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The index entries contain four kinds of locator numbers. The translation is indexed by chapter:verse (sūrah:āyah) in red; the commentary by chapter:verse (sūrah:āyah) marked by a “c” in black; the general introduction, sūrah introductions, and essays by page numbers in italics; and maps in SMALL CAPS. For example,

Abraham, 12:34; 56:78c; xiv, 1589; MAP 5b

would mean that Abraham appears in chapter 12, verse 34 of the translation; in the commentary on chapter 56, verse 78; on pages xiv and 1589; and on map 5b.


Aaron, 2:248, 4:163, 6:84, 7:122, 7:142, 10:75, 10:87, 19:28, 19:53, 20:30, 20:4243, 20:45, 20:70, 20:90, 20:92, 20:94, 21:48, 23:45, 23:47, 25:35, 26:13, 26:36, 26:48, 28:3435, 37:11422; 2:53c, 2:248c, 3:34c, 3:186c, 5:2526c, 5:4344c, 6:84c, 6:85c, 6:108c, 7:11126c, 7:12122c, 7:142c, 7:148c, 7:150c, 7:151c, 10:87c, 19:23c, 19:28c, 19:53c, 19:58c, 20:2935c, 20:44c, 20:4546c, 20:4748c, 20:6264c, 20:8384c, 20:87c, 20:90c, 20:9294c, 21:51c, 23:4546c, 25:1c, 25:3536c, 26:1213c, 26:15c, 26:3637c, 26:3940c, 26:7173c, 27:44c, 28:34c, 28:35c, 28:48c, 28:76c, 31:21c, 33:6c, 37:11415c, 37:116c, 40:23c, 42:13c, 44:18c; 764, 809, 889, 945, 1084, 1635, 1770, 1776

ʿAbasa (“He Frowned”), 1474, 1539

abasement, 2:61, 3:26, 3:112, 3:127, 7:152, 10:26, 10:27, 20:134, 27:34, 42:45, 58:5, 58:20, 68:43, 70:44, 89:16; 3:27c, 3:103c, 3:1067c, 3:112c, 6:18c, 7:152c, 7:167c, 10:2627c, 27:34c, 35:15c, 40:60c, 42:27c, 42:45c, 56:3c, 70:44c, 79:9c, 88:2c, 88:6c, 89:1516c; 1745, 1815

ʿAbbās ibn ʿAbd al-Mualib, 4:58c, 7:4647c, 8:70c, 9:1720c, 9:2627c, 26:214c, 33:33c

ʿabd. See servant

Abdāl (“Substitutes”), 2:25051c

ʿAbd al-Jabbār al-Hamadānī, Qāī, 164950, 1727

ʿAbd Allāh Bāshā Fikrī, 1683

ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Mualib, 19:3031c, 93:6c

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Abī Awfā, 24:2c

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Abī Sar, 6:93c

ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-Jash, 2:217c, 2:218c

ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-Rawwāah, 9:111c, 26:227c

ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAmr, 1610

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Judan, 92:1921c

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Masʿūd. See Ibn Masʿūd

ʿAbd Allāh (son of Muhammad), 108:3c, 1568

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Nabtal, 58:1418c

ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-āʾib, 1618

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Salām, 3:110c, 3:11415c, 3:199c, 4:162c, 13:43c, 26:197c, 28:5253c, 31:22c, 46:10c

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Ubayy, 3:121c, 3:122c, 3:156c, 3:167c, 3:168c, 4:7273c, 5:51c, 5:52c, 9:74c, 9:84c, 24:11c, 24:33c, 33:13c, 45:14c, 47:30c, 49:9c, 59:1112c, 63:1c, 63:2c, 63:4c, 63:8c

ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿUmar, 2:216c, 5:28c, 14:2425c, 17:8687c, 28:77c, 33:5c, 65:1c; 1813

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Umm Maktūm, 1474, 1608

ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-Zubayr, 1617

ʿAbd al-aqq ibn Ghālib ibn ʿAbd al-Ramān, 1656

ʿAbd al-Mualib, 93:6c

ʿAbd al-Ramān ibn ʿAwf, 4:1012c, 19:96c

ʿAbd al-ʿUzzah ibn ʿAbd al-Mualib. See Abū Lahab

Abdel Haleem, Muhammad, xlii, 1603

ʿAbd Manāf (tribe), 1554

Abel, 5:2731; 4:54c, 5:2732c, 5:27c, 5:28c, 5:29c, 5:30c, 5:31c, 5:32c, 5:33c, 33:72c, 113:5c

ablution: before handling the Quran, 1599; major (ghusl), 5:6; 2:14950c, 2:222c, 2:228c, 4:43c, 5:6c, 62:9c, 86:9c; minor (wuūʾ), 5:6; 2:14950c, 3:200c, 5:6c, 55:41c, 74:4c, 86:9c; 1699, 1701, 1708, 1762, 1834, 1851; one’s ornaments in the Garden due to performance of, 18:31c, 55:41c, 80:3839c; performed using dust (tayammum), 5:6; 2:14950c, 4:43c, 5:6c; 1699; permissibility of using sea water for, 5:96c; saying istiʿādhah before performing, 7:200c, 19:18c; to curb one’s anger, 42:37c; using rain water for, 8:11c, 25:48c

Abode of Peace (dār al-salām), 6:127, 10:25; 6:127c, 10:10c, 10:25c, 14:23c, 15:4546c, 50:34c; 544

Abode of Permanence, 40:39; 10:25c, 14:3c, 16:1079c; 1821

Abode of the Hearafter, 28:77

ʿAbqar, 55:76c

Abrahah, 105:12c, 106:12c; 1561; MAP 2

Abraham: arguments against his people and breaks the idols, 6:8081, 6:83, 19:5267, 21:5267, 26:6982, 29:1718, 29:25, 37:8396, 60:4; 5:104c, 6:19c, 6:7483c, 6:7678c, 6:8182c, 6:83c, 6:149c, 11:5556c, 18:1314c, 19:5254c, 19:56c, 19:57c, 19:5859c, 19:6061c, 19:6263c, 19:64c, 19:65c, 19:66c, 19:67c, 21:5254c, 21:56c, 21:57c, 21:5859c, 21:6061c, 21:6263c, 21:64c, 21:65c, 22:73c, 26:6970c, 26:7476c, 26:77c, 29:1617c, 29:18c, 37:8596c, 37:9093c, 43:2627c, 60:4c; 340, 809, 906, 1189, 1751; birth and early life, 6:7483c; and the birds, 2:260; 2:7273c, 2:260c, 5:11213c; as the blessed olive tree in the parable of Light, 24:35c; building of the Sacred Mosque, 2:12527, 22:26; 2:125c, 2:126c, 2:127c, 2:144c, 3:96c, 6:86c, 22:26c, 27:91c; 1757, 1760; as community (ummah), 16:120; 2:213c, 16:12022c; creed of, 2:130, 2:135, 3:95, 4:125, 12:38, 16:123, 22:78; 2:120c, 2:130c, 2:135c, 2:138c, 3:23c, 4:125c, 6:161c, 12:101c, 16:123c, 29:1617c; deductive reasoning and sound judgment of, 6:7578, 19:51, 21:51, 43:2627; 6:7483c, 6:75c, 6:7678c, 6:83c, 6:86c, 19:51c, 26:89c, 34:9c, 37:84c; 17734; as Friend of God (Khalīl Allāh), 4:125; 3:68c, 4:125c, 4:171c, 9:30c, 12:6c; God’s reward to, 21:72, 29:27; 4:134c, 6:84c, 29:27c; 1084; God’s showing of the dominion to, 6:75; 6:75c; God’s testing of, 2:124; 2:124c; and his father, 6:74, 9:114, 19:4248, 19:52, 26:86, 43:26, 60:4; 2:83c, 4:64c, 4:86c, 6:74c, 7:8081c, 9:11314c, 11:4547c, 11:75c, 14:41c, 19:42c, 19:43c, 19:45c, 19:46c, 19:47c, 19:48c, 19:5254c, 26:86c, 26:87c, 26:116c, 28:56c, 60:4c; 906, 17912 (see also Azar); as imām of mankind, 2:124; 2:124c, 4:54c, 16:12022c, 17:71c, 28:5c; knowledge and scripture revealed to, 4:163, 19:43, 53:3637, 87:1819; 3:184c, 4:54c, 19:41c, 19:43c, 41:43c, 46:35c, 53:36c, 53:37c, 58:11c, 80:13c, 87:1819c; 1290; leaves Hagar and Ishmael in Makkah, 2:158c, 4:54c, 14:35c, 14:37c; the “lies” told by, 37:8889c; and Makkah, 2:126, 14:35, 14:37, 19:71; 2:126c, 5:21c, 14:35c, 14:37c, 16:11213c, 19:71c, 90:3c; and Nimrod, 2:258; 2:258c, 6:7483c, 16:26c, 21:68c; ordered by God to sacrifice his son, 37:99110; 5:27c, 19:53c, 37:102c, 37:103c, 37:104c, 37:105c, 37:106c, 37:107c, 37:112c, 42:51c; people and progeny of, 2:124, 2:13233, 3:33, 4:54, 6:84, 9:70, 12:6, 14:3640, 19:4950, 19:58, 21:5354, 22:43, 29:16, 29:24, 29:27, 37:11214, 57:26; 2:124c, 2:129c, 2:132c, 2:133c, 2:170c, 2:258c, 3:3334c, 3:91c, 3:93c, 3:102c, 4:54c, 5:21c, 6:84c, 6:86c, 6:130c, 7:8081c, 7:84c, 7:169c, 11:7779c, 12:4c, 12:6c, 14:36c, 14:37c, 14:39c, 16:12022c, 17:109c, 19:46c, 19:44c, 19:4950c, 19:58c, 19:72c, 19:7677c, 29:24c, 29:3637c, 29:27c, 37:113c, 57:26c, 90:3c; 764, 967; People of the Book and, 3:6567; 3:23c, 3:6566c, 3:93c, 3:94c, 4:54c, 4:125c, 16:124c, 29:1617c; 1774; as primordial monotheist (anīf), 2:140, 3:67, 3:95, 4:125, 6:79, 6:161, 16:120, 16:123; 2:133c, 2:135c, 2:140c, 2:213c, 3:19c, 3:95c, 4:125c, 5:103c, 6:79c, 6:84c, 6:137c, 6:161c, 6:16263c, 16:123c, 22:78c, 29:6970c, 30:30c, 36:6c, 98:5c; 1213, 1607, 1780, 1784; possessed of strength and sight, 38:4647; 5:64c, 38:4547c; prayer of, 2:125, 2:129, 2:151, 14:4041, 19:48, 26:8390, 37:100; 2:125c, 2:129c, 2:151c, 3:43c, 3:164c, 14:40c, 14:41c, 19:48c, 19:4950c, 19:53c, 19:5455c, 25:74c, 26:82c, 26:84c, 37:100c, 39:54c; the Prophet and, 3:68, 3:84, 4:125; 3:68c, 4:97c, 9:128c, 16:123c, 22:78c, 33:56c, 90:3c; 1608, 1675; rituals of ajj and, 22:2627; 2:158c, 4:125c, 22:26c, 22:27c, 37:103c; 830; cast into the fire, 19:6869, 21:6870, 29:24, 37:9798; 5:2526c, 7:197c, 12:6c, 12:15c, 19:68c, 19:69c, 19:70c, 21:68c, 21:69c, 21:70c, 29:24c, 37:9799c; 809; and sacred history, 2:136, 12:38, 33:7, 42:13; 2:136c, 3:103c, 5:20c, 6:84c, 9:128c, 10:74c, 15:1011c, 16:36c, 33:33c, 42:13c, 65:12c; 565, 641, 1594, 1675, 1771; station of, 2:125, 3:97; 2:125c, 2:158c, 2:197c, 3:97c; MAP 5b; those who disputed with, 2:258, 3:20, 3:65; 2:139c, 2:258c, 6:80c; as truthful (iddīq), 19:41; 5:75c, 19:41c, 19:5657c; visited by angels, 11:6976, 15:5161, 29:3132, 51:2434; 11:69c, 11:70c, 11:74c, 11:75c, 11:76c, 15:5152c, 15:5354c, 15:5556c, 15:5758c, 25:63c, 29:3132c, 51:2436c, 51:2425c, 51:26c, 51:2728c, 51:29c; and his wife Sarah, 11:7173, 51:2730; 11:7173c, 14:35c, 14:39c, 19:4950c, 51:29c

abrār (“pious”), 3:193, 76:5, 82:13, 83:18, 83:22; 2:44c, 3:92c, 3:159c, 52:28c, 76:56c, 82:13c, 83:22c

abrogation (naskh), 2:106; 2:62c, 2:106c, 2:109c, 2:115c, 2:142c, 2:180c, 2:184c, 2:219c, 2:221c, 2:240c, 2:256c, 2:269c, 2:283c, 2:284c, 3:7c, 3:23c, 3:85c, 3:102c, 3:186c, 4:6c, 4:8c, 4:11c, 4:15c, 4:16c, 4:1718c, 4:19c, 4:24c, 4:33c, 4:43c, 4:81c, 4:8890c, 4:93c, 4:115c, 5:2c, 5:6c, 5:13c, 5:42c, 6:70c, 6:141c, 7:199c, 8:1c, 8:41c, 8:61c, 8:6466c, 8:75c, 9:5c, 9:6c, 9:43c, 9:120c, 10:109c, 16:67c, 16:101c, 16:102c, 16:126c, 19:76c, 21:79c, 22:52c, 24:2c, 24:58c, 25:63c, 25:69c, 29:46c, 37:174c, 38:17c, 43:89c, 45:14c, 46:9c, 47:4c, 47:35c, 58:1213c, 64:16c, 70:5c, 70:41c, 87:7c, 109:6c; 270, 830, 1677, 1809

absoluteness, 2:116c

Abū al-ʿĀliyah, 56:8889c

Abū ʿAlī asan ibn ʿAlī ibn Nar, 1724

Abū ʿĀmir al-Rāhib, 9:107c

Abū Ayyūb al-Anārī, 2:195c

Abū Bakr al-iddīq, 1:1c, 1:6c, 2:1c, 2:114c, 2:217c, 2:274c, 3:144c, 3:191c, 4:59c, 4:6970c, 4:148c, 5:54c, 5:55c, 5:75c, 6:70c, 6:7172c, 8:6769c, 9:14c, 9:12c, 9:3637c, 9:40c, 9:103c, 15:88c, 18:16c, 20:110c, 22:39c, 24:2c, 24:22c, 24:31c, 24:32c, 24:55c, 30:38c, 31:15c, 33:41c, 36:47c, 39:33c, 45:14c, 46:15c, 48:16c, 49:2c, 57:10c, 58:22c, 60:8c, 66:4c, 92:18c, 92:1921c; xxxiv, 16145, 1764, 1815

Abū Bakr ibn al-Akshīd, 1724

Abū Bakr ibn Mujāhid, 16223

Abu’l-Dardāʾ, 4:92c, 13:26c

Abū Dharr al-Ghifārī, 2:62c, 2:212c, 3:191c, 5:11718c, 36:38c

Abū anīfah, 2:217c, 4:21c, 5:3839c, 6:121c, 6:146c, 9:12c, 9:29c; 1642. See also anafī school

Abū Hurayrah, 1:1c, 25:70c, 83:15c; 1609, 1758

Abū Jahl, 96:619; 6:25c, 6:122c, 6:123c, 8:47c, 9:12c, 17:60c, 28:55c, 28:61c, 41:5c, 41:40c, 44:4950c, 68:1016c, 70:12c, 74:1125c, 74:31c, 75:3132c, 75:3435c, 96:619c, 96:910c, 96:1114c, 96:1516c, 96:1718c, 96:19c

Abū Jandal ibn Suhayl, 16:41c

Abū Lahab, 111:15; 111:1c, 111:2c, 111:34c, 111:5c; 1526, 1575

Abu’l-ʿAtāhiyah, 10:6c

Abu’l-Kalām Āzād, 1687, 1731

Abu’l-Qāsim ibn Qasī, 20:1112c

Abu’l-Qays ibn al-Alat, 4:22c

Abu’l-Qays ibn al-Walīd, 4:97c

Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī, 4:40c

Abū Salamah ibn ʿAbd al-Ramān, 1438

Abū Sufyān, 4:84c, 4:104c, 6:25c, 8:5c, 8:36c, 8:42c, 9:25c, 60:7c, 107:12c; MAP 8a

Abū Sulaymān al-Dārānī, 20:13c

Abū ālib, 5:67c, 6:26c, 6:108c, 8:30c, 10:2c, 28:56c, 38:57c, 93:6c; 693, 1426

Abū ʿUbaydah ibn al-Jarrā, 3:21c, 58:22c, 1611

Abū ʿUbaydah Maʿmar, 1651

Abyssinia, 2:115c, 3:110c, 3:113c, 3:199c, 4:17273c, 5:54c, 5:8283c, 16:41c, 22:39c, 22:52c, 28:5253c, 29:56c, 33:35c, 44:37c, 106:12c; 655, 763, 1561, 1805; MAPS 13

Accursed Tree. See Zaqqūm, tree of

Acts, Book of, 2:62c

ʿĀd, people of, 7:65, 7:74, 9:70, 11:5060, 14:9, 22:42, 25:38, 26:123139, 29:38, 38:12, 40:31, 41:1316, 46:2128, 50:13, 51:41, 53:50, 54:1820, 69:4, 69:68, 89:6; 2:55c, 3:137c, 6:47c, 7:65c, 7:69c, 7:70c, 7:71c, 7:72c, 7:73c, 7:74c, 8:46c, 9:70c, 11:48c, 11:5051c, 11:52c, 11:5354c, 11:5556c, 11:5758c, 11:5960c, 11:61c, 14:9c, 14:45c, 22:4245c, 23:31c, 25:3738c, 26:128c, 26:129c, 26:130c, 26:137c, 29:2829c, 29:38c, 29:39c, 31:6c, 32:3c, 38:12c, 38:1314c, 39:25c, 40:3031c, 41:13c, 41:14c, 41:1516c, 46:21c, 46:22c, 46:2425c, 46:26c, 46:27c, 46:28c, 50:1214c, 51:4145c, 51:4142c, 53:5051c, 54:18c, 54:1920c, 54:43c, 54:44c, 69:4c, 69:6c, 69:78c, 89:6c, 89:78c, 89:13c; 1157, 1225, 1273, 1299; MAP 1

adab (“etiquette”), 1:2c, 7:11516c, 9:115c, 12:3c, 18:6970, 24:62c, 48:67c; xxxvii, 864, 1257, 1712, 18034

Adam: Children of, 7:2627, 7:31, 7:35, 7:172, 17:70; 2:3839c, 2:170c, 2:268c, 3:8c, 4:114c, 5:7c, 7:27c, 7:31c, 7:101c, 7:172c, 17:70c, 21:5254c, 26:7476c, 28:36c, 36:60c; creation of, 2:30, 15:2829, 32:9, 38:7172, 38:75; 2:29c, 2:31c, 2:87c, 5:64c, 6:2c, 7:10c, 7:1125c, 7:11c, 7:54c, 7:172c,15:28c, 15:3233c, 17:11c, 17:85c, 22:56c, 23:1c, 23:12c, 30:20c, 32:7c, 32:9c, 38:6970c, 38:7185c, 38:72c, 41:10c, 49:11c, 53:32c, 91:7c, 95:4c; 12, 405, 694, 788, 1368; and Eve (awwāʾ), 7:19, 20:117, 20:123; 2:35c, 2:36c, 2:37c, 2:3839c, 4:1c, 7:13c, 7:18c, 7:19c, 7:2122c, 7:23c, 7:2425c, 7:27c, 7:31c, 7:6062c, 7:149c, 7:18990c, 11:4547c, 15:3638c, 15:3940c, 20:11719c, 20:12021c, 20:123c, 26:7c, 30:21c, 49:13c, 89:12c, 95:1c, 110:3c, 114:4c; xxxii-xxxiii, 405, 763, 17712; fall from the garden, 2:3538, 7:24, 20:12123; 2:35c, 2:3839c, 3:155c, 7:10c, 7:1125c, 7:2425c, 7:26c, 7:35c, 15:28c, 17:53c, 38:7983c; 12, 405, 694, 788, 1368, 17712; God orders angels to prostrate before, 2:34, 7:11, 15:2930, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116, 38:7273; 2:29c, 2:34c, 7:11c, 12:4c, 15:29c, 17:61c, 17:70c, 18:50c, 38:7374c, 95:4c; 1101; God’s pact with, 20:115; 20:115c, 7:172c, 7:173c, 33:7c, 33:72c; as God’s vicegerent on earth, 2:30; 2:30c, 6:165c, 15:28c, 35:39c, 36:7173c; God teaches the names to, 2:3133; 2:31c, 55:4c, 96:15c, 96:45c; 1740, 1744, 1748; and Iblīs (Satan), 2:34, 2:36, 7:1113, 15:3133, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116117, 20:120, 38:7476; 2:29c, 2:36c, 2:3839c, 2:109c, 4:54c, 4:11719c, 6:142c, 7:12c, 7:16c, 7:20c, 7:2122c, 7:23c, 7:2425c, 7:27c, 7:31c, 7:6062c, 7:146c, 14:22c, 15:29c, 15:3638c, 15:3940c, 17:61c, 17:62c, 18:50c, 20:12021c, 38:76c, 38:7983c, 113:5c, 114:4c; 641, 1101; and Jesus, 3:59; 2:117c, 3:47c, 3:59c, 19:21c, 19:22c, 21:91c; and the Kaʿbah, 2:127c, 3:96c; and the Prophet, 56:89c; and sacred history, 3:33, 19:58; 2:130c, 2:213c, 3:3334c, 6:16263c, 7:59c, 7:158c, 19:58c, 33:33c, 65:12c, 77:1619c; 1426, 1594, 1675, 17656, 1771; staff of, 7:1068c, 20:1718c, 28:30c; and the theory of evolution, 1687; two sons of, 5:27; 5:2732c, 5:27c, 5:30c, 5:32c, 26:99c, 28:56c (see also Abel; Cain)

aghāth al-alām (“confused dreams”), 21:5; 21:5c

adhā (“hurt”), 3:111; 3:111c

adhān (“call to prayer”), 5:58; 2:5c, 5:6c, 5:58c, 17:64c, 17:111c, 92:1921c; 271, 1474

