Verily I saw the Garden . . .”: Bukhārī, #748; Muslim, #907; Ibn Ḥibbān, #2832; #2853.
77:Introduction “While we were with the Messenger of God in a cave . . .”: Bukhārī, #4931; Muslim, #2234; Abū Yaʿlā, #4970; Ibn Ḥanbal, #4069, #4357; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4970.
77:48–49c “There is no good in a religion . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #3026; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17913; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #8372; Ṭayālisī, #939.
78:18c The Prophet said that on the Day of Resurrection his community . . .: (variant, three afwāj) Nasāʾī, #2086; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21456; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #2224; Bazzār, #3891; (variant, three aṣnāf or three ṭarāʾiq) Bukhārī, #6522; Muslim, #2861; Nasāʾī, #2085; Tirmidhī, #3142.
78:23c “On the Day of Judgment, those who deserve . . .”: Bukhārī, #22, #6560; Muslim, #184; Ibn Mājah, #4309; Ibn Ḥibbān, #222.
78:30c “This verse is the most severe . . .”: Ibn Abī al-Dunyā, Mawsūʿah, 3:477; Abū Nuʿaym, Akhbār, 1:302.
79:37–39c “The love of the world . . .”: (ḥadīth mursal, with incomplete isnād) Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #10019; Ibn Abī al-Dunyā, Zuhd, #9; Muttaqī, #6114; {Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #9854}.
79:44c “Regarding that the one questioned . . .”: Bukhārī, #50, #4777; Muslim, #8; Tirmidhī, #2610; Abū Dāwūd, #4695.
80:Introduction The Prophet’s treatment of Ibn Umm Maktūm: Tirmidhī, #3331; Ibn Ḥibbān, #535.
80:15–16c “One who recites the Quran proficiently . . .”: Bukhārī, #4937; Muslim, #798; Abū Dāwūd, #1454; Ibn Mājah, #3779.
80:20c “Work, for that for which each person was created . . .”: Bukhārī, #4945, #4949; Muslim, #2647.
80:34–37c “People will be gathered barefoot, naked . . .”: Bukhārī, #6527; Muslim, #2859; Tirmidhī, #3332.
81:Introduction “Whosoever wishes to look . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3333; Ibn Ḥanbal, #4806; #5755.
81:1c “The sun and the moon . . .”: Bukhārī, #3200.
81:7c “Every man will be joined . . .”: (a saying of ʿUmar, not a Ḥadīth) Ḥākim, #3960; Ibn Abī Shaybah, #35495.
81:14c “There is none among you . . .”: (not verbatim) Bukhārī, #6539; Muslim, #1016; Tirmidhī, #2415; Ibn Mājah, #185; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18246.
83:1–5c Five examples of divine retribution: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #10992; Haythamī, Zawāʾid, 3:152–53, #4346.
83:6c “The people will be submerged in perspiration . . .”: Muslim, #2864; Tirmidhī, #2431; Ibn Ḥanbal, #23813.
“People will stand in their perspiration . . .”: Bukhārī, #4938; Muslim, #2862; Tirmidhī, #3336.
83:7–8c “Sijjīn is the lowest . . .”: Daylamī, #3337.
83:14c “Verily, when the servant commits a sin . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3334; Ibn Mājah, #4244; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7952.
“For everything there is a polish . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #519; Muttaqī, #1777, #1848; {Ibn Mājah, #3790; Tirmidhī, #3377; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21702}.
84:8c “Whosoever is reckoned . . .”: Bukhārī, #103, #4939; Muslim, #2876; Tirmidhī, #3337.
84:13–14c “The world is the prison of the believer . . .”: Muslim, #2956; Ibn Mājah, #4113; Tirmidhī, #2324.
84:19c Ibn ʿAbbās says, “That concerns your Prophet”: Ḥākim, #3972.
85:Introduction “Whosoever recites it, God will give reward . . .”: Wāḥidī, Wasīṭ, 4:457.
The Prophet would often recite Sūrahs 85 and 86 as part of the afternoon prayers: Muslim, #459; Tirmidhī, #307; Abū Dāwūd, #805; Nasāʾī, #978.
85:4–9c The tale of the evil king of Yemen: Muslim, #3005; Tirmidhī, #3340; Ibn Ḥanbal, #23931.