Adhriʿat, 30:25; MAP 3

adīm (“surface of the earth”), 2:31c

ʿĀdiyāt, al- (“the Chargers”), 1548

ʿAdī ibn Rabīʿah, 75:3c, 75:6c, 75:3132c

ʿadn. See Gardens of Eden

adultery. See zinā

Afarīdūn, 18:65c

aforetime. See dunyā

afterlife, 1:6c, 9:72c, 18:18c; 181955. See also Gardens of Eden

ʿafw (“easy/forgiveness”), 2:219, 7:199; 2:219c, 7:199c; 1700, 1706

afwāj (“throngs”), 78:18, 110:2; 78:18c, 11:02c

Age of Ignorance (jāhiliyyah), 3:154, 5:50, 33:33, 48:26; 1:1c, 3:164c, 5:50c, 6:74c, 16:12022c, 22:36c, 26:22426c, 33:33c, 39:53c, 48:26c, 49:11c, 49:13c, 58:34c; 1247

age of maturity, 4:6; 4:6c

aghlāl. See shackles (on their necks)

aādīth. See adīth

ʿahd. See covenant

ahillah. See hilāl

ahl al-bayt (“People of the House”), 11:73; 8:41c, 16:43c, 16:103c, 17:71c, 20:1c, 24:55c, 90:7c; 1667, 1778, 1725

ahl al-dhimmah. See dhimmī

ahl al-dhikr. See People of the Reminder

ahl al-aqāʾiq (“people of spiritual realization”), 21:102c

ahl al-uffah (“the People of the Veranda”), 2:273c, 24:3c, 42:27c, 58:11c, 59:9c; 1172

Amad. See under Prophet, the

Amad ibn anbal, 6:121c; 17201. See also anbalī school

Aqāf, al- (“the Sand Dunes”), 7:65c; 1225

Aqāf, valley of, 46:21c

ahwāʾ. See caprices

Azāb, al- (“the Parties”), 10178

Azāb, Battle of. See Trench, Battle of

ʿĀʾishah: accusation of adultery leveled against, 24:4c, 24:1022c, 24:11c, 24:22c, 24:23c, 24:26c; 864, 1608; commentary on verses by, 4:11719c, 5:5c; and afah concerning Māriyah, 66:34; 66:3c, 66:4c; lost necklace and tayammum, 4:43c, 24:1022c; on orphan girls, 4:3c, 4:127c; and the Prophet, 4:128c; reports attributed to, 2:106c, 9:54c, 23:6061c, 39:46c, 46:2425c, 53:60c, 55:78c, 68:4c, 73:5c, 79:43c, 113:3c; xxiv, 271, 967, 1118, 1474, 1493, 1535, 1547, 1578, 1608, 1674, 1738, 1842; responds to mockery against the Prophet, 58:8c; on suckling and milk relations, 2:106c, 4:23c

aʿjam (“non-Arab”), 26:198; 2:225c, 26:198c, 41:44c, 49:13c; xxx-xxxi, xxxv-xxxvi, 1591, 15956, 1617, 1625, 1627, 16412

ākhirah. See Hereafter

Akhnas ibn Shurayq, 11:5; 2:204c, 11:5c, 68:1016c; 1559

Aʿlā, al- (“the Most High”), 1503, 1732

ʿālam al-amr (“world of Command”), 16:2c, 17:85c

ʿalāmāt (“landmarks”), 16:16; 16:16c; 655

ʿAlaq, al- (“the Blood Clot”), 1535

aʿlawn (“ascendant”), 3:139; 3:139c

alcohol, prohibition of, 2:219, 4:43; 2:1c, 2:219c, 4:43c, 5:9091c, 9:115c, 23:6061c, 56:1819c; 13, 18023. See also wine

Alcmaeon, 31:12c

Alexander the Great, 18:83c, 18:8586; 730. See also Dhu’l-Qarnayn

Alexandria, 2:102c, 18:83c; MAPS 13

algebra, 4:11c; xxviii

al-amdu li’Llāh. See Praise be to God

Ali Akbar Bashi, General, 1620

ʿAlī al-Riā, 17:71c

ʿAlī ibn Abī ālib: assassination of, 2:81c; at the Battle of Badr, 22:19c; 1548; at the Battle of iffīn, 6:122c; at the Battle of the Camel, 8:25c, 19:23c; and the bee, 16:6869c; as Caliph, 24:55c, 39:3031c; charity of, 2:274c, 5:55c, 9:1720c; commentary on verses by, 4:59c, 5:55c, 11:17c, 13:14c, 15:23c, 58:1213c, 73:12c; xxxiii, 503, 16634; emigration (hijrah) to Madinah, 2:207c, 9:40c, 9:108c; as Imam and successor to the Prophet, 4:137c, 5:3c, 5:54c, 5:55c, 5:67c, 7:44c, 11:17c, 13:7c, 13:43c, 17:71c, 19:53c, 19:96c, 20:2935c, 33:6c, 36:12c, 36:20c, 39:3031c, 39:33c, 42:5253c, 61:8c, 64:8c, 66:4c, 69:1112c, 78:40c, 98:68c; and al-jafr, xxxii; and Kufic script, 1618, 1756; land dispute with Mughīrah ibn Wāʾil, 24:48c; legal opinions of, 2:217c, 4:31c, 4:35c, 5:5c, 5:96c, 8:6769c, 24:2c; and the Prophet and his household, 3:61c, 7:4647c, 9:14c, 9:28c, 13:7c, 16:6869c, 19:53c, 26:214c, 33:33c, 42:23c, 69:1112c, 76:7c, 89:3c; 14512, 1573, 1581; sayings and reports attributed to, 2:1c, 3:159c, 3:187c, 4:35c, 4:48c, 10:39c, 17:37c, 17:85c, 20:1024c, 28:77c, 33:21c, 33:56c, 36:1c, 36:12c, 37:18182c, 42:37c, 49:12c, 56:17c, 92:510c, 102:2c; 4, 1503, 1548, 1826; as the straight path, 1:6c; and the Quran, xxxiv, 161011, 1618

ʿAlī ibn al-Athīr, 1627

ʿAlī ibn al-Madīnī, 1721

ʿAlī ibn Umayyah, 4:97c

ʿAlī Qulī Qarāʾī, xlii

Ali, Yusuf, xlii, liii

ʿAlī Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn, 6:141c, 17:2627c, 47:24c

Alif. Lām. Mīm., 2:1, 3:1, 29:1, 30:1, 31:1, 32:1; 2:1c, 3:1c, 29:1c, 30:1c, 31:1c, 32:1c

Alif. Lām. Mīm. Rā., 13:1; 13:1c

Alif. Lām. Mīm. ād., 7:1; 7:1c

Alif. Lām. Rā., 10:1, 11:1, 12:1, 14:1, 15:1; 10:1c, 11:1c, 12:1c, 14:1c, 15:1c

Āl ʿImrān (“the House of ʿImrān”), 2:1c; 1267, 1017, 1614

Allāh. See God

Allāhu akbar. See takbīr

Allāhumma (“O God”), 3:26; 3:26c

Allāt. See Lāt, al-

All-Encompassing. See under God

All-Merciful. See under God

All-Powerful. See under God

alms(giving) (zakāh), 2:43, 2:83, 2:110, 2:177, 2:277, 4:77, 4:162, 5:12, 5:55, 7:156, 9:5, 9:11, 9:18, 9:71, 21:73, 22:41, 22:78, 23:4, 24:37, 24:56, 27:3, 30:39, 31:4, 33:33, 41:7, 58:13, 73:20, 98:5; 2:3c, 2:43c, 2:155c, 2:165c, 2:177c, 2:196c, 2:215c, 2:218c, 2:271c, 2:277c, 3:7c, 3:161c, 4:76c, 4:162c, 5:12c, 5:27c, 5:55c, 6:141c, 7:156c, 7:199c, 9:29c, 9:55c, 9:60c, 9:7576c, 9:103c, 16:6869c, 18:30c, 23:4c, 23:6061c, 27:3c, 30:39c, 31:4c, 32:16c, 32:17c, 33:41c, 41:67c, 47:36c, 47:38c, 49:68c, 50:2426c, 51:19c 58:1213c, 63:1011c, 64:16c, 66:8c, 70:18c, 70:2425c, 73:20c, 87:1415c, 92:18c, 98:5c, 98:68c; 503, 1433, 1503, 1705, 1714, 1716, 17991800, 1808, 1811, 1813, 1835

Ālūsī, Shihāb al-Dīn al-, 24:31c, 33:56c; 51:56c, 58:22c; lvii, 1009, 1451, 1666

amad (“term”), 3:30; 3:30c

Amalekites, 8:6769c

amānah (“trust”), 2:283, 4:58, 8:27, 23:8, 70:32; 4:58c; 1847. See also covenant

amānī (“desires/hearsay”), 2:78, 2:111, 4:123, 22:52; 2:78c, 4:12324c

aʿmash (“bleary-eyed”). See blind, the

Amen (see āmīn)

ʿĀmilah (tribe), 9:29c

ʿāmilīn. See workers of righteousness

āmīn (“Amen”), 1:7c, 2:28586c

Amīn, al- (“the trustworthy”), 6:33c, 10:16c, 44:18c, 8:20c

Āminah, 93:6c

ʿĀmir ibn ʿAbd Qays, 1618

ʿĀmir ibn al-ufayl, 13:1213c

ʿAmmār ibn Yāsir, 4:59c, 6:122c, 16:41c, 16:106c, 16:110c

ʿAmr (tribe), 9:108c

amr bi’l-maʿrūf wa’l-nahy ʿan al-munkar, al-. See enjoining right and forbidding wrong

ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀ, 17:3133c, 19:7778c; 1845

ʿAmr ibn al-aramī, 2:217c

ʿAmr ibn Bar al-Jāi, 1723

ʿAmr ibn Fāʾid al-Aswārī, 1726

Amram, 3:3334c

analogical reasoning (qiyās), 4:82c, 4:83c, 6:38c, 7:12c, 16:43c, 17:36c; 1701, 1717

Anʿām, al- (“the Cattle”), 33940, 405, 1084

anʿām. See cattle

aʿnāq (“heads/necks”), 26:4; 26:4c

Anas ibn al-Nadr, 33:23c

Anas ibn Mālik, 1:1c, 5:6c, 33:4647c, 33:53c, 36:65c, 48:1c, 108:1c; 1568

anbiyāʾ. See nabī

Anbiyāʾ, al- (“the Prophets”), 809

anfāl. See spoils of war

Anfāl, al- (“the Spoils”), 482, 504

Angel of Death. See ʿIzrāʾīl

angel(s): and Abraham, 11:6976, 15:5160, 29:3132, 51:2434; 11:69c, 11:70c, 11:7173c, 11:74c, 11:76c, 11:7779c, 15:5152c, 15:5354c, 15:5556c, 15:5758c, 25:63c, 29:3132c, 37:101c, 51:2425c, 51:26c, 51:2728c; and Adam, 2:305, 7:11, 7:20, 15:2830, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116, 38:7173; 2:30c, 2:31c, 2:32c, 2:33c, 2:35c, 5:33c, 7:1125c, 7:17c, 7:19c, 7:20c, 7:2122c, 12:4c, 15:28c, 15:3031c, 17:61c, 17:70c, 18:50c, 21:91c, 30:41c, 32:9c, 38:71c, 38:72c, 38:7374c, 41:10c, 96:15c; 12, 1101; Archangels (see Gabriel; ʿIzrāʾīl; Michael, Raphael; Seraphiel); and the ark, 2:248; at the Battles of Badr and Uud, 3:1245, 4:97, 8:9, 8:12, 8:50, 9:26, 9:40; 3:12426c, 4:97c, 8:910c, 8:12c, 8:48c, 8:50c, 9:2627c, 9:40c; 482, 1671; at the Battle of the Trench, 33:9; 33:9c, 33:25c; characteristics of, 2:210; 4:172, 7:206, 16:2, 21:27, 37:164; 1:2c, 2:30c, 2:57c, 2:97c, 2:98c, 2:159c, 2:174c, 2:210c, 3:18c, 3:83c, 3:164c, 4:148c, 4:172c, 5:109c, 6:89c, 6:37c, 7:17c, 7:11314c, 7:206c, 16:2c, 16:4950c, 17:9495c, 21:27c, 34:39c, 35:1c, 37:13c, 37:164c, 37:16566c, 67:1c, 77:15c, 77:4c, 79:15c; 1055, 1084; coming at the end of the world, 2:210, 6:158, 25:25, 78:38, 89:22; 25:25c, 78:19c, 78:38c, 89:22c; 1845; created from light, 2:30c, 24:45c, 55:31c; curse of, 2:161, 3:87; 2:161c, 3:8788c; and David, 38:2124c; of Death (see ʿIzrāʾīl); and Dhu’l-Qarnayn, 18:83c; disbelievers’ preference for an angel rather than a prophet, 6:89, 6:50, 6:91, 6:111, 6:158, 11:12, 11:31, 15:78, 17:92, 17:945, 21:3, 23:24, 25:7, 25:2122, 41:14, 43:53; 6:89c, 6:50c, 6:111c, 6:158c, 11:12c, 12:109c, 15:78c, 15:1415c, 16:43c, 17:9093c, 17:9495c, 23:24c, 25:7c, 25:22c, 29:52c, 36:15c, 38:8c, 41:14c; 641, 889; as false gods, 34:4042; 2:62c, 4:48c, 4:1179c, 6:100c, 21:98c, 21:101c, 25:1718c, 28:62c, 34:40c, 34:41c, 34:42c, 43:86c; 1289; Friday observed by, 2:65c; glorifying God, 7:206, 13:13, 16:49, 21:1920, 39:75, 40:7, 42:5, 66:6, 42:5; 7:206c, 13:1213c, 16:4950c, 17:44c, 21:1920c, 24:25c, 39:75c, 40:7c, 72:89c; greeting of peace in Paradise by, 10:10, 13:2324, 14:23, 16:32, 19:62, 33:44, 36:58, 39:73, 41:30; 10:10c, 13:2324c, 15:4546c, 16:32c, 20:4748c, 22:24c, 33:44c, 38:5960c, 41:30c, 56:2526c, 39:74c, 76:12c; 1852; Hārūt and Mārūt, 2:102; 2:102c; intercession by, 33:43, 40:7, 42:5, 53:26; 1:7c, 2:48c, 2:255c, 4:64c, 9:84c, 25:1516c, 33:43c, 34:23c, 35:28c, 36:23c, 40:7c, 40:4950c, 42:5c, 55:29c, 74:48c; 339, 1137, 1206, 1137, 1828, 1850; invoke blessings on the Prophet, 33:56; 33:56c; 1018; Jacob’s injury after wrestling with, 3:93c; and Joseph, 12:31; 12:15c, 12:31c, 12:87c; as keepers of Hell (al-zabāniyah), 7:44, 19:86, 21:103, 39:71, 41:19, 43:77, 66:6, 67:8, 74:3031, 96:18; 7:44c, 10:52c, 18:53c, 21:14c, 32:14c, 37:13c, 37:2223c, 39:7172c, 40:4950c, 40:7576c, 41:19c, 43:77c, 44:47c, 50:21c, 52:14c, 66:6c, 67:78c, 69:3031c, 74:30c, 89:2324c, 96:1718c; 1849; and Khir, 18:65c; mandatory belief in, 2:98, 2:177, 2:285, 4:136; 2:177c, 2:28586c, 3:48c, 4:136c, 4:162c, 65:3c; and Mary, 3:423, 3:456, 19:1721; 3:42c, 3:45c, 19:17c, 19:18c, 19:19c, 19:20c, 19:22c; and Lot, 11:70, 11:7481, 15:5865, 29:3233, 51:3234, 54:37; 7:8081c, 11:7779c, 15:5758c, 15:6162c, 15:72c, 53:37c; as messengers (rusul), 3:39, 6:61, 11:69, 22:75, 35:1, 72:28; 6:6162c, 11:69c, 22:75c, 35:1c, 72:28c, 77:7c; and Moses, 43:53; 7:143c, 27:8c (see also Michael); Nakīr and Munkar, 3:16971c, 14:27c, 22:4245c; 1828; and the Night of Power, 97:4; 97:4c, 97:5c; as noble guardians and protectors, 41:31, 66:4, 72:89, 82:1012, 86:4; 18:49c, 41:31c, 66:4c, 72:89c, 86:4c; open the Prophet’s breast, 94:1c; pagan Arabs’ beliefs regarding, 3:80, 4:117, 16:5759, 17:40, 37:14953, 43:1619, 43:60, 52:39, 53:1921, 53:27; 2:97c, 2:116c, 3:80c, 4:1179c, 6:100c, 15:78c, 16:57c, 17:40c, 17:57c, 18:45c, 18:51c, 21:26c, 21:98c, 23:91c, 37:14953c, 37:150c, 37:15152c, 43:19c, 43:21c, 43:60c, 53:26c, 53:27c, 53:28c; 10845, 1189; recording deeds by, 6:61, 10:21, 11:18, 13:11, 50:1718, 50:23, 80:1516, 82:10, 86:4; 6:6162c, 7:179c, 10:21c, 11:1819c, 13:11c, 17:1314c, 17:78c, 36:65c, 39:6970c, 41:2021c, 43:80c, 45:2829c, 50:16c, 50:1718c, 50:23c, 68:1c, 73:34c, 78:29c, 80:1516c, 81:14c, 82:10c, 82:1112c; 1492, 1837; returning greetings of peace, 4:86c, 10:10c; Sabeans (ābiʿ) worshipping, 2:62c; and āli, 7:7778c; secret of the, 2:1c; sent to the child in the womb, 22:56c; sijill as a name of, 21:104c; as source of inspiration, 2:268c, 9:12c, 12:6c, 12:15c, 21:5c, 23:98c; 1427; taking the souls of the deceased, 4:97, 6:93, 7:37, 8:50, 16:28, 16:3233, 47:27; 4:97c, 6:6162c, 6:93c, 7:37c, 16:2829c, 16:32c, 16:33c, 23:99100c, 32:11c, 39:42c, 47:27c, 75:2728c, 79:1c, 79:2c; 182630, 1833 (see also ʿIzrāʾīl); as those upon the Heights, 7:46; 7:4647c, 7:49c; as thunder (al-raʿd), 2:19c, 13:13c; tribe of al-inn, 2:30c; unseen world of, 37:610, 38:69; 26:22123c, 36:83c, 37:610c, 38:6970c, 53:18c, 72:2627c; 1427; who bear the Throne, 40:7, 69:17; 40:7c, 40:15c, 43:82c, 69:17c, 72:89c, 81:20c; and wide-eyed maidens, 44:54c; as witnesses, 3:18, 4:166, 11:17, 50:21; 3:53c, 7:172c, 11:17c, 17:78c, 19:37c, 40:5152c, 50:21c; and Zachariah, 3:39; 19:7c

ʿAnkabūt, al- (“the Spider”), 967

Anne. See annah

Anār, al-. See Helpers, the

anthropomorphism, 2:115c, 2:255c, 3:7c, 5:64c, 7:54c, 7:180c, 48:10c, 68:42c; 1670, 1839

Antichrist (al-Dajjāl), 3:55c, 4:158c, 4:159c, 18:98c, 18:99c, 27:82c, 43:61c; 728

Antioch, 18:77c, 36:1314c; MAP 3

ant(s), 27:1819; 3:31c, 4:40c, 16:6869c, 27:1819c; 927, 1637, 1835

ants, valley of the, 927

apes, 2:65, 5:60, 7:166; 2:65c, 4:47c, 5:60c, 5:78c, 7:166c, 82:8c

apocalypse, 5:105c, 6:4041c, 7:186c, 17:108c, 18:47c, 39:68c, 73:14c, 73:17c, 77:10c, 81:5c, 81:6c, 100:9c; 1433, 1479, 1484, 1672, 182930

apostasy, 5:54; 2:19094c, 2:217c, 3:86c, 3:90c, 4:31c, 4:115c, 4:137c, 5:33c, 5:54c, 7:8889c, 9:29c, 29:26c, 80:17c; 1710, 1844

apostles, the (al-awāriyyūn), 3:52, 5:11115, 61:14; 3:34c, 3:19c, 3:52c, 5:11115c, 5:111c, 5:11213c, 5:11415c, 8:23c, 16:6869c, 28:7c, 36:1314c, 61:14c; 126, 270, 1364

ʿAqabah, Gulf of, 9:29c

ʿAqabah, pledge of, 9:111c, 33:15c

ʿāqibah (“the end”), 3:137; 3:137c

Aqraʿ ibn ābis, 49:4c

Āqsarāʾī, Jamāl al-Dīn al-, 1731

Aquinas, St. Thomas, xxviii

Arabia, pre-Islamic: customs and beliefs in, 2:220c, 2:224c, 2:27581c, 3:97c, 4:3c, 4:7c, 4:19c, 4:24c, 4:11719c, 4:139c, 5:9091c, 5:97c, 6:74c, 6:137c, 16:5859c, 16:12022c, 17:3133c, 26:22426c, 30:9c, 30:39c, 33:33c, 42:21c, 45:24c, 49:13c, 58:16c, 68:10c, 72:6c, 95:3c, 96:3c; 1796, 181920

Arabic: calligraphy, xxix, xxxiii, xxxvi, xxxviii, xlviii, 1597, 1618, 1626, 1643, 17557; English words originating from, xxvii; grammar, 1596, 16034, 1627, 1631, 16336, 1642; influences on other Islamic languages, 163941, 16423; as language of the Quran, 12:2, 13:37, 16:103, 20:113, 26:195, 39:28, 41:3, 42:7, 43:3, 46:12; 2:1c, 6:15557c, 13:37c, 16:103c, 19:97c, 20:113c, 26:19495c, 39:28c, 41:3c, 41:67c, 41:44c, 42:7c, 43:3c, 46:12c; xxiii, xxx-xxxi, 1588, 1591, 1601, 16046, 162543; in Islamic sacred sciences, 16413, 1744; orthography, xxxiii, 16213; rhetoric (balāghah), 16023, 1627, 1633, 1638, 1642, 1697; in ritual practice, xxxv-xxxvi, 1595, 1641; as Semitic language, xxxi; symbolism of letters in, 2:1c, 68:1c; xxxii, 1668, 17567; syntax, 1602

aʿrāb. See Bedouin

Arab(s), pagan, 1:1c, 2:62c, 2:118c, 4:119c, 7:73c, 7:157c, 16:11617c, 16:12022c, 19:4950c, 52:36c, 53:1920c, 53:2122c, 71:6c, 96:3c, 112:3c; 1808, 1812

ʿara (“ephemeral”), 9:42; 9:42c

Aʿrāf, al- (“the Heights”), 405, 1696

ʿArafah: Day of, 2:197c, 5:3c, 9:14c, 85:3c, 89:3c; 340, 1496; MAP 5a; plains of, 21:125c, 2:196c, 2:198c, 2:199c; MAPS 5a, 8b; Mount, 5:3c, 89:3c; 1548, 1573

Aramaic, 3:26c; xxx-xxxi

Ararat, Mount, 11:44c

Arbad ibn Rabīʿah, 13:1213c

Arberry, A. J., xlii, 1601, 1603

archetype(s), 1:3c, 3:7c, 15:21c, 16:60c; 4. See also immutable essences

ar. See earth

ar al-muqaddasah, al-. See Holy Land, the

arām. See family relations

Arīā, Mount, 79:14c

ʿArim, 34:16; 34:1517c; MAP 1

Aristotle, 1731

ark (of Moses), 2:248; 2:248c, 2:249c

Ark (of Noah), the, 7:64, 10:73, 11:3738, 23:2728, 26:119, 36:41, 54:13, 69:11; 7:64c, 11:37c, 11:44c, 11:48c, 23:2728c, 23:29c, 33:33c, 36:41c, 36:42c, 54:914c, 54:15c, 69:1112c, 71:28c, 95:1c; 850, 1421, 1643, 1684, 17923; MAP 1

Armenia, 18:9293c, 18:9697c; 1616

Asad (tribe), 4:91c, 22:15c, 49:14c, 49:15c, 49:17c; MAPS 4, 7b

Asʿad ibn Zurārah, 62:9c

Asad, Muhammad, xlii, 1685

Aamm, Abū Bakr al-, 1726

asbāb (“causes/means”), 2:166; 2:166c

asbā (Tribes), 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163; 2:136c

asceticism, 1:6c, 2:6771c, 2:273c, 3:93c, 4:100c, 5:4344c, 5:8283c, 7:32c, 18:78c, 18:71c, 18:77c, 18:79c, 19:22c, 28:77c, 57:27c, 58:11c; 1802, 1815

aāb al-kahf. See Companions of the Cave

asār (“ere dawn”), 3:17, 51:18; 3:17c, 51:18c

Ashʿarī, Abu’l-asan al-, 1722, 1728. See also Ashʿarite(s)

Ashʿarī, Abū Mūsā al-, 5:51c, 5:54c

Ashʿarite(s), 2:82c, 3:7c, 3:1089c, 3:178c, 4:40c, 4:64c, 4:78c, 4:8890c, 4:137c, 4:143c, 5:40c, 5:11718c, 6:39c, 6:4041c, 6:1012c, 6:103c, 6:113c, 7:27c, 7:30c, 7:146c, 7:179c, 16:9c, 16:17c, 16:35c, 16:36c, 16:93c, 17:41c, 18:23c, 25:1516c, 54:49c, 78:3c, 91:8c; 1677, 1722, 1724, 172830

ʿĀshūrāʾ, day of, 2:184c, 20:5960c

ʿĀ ibn Hishām, 58:22c

ʿĀ ibn Wāʾil al-Sahmī, 19:7778c, 107:12c; 1568

Āif ibn Barkhiyā, 27:40c

Āsiyah, 66:11; 3:42c, 20:2528c, 20:39c, 28:9c, 66:11c; 1795

ʿAskarī, Abū Hilāl al-, 1724

asmāʾ al-usnā, al-. See Most Beautiful Names, the

Asmāʾ bint Abī Bakr, 24:31c, 60:8c

Asmāʾ bint ʿUmays, 33:35c

ʿAr, al- (“the Declining Day”), 1557

ʿar prayer, 4:1012c, 5:106c, 11:11415c, 17:78c, 20:130c, 30:1718c, 50:39c, 103:1c; 1557

ass(es), 16:8, 31:19, 62:5, 74:50; 2:65c, 2:171c, 5:64c, 7:17576c, 7:205c, 16:8c, 27:44c, 62:5c; 1716

Assyrians, 5:64c

astrology, 2:49c, 2:102c, 6:7678c, 25:50c, 25:61c, 28:4c, 79:5c

Aswad al-ʿAnsī, al-, 6:93c

Aswad ibn ʿAbd al-Yahūth, al-, 68:1016c

Aswārī, ʿAmr ibn Fāʾid al-, 1726

Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal, 1640

athām (“requital”), 25:68c

āthār (“history/vestiges”), 30:50; 30:50c; 1679, 1691

ʿAttāb ibn Asīd, 4:75c

ʿAār, Farīd al-Dīn, 15:72c, xxxviii

authority, 3:151, 4:59, 4:83, 4:90, 4:153, 6:81, 7:33, 7:71, 10:68, 11:96, 12:40, 14:1011, 14:22, 15:42, 16:99100, 17:33, 17:65, 17:80, 18:15, 22:71, 23:45, 27:21, 28:35, 30:35, 34:21, 37:30, 37:156, 40:23, 40:35, 40:56, 44:19, 51:38, 53:23, 59:6, 69:29; 2:81c, 2:255c, 4:34c, 4:48c, 4:5152c, 4:53c, 4:54c, 4:58c, 4:59c, 4:83c, 4:139c, 4:153c, 5:3c, 5:17c, 5:33c, 5:51c, 5:54c, 5:55c, 5:105c, 6:18c, 6:70c, 6:8182c, 6:125c, 6:12829c, 7:2122c, 7:33c, 7:71c, 7:167c, 7:172c, 7:17576c, 8:1c, 8:72c, 9:31c, 9:71c, 10:6870c, 11:5556c, 11:9697c, 12:7c, 14:22c, 15:4142c, 16:70c, 16:99100c, 16:12022c, 17:3133c, 17:65c, 17:70c, 17:80c, 18:15c, 18:4244c, 19:46c, 19:43c, 22:71c, 23:4546c, 24:2c, 27:21c, 28:35c, 30:35c, 34:21c, 37:2834c, 37:15657c, 40:23c, 40:24c, 40:35c, 42:6c, 42:5253c, 51:38c, 55:33c, 59:6c, 69:29c; 1785. See also sulān; wilāyah

avarice, 4:128, 59:9, 64:16; 3:16c, 4:128c, 59:9c, 64:16c

Avesta, 2:222c

Avicenna. See Ibn Sīnā

‘awāmm (“common people”), 7:172c

awliyāʾ (“friends”): of God, 10:62; 2:1c, 2:98c, 4:76c, 6:127c, 7:27c, 10:6264c, 12:101c, 18:9c, 18:12c, 19:61c, 24:35c, 54:49c (see also saints); as protectors, 3:28, 4:89, 4:139, 5:51, 5:55, 6:127, 8:34, 9:71, 25:18, 41:31, 60:1; 3:28c, 4:8890c, 4:139c, 5:51c, 5:55c, 8:3334c, 17:3133c, 25:1718c, 33:5c, 41:31c, 60:1c; 1786; of Satan, 7:27; 4:76c, 7:27c

ʿawrah (“private area”), 24:31c

Aws (tribe), 2:84c, 3:100c, 3:103c, 3:122c, 8:49c, 8:63c, 33:2627c, 53:1920c; MAP 6

Aws ibn al-āmit, 58:34c; 1341

awtād (“tent poles”), 38:12, 89:10; 38:12c

Awās, valley of, 9:25c

awthān. See ināth

āyah (“sign/verse”): as sign, 2:106, 26:4, 28:2; 2:106c, 3:7c, 26:4c, 28:2c; as verse, 3:7c; liii, 1597

aʿyān al-thābitah, al-. See immutable essences

Āyat al-Kursī (“Pedestal Verse”), 2:255; 2:255c; 13, 1592

Āyat al-Nūr. See Light Verse

āyāt mufaalāt (“signs expounded”), 7:133; 7:133c

aykah (“thicket”), 15:78, 26:76, 26:176, 38:13, 50:14; 26:17680c, 29:3637c, 50:1214c

Aykah, people of al-, 15:78, 26:176, 38:13, 50:14; 7:85c, 15:78c, 26:176180c, 26:189c, 29:3637c, 38:1314c, 50:1214c

Aylah. See Eilat

ʿayn al-qalb. See eye of the heart

ʿAyn al-Quāt, 10:2829c

ʿAyn. Sīn. Qāf., 42:2; 42:2c

ʿAyyāsh ibn Abī Rabīʿah, 4:92c

Azar, 6:74; 6:74c

Azerbaijan, 18:9293c, 18:9697c; 1616

ʿAzīz, al- (“viceroy”), 12:78, 12:88; 12:2122c, 12:5657c, 12:7879c. See also Potiphar

Azrael. See ʿIzrāʾīl

azwāj (“mates/pairs/wives”), 6:139, 36:36, 78:8; 6:139c, 36:36c, 53:4548c, 78:8c, 92:3c


Baal, 37:125; 37:12428c

Bābartī, Akmal al-Dīn Muammad al-, 1729

Babel, Tower of, 16:26c

Babylon, 2:102; 2:102c, 3:45c, 17:6c; MAP 1

backbiting, 49:1112, 104:1; 24:16c, 49:12c, 68:11c, 99:78c, 104:1c; 1593

backgammon, 2:219c, 5:9091c

Badīʿ, al- (“the Unique Originator”), 6:101; 6:1012c

Badr, Battle of, 3:123; 2:183c, 2:217c, 3:12c, 3:13c, 3:121c, 3:123c, 3:12426c, 3:127c, 3:14041c, 3:143c, 3:160c, 3:161c, 3:165c, 3:16971c, 3:172c, 3:174c, 4:5152c, 4:78c, 4:83c, 4:84c, 4:95c, 4:97c, 4:157c, 5:24c, 5:93c, 6:45c, 6:6667c, 6:122c, 7:44c, 7:79c, 8:1c, 8:5c, 8:910c, 8:1516c, 8:17c, 8:24c, 8:25c, 8:26c, 8:27c, 8:41c, 8:42c, 8:47c, 8:6769c, 8:71c, 9:6c, 9:2627c, 9:40c, 9:100c, 9:107c, 10:46c, 11:3c, 14:2829c, 15:9596c, 16:4547c, 17:60c, 17:7677c, 18:58c, 19:7172c, 22:19c, 22:5557c, 23:6465c, 23:77c, 25:77c, 27:5c, 27:72c, 29:2c, 29:10c, 33:15c, 33:23c, 37:174c, 38:10c, 41:53c, 44:16c, 47:7c, 52:31c, 54:4546c, 58:11c, 58:22c, 60:1c, 68:16c, 70:12c, 72:24c, 75:3435c, 86:17c, 111:1c; 126, 482, 628, 7634, 1349, 1548, 1669, 1671; MAPS 4, 8a

Baghawī, al-, 53:32c; lvii

baghy (“tyranny”), 7:33, 10:23, 42:27, 42:42; 7:33c

Bāhilī, Abū ʿUmar Muammad ibn ʿUmar al-, 1724

bahīmat al-anʿām. See under cattle

Baīrah, 2:62c, 5:8283c, 28:5253c; MAP 2

baīrah, 5:103; 2:169c, 4:11719c, 5:1012c, 5:103c, 6:138c, 6:139c

bar. See sea

barayn, al- (“the two seas”), 18:60, 25:53, 27:61, 35:12, 55:19; 18:6082c, 18:60c, 18:61c, 18:6364c, 18:65c, 18:6768c, 18:78c, 25:53c, 27:61c, 35:12c, 55:1920c, 81:6c, 82:34c; 729

Bahrain, 9:29c; 1811; MAPS 13

bakhal. See miserliness

Bakkah, 3:96; 2:127c, 3:96c. See also Makkah

Bakr (tribe), 9:14c, 9:5c, 9:7c, 9:1415c

Balaam of Beor, 7:17576c, 31:12c

Balad, al- (“the Land”), 1500, 1514, 1592

balāghah (“eloquence/rhetoric”), xxxi, 16023, 1627, 1633, 1638, 1642, 1697

Balʿām Bāʿūrāʾ. See Balaam of Beor

Balkhī, Abu’l-Qāsim ʿAbd Allāh al-, 1726

Banner of Praise (liwāʾ al-amd), 17:79c

baptism of God (ibghat Allāh), 2:138; 2:138c

baqāʾ (“subsistence”), 18:18c, 18:65c, 67:2c; 1667, 1669, 1744

Baqarah, al- (“the Cow”), 2:1c; xxxiii, 1213, 1267, 1573, 1614, 1697

Bāqillānī, Qāī Abū Bakr al-, 1724

Bāqir, Muammad al-, 4:1c, 4:58c, 6:125c, 6:141c, 16:43c, 74:39c, 83:1819c

baqiyyat Allāh (“the remnant from God”), 11:86; 11:8486c

barāʾah (“repudiation”), 9:1; 9:14c

Barā’ ibn ʿĀzib, al-, 4:176c, 48:1819c

barakah (“blessing”), 2:87c, 3:96c, 20:12427c; xxiv, xxxvi

barzakh (“isthmus”), 23:100, 25:53, 27:61; 3:16971c, 7:4647c, 16:66c, 18:18c, 18:1921c, 18:52c, 18:60c, 18:62c, 18:6768c, 18:78c, 23:99100c, 25:53c, 27:61c, 27:82c, 40:46c, 56:8894c; 729, 182730

baʾʾ (“misfortune”), 2:177, 6:4243; 2:177c, 6:4244c

baāʾir (“insights”), 6:104, 7:203, 12:108, 17:102, 28:43, 45:20, 75:14; 6:104c, 17:102c, 28:43c

baīrah (“spiritual insight”), 51:55c, 53:11c. See also baāʾir

Bāsi, al- (“the Open-Handed”), 5:64c, 17:30c

basmalah,1:1, 27:30; 1:1c, 1:2c, 1:3c, 7:200c, 16:98c, 19:18c, 27:2930c, 73:8c, 74:30c, 87:1415c; xxxiii, xxxvii, xlix, 4, 5034, 1264, 1529, 1592, 16123

bashīr (“bearer of glad tidings”), 2:119; 2:119c, 3:21c, 26:115c; xxix

Barah, 5:54c; xxxiv; MAPS 12

Barī, asan al-. See asan al-Ba

Barī, ʿAmr ibn ʿUbayd al-, 1726

bas (“expansion”), 2:245c, 6:60c

Bathsheba, 38:2124c, 38:24c

il (“false”), 8:8; 8:8c, 28:88c, 74:45c; 1679

in (“inward”), xxvi, xxxii, 1650, 1652, 1654, 1659, 1661

bayʿah (“pledge of allegiance”), 48:10, 48:18; 5:7c, 48:10c, 48:18c

bayān (“teachings/exposition”), 3:138, 55:4; 2:3829c, 3:138c, 38:1c, 55:4c; 1628

bayʿat al-riwān (Pledge of Good Pleasure), 16:91c

Bayāwī, ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿUmar al-, 2:62c, 11:1068c, 12:15c, 100:15c; lvii, 1648, 1656

Bayhaqī, ahīr al-Dīn al-, 1677

bayt al-ʿizzah (“House of Might”), 52:4c, 97:12c

bayt al-māl (“public treasury”), 4:176c

Bayyinah, al- (“the Clear Proof”), 1541

bayyināt. See clear proofs

Be! (kun), 2:117, 3:47, 3:59, 6:73, 16:40, 19:35, 36:82, 40:68; 2:117c, 3:45c, 3:59c, 4:171c, 6:73c, 6:1012c, 16:40c, 18:109c, 19:19c, 19:22c, 19:35c, 36:82c, 38:75c, 40:68c, 54:50c; 1678, 1746

beast (dābbah), 2:164, 24:45, 27:82, 29:60, 31:10; 24:45c, 27:82c, 31:10c; 927, 1830

beatific vision. See Vision of God

beautiful patience, 12:18, 12:83, 70:5; 12:18c, 12:8586c, 70:5c

Bedouin, 9:90, 9:9799, 9:101, 9:120, 33:20, 48:11, 48:16, 49:14; 2:186c, 4:31c, 5:11c, 5:33c, 5:67c, 9:90c, 9:97c, 9:98c, 9:99c, 9:101c, 9:120c, 9:122c, 22:11c, 22:29c, 34:13c, 48:11c, 48:14c, 48:15c, 49:4c, 49:5c

bee(s), 16:68; 6:38c, 16:6869c, 16:78c, 28:7c, 41:12c, 47:15c; 655

Benjamin, 12:8c, 12:1112c, 12:59c, 12:62c, 12:65c, 12:66c, 12:69c, 12:7071c, 12:76c, 12:77c, 12:7879c, 12:80c, 12:8182c, 12:83c, 12:87c, 12:88c, 12:8990c; 1673

Benjamin (tribe), 2:247c

Bergsträsser, Gotthelf, 1616

Bible: alterations (tarīf) in, 2:75c, 3:34c, 37:102c; 1655; compared to the Quran, 2:37c, 2:61c, 2:62c, 2:127c, 2:248c, 2:258c, 3:3334c, 3:37c, 3:44c, 3:45c, 3:49c, 3:183c, 5:21c, 5:32c, 5:110c, 6:74c, 7:40c, 7:85c, 7:11126c, 7:13435c, 7:136c, 7:16062c, 11:5051c, 11:61c, 12:2122c, 17:101c, 28:6c, 28:23c, 28:76c, 34:12c, 34:34c, 37:139c, 37:14344c, 38:41c, 54:3338c, 66:12c; xxiii, xxvii, xlvii, 1589, 1591, 1594, 1599, 1623, 1655, 1661, 1672, 1762, 17689, 1771, 17767; the Prophet prophesied in, 2:146c, 2:176c, 3:34c, 28:4445c. See also Torah; Gospel

bidʿah (“innovation”), 6:159c, 7:17c; 1722

Bilāl ibn Rabā al-abashī, 2:27581c, 3:190c, 6:52c, 16:41c, 92:1921c; 1474

Bilqīs. See Sheba, Queen of

Bint al-Qasam. See Bathsheba

Bi’smi’Llāh. See basmalah

Biqāʿī, Abu’l-asan Ibrāhīm al-, lvii, 16556

bird(s), 2:260; 3:49, 5:110, 12:36, 12:41, 16:79, 21:79, 22:31, 24:41, 27:1617, 27:20, 34:10, 38:19, 56:21, 67:19, 105:3; 2:7273c, 2:87c, 2:154c, 2:260c, 3:49c, 3:16971c, 6:38c, 12:41c, 16:12c, 16:79c, 17:1314c, 18:9293c, 21:79c, 24:41c, 27:16c, 27:17c, 27:1819c, 27:20c, 34:1011c, 38:18c, 38:19c, 43:63c, 56:2021c, 61:6c, 67:19c, 105:34c; 1561, 1748, 1778

birr (“piety”), 2:44, 2:177, 3:92; 2:2c, 2:44c, 2:177c, 3:92c, 3:104c, 52:28c, 76:56c

Birr, al- (“the Righteous”), 52:28; 52:28c, 76:56c

Bīrūnī, Abū Rayān, al-, xxix, 1642

Bishr al-Marīsī, 1725

biānah (“intimates”), 3:118; 3:118c

biyaʿ (“churches”), 22:40; 22:40c

Black Stone, the, 17:7375c, 85:3c; MAP 5b

Blaze (saʿīr), 22:4, 25:11, 31:21, 34:12, 35:6, 42:7, 48:13, 67:5, 67:1011, 84:12; 25:11c, 35:6c, 48:1213c

blight, 2:276, 3:141; 3:141c

blindness: bleary-eyed (aʿmash), 3:49c, 56:3637c; deaf, dumb, and, 2:18, 2:171, 8:22, 17:97; 2:18c; 18234; expiation for, 24:61; 24:61c; 1710, 1758; of the heart, 22:46; 3:7c; as punishment, 17:72, 20:12526; 17:72c, 20:12427c; 1835; spiritual, 5:71, 2:171, 6:50, 6:104, 7:64, 10:43, 11:24, 11:28, 13:16, 13:19, 17:72, 27:4, 27:66, 27:81, 30:53, 35:19, 41:17, 41:44, 43:3637, 43:40; 5:71c, 6:50c, 17:72c

blood clot, 22:5, 23:14, 40:67, 75:38, 96:2; 22:56c, 96:2c; 18223. See also drop, the; lump of flesh

blood money. See diyah

boiling liquid (amīm), 6:70, 10:4, 22:19, 37:67, 38:57, 40:72, 44:46, 44:48, 47:15, 56:42, 56:54, 56:93, 78:25, 88:5; 44:46c, 56:42c

Bolsheviks, 1620

Book and Wisdom, 2:129, 2:151, 3:48, 3:164, 4:54, 4:113, 5:110, 45:16, 62:2; 2:129c, 2:231c, 2:151c, 2:53c, 4:113c, 6:89c

bracelets of gold, 18:31, 22:23, 35:33; 18:31c, 22:23c

Breath of the Compassionate (Nafas al-Ramān), 1:3c, 2:1c, 7:156c, 55:1c

Brethren of Purity (Ikhwān al-afāʾ), 1673, 1732, 1752

bridal gift, 2:23637, 4:4, 4:20, 4:2425, 5:5, 33:50, 60:10; 2:229c, 2:236c, 2:237c, 4:3c, 4:4c, 4:5c, 4:19c, 4:20c, 4:24c, 4:25c, 4:34c, 4:35c, 4:127c, 5:5c, 24:33c, 33:49c, 33:50c, 33:56c, 60:10c, 60:11c; 17889, 1797

bridewealth. See bridal gift

brigandry (irābah), 5:33c, 5:3839c

Buddha, 4:164c, 21:85c

Buddhism, xxxviii

Bukhārī, Muammad ibn Ismāʿīl al-, 1642, 1722

Bukhl. See miserliness

Burāq, 17:1c

burūj (“towers/constellations”), 4:78, 15:16, 25:61, 85:1; 4:78c, 15:16c, 25:61c, 85:1c; 1496, 1670