86:9c “Your secrets are your deeds . . .”: Wāḥidī, Wasīṭ, 4:466; {Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2496}.
87:Introduction The Prophet recommended reciting Sūrahs 87 and 88 for the evening prayer: Muslim, #465; Ibn Mājah, #836.
The Prophet recited Sūrahs 87 and 88 on certain occasions: Muslim, #878; Abū Dāwūd, #1122; Tirmidhī, #533; Ibn Mājah, #1281.
The Prophet recommended reciting Sūrah 87 in prostration: Abū Dāwūd, #886, #869; Ibn Mājah, #890; Tirmidhī, #261.
87:1c Employing Quranic glorifications in bowing and prostrating: Abū Dāwūd, #869; Ibn Mājah, #887; Ibn Ḥanbal, #17414.
87:16–17c “The world is the prison of the believer . . .”: Muslim, #2956; Ibn Mājah, #4113; Tirmidhī, #2324.
87:18–19c The number of revealed books: Ibn Ḥibbān, #361; Ibn ʿAsākir, 23:277–78 (#5063); Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyah, 1:166.
88:6c “Ḍarīʿ is a thing in the Fire . . .”: Wāḥidī, Wasīṭ, 4:474.
89:15–16c Ḥadīth qudsī: “Truly I do not honor . . .”: (not a ḥadīth qudsī, but rather a comment of the exegetist Qatādah) Ṭabarī, Tafsīr.
89:23–24c “Hellfire will be brought forth . . .”: Muslim, #2842; Tirmidhī, #2573.
“There is no time wherein the son of Adam . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #508; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #8316.
90:2c “Truly God made Makkah sacred . . .”: Bukhārī, #1349, #112; Muslim, #1353, #1355; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2353, #7242.
90:7c “The servant does not move forward . . .”: Abū Yaʿlā, #7434; Tirmidhī, #2416, #2417; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #1647.
Shiite addition: Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #9406, #2191.
90:10c “O people! There are only two highways . . .”: Ibn ʿAdī, 3:356; Ibn Rāhawayh, #447; Ṭabarānī, Musnad, #2379.
90:13c “Whosoever releases a believing slave . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #17358, #17326; Abū Yaʿlā, #1760; {Bukhārī, #2517; Muslim, #1509; Tirmidhī, #1541; Ibn Ḥanbal, #22113}.
90:17c “The merciful are those . . .”: Tirmidhī, #1924; Abū Dāwūd, #4941; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6494.
91:8c “O Messenger of God! Do you consider . . .”: Muslim, #2650; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19936.
“O God! Give my soul its reverence . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #11191; Quḍāʿī, #1481; {without mention of this sūrah: Muslim, #2722; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19308}.
91:11–14c The most wretched of previous generations . . .: Ibn Ḥanbal, Faḍāʾil, #953; {Ibn Ḥanbal, #18321; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #8485; Abū Yaʿlā, #569; ʿAbd ibn Ḥumayd, #92; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #173}.
92:5–10c “There is no one among you except that . . .”: Bukhārī, #4945, #4949; Muslim, #2647; Abū Dāwūd, #4694; Tirmidhī, #2136; Ibn Ḥanbal, #621.
92:15–21c The anecdote of man who refuses to give a date-palm tree in return for one in Paradise: Wāqidī, 2:505–6; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, pp. 717–18, #441.
92:19–21c Bilāl’s torture and manumission: Wāḥidī, Asbāb, pp. 720–21, #444.
93:Introduction God sends down Sūrah 93 to reassure the Prophet after a long intermission in revelation: Bukhārī, #1125, #4950; Muslim, #1797.
The sūrah as a response to the idolaters’ taunt: Muslim, #1797; Tirmidhī, #3345.
The sūrah as a response to Umm Jamīl’s claim that the Prophet’s “satan” had forsaken him: Bukhārī, #4950; Muslim, #1797.
93:4c The Prophet chooses being with God over life in this world: Bukhārī, #3904; Muslim, #2382; Ibn Hishām, 2:649.
93:5–8c Prophet asks God about the special boons given to other prophets: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12289; Ḥākim, #4002; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, #449.