Burūj, al- (“the Constellations”), 1496, 1532

Burūsawī, Ismāʿīl aqqī al-, 50:43c; lvii

īrī, al-, 1640, 1820

ī, Muammad Saʿīd Ramaān al-, 1842

Byzantines, 30:2; 2:195c, 8:60c, 9:29c, 9:107c, 9:123c, 30:25c, 30:6c, 31:6c, 48:21c; 126, 984, 1761, 1810, 1814; MAPS 24


Cain, 5:2731; 5:2732c, 5:27c, 5:29c, 5:30c, 5:31c, 5:32c, 5:33c, 26:99c, 28:56c, 33:72c, 41:29c

Caleb, 5:23c, 5:2526c, 7:155c

calf, the, 2:51, 2:54, 2:9293, 4:153, 7:14854, 20:88; 2:51c, 2:55c, 2:7273c, 2:80c, 2:90c, 2:93c, 2:97c, 2:106c, 3:24c, 4:6668c, 4:153c, 5:60c, 7:127c, 7:13839c, 7:148c, 7:152c, 7:155c, 20:87c, 20:88c, 20:89c, 20:91c, 20:97c, 28:46c, 61:5c; 406, 1776

call to prayer. See adhān

Camel, Battle of, 8:25c, 19:23c

camel(s): as grazing cattle (bahīmat al-anʿām), 5:1, 6:14244, 39:6; 5:1c, 6:142c, 16:57c; pagan rituals involving, 5:103, 6:144; 4:11719c, 5:103c, 5:104c, 6:14344c, 16:45c, 22:36c; parched (al-hīm), 56:55; 56:5455c; pass through an eye of a needle, 7:40; 7:40c; on pilgrimage, 100:1; 100:1c, 100:34c, 100:5c; pregnant (ishār), 81:4; 81:4c; 1479; sacrificial (budn), 22:36; 5:27c, 22:36c; she-camel of Thamūd, 7:7379, 11:6168, 17:59, 26:14158, 54:26, 54:29, 91:1314; 2:106c, 5:1012c, 7:73c, 7:74c, 7:7879c, 11:6465c, 15:81c, 17:59c, 26:155c, 26:15658c, 27:48c, 27:49c, 41:1718c, 51:43c, 54:27c, 54:2829c, 69:5c, 91:1114c, 91:15c; as “the ships of the desert,” 36:42c; as signs from God, 88:17; 88:1720c, 88:17c; yellow (ufr), 77:32; 77:3234c

camphor, 76:5; 44:54c, 76:56c; 1852

Canaan, 7:145c, 12:58c, 12:94c, 17:1c, 17:104c

Canaanite(s), 5:12c, 7:13839c, 12:8182c

Canopus, 2:142c

capital punishment. See add punishment

caprice(s), 2:120, 2:145, 4:135, 5:4849, 5:77, 6:56, 6:119, 6:150, 7:176, 13:37, 18:28, 20:16, 23:71, 25:43, 28:50, 30:29, 38:26, 42:15, 45:18, 45:23, 47:14, 47:16, 53:3, 54:3, 79:40; 2:120c, 2:145c, 4:135c, 5:48c, 6:56c, 6:11819c, 6:150c, 7:176c, 10:12c, 10:2829c, 12:106c, 13:37c, 14:3c, 14:52c, 15:6769c, 22:31c, 22:52c, 23:71c, 28:50c, 30:29c, 30:33c, 30:34c, 30:41c, 32:9c, 33:4c, 33:48c, 34:13c, 34:46c, 35:6c, 35:8c, 38:26c, 39:8c, 40:6263c, 41:5c, 42:15c, 43:32c, 45:18c, 45:23c, 47:14c, 47:15c, 47:16c, 48:67c, 49:9c, 51:50c, 53:23c, 53:23c, 53:25c, 53:30c, 54:3c, 75:5c, 79:4041c, 90:1112c, 100:15c, 114:5c; 984, 18156

carrion (al-mayyitah), 2:173, 5:3, 6:145, 16:115; 3:93c, 5:1c, 5:3c, 5:96c, 6:11617c, 6:11819c, 6:121c, 6:145c, 22:30c; 1699, 1710

cattle: benefits from, 16:66, 16:80, 20:54, 22:28, 23:21, 36:71, 42:11; 16:66c, 16:80c, 20:5354c, 22:28c, 23:2122c, 36:7173c, 42:11c; expiation for hunting in pilgrim sanctity, 5:95; 5:95c; grazing (bahīmat al-anʿām), 5:1, 10:24, 39:6, 16:57; 5:1c, 16:57c; human beings compared to, 7:179, 25:44, 47:12; 7:17576c, 7:179c, 7:193c, 25:44c, 47:12c, 47:23c; pagan rituals involving, 4:119; 6:136, 6:13839; 4:11719c, 6:136c, 6:138c, 6:139c, 16:86c, 43:15c; 339; for riding and adornment, 3:14, 16:8, 26:133, 40:7980, 43:12; 3:14c, 16:8c, 40:7980c, 43:1213c; for sacrifice, 22:36; 22:36c; for slaughter (farsh), 6:142, 39:6, 40:79; 6:142c, 6:14344c, 39:6c

charity (adaqah), 2:177, 2:1956, 2:219, 2:245, 2:26074, 2:276, 2:280, 3:92, 4:92, 4:114, 5:45, 9:54, 9:60, 9:79, 9:1034, 17:2629, 24:22, 30:38, 32:16, 57:11, 57:18, 58:1213, 63:10, 64:16, 69:34, 74:6, 76:8, 92:5, 92:1821; 2:165c, 2:177c, 2:182c, 2:195c, 2:219c, 2:245c, 2:261c, 2:26263c, 2:26465c, 2:266c, 2:267c, 2:268c, 2:271c, 2:272c, 2:273c, 2:28081c, 3:92c, 4:3739c, 4:92c, 4:114c, 4:161c, 5:27c, 5:35c, 5:45c, 5:55c, 5:89c, 6:123c, 6:141c, 9:29c, 9:54c, 9:60c, 9:7677c, 9:79c, 9:98c, 9:103c, 9:104c, 9:119c, 14:18c, 16:90c, 17:7c, 17:2627c, 17:28c, 17:29c, 24:22c, 30:38c, 32:16c, 32:17c, 36:12c, 36:19c, 38:50c, 41:67c, 51:19c, 53:35c, 57:11c, 57:18c, 57:24c, 58:34c, 58:1213c, 64:16c, 69:3334c, 70:2021c, 73:20c, 74:6c, 75:3132c, 76:8c, 90:13c, 92:5c, 92:18c, 92:21c, 99:78c, 102:1c; 503, 14512, 1565, 17981800, 1811, 1828, 1837, 1847. See also alms

chastity, 3:39, 5:5, 12:32, 21:91, 24:4, 24:23, 24:30, 24:33, 66:12; 3:3839c, 4:24c, 4:34c, 5:5c, 21:91c, 24:4c, 24:1022c, 24:30c, 55:56c, 55:7074c, 66:12c

chess, 2:219c, 5:9091c

Children of Israel. See Israelites

China, 7:159c; xxix, xxxv

Christ. See Jesus

Christian(s): delegation from Najrān, 3:61; 2:113c, 3:7c, 3:31c, 3:59c, 3:61c, 3:64c, 3:199c, 4:17273c, 5:1c; 1267; 1811; Muslim relations with, 180517 passim; Quranic view of, 2:62, 2:111, 2:113, 2:116, 2:120, 2:135, 2:140, 3:64, 3:110, 3:187, 4:171, 5:14, 5:1718, 5:48, 5:51, 5:6669, 5:73, 5:77, 5:8284, 5:116, 7:169, 9:3031, 19:35, 19:9192, 22:17, 22:40, 22:6769; 1:7c, 2:62c, 2:111c, 2:113c, 2:116c, 2:118c, 2:120c, 2:130c, 2:135c, 2:140c, 3:34c, 3:64c, 3:85c, 4:48c, 4:12324c, 4:157c, 4:171c, 5:14c, 5:17c, 5:18c, 5:48c, 5:51c, 5:66c, 5:69c, 5:70c, 5:72c, 5:73c, 5:77c, 5:8283c, 5:84c, 5:116c, 5:11718c, 6:1012c, 9:30c, 9:31c, 17:111c, 39:4c, 43:5758c, 43:59c, 43:65c, 98:1c, 112:3c; 126, 271, 1189; rituals and beliefs compared to Islam, 2:5c, 2:35c, 2:65c, 2:81c, 2:106c, 2:112c, 2:138c, 2:143c, 2:145c, 2:28586c, 3:34c, 4:157c, 4:158c, 4:159c, 4:17273c, 5:73c, 5:11213c, 7:54c, 9:29c, 10:6264c, 16:124c, 18:9c, 18:10c, 19:3031c, 19:34c, 22:40c, 27:9c, 57:27c, 57:29c, 62:9c, 87:1819c; xxvii-xxxviii, 188, 7634, 15934, 16045, 1655, 1661, 1671, 1720, 1759, 176584 passim, 1785, 1797, 1827; scripture distorted (tarīf) by, 2:75, 5:15; 2:75c, 2:113c, 3:34c, 5:15c, 27:76c

Chronicles, Book of, 2:248c, 3:183c, 5:18c

circumambulation, 2:124c, 2:158c, 2:203c, 2:222c, 8:3334c, 48:27c; MAPS 5a-b

circumcision, 2:124c, 2:135c, 4:11719c, 4:155c, 16:12022c

clear proofs (bayyināt), 2:87, 2:92, 2:159, 2:185, 2:209, 2:211, 2:213, 2:253, 3:86, 3:105, 3:1834, 4:153, 5:32, 5:110, 6:57, 6:157, 7:101, 7:73, 7:85, 7:105, 8:42, 9:70, 10:13, 10:15, 10:74, 11:17, 11:28, 11:53, 11:63, 11:88, 14:9, 16:44, 19:73, 20:72, 20:133, 22:72, 29:39, 30:9, 30:47, 34:43, 35:25, 35:40, 40:22, 40:28, 40:34, 40:50, 40:66, 40:83, 43:63, 45:17, 45:25, 46:7, 47:14, 57:25, 61:6, 64:6, 98:1; 2:87c, 2:92c, 2:209c, 2:211c, 2:13c, 3:184c, 4:153c, 5:110c, 7:73c, 7:85c, 7:101c, 7:105c, 8:42c, 10:13c, 10:75c, 11:28c, 11:5354c, 11:6465c, 11:88c, 11:9697c, 14:9c, 15:81c, 16:44c, 29:39c, 30:47c, 40:23c, 40:28c, 40:34c, 43:29c, 43:63c, 45:17c, 47:14c, 57:25c, 67:6c, 98:1c, 98:4c; 1541

clear warner, 7:184, 11:25, 15:89, 22:49, 26:115, 29:50, 38:70, 46:9, 51:5051, 67:26, 71:2; 7:184c, 11:25c, 15:89c, 15:9093c, 29:50c, 67:9c, 71:2c

clients. See mawālī

clouds (ghamām), 2:57, 2:164, 2:210, 7:57, 7:160, 24:40, 24:43, 25:25, 30:48, 35:9, 52:44, 56:69; 2:57c, 2:164c, 2:210c, 24:43c, 37:13c

commerce (tijārah): good conduct in, 6:152; 6:15152c; during the ajj, 2:198; 2:198c, 5:2c; with non-Muslims, 4:161c; precedence of the prayer over, 62:1011; 62:10c, 62:11c; in spiritual matters, 2:16, 2:41, 2:174, 2:245, 3:187, 5:12, 16:95, 35:29, 57:11, 57:78, 61:10, 64:17, 73:20; 2:16c, 35:29c, 61:1011c, 61:13c; 1369, 1800 (see also paltry price)

Companions of the Cave (aāb al-kahf), 18:922; 2:106c, 18:9c, 18:10c, 18:11c, 18:12c, 18:1314c, 18:16c, 18:17c, 18:18c, 18:1921c, 18:22c, 95:1c; 7289, 1635

companions of the left, 56:9, 56:41, 90:19; 35:32c, 52:2627c, 56:89c, 56:10c, 56:31c, 56:41c, 56:45c, 56:46c, 81:7c, 90:1819c; 1319, 1514, 18512

companions of the right, 56:8, 56:27, 56:28, 56:9091, 74:39, 90:18; 35:32c, 55:46c, 55:48c, 56:12c, 56:89c, 56:27c, 56:31c, 56:3840c, 56:41c, 56:9091c, 69:1929c, 74:39c, 74:4042c, 74:48c, 81:7c, 83:2728c, 90:1819c; 1319, 1514, 18512

Confucius, 4:164c, xxix

conjecture, 2:78, 4:157, 6:116, 6:148, 10:36, 10:66, 38:27, 45:24, 45:32, 49:12, 51:10, 53:23, 53:28; 2:46c, 2:78c, 4:157c, 6:11617c, 6:149c, 10:36c, 38:27c, 43:20c, 45:24c, 45:25c, 49:12c, 51:10c, 51:11c, 53:23c, 53:25c, 53:28c, 53:30c; 544, 1273, 1289, 18312

consort (āibah), 6:101, 72:3; 2:62c, 6:1012c, 37:150c, 37:1512c, 72:5c; 809

Constantinople, 30:25c; MAPS 23

Constitution of Madinah, 1349

contingent being (mumkin al-wujūd), 2:116c, 6:133c, 51:56c

contracts: commercial, 2:28283; 2:282c, 2:283c; 17012, 1800; of emancipation, 24:33; 24:33c; marriage, 2:229c, 2:235c, 2:236c, 4:34c, 5:106c, 33:4c, 33:49c; 1797

covenant (ʿahd/mīthāq): with Abraham and Ishmael, 2:125; with the Children of Israel, 2:40, 2:63, 2:80, 2:8384, 2:93, 2:100, 4:154, 5:12, 5:70, 7:134, 33:8; 2:40c, 2:83c, 2:100c, 2:211c, 4:20c, 5:12c, 5:70c, 7:16062c; 17757; between human beings, 4:9092, 8:72; 4:20c; primordial, 2:27, 3:77, 5:7, 7:172, 13:20, 13:25, 33:7, 57:8, 36:60; 2:27c, 2:213c, 3:103c, 3:1067c, 3:112c, 7:172c, 13:2022c, 33:7c, 57:8c; 176974, 1777, 17814, 1833; between prophets and their followers, 3:81, 3:187, 30:30, 33:7; 3:81c, 3:187c, 33:7c

cow (baqarah), 2:6771; 2:6771c, 2:7273c, 2:74c, 5:1012c, 22:32c; 12

creation (of the world), 41:10

creed of Abraham. See under Abraham

Criterion, the (al-Furqān), 2:53, 2:185, 3:4, 8:29, 21:48, 25:1; 2:2c, 2:53c, 3:34c, 5:64c, 8:29c, 21:48c, 25:1c, 57:3c, 87:1819c; xxiii, 889

Crusades, the, 5:8283c

crucifixion: of Christ, 3:55, 4:15759; 3:55c, 4:157c; 188, 177980; as punishment, 5:33, 7:124, 12:41; 5:33c, 7:124c, 12:41c

Cry, the (ayah), 11:67, 11:94, 15:73, 15:83, 23:41, 29:40, 50:42; 11:6768c, 11:8283c, 11:9495c, 15:79c, 15:8384c, 23:41c, 29:40c, 50:4142c

cursers, 2:159; 2:159c

Cyrus the Great, 3:45c, 18:83c


daʾb (“affair”), 3:11, 8:52; 3:11c, 8:5254c

dābbah. See beast

dabūr (“west wind”), 8:46c

aāk, al-, 5:63c, 21:33c, 78:34c

Dajjāl, al-. See Antichrist

Damascus, 17:1c, 30:25c, 95:1c; xxxiv, 1620, 1759; MAPS 14

Daniel, Book of, 2:97c, 5:66c

Dante’s Divine Comedy, 17:1c

Daqyānūs, 18:10c, 18:1314c

Daraa, MAP 3. See also Adhriʿat

dār al-salām. See Abode of Peace

arīʿ (“vile thorn”), 88:6; 88:6c, 88:7c, 73:13c

Dārimī, al-, 46:12c

arrāʾ (“hardship”), 2:177; 2:177c, 6:4244c

arūrah (“necessity”), 4:24c, 6:11819c; 1699

date palm, 2:266, 6:99, 6:141, 13:4, 6:67, 16:11, 17:91, 18:32, 19:23, 19:25, 23:19, 26:148, 36:34, 50:10, 55:11, 55:68, 80:29; 2:266c, 6:99c, 6:141c, 14:2425c, 14:26c, 14:37c, 16:67c, 18:3233c, 19:23c, 19:25c, 26:14648c, 50:10c, 55:68c, 92:1521c, 92:18c; 1264, 1350, 1803

Dāwūd. See David

daughters of Allāh, 4:117, 16:5759, 17:40, 37:14953, 43:16, 43:8182, 52:39, 53:1921, 53:27, 72:3; 2:116c, 4:11719c, 6:100c, 16:57c, 16:5859c, 17:40c, 17:57c, 17:111c, 18:45c, 21:26c, 25:2c, 37:14953c, 52:39c, 53:1920c, 53:2122c, 112:3c; 693

David: and the ark, 2:248c; and armored garments, 21:80, 34:11; 16:81c, 21:80c, 34:1011c; 1685; and Bathsheba, 38:2124c; and the birds, 21:79, 27:16, 34:10, 38:1819; 16:79c, 21:79c, 27:16c, 34:1011c, 38:18c, 38:19c; cursed by the tongue of, 5:78; 5:78c; the fast of, 38:17c; and Goliath, 2:251; 2:25051c; and Luqmān, 31:12c; prophethood and reign, 4:163, 6:84, 17:55, 21:7880, 27:1516, 34:1011, 34:13, 38:1729; 4:54c, 5:18c, 6:38c, 6:84c, 34:13c, 38:17c, 38:20c, 38:2124c, 40:5152c, 40:77c, 93:58c; 1042, 1101, 1675, 1766; Psalms of, 4:163, 17:55, 21:105; 3:184c, 16:44c, 17:55c, 21:105c, 35:25c, 42:51c; and Solomon, 21:7879, 27:1516, 38:30; 21:78c, 21:79c, 27:15c, 33:3839c, 34:12c, 38:30c, 38:3133c

dawāʾir (“change of fortune”), 9:98; 9:98c

Daylamites, 18:94c

Day of Adornment, 20:59; 20:5960c, 26:38c. See also ʿĀshūrāʾ, day of

Day of Alast, 7:172c

Day of Discrimination, 8:41; 8:41c, 8:42c

Day of Division, 36:59, 37:21, 44:40, 77:1314, 77:38, 78:17; 36:59c, 77:1314c, 81:7c, 86:13c; 1462, 1835

Day of Gathering, 42:7, 64:9; 11:1034c, 34:26c, 42:7c, 64:9c, 67:24c; 18345

Day of Judgment, 1:4, 15:35, 26:82, 37:20, 38:78, 51:12, 56:56, 70:26, 74:46, 82:15, 82:1718, 83:11; 1:4c, 2:3c, 2:65c, 2:76c, 2:110c, 2:188c, 2:254c, 2:275c, 2:284c, 3:25c, 3:161c, 3:16971c, 4:40c, 4:6263c, 6:50c, 6:61c, 6:73c, 7:37c, 9:29c, 11:1819c, 11:1034c, 12:107c, 13:42c, 14:1314c, 14:21c, 14:31c, 14:44c, 16:52c, 16:86c, 16:89c, 16:111c, 18:48c, 18:49c, 20:111c, 21:1c, 22:1c, 22:2c, 22:47c, 22:51c, 22:5557c, 23:101c, 24:25c, 24:61c, 24:64c, 25:1718c, 25:24c, 26:7881c, 28:42c, 29:5354c, 30:1213c, 31:16c, 31:33c, 34:3c, 34:26c, 34:30c, 34:3537c, 36:35c, 37:19c, 37:2021c, 39:22c, 40:18c, 41:2021c, 42:21c, 42:47c, 43:67c, 43:80c, 44:4142c, 45:2829c, 46:6c, 49:12c, 50:20c, 51:12c, 51:60c, 53:4243c, 53:60c, 54:6c, 56:12c, 56:8894c, 57:28c, 60:3c, 63:9c, 65:3c, 70:6c, 70:9c, 70:2728c, 72:24c, 73:14c, 74:8c, 75:1415c, 77:10c, 77:1314c, 77:38c, 79:67c, 79:14c, 80:33c, 81:4c, 82:12c, 82:19c, 83:78c, 86:13c, 89:21c, 89:2526c, 99:6c, 100:1011c, 101:13c; 850, 1215, 1273, 1282, 1319, 1330, 1378, 1415, 1433, 1468, 1479, 1484, 1492, 1509, 1545, 1551, 1595, 1799, 1821, 1827, 183446, 1851

Day of Mutual Dispossession, 64:9; 7:3839c, 43:67c, 64:9c, 64:17c; 1378

Day of the Moment Known, 15:38, 38:81; 38:7983c

Day of Reckoning, 38:16, 38:26, 38:53, 40:27; 1:4c, 21:1c, 38:26c, 39:20c, 55:33c, 55:35c; 18345

Day of Regret, 19:39; 19:39c; 1835

Dayyān, al- (“the One Who Repays”), 1:4c

dayn (“debt”), 1:4c

deafness, 2:18, 2:171, 5:71, 6:25, 6:39, 8:22, 10:42, 11:24, 17:46, 17:97, 18:57, 21:45, 25:73, 27:80, 30:52, 31:7, 41:5, 41:44, 43:40, 47:23; 2:18c, 2:186c, 5:71c, 6:25c, 6:36c, 6:39c, 7:198c, 8:22c, 11:2022c, 17:46c, 17:97c, 18:57c, 18:101c, 19:38c, 19:97c, 21:45c, 21:100c, 22:46c, 25:73c, 27:8081c, 31:7c, 35:2021c, 41:5c, 41:44c, 43:40c, 45:8c; 999, 18234

democracy, 3:159c

determinism. See qadar

Deuteronomy, Book of, 2:7273c, 2:178c, 4:164c, 5:45c, 6:146c, 7:144c, 46:10c, 110:1c; 270

Dhahabī, Muammad usayn al-, 1683, 16901, 1721

Dhahalī, Muammad ibn Yayā al-, 1722

Dhāriyāt, al- (“the Scatterers”), 1273

dharr (“particles/seeds”), 7:172c

Dhiʾāb ibn ʿAmr, 7:7778c

dhikr Allāh (“remembrance of God”), 2:152, 4:103, 7:205, 13:28, 33:41, 63:9; 2:152c, 2:165c, 2:187c, 4:103c, 5:54c, 6:52c, 7:180c, 7:205c, 13:28c, 17:78c, 20:14c, 20:30c, 21:7c, 21:10c, 23:110c, 25:2729c, 26:5c, 29:45c, 33:41c, 38:1c, 63:9c; 1630, 1743

dhimmī (treaty peoples”), 2:178c, 3:61c, 3:7576c, 3:112c, 4:92c, 9:8c, 9:10c, 9:12c, 9:29c, 22:40c; 18102

dhī ufur (“with claws”), 6:146c

Dhu’l-ijjah, 2:196c, 2:197c, 2:203c, 5:2c, 5:97c, 7:142c, 9:14c, 9:3637c, 22:28c, 89:12c; 1496, 1573; MAP 5a

Dhu’l-Kifl, 21:85; 19:5657c, 21:85c, 38:48c; 809

Dhu’l-Qaʿdah, 2:19094c, 2:197c, 5:2c, 7:142c, 9:3637c; 1246

Dhu’l-Qarnayn, 18:8398; 18:6082c, 18:65c, 18:83c, 18:84c, 18:8586c, 18:87c, 18:88c, 18:8990c, 18:91c, 18:9293c, 18:94c, 18:95c, 18:9697c, 18:98c, 19:64c, 21:96c; 7289

Dhu’l-Nūn. See Jonah

Dhu’l-Nūn al-Mirī, 10:100c, 40:44c, 53:43c

Dhū Nuwās al-Yamānī, 85:49c; MAP 2

dhurriyāt (“progeny”), 7:172; 7:172c

diabolos, 15:3940c

diacritical marks, 54:26c; 16212, 1756

dietary law, 2:173, 3:93, 5:35, 5:8788, 6:11821, 6:145, 16:11418; 3:5051c, 3:93c, 5:3c, 6:11617c, 6:11819c, 6:120c, 6:146c

dīn (“religion”), 1:4c, 2:138c, 16:52c, 24:25c, 82:9c, 107:12c, 109:6c, 1605, 1766, 1837

dīn al-anīf, al- (“primordial religion”), 2:135c

dīn al-aqq (“Religion of Truth”), 9:33, 48:28, 61:9; 48:28c; 1605

dīnār, 3:75; 2:222c, 3:7576c, 5:3839c

disbelievers (kuffār): defined, 5:4344c, 7:172c, 57:20c; 1632

disease (of the heart), 2:10, 5:52, 8:49, 9:125, 22:53, 24:50, 33:12, 33:60, 47:20, 47:29, 74:31; 2:7c, 2:10c, 5:52c, 8:49c, 9:125c, 18:1314c, 22:53c, 33:12c, 33:6061c, 47:2021c, 74:31c

Divine Compassion, 1:3c

Divine Decree (qaāʾ/qadar), 4:11c, 4:12c, 4:136c, 6:2728c, 10:33c, 17:1314c, 20:40c, 32:5c, 38:1c, 54:49c, 58:34c; 1839

Divine Essence, 1:1c, 1:4c, 3:191c, 4:171c, 17:110c, 20:5c, 28:88c, 47:15c, 48:1c, 53:11c, 54:49c, 55:1c, 55:2627c, 59:2224c, 59:23c, 76:56c, 76:9c, 89:28c, 112:1c, 112:4c; xxv

Divine Favor (luf), 4:78c, 4:100c, 4:143c, 5:4c, 5:7c, 5:20c, 6:39c, 7:18283c, 18:34c, 18:46c, 23:5556c, 39:22c, 42:27c, 72:17c

Divine Imperative, 4:1c, 7:166c

Divine Knowledge, 1:3c, 5:21c, 18:60c, 18:6768c; 1704

Divine Names (al-asmāʾ al-usnā), 59:2224; 1:1c, 1:3c, 1:4c, 2:31c, 2:255c, 4:58c, 4:86c, 4:126c, 4:148c, 5:16c, 5:22c, 6:6162c, 6:95c, 6:127c, 7:158c, 7:180c, 15:23c, 17:44c, 18:4244c, 30:19c, 38:6566c, 38:75c, 40:4142c, 41:2c, 42:2c, 50:1c, 55:1c, 57:2c, 57:3c, 57:10c, 59:21c, 59:2224c, 59:23c, 59:24c, 67:14c, 68:1c, 95:4c, 112:1c; xxv, xxxii, 1309, 1350, 1592, 1604, 173940

Divine Pen, the (al-qalam), 68:1, 96:4; 68:1c, 96:45c; 4, 1400, 1590, 1755

Divine Principle, 1:4c

Divine Provenance, 4:82c, 7:11920c, 7:157c, 7:185c, 17:88c, 17:107c, 32:2c; 1715

Divine Providence, 16:93c; 1788, 1798

Divine Punishment, 1:7c, 2:195c, 4:1718c, 4:47c, 4:8890c, 5:14c, 5:18c, 5:31c, 5:60c, 5:64c, 6:47c, 6:5758c, 6:65c, 6:8182c, 6:125c, 6:165c, 7:12c, 7:23c, 7:7778c, 7:9495c, 7:13435c, 7:167c, 16:26c, 16:2829c, 16:61c, 16:94c, 17:8c, 17:16c, 17:6869c, 17:7677c, 17:80c, 18:34c, 18:3941c, 18:55c, 20:113c, 29:5354c, 34:34c, 35:5c, 37:5860c, 37:148c, 40:2122c, 43:20c, 43:4142c, 68:3132c, 68:45c; 693

Divine Purpose, 6:32c, 6:112c, 17:2021c, 17:106c

Divine Self-Manifestation, 6:75c

Divine Self-Revelation, 19:52c

Divine Wrath (al-ghaab), 2:90c, 7:71c, 17:71c, 17:7677c; 1673

divining arrows, 5:3, 5:90; 5:3c, 5:9091c

divorce: forswearing, 2:22627; 2:22627c; God enriches both spouses after, 4:130; 4:130c; husband initiates (alāq), 2:22832, 2:23637, 2:241, 33:49, 65:12; 2:228c, 2:229c, 2:230c, 2:231c, 2:232c, 2:233c, 2:236c, 2:237c, 2:241c, 4:19c, 4:20c, 4:35c, 4:128c, 4:129c, 33:49c, 65:1c, 65:2c, 65:3c, 65:4c, 65:6c, 65:7c, 65:89c; 1383, 1711, 1787, 178990, 1793, 17968; pre-Islamic practice of ihār, 58:4; 4:92c, 58:12c; 1341; wife initiates (khulʿ), 2:229; 2:228c, 2:229c, 4:19c, 4:21c, 4:34c; 17967

diyah (“wergild”), 2:178, 4:92; 2:117c, 2:178c, 4:2930c, 4:92c, 5:11c, 5:41c, 5:45c, 9:40c, 9:74c, 17:3133c

dog(s): companion of the Youths of the Cave, 18:18, 18:22; human beings compared to, 7:176; 7:17576c; permissibility for use in hunting, 5:3c, 5:4c

Dome of the Rock, 17:1c, 20:108c; xliii

dominion. See malakūt

dream interpretation, 12:36, 12:44; 7:53c, 12:3c, 12:2122c, 12:43c, 12:44c, 12:45c; 590

drop (from which human beings are created), 16:4, 18:37, 22:5, 23:1314, 32:8, 35:11, 36:77, 40:67, 53:46, 75:37, 76:2, 80:19, 86:6; 16:4c, 18:3738c, 22:56c, 23:13c, 35:11c, 36:77c, 40:67c, 53:4548c, 56:5859c, 70:39c, 76:2c, 80:1819c, 86:8c, 95:7c; 1689

drunkenness, 4:43, 15:72; 4:43c, 5:9091c, 15:72c

duʿāʾ. See under prayer

uā, al- (“the Morning Brightness”), 1526

uā (“morning”), 79:29, 79:46, 91:1, 93:1; 79:2930c, 79:46c, 93:12c; 1526

uā prayer, 38:18c; 1526, 1578

Dukhān, al- (“Smoke”), 1206, 1215

dunyā (“world”), 2:25c, 21:13c, 28:70c; xxviii, 1820


earthquake(s), 7:78, 7:91, 7:155, 29:37, 99:1; 2:55c, 7:7778c, 7:9192c, 7:155c, 7:156c, 11:6768c, 15:8384c, 29:55c, 41:13c, 51:44c, 51:45c, 54:31c, 69:5c, 82:34c, 89:13c, 89:21c, 99:1c; 1545, 1830, 1832

Eilat, 5:78c, 7:163c, 18:77c; MAPS 14

elephant, 105:1; 105:12c, 106:12c; 1561

Elias, 6:85, 37:12332; 2:87c, 6:85c, 19:5657c, 21:85c, 37:123c, 37:12428c, 37:12930c, 38:48c; 1084

Elijah, 3:183c, 37:123c, 38:48c; 1084. See also Elias

Elim, 7:16062c

Elisha, 6:86, 38:48; 18:98c, 38:48c

Elizabeth, 19:22c

Emigrants, the, 9:117; 2:223c, 3:110c, 4:24c, 4:33c, 4:6668c, 5:7c, 6:89c, 8:72c, 8:74c, 8:75c, 9:2627c, 9:108c, 16:41c, 16:42c, 16:110c, 22:41c, 22:58c, 22:59c, 24:55c, 33:7c, 58:11c, 59:6c, 59:9c, 60:1c, 63:56c; 1350

emigration (hijrah), 2:218, 3:195, 4:100, 9:20, 16:41, 16:110, 22:58, 24:22, 33:50, 39:10, 59:9; 2:142c, 2:207c, 3:195c, 4:100c, 4:6668c, 4:97c, 8:5c, 8:3940c, 8:72c, 8:74c, 8:75c, 9:2324c, 9:40c, 9:108c, 9:112c, 16:41c, 16:110c, 17:1819c, 17:80c, 18:16c, 22:39c, 24:16c, 28:85c, 29:2c, 29:26c, 29:56c, 29:5859c, 33:6c, 39:10c, 57:10c, 59:6c, 59:10c, 63:7c, 64:14c, 66:5c; 482, 655, 1319, 1350, 1358, 1535, 1695, 1757, 1805, 1807, 1813; MAP 3

enjoining right and forbidding wrong, 3:104, 3:110, 3:114, 7:157, 9:71, 9:112, 22:41, 31:17; 2:207c, 2:83c, 2:207c, 3:104c, 3:110c, 5:79c, 5:105c, 9:67c, 9:71c, 9:112c, 17:53c, 19:3031c, 22:41c, 24:30c, 31:17c, 42:39c; 1699

Enoch. See Idrīs

Enoch, Book of, 2:97c

environment, the, 2:1112c, 2:30c, 2:205c, 3:191c, 7:56c, 8:73c, 31:18c, 45:3c, 80:2732c; 1598, 1812, 1843

Ephesus, 18:9c, 18:10c

epistemology, 2:87c, 24:35c; 729, 1649, 1666, 17312

Esau, 6:84c

eschatology, 2:82c, 3:7c, 3:19c, 3:45c, 3:16971c, 7:187c, 10:4c, 10:23c, 15:4344c, 18:94c, 20:1024c, 22:1c, 25:53c, 27:87c, 43:61c, 56:12c; xxvi-xxviii, 4, 927, 1662, 1704, 1735, 1827, 1832, 1835

esoteric (in), 1:6c, 2:1c, 2:62c, 2:6771c, 2:102c, 2:143c, 2:165c, 2:255c, 3:7c, 3:27c, 7:53c, 7:180c, 8:17c, 12:44c, 15:6769c, 18:6082c, 18:65c, 18:78c, 18:94c, 19:53c, 20:1112c, 27:16c; xxvi, xxxii, xliii, xlv, 729, 1652, 1654, 165978 passim

Esther, Book of, 28:6c, 29:39c

etiquette. See adab

Eucharist, the, 5:11213c, 5:11415c; xxx

Euphrates River, 5:21c, 47:15c; MAPS 14

evangelion, the, 3:34c. See also Gospel

Eve, 7:19, 20:117, 20:123; 2:35c, 2:36c, 2:37c, 2:3839c, 4:1c, 7:13c, 7:18c, 7:19c, 7:2122c, 7:23c, 7:2425c, 7:27c, 7:31c, 7:6062c, 7:149c, 7:18990c, 11:4547c, 15:3638c, 15:3940c, 20:11719c, 20:12021c, 20:123c, 26:7c, 30:21c, 49:13c, 89:12c, 95:1c, 110:3c, 114:4c; xxxiixxxiii, 405, 763, 17712

evil eye, the, 12:67c, 68:51c; 1581

Exalted, the, 2:255, 4:34, 6:100, 7:190, 13:9, 16:3, 17:43, 20:114, 22:62, 23:92, 27:63, 31:30, 34:23, 40:12, 42:4, 42:51; 30:1718c

Exodus, Book of, 2:49c, 2:50c, 2:54c, 2:57c, 2:60c, 2:6364c, 2:178c, 4:153c, 4:161c, 4:164c, 5:13c, 5:18c, 5:45c, 7:11126c, 7:12122c, 7:130c, 7:133c, 7:13435c, 7:136c, 7:13839c, 7:142c, 7:143c, 7:144c, 7:145c, 7:148c, 7:150c, 7:16062c, 7:166c, 17:101c, 20:10c, 20:1112c, 20:1718c, 20:1920c, 20:21c, 20:2223c, 20:24c, 20:2528c, 20:2935c, 20:4546c, 20:4950c, 20:90c, 20:97c, 26:1213c, 26:14c, 26:6263c, 27:7c, 27:9c, 27:1011c, 28:4c, 28:9c, 28:15c, 28:18c, 28:40c; 1668, 1673, 1770

exoteric (āhir), 1:6c, 2:143c, 2:165c, 6:6364c, 7:4647c, 7:53c, 16:67c, 18:6082c, 18:78c; xxvi, 729, 1652, 1654, 1661, 1666

expiation (kaffārah), 2:184, 2:271, 5:45, 5:89, 5:95, 9:103, 58:34, 66:2; 2:168c, 2:184c, 2:222c, 2:225c, 2:22627c, 2:271c, 3:91c, 4:36c, 4:92c, 4:12324c, 5:45c, 5:89c, 5:95c, 9:101c, 9:103c, 11:11415c, 16:91c, 17:79c, 18:2324c, 22:78c, 25:70c, 38:6970c, 58:34c, 60:12c, 66:2c

eye of the heart, 6:103c, 6:104c, 7:143c, 13:28c

Ezekiel, 2:243c, 2:259c, 18:94c, 38:48c

Ezekiel, Book of, 2:243c, 18:94c, 38:48c, 62:5c

Ezra, 9:30; 2:7273c, 2:116c, 2:259c, 5:18c, 6:100c, 9:30c, 39:4c, 43:86c


Fadak, 5:41c; MAP 4

fal (“bounty”), 2:90; 2:90c, 2:27581c, 4:3729c, 4:79c, 56:83c, 103:1c

ishah. See fashāʾ

fashāʾ (“indecency”), 2:169, 3:135, 4:15, 6:151, 7:28, 16:90, 29:28, 33:30, 42:37; 2:169c, 3:13536c, 4:15c, 6:15152c, 7:28c, 16:90c, 24:2c, 29:2829c, 33:30c, 42:37c

Fajr, al- (“the Dawn”), 1509

fajr prayer, 17:78; 11:11415c, 17:78c, 20:130c, 30:1718c, 38:18c, 40:55c, 50:39c, 52:49c; 1451, 1578

Fakhr al-Dīn ʿIrāqī, 14:3c

falā (“prosperity”), 2:5c

Falaq, al- (“the Daybreak”), 1578, 1581, 1732

famine, 7:130, 90:14; 7:130c, 7:131c, 12:58c, 16:11213c, 24:2c, 38:57c, 44:1011c, 44:12c, 44:15c, 83:15c

fanāʾ (“annihilation”), 18:18c, 18:65c, 21:3435c, 25:46c; 1669, 1744

faqīr (“poor/spiritual traveler”), 3:134c, 9:60c, 28:24c

Fārābī, al-, 1642, 1732

Fāraqlī. See Paraclete

faras al-ayāt (“horse of life”), 20:9596c

Faraydūn, 18:65c

far ʿayn (“personal obligation”), 2:282c, 9:122c

far kifāyah (“communal obligation”), 2:282c, 4:95c, 9:122c

Farewell Pilgrimage (and Sermon), the, 2:27581c, 4:21c, 5:1c, 5:2c, 5:3c, 5:13c, 5:67c, 33:6c; 270, 340, 1573

farīah. See bridal gift

Farrāʾ, al-, 1651

farsh (“for slaughter”), 6:142; 6:142c

Farthest Mosque, 17:1; 2:114c, 5:21c, 17:1c

fasād (“corruption”), 2:11, 2:205, 8:73, 26:152, 28:83, 30:41, 38:28; 2:1112c, 2:205c, 2:220c, 8:73c, 26:15152c, 28:83c, 30:41c, 38:28c

fāsiq (“iniquitous”), 2:26; 2:26c, 2:82c, 3:110c, 49:68c

fasting, 2:18387, 2:196, 5:95; 2:183c, 2:184c, 2:185c, 2:186c, 2:187c, 2:196c, 2:222c, 4:58c, 4:92c, 5:27c, 5:35c, 5:58c, 5:59c, 5:95c, 7:42c, 9:112c, 12:24c, 18:30c, 23:52c, 32:17c, 38:50c, 48:4c, 55:5c, 58:34c, 66:2c, 66:5c, 69:24c, 86:9c; 1539, 1701, 1709, 1716, 1768, 1783

fatā (“servant/young man”), 18:60; 18:60c

fat (“victory”), 5:52, 32:28, 48:1, 61:13; 5:52c, 32:28c, 48:1c, 61:13c, 110:1c

Fat, al- (“Victory”), 270, 12467

Fātiah, al- (“The Opening”), 1:1c, 1:4c, 1:7c, 2:2c, 2:28586, 15:87c; 34, 12, xxxiii, liv, 1526, 1578, 1590, 15967, 1612, 1614, 16278, 1641, 1727, 17389

Fātiat al-kitāb (“the opening of the Book”), 3

fatīl (“thread of a date stone”), 4:49, 4:77; 4:4950c, 4:77c

imah (daughter of Muhammad), 3:42c, 3:61c, 5:3839c, 6:85c, 17:71c, 24:35c, 26:214c, 28:9c, 30:38c, 33:33c, 42:23c, 66:11c, 89:12c; 14512, 1573, 1609, 1664

fatrah (“interval”), 5:19; 5:19c

fatwa (“nonbinding legal opinion”), 17:36c

Faust, 2:102c

fawāish. See fashāʾ

felicity, 2:9495c, 6:161c, 7:146c, 8:24c, 8:45c, 9:52c, 9:89c, 10:25c, 12:33c, 16:9596c, 20:7173c, 23:3c, 23:111c, 28:61c, 52:20c, 56:30c, 82:8c

fiʾah (“company/party”), 8:1516c, 8:41c, 28:8182c

fidyah (“ransom”), 2:48; 2:48c

figs, 95:1; 2:35c, 7:19c, 7:2122c, 55:68c, 95:1c; 1532

fikr (“meditation/reflection”), 3:191c

Fīl, al- (“the Elephant”), 1561, 1563

filial piety, 2:83, 4:36, 6:151, 17:23, 31:14, 46:15; 2:177c, 4:36c, 6:15152c, 9:54c, 19:1415c, 19:32c, 24:39c, 25:23c, 29:8c, 46:15c

Finā ibn ʿĀzūrāʾ, 9:30c, 45:14c

firāsah (“the skill of spiritual physiognomy”), 2:273c

Firʿawn. See Pharoah

firdaws. See Paradise

Fire, the. See Hell

First Civil War, 2:216c, 5:28c, 5:54c, 8:25c, 19:23c

Fīrūzābādī, Abū āmid ʿUthmān ibn ʿUmar al-, 1729

fitnah (“strife/trial”), 2:191, 3:7, 4:91, 8:25, 8:39, 8:73, 60:5; 2:19094c, 2:216c, 3:7c, 4:91c, 8:25c, 8:3940c, 8:73c, 37:6263c, 60:5c; 1713, 1813, 1841

firah (“primordial nature”), 30:30; 2:135c, 2:138c, 4:11719c, 5:71c, 6:14c, 7:172c, 16:66c, 18:6364c, 19:16c, 30:30c, 30:3132c, 35:1c, 36:22c, 91:7c; 984, 173940, 1744, 1746, 1748, 17725, 17834, 1847

five pillars (of Islam), 2:183c, 2:196c, 18:30c, 55:5c; 1783, 1799

Fizzah, 1451

Followers, the (tābiʿūn), 9:100c, 62:3c; 1651, 1677

Footstool. See Pedestal

fornication. See zinā

forswearing. See under divorce

fuʾād (“heart”), 28:10; 28:10c

Fuayl ibn ʿIyā, 59:2224c

fujjār (“profligate”), 82:14; 82:1415c

fūm (“garlic”), 2:61; 2:61c

funerals, 9:84; 3:16971c, 5:5c, 9:84c, 9:11314c, 17:111c, 20:55c, 62:10c, 75:29c; xxxvii, 3, 1596, 1828