93:8c “Wealth comes not from . . .”: Muslim, #1051; Ibn Mājah, #4137; Tirmidhī, #2373; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7316.
93:9c The merits of those who take care of orphans: Ibn al-Mubārak, #654; {partial, supporting: Bukhārī, #5304, #6005; Muslim, #2983; Tirmidhī, #1918; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8881, #22820; Abū Dāwūd, #5150; Ibn Mājah, #3679}.
93:11c “Whosoever does not give thanks . . .”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #4419; Ibn Ḥanbal, #18449, #19350.
“God is great”: Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #4912–14; Ibn ʿAsākir, 57:26–27; Fākihī, 3:35, #1744.
94:5–6c “One instance of hardship . . .”: Ḥākim, #4008; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #95041.
95:Introduction “Whosoever among you recites . . .”: Abū Dāwūd, #887; Tirmidhī, #3347; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #3693; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7391.
95:4c Ḥadīth qudsī: “Truly God created Adam in His image”: Bukhārī, #3326, #6227; Muslim, #2841.
96:Introduction ʿĀʾishah describes the Prophet’s first revelation: Bukhārī, #4956, #6982; Muslim, #160; Ibn Ḥanbal, #25909; Bayhaqī, Kubrā, #17721.
96:17–18c The Prophet’s altercation with Abū Jahl: Tirmidhī, #3349; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11684; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2321.
96:19c “The closest that a servant can be . . .”: Muslim, #482; Abū Dāwūd, #875; Ibn Ḥanbal, #9461.
97:Introduction The Night of Power occurs during the last ten nights of Ramadan: Bukhārī, #2016, #2020; Muslim, #1169.
“Look for the Night of Power . . .”: Bukhārī, #2021; Abū Dāwūd, #1381; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2520.
“Whoever stands . . .”: Bukhārī, #35, #2014; Muslim, #760; Ibn Ḥanbal, #7280.
“My God, truly thou art a pardoner . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3513; Ibn Mājah, #3850; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #10708; Ibn Ḥanbal, #25384, #25494, #25497.
98:4c Islam will divide into seventy-three sects: Tirmidhī, #2641; Ibn Mājah, #3992; Abū Dāwūd, #4596; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8396.
98:6–8c The Prophet says to ʿAlī, “That is you and your partisans . . .”: (not verbatim, supporting) Ibn ʿAsākir, 42:371, #8967, #8968; Ibn ʿAdī, 1:170.
“Shall I not inform you . . .”: Ibn Ḥanbal, #9142; {Tirmidhī, #1652; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #3039; Ibn Ḥibbān, #704, #705; Ibn Ḥanbal, #2116}.
“The believer is more noble in the Eyes of God . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #3947; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #150; {Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #6634}.
99:Introduction The tale of the old man who asks the Prophet what to recite: Abū Dāwūd, #1399; Ibn Ḥanbal, #6575; Ibn Ḥibbān, #773; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #7973.
Sūrah 99 “is equal to half of the Quran”: Tirmidhī, #2893, #2894; Ḥākim, #2130; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2284.
99:2c “The earth will throw out the pieces . . .”: Muslim, #1013; Tirmidhī, #2208; Ibn Ḥibbān, #6697.
99:4c “Verily, her chronicles means . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2429; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11629; Ibn Ḥanbal, #8867.
99:7–8c “Fear the Fire . . .”: Bukhārī, #6540, #7512; Muslim, #1016.
“O ʿĀʾishah! Beware of the sins . . .”: Ibn Mājah, #4243; Ibn Ḥanbal, #24415, #25177; Ibn Ḥibbān, #5568.
101:6–9c “There is nothing placed in the Balance . . .”: Tirmidhī, #2002, #2003; Abū Dāwūd, #4799; Ibn Ḥanbal, #27496, #27517; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #8003.
“Deeds are only in accord . . .”: Bukhārī, #1, #54, #6953; Muslim, #1907.
“None of you will enter Paradise . . .”: Bukhārī, #5673; Muslim, #2816.
102:1c “The son of Adam says . . .”: Muslim, #2958; Tirmidhī, #3342, #3354; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #11696; Ibn Ḥanbal, #16306.