Furqān, al- (“the Criterion”), 889, 1055

Fuilat (“Expounded”), 1157, 1172, 1732

futuwwah (“spiritual chivalry”), 18:1314c


Gabriel (Archangel), 2:9798, 66:4; 2:1c, 2:7273c, 2:87c, 2:96c, 2:97c, 2:98c, 2:102c, 2:177c, 2:185c, 2:253c, 2:28586c, 3:34c, 3:48c, 4:125c, 4:136c, 5:11c, 5:93c, 5:110c, 5:116c, 6:89c, 6:65c, 6:7483c, 6:109c, 7:145c, 7:187c, 7:199c, 11:17c, 12:15c, 12:24c, 12:93c, 15:8586c, 16:2c, 16:43c, 16:102c, 17:1c, 17:85c, 17:9495c, 18:30c, 18:60c, 19:17c, 19:24c, 19:64c, 19:96c, 20:2528c, 20:9596c, 20:114c, 21:47c, 22:52c, 22:75c, 23:41c, 25:59c, 26:1213c, 26:19293c, 26:19495c, 26:227c, 27:87c, 28:3c, 28:7c, 28:28c, 28:30c, 32:1c, 33:56c, 35:1c, 37:107c, 39:1c, 39:33c, 39:46c, 39:68c, 40:15c, 41:47c, 42:51c, 42:5253c, 45:14c, 50:4142c, 51:2425c, 51:30c, 53:5c, 53:6c, 53:7c, 53:8c, 53:9c, 53:10c, 53:11c, 53:12c, 53:13c, 53:17c, 53:37c, 54:37c, 55:60c, 56:89c, 57:10c, 58:12c, 58:22c, 66:12c, 69:40c, 70:4c, 75:1618c, 78:38c, 79:5c, 79:44c, 81:19c, 81:20c, 81:21c, 81:2223c, 81:24c, 87:6c, 93:7c, 97:4c, 98:2c, 108:1c; xxiiixxiv, 12, 763, 906, 1289, 1349, 1452, 1479, 1535, 1581, 1588, 1590, 1607, 1609, 161213, 1615, 1621, 1738, 1754, 1821

game, 5:1, 5:9496; 5:1c, 5:3c, 5:94c, 5:95c, 5:96c

gambling (maysir), 2:219, 5:9091; 2:1c, 2:219c, 2:220c, 2:27581c, 2:282c, 4:2930c, 4:43c, 5:9091c, 5:93c, 7:16c, 15:3941c; 13, 271, 1703, 18023

Garden of Contentment, 98:8c

Garden of Gnosis, 6:127c, 7:4647c

Garden of Ornaments, 6:127c

Garden of the Essence, 98:8c

Garden, the. See Paradise

Gardens of Eden, 9:72, 13:23, 16:31, 18:31, 19:61, 20:76, 35:33, 38:50, 40:8, 61:12, 98:8; 2:25c, 6:127c, 13:2324c, 16:31c, 18:31c, 19:61c, 38:50c, 40:8c. See also Paradise

Genesis, Book of, 2:35c, 2:37c, 2:117c, 2:158c, 3:93c, 4:1c, 5:2732c, 5:32c, 6:1c, 6:74c, 7:19c, 7:20c, 7:2122c, 7:64c, 7:65c, 7:8081c, 7:83c, 7:85c, 7:157c, 11:7c, 11:69c, 11:7173c, 11:74c, 11:7779c, 12:4c, 12:5c, 12:10c, 12:15c, 12:1617c, 12:18c, 12:2122c, 12:23c, 12:25c, 12:35c, 12:36c, 12:3738c, 12:41c, 12:42c, 12:43c, 12:45c, 12:46c, 12:4749c, 12:5455c, 12:5657c, 12:58c, 12:6061c, 12:65c, 12:66c, 12:67c, 12:69c, 12:9192c, 12:93c, 12:96c, 12:100c, 15:65c, 16:26c, 18:94c, 21:6263c, 26:17071c, 26:17273c, 29:2635c, 29:2829c, 29:3637c, 30:21c, 37:102c, 37:133c, 51:2436c, 51:26c, 51:3536c, 54:34c, 54:37c, 54:49c, 55:29c, 66:10c, 71:2627c, 95:5c; 589, 1421, 1672, 1772

Geneva Study Bible, 7:40c

ghābirīn (“those who lagged behind”), 29:32; 29:3132c

Ghadīr Khumm, 5:3c, 5:67c, 33:6c

ghaflah (“heedlessness”), 5:60c, 21:2c

gharar (“risk”), 2:27581c

ghanāʾim. See spoils of war

Gharnāī, Abū ayyān al-, 1653, 1656

Ghāshiyah, al- (“the Overwhelming Event”), 1506

Ghassān (tribe), 9:29c; 1814; MAPS 24

Ghaafān (tribe), 4:91c, 8:61c, 22:15c, 33:10c, 53:1920c; 1018; MAPS 4, 7b

ghayy (“error”), 2:256c, 19:59c

ghay (“rage”), 3:134c

Ghazzālī, Abū āmid al-, 1:1c, 2:62c, 2:255c, 5:54c, 7:4647c, 11:11c, 13:26c, 17:71c, 18:78c, 18:65c, 20:1112c, 20:13c, 24:35c, 29:45c, 40:1112c, 45:3c, 47:16c, 51:2021c, 51:51c, 56:79c, 59:21c, 59:23c, 62:8c, 78:38c; liv, 1654, 1680, 1691, 1728, 1732, 1739, 1752, 1819, 1848, 1850, 1853

ghislīn (“filth”), 69:36; 69:3637c, 88:6c

ghulf (“uncircumcised”), 2:88, 4:155; 2:88c, 2:90c, 4:155c

ghurūr (“delusion”), 3:185; 2:27581c, 3:185c, 31:33c, 57:14c

ghusl. See under ablution

Gideon, 2:249c, 3:183c

Gift (of God), 17:20, 38:39; 2:48c, 7:20c, 7:2122c, 7:43c, 17:2021c, 19:46c

Glorious House (bayt al-ʿizzah), 52:4c, 97:12c

gnosis, 2:82c, 2:189c, 6:7483c, 7:4647c, 26:7881c, 41:31c, 53:44c, 76:21c, 89:27c; 1664, 1670, 1743