“If the son of Adam had . . .”: Bukhārī, #6439; Muslim, #1048; Tirmidhī, #2337.
102:8c “By Him in whose Hand lies my soul, you shall be questioned . . .”: Muslim, #2038; Ibn Ḥibbān, #5216; Ṭabarānī, Awsaṭ, #2247.
105:Introduction The Prophet invoked the memory of Abrahah’s thwarted attack during the conquest of Makkah: Bukhārī, #112, #6880; Muslim, #1355.
107:4–5c “This is the prayer of the hypocrite . . .”: Muslim, #622; Tirmidhī, #160; Abū Dāwūd, #413; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11999.
108:Introduction Anas ibn Mālik reports, “While we were with the Messenger of God in the Mosque . . .”: Muslim, #400; Abū Dāwūd, #784; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #979; Ibn Ḥanbal, #11996.
108:1c “When the Prophet was made to ascend . . .”: Bukhārī, #4964.
“Kawthar is a river in the Garden . . .”: Bukhārī, #6581, #7517; Muslim, #162; Tirmidhī, #3361, #3359, #3360; Ibn Mājah, #4334; Abū Dāwūd, #4748.
“Kawthar is the good that God has bestowed upon His Messenger”: Bukhārī, #4966, #6578.
108:2c Prayer must precede the sacrifice . . .: Bukhārī, #951, #976; Muslim, #1961; Tirmidhī, #1508.
109:Introduction The pagan leaders of Makkah propose compromise with the Prophet to worship each other’s gods: (reports without isnād) Ibn Hishām, 1:362; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, p. 745.
Sūrah 109 is “one-fourth of the Quran”: Tirmidhī, #2893, #2894, #2895; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2297, #2300.
The Prophet recited Sūrah 109 in his supererogatory prayers: Bukhārī, #616, #1161; Muslim, #726; Ibn Mājah, #1150, #1166.
110:Introduction Sūrah 110 is the last sūrah to be revealed in its entirety: Muslim, #3024.
Ibn ʿAbbās reports, “When the Messenger of God returned . . .”: Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #12042; Wāḥidī, Asbāb, #406; Maqdisī, 12:127–28.
The Prophet’s premonition of impending death: Bukhārī, #3627, #4969, #4970; Tirmidhī, #3362.
110:3c Formulas of praise and glory recited during prayer: Bukhārī, #199; Muslim, #351, #350; Abū Dāwūd, #877; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2299.
111:Introduction The Prophet addresses the Quraysh from a hill: Bukhārī, #4971, #4972; Muslim, #208; {Tirmidhī, #336}.
111:3–4c Umm Jamīl’s opposition to and ill treatment of the Prophet: Bukhārī, #4950; Muslim, #1797.
112:Introduction “Everything has a light . . .”: Rāzī, Tafsīr, 32:176.
“The son of Adam tells a lie against Me . . .”: Bukhārī, #3193, #4974, #4975; Nasāʾī, #2078.
Sūrah 112 is “equivalent to one-third . . .”: Bukhārī, #5015; Tirmidhī, #2895, #2897, #2899; Abū Dāwūd, #1461; Bayhaqī, Shuʿab, #2302.
The Prophet recited Sūrahs 112–14 every night: Bukhārī, #5017, #5747; {mentioning only Sūrahs 113–14: Muslim, #2192}.
113:Introduction The story of a spell cast on the Prophet and its undoing by the recitation of Sūrahs 113 and 114: (no single ḥadīth contains all details of the story) {ʿAbd ibn Ḥumayd, #271; Ibn Ḥanbal, #19267; Ṭabarānī, Kabīr, #5016; Nasāʾī, Kubrā, #3529}.
“They have been revealed to me . . .”: Bukhārī, #4976, #4977; Ibn Ḥibbān, #4429; Ibn Ḥanbal, #21181.
113:3c “O ʿĀʾishah, seek refuge in God . . .”: Tirmidhī, #3366; Ḥākim, #4047.
114:Introduction “God has sent verses down upon me . . .”: Muslim, #814; Tirmidhī, #3367.
114:5c “Truly Satan flows in the blood . . .”: Bukhārī, #1288; Muslim, #2184; Abū Dāwūd, #4719; Ibn Ḥanbal, #12592.