goats, 6:143; 6:14344c, 16:57c, 39:6c, 68:13c

God (Allāh): etymology and meaning of Allāh, 1:1c, 1:3c, 2:163c; the Abaser (al-Mudhill), 1:3c; Abundance, 4:130; 4:130c, 4:13133c, 4:135c; Accepter of Repentance, 40:3; 40:3c, 42:25c; the All-Encompassing (al-Muī), 4:108, 85:20; 4:108c, 4:126c; the All-Encompassing (al-Wāsiʿ), 2:115, 2:247, 2:261, 2:268, 3:73, 4:130, 5:54, 24:32; 2:115c, 2:261c, 2:268c, 3:73c; the Arbiter (al-Fattā), 34:26; 34:26c; Attribute(s), 1:1c, 1:3c, 2:81c, 2:117c, 3:7c, 3:191c, 4:147c, 4:149c, 5:34c, 5:73c, 6:1213c, 6:165c, 7:2425c, 7:127c, 7:156c, 7:180c, 9:29c, 16:70c, 19:1c, 28:30c, 31:9c, 38:1c, 38:72c, 38:75c, 40:3c, 40:4142c, 41:54c, 42:2c, 42:19c, 43:63c, 47:15c, 48:1c, 48:10c, 55:2627c, 57:28c, 58:11c, 59:23c, 74:26c, 76:56c, 76:9c, 76:22c, 95:4c, 112:1c, 113:2c; xxv, xlviii, 1592, 1633, 1660, 1667, 1673, 1719, 1739, 1742, 17456, 1752, 1756; the Avenger (al-Muntaqim), 1:3c; the Aware (al-Khabīr), 6:18, 6:73, 6:103, 34:1, 67:14; 6:103c, 33:34c, 42:19c, 67:14c; 1592; Awareness, 2:234, 2:271, 3:153, 3:180, 4:35, 4:94, 4:128, 5:8, 6:18, 6:73, 6:103, 9:16, 11:1, 11:111, 17:17, 17:30, 17:96, 22:63, 24:30, 24:53, 25:58, 27:88, 31:16, 31:29, 31:34, 33:2, 33:34, 34:1, 35:14, 35:31, 42:27, 48:11, 49:13, 57:10, 58:3, 58:11, 58:13, 59:18, 63:11, 64:8, 66:3, 67:14; 4:94c, 4:135c, 5:910c, 6:103c, 14:1314c, 17:96c, 31:16c, 35:1314c, 42:27c, 67:14c, 100:1011c; 1787; the Beautiful (al-Jamāl), 1:3c; Beauty (jamāl), 2:165c, 2:245c, 7:180c, 10:56c, 10:6264c, 18:31c, 38:72c, 38:75c, 47:14c, 55:2627c, 75:2223c, 110:1c; 590, 1597, 1746, 1756; Being (wujūd), 2:255c, 5:17c, 5:54c, 5:104c, 6:75c, 6:133c, 13:16c, 14:10c, 20:4950c, 40:3637c, 41:54c, 42:11c, 43:1213c, 55:2627c, 57:4c, 112:1c, 112:2c; Benevolence, 6:37c, 6:99c, 16:12c, 17:66c, 28:22c; the Bestower (al-Wahhāb), 3:8, 38:9, 38:35; Blessing, 2:40, 2:47, 2:122, 2:150, 2:211, 2:231, 3:103, 3:171, 3:174, 5:3, 5:67, 5:11, 5:20, 5:110, 11:73, 12:6, 14:6, 14:28, 14:34, 16:81, 16:83, 16:114, 16:121, 29:67, 31:20, 31:31, 33:9, 35:3, 48:2; 2:14950c, 2:212c, 4:43c, 4:78c, 4:86c, 5:6c, 5:7c, 5:11c, 5:12c, 5:20c, 5:64c, 5:84c, 7:43c, 7:57c, 7:17576c, 10:56c, 11:7c, 11:910c, 12:6c, 14:56c, 14:78c, 14:2829c, 14:34c, 15:22c, 16:83c, 16:11213c, 16:12022c, 17:70c, 18:17c, 23:51c, 23:96c, 29:51c, 29:66c, 29:67c, 33:56c, 35:3c, 36:58c, 37:5457c, 40:9c, 40:14c, 48:23c, 50:10c, 55:11c, 56:6870c, 71:1011c, 77:3c, 93:11c; 270, 628, 1018; boons of, 7:69, 7:74; 7:69c, 7:74c; Bounty, 2:64, 3:1701, 3:174, 3:180, 4:32, 4:37, 4:54, 4:70, 4:83, 4:113, 4:173, 4:175, 5:1, 5:54, 9:28, 9:59, 9:7476, 10:58, 10:107, 11:3, 16:14, 17:65, 17:87, 24:14, 24:2021, 24:3233, 24:38, 27:40, 28:73, 29:51, 30:23, 30:4546, 35:12, 35:30, 35:35, 42:26, 45:12, 57:21, 57:29, 62:4, 62:10, 73:20; 3:74c, 4:32c, 4:3729c, 4:54c, 4:83c, 4:113c, 4:130c, 5:54c, 5:64c, 6:38c, 6:160c, 7:57c, 7:206c, 10:56c, 10:58c, 10:1067c, 11:3c, 11:910c, 11:11819c, 16:12c, 16:14c, 16:5355c, 17:8687c, 17:100c, 19:7172c, 24:10c, 24:20c, 30:23c, 30:3132c, 30:4445c, 30:46c, 35:12c, 35:35c, 40:14c, 44:57c, 45:12c, 57:29c, 62:4c, 62:10c; the Bringer of Death (al-Mumīt), 6:95c, 7:158c, 30:19c, 57:2c; 1826; the Caretaker (murabbī), 1:2c; Chastisement, 7:23c, 10:53c; 628, 641; the Cleaver (al-Fāliq), 6:9596; 6:95c, 6:9697c, 35:1c, 113:1c; the Clement (al-alīm), 2:225, 2:235, 2:263, 3:155, 4:12, 5:101, 17:44, 22:59, 33:51, 35:41, 64:17; 1:3c, 17:44c, 33:41c, 40:1c, 59:22c; Comfort, 12:87; 12:87c; Command, 2:109, 4:47, 5:52, 7:54, 7:77, 7:150, 9:24, 9:48, 9:106, 10:24, 11:40, 11:43, 11:58, 11:66, 11:73, 11:76, 11:82, 11:94, 11:101, 13:11, 14:32, 16:12, 16:12, 16:33, 17:85, 19:64, 21:27, 21:73, 22:65, 23:27, 30:25, 30:46, 32:24, 33:3738, 34:12, 36:82, 40:15, 40:78, 42:52, 45:12, 45:1718, 46:25, 49:9, 51:4, 51:44, 54:50, 57:14, 65:3, 65:5, 65:8, 65:12, 82:19; 2:7c, 2:27c, 2:210c, 4:58c, 4:6668c, 4:77c, 4:136c, 5:21c, 5:52c, 5:53c, 5:57c, 5:77c, 6:135c, 6:136c, 7:12c, 7:16c, 7:57c, 7:13839c, 7:166c, 10:24c, 11:5758c, 11:66c, 11:8283c, 11:9495c, 13:15c, 16:1c, 16:2c, 16:12c, 16:33c, 16:51c, 17:7677c, 17:85c, 18:82c, 19:64c, 30:25c, 37:2526c, 42:47c, 42:5253c, 45:17c, 89:22c; 16778, 1755, 1853; Compassion, 1:3c, 2:37c, 3:132c, 4:31c, 19:48c, 24:12c; the Compassionate (al-Ramān), 1:1, 1:3, 2:163, 13:30, 17:110, 19:18, 19:26, 19:4445, 19:58, 19:61, 19:69, 19:75, 19:78, 19:85, 19:8788, 19:9193, 19:96, 20:5, 20:90, 20:1089, 21:26, 21:36, 21:42, 21:112, 25:26, 25:5960, 25:63, 26:5, 27:30, 36:11, 36:15, 36:23, 36:52, 41:2, 43:17, 43:1920, 43:33, 43:36, 43:45, 43:81, 50:33, 55:1, 59:22, 67:1920, 67:29, 78:3738; 1:1c, 1:3c, 4:1c, 7:180c, 13:30c, 17:110c, 19:23c, 19:18c, 20:5c, 21:42c, 25:59c, 25:60c, 40:1c, 41:2c, 43:81c, 50:33c, 55:1c, 55:3c, 67:29c, 68:1c; 764, 130910, 1679; the Compeller (al-Jabbār), 59:23; 5:22c, 7:180c, 26:130c, 59:23c; Contentment (riwān), 3:15, 3:162, 3:174, 5:1, 5:16, 9:21, 9:72, 9:109, 57:27; 2:115c, 3:15c, 5:16c, 5:119c, 9:2122c, 9:72c, 10:6264c, 11:8486c, 13:2022c, 17:24c, 17:71c, 57:27c, 76:21c; the Creator (al-Khāliq), 6:1, 6:102, 13:16, 15:86, 36:81, 39:62, 40:62, 59:24; 4:40c, 4:48c, 6:1c, 6:1012c, 7:180c, 7:19192c, 8:17c, 12:105c, 13:4c, 16:17c, 16:60c, 17:44c, 19:21c, 29:6263c, 36:74c, 52:36c, 54:49c, 59:24c, 74:11c; 340, 1055, 1309, 1518, 1593, 15978, 167980, 16913, 1741, 1746, 17523; curse of, 2:89, 2:161, 3:61, 3:87, 11:18, 24:7; 2:81c, 2:161c, 3:61c, 3:8788c, 7:44c, 9:68c, 11:1819c; Decree, 41:12; 4:78c, 4:79c, 6:34c, 6:16263c, 10:3c, 10:33c, 11:3c, 11:76c, 11:11011c, 18:8081c, 19:46c, 30:56c, 32:5c, 32:13c, 32:28c, 37:2526c, 40:44c, 40:7374c, 41:31c, 42:47c, 44:35c, 50:2930c, 54:49c, 55:1920, 58:34c, 63:2c, 89:22c, 97:12c; 641, 1300; the Determiner (al-Mukim), 42:3c; Divinity (ulūhiyyah), 1:1c, 5:73c, 7:180c, 7:205c, 10:3c, 13:1213c, 13:30c, 14:10c, 20:14c, 32:1c, 43:15c, 112:1c, 112:2c; the Dominant (al-Qāhir), 6:18, 6:61; 6:18c, 6:6162c, 7:127c, 16:4950c; the Ever Relenting, 110:3; 110:3c; 1573; the Eternally Sufficient unto Himself (al-amad), 112:2; 38:1c, 112:2c; Face of, 2:115, 2:272, 6:52, 13:22, 18:28, 28:88, 30:3839, 55:27, 76:9, 92:20; 2:115c, 2:272c, 4:146c, 6:52c, 7:143c, 8:17c, 13:2022c, 18:28c, 27:8c, 28:88c, 29:7c, 30:38c, 53:11c, 55:2627c, 56:8889c, 76:9c, 83:2728c; 1069, 17424, 1746; Forgiveness, 27:46, 60:12, 73:20; 2:40c, 2:52c, 2:212c, 2:268c, 3:155c, 4:1718c, 4:31c, 4:48c, 4:97c, 4:11719c, 4:129c, 4:146c, 4:153c, 4:16769c, 5:910c, 5:11718c, 6:54c, 7:12c, 7:16c, 7:23c, 7:2425c, 7:4647c, 7:156c, 7:169c, 7:180c, 11:52c, 15:4950c, 16:110c, 17:44c, 28:17c, 29:23c, 34:4c, 39:23c, 39:53c, 40:3c, 41:2223c, 41:32c, 42:25c, 51:18c, 56:46c, 63:1011c, 73:12c, 78:40c; 1117, 1137, 1849; the Forgiver (al-Ghāfir), 40:1c; 11378, 1157; Gatherer (al-Jāmiʿ), 3:9; the Generous (al-Karīm), 27:40, 96:3; 7:180c, 15:4950c, 19:1c, 42:19c, 96:3c; the Giver of Life (al-Mu), 30:50, 41:39; 6:95c, 7:158c, 30:19c, 57:2c; Glorious (al-Majīd), 11:73, 85:15; 24:16c, 26:1c, 40:1c, 85:15c; Goodness, 16:30; 2:165c, 3:27c, 55:60c; xxv; Grace, 2:90; 2:90c, 3:13536c, 13:1213c, 19:45c, 27:61c, 29:1415c, 52:2627c, 56:27c; 1630, 1849, 1854; Grandeur, 45:37; 45:3637c; the Great (al-Kabīr), 4:34, 13:9, 22:62, 31:30, 34:23, 40:12; 2:203c, 17:111c, 19:1c; Guardian (al-Wakīl), 3:173, 4:81, 4:132, 4:171, 6:102, 11:12, 12:66, 17:65, 28:28, 33:3, 33:48, 39:62; 33:3c; Guidance, 2:38, 2:120, 3:73, 6:71, 6:88, 13:33, 20:123, 39:23, 39:36, 40:33; 3:73c, 4:16769c, 5:16c, 5:4344c, 6:7172c, 6:7678c, 6:88c, 6:115c, 39:23c, 40:5354c, 64:8c; 405, 1421, 1612, 1633, 1697, 1737, 173940, 1742, 1847; Hand(s) of, 3:26, 3:73, 5:64, 23:88, 36:71, 36:83, 38:75, 39:67, 48:10, 57:29, 67:1; 3:7c, 3:73c, 5:64c, 7:11c, 17:30c, 38:75c, 48:10c; 1393; Harm, 39:38, 39:38c; He Who Wills (al-Murīd), 54:49c; Hearer, 14:39, 17:1, 40:20, 40:56, 42:11; 7:180c; the Hearing (al-Samīʿ), 2:127, 2:137, 2:181, 2:224, 2:227, 2:244, 2:256, 3:3435, 3:121, 4:58, 4:134, 4:148, 5:76, 6:13, 6:115, 7:200, 8:17, 8:42, 8:53, 8:61, 9:98, 9:103, 10:65, 12:34, 21:4, 22:61, 22:75, 24:21, 24:60, 26:220, 29:5, 29:60, 31:28, 34:50, 41:36, 44:6, 49:1, 58:1; 4:58c, 4:148c, 7:180c, 12:24c, 27:1c, 29:60c, 34:50c, 48:10c; 1592; the Helper, 4:45, 8:40, 22:78, 25:31; 4:4445c, 33:17c, 68:1c; the Holy (al-Quddūs), 59:23; 62:1; 2:87c, 5:110c, 7:180c, 50:1c; Immanence (tashbīh), 6:99c, 74:67c, 42:11c, 50:16c; 1602, 1756; Independence, 4:13133c; Inheritor (al-Wārith), 15:23, 28:58; 4:11c, 15:23c, 19:40c, 19:7980c, 28:58c, 57:10c; Inviolability, 2:126c, 3:97c; the Inward (al-Bāin), xxxii, 1670, 1733; Judgment, 5:43, 24:2; 2:113c, 3:55c, 4:31c, 4:12324c, 5:4344c, 6:15c, 6:30c, 6:51c, 6:5758c, 7:150c, 9:118c, 10:2c, 10:20c, 11:8283c, 16:1c, 16:52c, 22:5557c, 27:71c, 27:78c, 28:70c, 34:51c, 41:14c, 42:10c, 55:37c, 69:18c; 1788; Kind (al-Laīf), 2:143, 2:207, 3:30, 9:117, 16:7, 16:47, 22:65, 24:20, 57:9, 59:10; 1:3c, 7:180c, 16:4547c, 42:19c, 67:14c; Kindness, 1:3c, 6:125c, 14:1c, 24:22c; Knower, 2:29, 2:32, 2:231, 2:282, 4:32, 4:70, 4:176, 5:97, 6:73, 6:101, 7:180, 8:75, 9:78, 9:94, 9:105, 9:115, 12:100, 13:9, 15:86, 23:92, 24:35, 24:64, 29:62, 32:6, 33:40, 33:54, 34:3, 34:26, 34:48, 39:46, 40:2, 42:12, 48:26, 49:16, 57:3, 58:7, 59:21, 62:8, 64:11, 64:18, 66:23, 72:26; 2:137c, 4:32c, 6:73c, 9:94c, 12:76c, 20:130c, 23:92c, 27:65c, 35:38c, 39:1c, 49:18c, 59:22c, 62:8c, 72:2627c, 112:1c; Knowing (al-ʿAlīm), 2:115, 2:127, 2:137, 2:158, 2:181, 2:224, 2:227, 2:244, 2:247, 2:256, 2:261, 2:268, 3:345, 3:73, 3:121, 4:1112, 4:17, 4:24, 4:26, 4:35, 4:92, 4:104, 4:111, 4:14748, 4:170, 5:54, 5:76, 6:13, 6:83, 6:96, 6:115, 6:128, 6:139, 7:200, 8:17, 8:42, 8:53, 8:71, 9:15, 9:28, 9:60, 9:97, 9:98, 9:103, 9:106, 9:110, 10:65, 12:6, 12:34, 12:83, 15:25, 16:70, 21:4, 22:52, 22:59, 24:18, 24:21, 24:32, 24:5860, 26:220, 27:6, 27:78, 29:5, 29:60, 30:54, 31:34, 33:1, 33:51, 35:44, 36:38, 41:12, 41:36, 42:50, 43:9, 43:84, 44:6, 48:4, 49:1, 49:8, 49:13, 51:30, 60:10, 76:30; 4:148c, 7:180c, 16:70c, 29:60c, 42:27c, 48:10c, 58:11c; 1592; Knowledge, 11:14; 2:28c, 2:117c, 2:143c, 3:14041c, 3:142c, 5:15c, 5:99c, 5:109c, 5:116c, 6:59c, 7:51c, 7:156c, 11:6c, 12:76c, 13:39c, 15:21c, 16:19c, 16:2223c, 16:77c, 18:109c, 19:9395c, 20:110c, 21:4c, 21:47c, 22:6769c, 22:70c, 25:2c, 27:74c, 28:76c, 30:56c, 31:27c, 37:164c, 39:63c, 41:54c, 42:2c, 50:16c, 52:37c, 57:4c, 57:6c, 67:14c; the Legislator (al-Shāriʿ), xxvi; Life, 2:255c, 5:73c; 1745; Light (al-Nūr), 9:32, 24:35, 39:69, 61:8; 5:15c, 5:16c, 6:115c, 7:143c, 7:180c, 9:3233c, 24:35c, 27:8c, 36:58c, 38:72c, 53:6c, 61:8c, 61:9c; 1740; limits set by (udūd Allāh), 2:187, 2:22930, 4:13, 9:97, 9:112, 58:4, 65:1; 2:229c, 4:1314c, 4:20c, 5:8c, 9:97c, 9:112c, 16:90c, 40:28c, 42:27c, 42:37c; Limitlessness, 2:260c; Living, the (al-ayy), 2:255, 3:2, 20:111, 25:58, 40:65; 2:255c, 7:180c, 16:21c, 25:59c, 48:10c; 127; Lord of Might (Rabb al-ʿizzah), 37:180; 37:18182c; Lord of Sirius (Rabb al-Shaʿ), 53:49; 53:49c; Lord of the worlds (Rabb al-ʿālamīn), 1:2, 2:131, 5:28, 6:45, 6:71, 6:162, 7:54, 7:61, 7:67, 7:104, 7:121, 10:10, 10:37, 26:16, 26:23, 26:47, 26:77, 26:98, 26:109, 26:127, 26:145, 26:164, 26:180, 26:192, 27:8, 27:44, 28:30, 32:2, 37:87, 37:182, 39:75, 40:6466, 41:9, 43:46, 45:36, 56:80, 59:16, 69:43, 81:29, 83:6; 1:2c, 1:5c, 2:47c, 7:104c, 7:12122c, 20:4950c, 26:77c, 27:8c, 27:44c; Lordship (rubūbiyyah), 3:18c, 4:146c, 5:8c, 5:71c, 5:120c, 7:11c, 7:28c, 7:70c, 7:101c, 7:102c, 7:172c, 7:173c, 7:174c, 10:3c, 10:32c, 13:16c, 13:2022c, 13:30c, 16:87c, 30:20c, 33:72c, 36:83c, 61:1c; 406; Love, 11:90, 85:14; 2:49c, 2:165c, 3:31c, 3:132c, 5:54c, 5:93c, 6:87c, 12:3c, 12:7c, 12:33c, 19:26c, 29:69c, 30:21c, 33:56c, 38:6970c, 38:75c, 41:39c, 43:3334c, 55:1c; xxv, 17449 passim, 1853; Magnificent, the (al-ʿAīm), 2:255, 42:44, 56:74, 56:96, 69:33, 69:52; 30:1718c, 38:72c, 56:74c, 87:1c; Majesty (jalāl), 1:3c, 2:245c, 6:91c, 7:180c, 10:56c, 10:6264c, 13:15c, 13:28c, 14:1314c, 18:31c, 38:75c, 55:24c, 55:2627c, 110:1c; 1756, 1834; the Maker (al- āniʿ), 38:1c; the Maker (al-Bāriʾ), 2:54, 59:24; 59:24c; 1692, 1752; Master (al-Mālik), 1:4; 1:3c, 1:4c, 1:5c, 40:1c, 67:1c; 1622, 1741; Master of Sovereignty (Mālik al-mulk), 3:26; 3:26c; Merciful, the (al-Raīm), 1:1, 1:3, 2:37, 2:54, 2:128, 2:143, 2:160, 2:163, 2:173, 2:182, 2:192, 2:199, 2:218, 2:226, 3:31, 3:89, 3:129, 4:16, 4:23, 4:25, 4:29, 4:64, 4:96, 4:100, 4:106, 4:110, 4:129, 4:152, 5:3, 5:34, 5:39, 5:74, 5:98, 6:54, 6:145, 6:165, 7:151, 7:153, 7:167, 8:6970, 9:5, 9:27, 9:91, 9:99, 9:102, 9:104, 9:11718, 10:107, 11:41, 11:90, 12:53, 12:64, 12:92, 12:98, 14:36, 15:49, 16:7, 16:18, 16:47, 16:110, 16:119, 17:66, 21:83, 22:65, 24:5, 24:20, 24:22, 24:33, 24:62, 25:6, 25:70, 26:8, 26:68, 26:104, 26:122, 26:140, 26:159, 26:175, 26:191, 26:217, 27:11, 28:16, 30:5, 32:6, 33:5, 33:24, 33:43, 33:50, 33:59, 33:73, 34:2, 36:5, 36:58, 39:53, 41:2, 41:32, 42:5, 44:42, 46:8, 48:14, 49:5, 49:12, 49:14, 52:28, 57:9, 57:28, 58:12, 59:10, 59:22, 60:7, 60:12, 64:14, 66:1, 67:3, 73:20; 1:1c, 1:3c, 2:22627c, 3:122c, 4:64c, 4:93c, 4:152c, 5:3c, 5:34c, 5:98c, 6:165c, 7:167c, 7:180c, 9:128c, 12:64c, 12:87c, 14:36c, 15:4950c, 15:87c, 16:18c, 16:4547c, 16:110c, 17:110c, 23:109c, 24:33c, 34:2c, 36:5c, 36:58c, 38:6566c, 40:3c, 40:4142c, 41:2c, 41:32c, 42:19c, 47:37c, 48:29c, 52:28c, 54:49c, 55:1c, 59:22c, 60:7c, 76:56c, 90:17c, 110:3c; 1592, 1604, 1679; Mercy (ramah), 2:64, 2:105, 2:218, 3:74, 3:107, 4:83, 4:113, 4:175, 6:12, 6:54, 6:133, 6:147, 7:23, 7:5657, 7:151, 7:156, 9:21, 9:99, 10:58, 10:86, 11:9, 11:28, 11:43, 11:47, 11:58, 11:63, 11:66, 11:73, 11:94, 11:119, 12:56, 15:56, 17:54, 17:57, 17:100, 18:16, 18:58, 19:2, 19:50, 19:53, 21:75, 21:86, 24:10, 24:14, 24:19, 24:21, 25:48, 27:19, 27:63, 28:73, 29:23, 30:33, 30:46, 30:50, 33:17, 39:9, 39:38, 39:53, 40:7, 42:8, 42:28, 43:32, 45:30, 48:25, 57:28, 76:31; 1:3c, 2:49c, 2:105c, 2:161c, 2:212c, 3:74c, 4:83c, 4:113c, 4:171c, 5:54c, 5:98c, 6:1213c, 6:16c, 6:17c, 6:133c, 6:147c, 6:15557c, 7:56c, 7:57c, 7:58c, 7:156c, 11:11719c, 15:4950c, 16:94c, 19:23c, 19:4950c, 21:75c, 22:19c, 30:21c, 30:50c, 40:3c, 41:2c, 42:3234c, 45:5c, 56:8889c, 97:4c; 1598, 1668, 16913, 1828, 184950, 1854; Might, 6:43, 6:14748, 7:45, 7:9798, 12:110, 21:12, 38:82, 40:29, 40:8485; 5:64c, 6:147c, 13:1213c, 21:12c, 26:1c, 37:180c, 39:23c, 50:8c; 1692; the Mighty (al-ʿAzīz), 2:129, 2:209, 2:20, 2:228, 2:240, 2:260, 3:4, 3:6, 3:18, 3:62, 3:126, 4:56, 4:158, 4:165, 5:38, 5:95, 5:118, 6:96, 8:10, 8:49, 8:63, 8:67, 9:40, 9:71, 11:66, 14:1, 14:4, 14:47, 16:60, 22:40, 22:74, 26:9, 26:68, 26:104, 26:122, 26:140, 26:159, 26:175, 26:191, 26:217, 27:9, 27:78, 29:26, 29:42, 30:5, 30:27, 31:9, 31:27, 32:6, 33:25, 34:6, 34:27, 35:2, 35:28, 36:5, 36:38, 38:9, 38:66, 39:1, 39:5, 39:37, 40:2, 40:8, 40:42, 41:12, 42:3, 42:19, 43:9, 44:42, 45:2, 45:37, 46:2, 48:7, 48:19, 54:42, 57:1, 57:21, 58:21, 59:1, 59:2324, 60:5, 61:1, 62:1, 64:18, 67:2, 85:8; 14:1c, 31:9c, 36:5c, 38:6566c, 39:3637c, 40:4142c, 41:4142c, 42:2c, 42:3c, 43:9c, 45:2c, 45:3637c, 46:2c, 59:23c, 61:1c, 62:3c; mockery by, 2:15, 9:79; 2:15c, 9:79c; Nature of, 2:210c, 5:98c, 14:47c, 15:4950c, 20:4950c, 23:30c, 27:76c, 31:12c, 35:15c, 37:180c, 44:56c, 46:33c, 50:38c, 55:2627c, 64:6c, 93:3c; 927, 1042, 1853; the Near (al-Qarīb), 2:186c; Omnipotence, 3:29c, 5:11213c, 21:87c, 25:2c, 25:1516c, 30:22c, 34:9c, 36:3334c, 37:9496c, 41:2223c, 42:29c, 45:5c, 45:24c, 51:2021c, 52:36c, 54:49c, 75:3740c, 79:32c, 80:1819c; 1042, 1070, 1084, 1101, 1172, 1206, 1225, 1264, 1273, 1330, 1445, 1496; Omnipresence, 2:115c, 7:67c; 1330; Omniscience, 3:29c, 4:58c, 7:67c, 25:2c, 31:28c, 52:36c, 58:12c, 67:14c; the One (al-Wāid), 74:30c, 112:2c; as the One Who Takes Account (al-asīb), 4:86c; Oneness, 2:116c, 4:87c, 4:135c, 5:3c, 5:74c, 5:84c, 6:1c, 6:7483c, 13:14c, 17:17c, 17:3839c, 30:30c, 33:72c, 35:42c, 42:13c, 46:9c, 75:2223c, 93:7c, 98:5c; 1630, 1691, 1695; Originator (al-Fāir), 2:117, 6:14, 12:101, 14:10, 35:1, 39:46, 42:11; 6:14c, 6:95c, 7:180c, 30:25c, 39:46c, 42:11c; 1055; Originator (al-Mubdiʾ), 1679, 1692; the Outward (al-āhir), xxxii, 1670, 1733; the Paramount (al-Qahhār), 12:39, 13:16, 14:48, 38:65, 39:4, 40:16; 6:6162c, 38:6566c, 39:4c, 50:1c, 112:1c; Pardon, 4:43, 4:99, 4:149, 22:60, 58:2; 4:149c, 7:180c, 9:119c; 1700; Perfection, 2:116c, 36:3334c, 36:37c, 59:23c; Possessed of a Painful Retribution, 41:43; 41:43c; Possessed of Bounty, 2:243, 2:251, 3:152, 10:60, 27:73, 40:3, 40:61; 27:73c, 40:3c, 40:61c; 1137; Possessed of Forgiveness, 13:6, 41:43; 41:43c; Possessed of Majesty and Bounty (Dhu’l-Jalāli wa’l-Ikrām), 55:27, 55:78; 55:2627c, 55:78c; Possessed of Mercy, 6:133, 18:58; 6:133c, 18:58c; Possessed of Tremendous Bounty, 2:105, 3:74, 3:174, 8:29, 57:21, 57:29, 62:4; Possessed of Vast Mercy, 6:147; Possessor of Strength, 51:58; Possessor of the Throne, 17:42, 40:15, 81:20, 85:15; 17:42c, 40:15c, 43:82c, 85:15c; Possessor of Vengeance, 3:4, 5:95, 14:47, 39:37; 7:180c, 39:3637c; Power, 6:37; 1:4c, 2:2c, 2:117c, 2:243c, 2:255c, 2:258c, 2:260c, 3:1089c, 3:160c, 4:153c, 5:17c, 5:22c, 5:64c, 5:11213c, 5:120c, 6:1c, 6:18c, 6:37c, 6:46c, 6:60c, 6:6162c, 6:75c, 6:99c, 6:110c, 7:54c, 7:143c, 7:156c, 7:179c, 7:185c, 10:34c, 10:67c, 11:6c, 12:31c, 12:105c, 14:1c, 15:21c, 15:29c, 16:4c, 16:8c, 16:12c, 16:38c, 16:65c, 16:70c, 16:81c, 17:12c, 17:40c, 17:4951c, 17:52c, 17:66c, 17:99c, 17:102c, 18:9c, 18:18c, 18:3941c, 18:45c, 18:48c, 18:59c, 19:235c, 19:8c, 19:21c, 19:42c, 22:61c, 24:32c, 24:39c, 25:2c, 25:50c, 27:43c, 27:44c, 27:5964c, 27:67c, 28:70c, 30:20c, 30:28c, 30:54c, 31:10c, 31:28c, 36:37c, 36:68c, 38:72c, 39:21c, 40:67c, 40:68c, 41:1516c, 41:54c, 42:2c, 43:60c, 43:87c, 44:8c, 48:67c, 48:10c, 50:8c, 52:78c, 53:27c, 53:43c, 54:49c, 55:29c, 57:4c, 71:1418c, 77:40c, 80:24c, 84:20c, 88:17c, 88:1920c, 89:22c; 1055, 1070, 11378, 1319, 1457, 1605, 1630, 1637, 1692, 1831, 1848; the Powerful (al-Qadīr), 2:20, 2:106, 2:109, 2:148, 2:284, 3:26, 3:29, 3:165, 3:189, 4:149, 5:17, 5:19, 5:40, 5:120, 6:17, 8:41, 9:39, 11:4, 16:70, 16:77, 22:6, 24:45, 25:54, 29:20, 30:50, 30:54, 33:27, 35:1, 35:44, 41:39, 42:9, 42:50, 46:33, 48:21, 57:2, 59:6, 60:7, 64:1, 65:12, 66:8, 67:1; 1:3c, 4:85c, 4:149c, 7:180c, 16:60c, 16:70c, 29:43c, 30:50c, 35:28c, 40:13c, 40:14c, 42:2c, 50:1c, 54:49c, 60:7c, 112:1c; Praise be to, 1:2, 6:1, 6:45, 7:43, 10:10, 14:39, 16:75, 17:111, 18:1, 23:28, 27:15, 27:59, 27:93, 29:63, 31:25, 34:1, 35:1, 40:65; 1:2c, 2:203c, 2:198c, 4:142c, 6:14c, 18:1c, 18:28c, 22:24c, 29:61c, 31:2526c, 34:1c, 35:1c; xxxvii, 34, 1592, 16334, 1803, 1836; the Praised (al-amīd), 2:267, 4:131, 11:73, 14:1, 14:8, 22:24, 22:64, 31:12, 31:26, 34:6, 35:15, 41:42, 42:28, 57:24, 60:6, 64:6, 85:8; 14:1c, 31:12c, 35:15c, 40:1c, 64:6c; Presence, 3:8, 3:38, 4:40, 4:67, 11:1, 17:80, 18:2, 18:10, 18:65, 19:5, 19:13, 20:99, 27:8, 27:10, 28:57; 2:2c, 3:8c, 4:76c, 4:103c, 4:158c, 5:54c, 6:7172c, 7:44c, 7:86c, 7:180c, 7:204c, 7:205c, 13:25c, 15:3940c, 16:51c, 16:67c, 18:6082c, 18:65c, 18:78c, 19:46c, 19:10c, 19:13c, 20:1112c, 20:130c, 21:40c, 26:227c, 27:1011c, 33:56c, 44:35c, 89:22c, 89:27c, 89:2930c; 1593, 1597, 1744, 1748, 1760, 1781, 18034, 1833; the Preserver (al-āfi), 15:9; 4:85c, 15:9c, 41:4142c, 85:2122c; 1626; Promise, 3:152, 4:122, 10:4, 10:55, 11:45, 13:31, 14:22, 14:47, 17:108, 18:21, 18:98, 19:61, 20:40, 20:86, 22:47, 28:13, 30:6, 30:60, 31:9, 31:33, 33:22, 35:5, 39:20, 39:74, 40:55, 45:32, 46:17, 73:18; 3:194c, 4:1718c, 4:120c, 6:34c, 6:134c, 7:44c, 7:79c, 7:137c, 7:150c, 10:55c, 10:6264c, 11:4547c, 11:11819c, 13:31c, 14:22c, 14:47c, 17:64c, 17:108c, 18:1921c, 18:98c, 19:61c, 20:86c, 28:13c, 30:6c, 30:60c, 31:9c, 35:5c, 38:6566c, 39:74c, 40:55c, 40:77c, 40:82c, 45:32c, 46:17c, 48:15c; 1770, 1777; the Protector (al-Muhaymin), 59:23; 5:48c, 59:23c; the Protector (al-Walī), 2:257, 3:68, 3:122, 4:45, 6:127, 7:155, 7:196, 12:101, 34:41, 42:9, 42:28, 45:19, 66:4; 2:137c, 2:257c, 3:68c, 3:122c, 4:4445c, 4:76c, 4:139c, 5:48c, 7:156c, 7:19496c, 11:2022c, 12:101c, 18:4244c, 29:41c, 34:41c, 42:9c, 42:3031c; the Proud (al-Mutakabbir), 59:23; 7:146c, 40:1c, 59:23c; the Pure (al-āhir), 26:1c; the Raiser of degrees (Rafīʿ al-darajāt), 40:15; 8:4c, 12:76c, 40:15c; the Real (al-aqq), 18:44, 31:30; 2:31c, 2:62c, 6:120c, 7:143c, 18:4244c, 22:56c, 31:30c, 79:25c, 89:27c; 1679, 17379, 1742, 1744; Reality, 2:189c, 2:260c, 4:171c, 5:120c, 6:30c, 7:180c, 7:185c, 13:28c, 15:23c, 17:81c, 19:43c, 20:1112c, 22:56c, 24:35c, 28:88c, 31:30c, 32:4c, 35:12c, 41:54c, 45:9c, 45:3627c, 48:10c, 50:16c, 53:4c, 69:13c, 76:9c, 92:9c; xxv, xlvi, 1598, 1737, 1739, 17412, 1746, 1768, 1770, 1848; the Reckoner (al-āsib), 4:6, 21:47, 33:39; 2:137c, 7:180c, 33:3839c; 1842; Recompense, 2:103c, 10:78c, 24:39c, 29:5c, 58:22c; the Relenting (al-Tawwāb), 2:37, 2:54, 2:128, 2:160, 4:16, 4:64, 9:104, 9:118, 24:10, 49:12; 2:37c, 4:64c, 110:3c; 1604; Resplendence, 26:1c, 42:2c; Responsive (al-Mujīb), 11:61; 11:61c; Retribution, 2:178, 13:32, 38:14, 40:5, 41:43; 1:7c, 4:76c, 13:32c, 40:3c, 40:5c; 1692; the Reviver of the dead, 30:50; 15:2425c, 30:50c; Reward, 28:80; 2:40c, 4:146c, 6:83c, 10:2c, 16:110c, 18:28c, 22:28c, 39:23c, 39:56c, 46:17c; Seeing/Seer (al-Baīr), 4:58, 4:134, 17:1, 17:17, 17:30, 17:96, 22:61, 22:75, 25:20, 31:28, 35:31, 40:20, 40:56, 42:11, 42:27, 58:1; 4:58c, 7:180c, 12:24c, 17:96c, 18:2526c, 31:28c, 48:10c, 58:12c, 7:180c, 8:17c; Self (al-hāt), 1:1c, 28:88c, 41:54c; Self-Disclosure (tajallī), 2:260c, 22:35c, 41:53c, 42:11c, 53:11c, 53:13c, 55:29c, 57:3c, 57:28c; 1742, 1748; Self-Manifestation, 6:75c, 7:143c, 41:53c, 42:11c; the Self-Subsisting (al-Qayyūm), 2:255, 3:2, 20:111; 2:255c; Self-Sufficiency, 4:13133c, 35:1617c; the Self-Sufficient (al-Ghanī), 2:263, 2:267, 4:131, 6:133, 14:8, 22:64, 27:40, 31:12, 31:26, 35:15, 57:24, 60:6, 64:6; 4:13133c, 6:133c, 6:136c, 14:78c, 22:64c, 27:40c, 31:12c, 31:2526c, 35:15c, 64:6c; Speech, 6:73c, 19:52c, 28:30c, 31:27c, 38:20c, 42:51c; 16257, 1659, 1704, 1706, 1739, 1839; Spirit (al-Rū), 15:29, 32:9, 38:72; 4:171c, 6:73c, 7:12c, 7:172c, 15:29c, 17:11c, 17:70c, 17:85c, 21:91c, 32:9c, 38:72c, 87:23c; the Strong (al-Qawī), 8:52, 11:66, 22:40, 22:74, 33:25, 40:22, 42:19, 57:25, 58:21; 1741; the Subtle (al-Laīf), 6:103, 12:100, 22:63, 31:16, 33:34, 67:14; 6:103c, 12:100c, 27:1c, 31:16c, 42:19c, 67:14c; Succor, 5:23c, 6:38c, 7:137c, 7:19496c, 29:69c; the Sustainer (al-Muqīt), 4:85; 4:85c, 29:6263c, 36:74c; 1055, 1172, 1597, 1848; the Thankful One (al-Shākir), 2:158, 4:147, 35:30, 35:34, 42:23, 64:17; 4:147c, 15:4950c, 35:30c, 76:22c; Tranquility (sakīnah), 9:26, 9:40, 48:4, 48:18, 48:26; 48:4c, 48:5c, 48:1819c, 48:26c, 57:16c; 1247; Transcendence, 2:116c, 6:3c, 6:7483c, 6:7678c, 6:99c, 13:1213c, 24:41c, 42:11c, 56:96c; xxv, xxxiii, 1602, 1756; treasuries of, 6:50, 11:31, 15:21, 17:100, 38:9, 52:37, 63:7; 6:50c, 6:59c, 11:31c, 15:21c, 17:100c, 29:50c, 35:2c, 39:63c, 39:64c, 39:66c, 40:1c, 42:12c, 52:37c; True Sovereign (al-Malik al-aqq), 20:114, 23:116; 23:116c; the Truthful (al-ādiq), 38:1c; the Unique Originator (al-Badīʿ), 6:101; 6:1012c; Voice of, 20:1216; 16:51c, 79:16c; xlvii; Watcher, 4:1, 5:117, 11:57, 33:52; 4:41c; Wealth of, 24:33; 24:33c; way of (sabīl Allāh), 7:86; 7:86c; Will, 6:41, 7:188, 22:18; 2:48c, 2:117c, 2:249c, 2:255c, 3:19c, 3:27c, 3:83c, 3:168c, 4:64c, 4:17273c, 5:48c, 5:49c, 5:111c, 5:120c, 6:35c, 6:37c, 6:39c, 6:4041c, 6:1067c, 6:148c, 6:149c, 6:16263c, 7:131c, 7:178c, 7:188c, 7:19192c, 8:17c, 10:25c, 11:6c, 12:100c, 13:31c, 13:39c, 14:46c, 15:21c, 16:35c, 16:48c, 16:4950c, 16:93c, 17:7677c, 18:2324c, 18:3941c, 18:6082c, 18:6768c, 18:6970c, 18:8081c, 18:82c, 19:235c, 19:43c, 21:27c, 23:2738c, 23:43c, 25:1516c, 28:68c, 33:5c, 35:1617c,36:23c, 37:102c, 42:10c, 43:20c, 43:60c, 54:49c, 55:39c, 59:23c, 81:2729c, 85:16c; 482, 729, 1605, 1723, 17523, 1765, 1801, 1805, 1853; Wisdom, 2:129; 33:34; 2:30c, 2:48c, 2:129c, 3:191c, 4:32c, 4:79c, 5:48c, 5:11718c, 6:5758c, 6:80c, 6:99c, 7:131c, 7:156c, 10:11c, 10:25c, 10:2627c, 10:67c, 11:11819c, 12:105c, 15:19c, 16:102c, 18:109c, 20:98c, 27:5455c, 27:88c, 30:25c, 33:34c, 36:3334c, 51:2021c, 52:78c, 54:49c, 88:17c, 89:4c; xxvi, 1172, 1598, 16301, 1692, 1703, 1712, 1755, 1761, 1763, 1781, 1839; the Wise (al-akīm), 2:32, 2:129, 2:209, 2:220, 2:228, 2:240, 2:260, 3:6, 3:18, 3:58, 3:62, 3:126, 4:11, 4:17, 4:24, 4:26, 4:56, 4:92, 4:104, 4:111, 4:130, 4:158, 4:165, 4:170, 5:38, 5:18, 6:18, 6:73, 6:83, 6:128, 6:139, 8:10, 8:49, 8:63, 8:67, 8:71, 9:15, 9:28, 9:40, 9:60, 9:71, 9:97, 9:106, 9:110, 11:1, 12:6, 12:83, 12:100, 14:4, 15:25, 16:60, 22:52, 24:10, 24:18, 24:5859, 27:6, 27:9, 29:26, 29:42, 30:27, 31:9, 31:27, 33:1, 34:1, 34:27, 35:2, 39:1, 40:8, 41:42, 42:3, 42:51, 43:84, 45:2, 45:37, 46:2, 48:4, 48:7, 48:19, 49:8, 51:30, 57:1, 59:1, 59:24, 60:5, 60:10, 61:1, 62:1, 61:3, 64:18, 66:2, 76:30; 31:9c, 40:1c, 40:2c, 42:3c, 42:19c; 1592; the Witness (al-Shahīd), 3:98, 4:33, 4:79, 4:166, 5:117, 6:19, 10:29, 10:46, 10:61, 16:91, 17:96, 21:78, 22:17, 29:52, 33:55, 34:47, 41:53, 48:28, 58:6, 85:9; 2:137c, 3:18c, 6:19c, 4:41c, 4:85c, 5:11718c, 6:19c, 16:91c, 17:96c, 29:52c, 31:30c, 39:38c, 46:8, 85:3c, 100:7c; Wrath, 5:60, 16:106, 20:81; 1:7c, 2:37c, 2:90c, 3:15c, 3:28c, 3:102c, 5:98c, 6:1213c, 7:44c, 7:56c, 7:71c, 7:156c, 7:16062c, 7:180c, 10:2627c, 10:5051c, 10:100c, 13:1213c, 15:4950c, 16:106c, 17:71c, 17:7677c, 20:86c, 24:9c, 27:8081c, 30:4849c, 35:2c, 35:9c, 40:3c, 41:1516c, 44:56c, 45:5c, 49:68c, 51:50c, 53:43c, 54:52c; 1673, 184950

God is Great. See takbīr

Goethe, xxxviii

Gog and Magog, 18:94, 21:96; 18:94c, 18:9697c, 18:98c, 18:99c, 21:96c, 21:97c; 729, 809

Goldziher, Ignaz, 1656

Goliath, 2:24951; 2:25051c, 7:12526c, 17:5c, 17:6c

Gomorrah, 29:3132c, 53:5354c, 69:910c

goodly exhortation, 16:125; 16:125c

goodly loan, 2:245, 5:12, 57:11, 57:18, 64:17, 73:20; 73:20c

Gospel, 3:3, 3:48, 3:65, 5:4647, 5:66, 5:68, 5:110, 7:157, 9:111, 48:29, 57:27; 2:41c, 2:87c, 2:113c, 2:121c, 2:137c, 2:176c, 2:253c, 3:34c, 3:19c, 3:48c, 3:64c, 3:6566c, 3:110c, 3:184c, 3:199c, 4:54c, 4:136c, 4:158c, 4:171c, 5:15c, 5:18c, 5:4344c, 5:46c, 5:47c, 5:48c, 5:66c, 5:68c, 5:72c, 5:8283c, 5:11213c, 5:11415c, 6:92c, 6:15557c, 7:40c, 7:58c, 7:157c, 7:158c, 9:29c, 9:111c, 10:37c, 10:9495c, 13:43c, 15:1c, 15:87c, 19:3031c, 20:133c, 21:7c, 21:24c, 21:105c, 27:76c, 28:48c, 34:31c, 37:16770c, 42:16c, 43:63c, 46:10c, 46:12c, 57:3c, 57:27c, 61:6c, 62:5c, 72:13c, 87:1819c; 4, 406, 1536, 1594, 1604, 1623, 1696, 1767, 1779, 17812

Götz, Manfred, 1647

grain, 6:99, 36:33, 50:9, 55:12, 78:15, 80:27; 6:99c

grapes, 6:99, 16:67, 36:34, 80:28; 6:99c

Greeks, 7:167c, 22:17c

green garments, 18:31, 22:23, 35:33, 76:21, 44:53; 18:31c

Gunābādī, Sulān ʿAlī Shāh al-, 1666


Hābīl. See Abel

abīb Allāh (“the Beloved of God”), 3:31c

abīb al-Najjār, 36:20c, 36:28c

add punishment, 2:178, 5:33, 5:38, 24:2; 2:81c, 2:106c, 2:178c, 4:15c, 4:16c, 4:19c, 5:32c, 5:33c, 5:34c, 5:3839c, 5:45c, 6:15152c, 9:12c, 24:2c, 24:3c, 24:4c, 25:68c; 271, 1702

adīd, al- (“Iron”), 1330, 1349

adīth: defined, xliii-xliv, 15945, 1609, 1715; People of, 172122, 1725, 1729; qudsī, 2:152c; 4

adīth of Gabriel, 2:177c, 4:125c, 4:136c, 5:93c, 18:30c, 55:60c

adīth of the Cloak, 33:33c

aramawt, 7:65c, 11:5051c, 27:53c, 46:21c; MAPS 13

adūr, 21:11c

afadah (“grandchildren”), 16:72; 16:72c

āfi (“memorizer of the Quran”), xxxvi, 1596

āfi, Shams al-Dīn, xxxvi, xxxviii, 1642

afah, 19:7172c, 65:1c, 66:1c, 66:3c, 66:4c; xxxiv, 16167

Hagar, 2:158c, 7:85c, 14:35c, 14:37c, 14:39c; 1594

hail, 24:43; 17:101c, 24:43c

Hājar. See Hagar

ajj (“pilgrimage”), 2:158, 2:189, 2:196200, 5:12, 5:9597, 9:3, 22:7; 2:1c, 2:124c, 2:125c, 2:128c, 2:130c, 2:135c, 2:158c, 2:196c, 2:197c, 2:198c, 2:199c, 2:200c, 2:203c, 2:217c, 2:222c, 2:25051c, 3:36c, 3:97c, 4:24c, 4:100c, 4:103c, 4:125c, 5:1c, 5:2c, 5:3c, 5:27c, 5:95c, 5:1012c, 7:31c, 9:14c, 9:3637c, 22:26c, 22:27c, 22:28c, 22:29c, 22:30c, 37:103c, 37:104c, 89:12c, 89:3c, 89:4c, 100:34c, 108:2c; 271, 830, 1496, 1503, 1548, 1716, 1813; MAP 5a

ajj, al- (“the Pilgrimage”), 830, 1822

akīm (“wise/sage”), 10:1c, 31:2c, 31:12c, 36:2c, 43:4c; 1732

alāl (“lawful”), 2:168; 2:168c, 3:7c, 6:11819c, 16:11617c, 57:11c, 89:19c; 1661, 1696

hālik (“perishing”), 28:88; 28:88c

allāj, al-, 7:16c, 79:25c; xxxviii

ām, 7:64c

ām, 5:103; 2:169c, 5:1012c, 5:103c, 6:138c

Hāmān, 28:6, 28:8, 28:38, 29:39, 40:24, 40:36; 28:6c

amīdullāh, Muammad, 1687

amdu li’Llāh, al-. See Praise be to God

ā. Mīm., 40:1, 41:1, 42:1, 43:1, 44:1, 45:1, 46:1; 40:1c, 41:1c, 42:1c, 43:1c, 44:1c, 45:1c, 46:1c

amīm. See boiling liquid

amnah bint Jash, 24:11c

amrāʾ al-Asad, 3:172c; MAP 4

amzah ibn ʿAbd al-Mualib, 6:122c, 7:4647c, 16:126c, 22:19c, 28:61c, 33:23c; 655, 1117

anafī school, 2:158c, 2:178c, 2:196c, 2:222c, 4:21c, 5:89c, 5:96c, 9:12c, 16:67c, 58:34c, 108:2c; 1642

anān (“tenderness”), 19:13; 19:13c

anbalī school, 5:6c, 5:96c, 7:12c; 1642

anīf(s), 2:140, 3:67, 3:95, 4:125, 6:79, 6:161, 16:120, 16:123; 2:133c, 2:135c, 2:140c, 2:213c, 3:19c, 3:95c, 4:125c, 5:103c, 6:79c, 6:84c, 6:137c, 6:161c, 6:16263c, 16:123c, 22:78c, 29:6970c, 30:30c, 36:6c, 98:5c; 1213, 1607, 1773, 1780, 1784, 181920

annah, 3:3536; 3:35c, 3:36c

analah tree, 14:26c

ārith ibn Kaʿb (tribe), 3:199c

aqīqah (“Truth”), 2:189c, 7:4647c, 25:53c; xxix, 1738

āqqah (“Undeniable Reality”), 69:13; 69:13c

āqqah, al- (“the Undeniable Reality”), 1408, 1838

araj (“constricted/hardship”), 6:125, 22:78; 6:125c, 22:78c

arām (“forbidden”), 2:168c, 3:7c, 16:11617c, 20:1112c, 89:19; 1661, 1696, 1707, 1710

aram (“sanctuary”), 28:57, 29:67; 2:19094c, 2:199c, 3:97c, 4:125c, 5:2c, 5:95c, 5:97c, 9:28c, 17:1c, 27:91c, 28:57c, 29:67c, 90:2c, 95:3c; 17601; MAPS 5a, 6

ārith, al-, 2:30c

ārithah (tribe), 3:122c, 33:15c

ārith ibn ʿĀmir, 90:56c

arrān, 2:62c

Hārūn. See Aaron

Hārūt, 2:102; 2:102c

asan al-Barī, 2:3839c, 2:96c, 2:234c, 3:191c, 3:192c, 7:156c, 26:59c, 26:202c, 27:1011c, 35:32c, 45:54c, 46:15c, 66:8c, 70:16c, 75:12c, 90:4c, 90:1112c; 17256

asan ibn ʿAlī, 3:61c, 17:71c, 24:35c, 33:33c; 14512

asanah (“good/good deed”), 2:201, 4:40; 2:201c, 4:40c

asb (“suffice”), 2:137; 2:137c

Hāshim (tribe), 7:4647c, 8:41c

āshiyyah (“gloss”), 1648, 1656

ashr, al- (“the Gathering”), 1330, 1349, 1592

aīr (“prison”), 17:8; 17:8c

assān ibn Thābit, 24:11c, 26:277c

assān, Tammām, 1638

āib ibn Abī Baltaʿah, 60:1c

Hausa, 163940

hawā. See caprices

awāmīm, 40:1c, 41:1c, 42:1c, 43:1c, 44:1c, 45:1c, 46:1c; 1137

awāriyyūn. See apostles, the

awāshī. See āshiyyah

Hawāzin (tribe), 9:25c, 9:2627c, 48:16c; MAPS 4, 8b

awwāʾ. See Eve

ayy ibn Kinānah, 9:14c

heart (qalb), 2:7c, 28:10c, 57:16c; 1670

Heart of the Quran, 1069

heaven(s): levels of, 2:29, 41:12, 67:3, 71:15; 1:2c, 2:29c, 2:185c; 1607, as sky (samāwāt), 2:19c; 1670

Hebrew, 1:7c, 2:1c, 2:104c, 3:26c, 3:45c, 4:46c, 4:171c, 5:13c, 5:18c, 5:66c, 7:136c, 18:94c, 27:9c, 46:12c; xxx-xxxii, 1536, 1721, 1782

Hebrews, Book of, 57:16c

Heliopolis, 28:15c; MAP 1

Hell: descriptions of, 2:24, 3:10, 3:151, 4:56, 6:70, 9:81, 10:4, 11:106, 11:119, 14:16, 15:44, 16:29, 17:8, 18:29, 20:74, 21:98, 37:6168, 38:5561, 39:72, 40:72, 44:4350, 50:30, 54:58, 56:4244, 56:54, 56:93, 66:6, 69:3637, 73:13, 74:2931, 77:3033, 78:25, 83:89, 88:67, 88:54; 2:3c, 2:25c, 2:79c, 2:80c, 2:137c, 4:10c, 4:56c, 4:121c, 5:64c, 6:70c, 7:4647c, 7:50c, 9:63c, 11:1068c, 14:1617c, 15:4344c, 17:8c, 17:60c, 18:29c, 18:102c, 20:747c, 25:11c, 25:68c, 37:6263c, 37:64c, 37:6567c, 38:5558c, 39:7172c, 40:1112c, 43:77c, 44:4344c, 44:47c, 47:15c, 50:1c, 50:2930c, 54:58c, 55:44c, 56:4344c, 56:7173c, 57:28c, 67:78c, 69:3637c, 70:15c, 70:16c, 73:13c, 74:17c, 74:2628c, 74:29c, 74:30c, 74:31c, 76:13c, 77:3234c, 78:23c, 78:2425c, 83:78c, 88:1c, 88:67c, 89:2324c, 90:20c, 93:12c, 104:1c, 104:46c, 113:1c; xxviii, 1632, 1739, 184350; as an evil resting place, 2:206, 3:12, 3:197, 13:18, 18:29, 38:56; as refuge, 3:162, 3:197, 4:97, 4:121, 9:73, 9:95, 13:18, 66:9; 4:97c, 4:121c, 34:31c; limited sojourn in, 2:80, 3:24, 6:128, 11:107, 78:23; 2:80c, 2:255c, 4:40c, 11:1068c, 57:13c, 78:23c; 184950

Helpers, the, 9:117; 2:189c, 2:223c, 3:28c, 4:33c, 5:7c, 5:54c, 5:95c, 6:89c, 8:63c, 8:72c, 8:74c, 8:75c, 9:2627c, 33:6c, 42:38c, 49:9c, 58:11c, 59:6c, 59:9c, 59:10c, 62:9c, 63:7c; 1172, 1350

Heraclius, 3:133c, 9:29c, 9:107c, 30:25c

Hereafter, the (ākhirah): defined, 2:25c, 2:82c; xxviii, 1693, 181955 passim

herem ban, 8:6769c

Hermes, 21:85c. See also Idrīs

Herod, 17:7c, 19:7c

Hezbollah, 5:56c

Hidden Imam, 8:41c. See also Mahdī

hidden veil, 17:45; 17:45c, 17:46c

Highest Assembly, 37:8, 38:69; 37:610c, 38:6970c

ijāb (“veil”), 19:17, 33:53; 19:17c, 24:31c, 33:53c

ijāz, the, 7:73c, 11:61c, 15:80c, 36:80c; 1814

ijr, al- (ijr), 7:73c; 641

ijr, al-, 15:80; 7:73c, 15:80c; 641; MAP 1

hijrah. See emigration

hilāl (“new moon”), 2:189; 2:189c

ilf (“alliance”), 9:8c

ilm. See love

himmah (“will”), 2:60c

imyārites, 44:37c; MAPS 12

Hind, 16:126c

Hindu(s), 2:112c, 2:221c, 5:106c; xxixxxx, xxxviii, xlvii, 1797, 1810

inn, al-, 2:30c

inah (“wheat”), 2:59c, 7:16062c

irāʾ, Mount, 53:13c, 94:1c, 1299, 1438, 1535, 1607, 1821; MAP 5a

irābah (“brigandry”), 5:33c, 5:3839c

isāb (“reckoning”), 3:19, 21:1, 23:117; 3:19c, 21:1c, 23:117c

history (sacred), 2:102c, 2:248c, 2:249c, 7:157c, 7:172c, 11:120c, 13:36c, 17:17c, 19:235c, 28:30c; xxvii, xliii, xlv-xlvi, 12, 126, 405, 565, 1421, 1630, 1704, 1735, 176584 passim

iah (“remove the burden!”), 2:58, 7:161; 2:58c, 2:59c, 7:16062c

izb Allāh. See party of God

Holy Land, the, 5:21; 2:58c, 5:21c, 7:105c, 19:48c

Holy Spirit, the, 2:87, 2:253, 5:110, 16:102; 2:87c, 2:253c, 4:86c, 4:17273c, 5:73c, 5:110c, 5:116c, 16:102c, 19:17c, 42:5253c, 61:6c; 1673, 1777. See also Gabriel

homosexuality, 4:16c, 7:8081c, 54:37c. See also sodomy

honey, 47:15; 2:57c, 7:50c, 15:4546c, 16:65c, 16:6869c, 16:78c, 37:6567c, 47:15c, 108:1c; 655, 1852

hoopoe, 27:20; 27:20c, 27:21c, 27:2728c, 27:38c

hope (rajāʾ), 2:218, 4:104, 7:46, 7:56, 13:12, 17:57, 29:36, 30:24, 33:21; 2:2c, 2:21c, 2:46c, 2:218c, 2:245c, 4:1718c, 4:48c, 4:76c, 4:104c, 5:98c, 6:52c, 6:54c, 6:165c, 7:23c, 7:4647c, 7:56c, 7:57c, 9:82c, 10:78c, 11:3c, 11:910c, 13:1213c, 15:4950c, 17:1314c, 17:57c, 18:10c, 25:53c, 26:82c, 26:217c, 28:14c, 28:67c, 29:5c, 30:24c, 32:16c, 39:23c, 40:3c, 41:4950c, 51:50c, 60:6c, 66:8c; 1847

Horeb, 2:60c, 20:10c, 20:8081c; 1668

Hosea, Book of, 62:5c

Hour, the: descriptions of, 22:1, 30:12, 30:14, 30:55, 41:47, 54:56; 25:11c, 56:3c; foreknowledge of, 7:187, 16:77, 20:15, 31:34, 33:63, 43:85, 67:25, 79:4244; 6:50c, 6:59c, 7:187c, 10:48c, 16:77c, 20:15c, 20:16c, 21:40c, 31:34c, 33:63c, 36:48c, 41:47c, 53:58c, 79:43c, 79:44c, 79:45c; imminence and promise of, 15:85, 16:77, 18:36, 20:15, 22:7, 34:3, 40:59, 41:50, 42:1718, 45:32, 53:57, 54:1, 70:67; 15:8586c, 16:1c, 16:77c, 18:36c, 34:3c, 40:59c, 41:4950c, 45:32c, 53:57c, 54:1c, 70:6c; signs of, 43:61, 44:10, 54:1, 82:12, 99:1; 54:1c, 17:8687c, 18:94c, 18:98c, 43:61c, 44:1011c, 82:12c, 82:34c, 99:1c; 1479, 182931; sudden coming of, 6:31, 6:40, 12:107, 21:40, 22:55, 26:202, 43:66, 47:18; 6:31c, 7:187c, 7:188c, 26:202c, 36:50c

houris. See ūrʿīn

House of God. See Kaʿbah

House of Might (bayt al-ʿizzah), 52:4c, 97:12c

ubuk (“paths”), 51:7; 51:7c

ubb. See love

Hūd, 7:6572, 11:5060, 11:89, 26:12339, 41:1516, 46:2125, 54:1821; 1:6c, 5:11718c, 6:19c, 6:7678c, 6:90c, 7:59c, 7:6062c, 7:63c, 7:65c, 7:6668c, 7:69c, 7:71c, 7:72c, 7:73c, 7:74c, 9:70c, 10:13c, 10:74c, 11:29c, 11:5051c, 11:52c, 11:5354c, 11:5556c, 11:5758c, 11:5960c, 11:61c, 11:66c, 11:8990c, 14:9c, 19:41c, 22:4245c, 26:137c, 29:2829c, 43:2627c, 46:21c, 54:18c; 565, 906, 967, 1225; MAP 1

Hūd (“Hūd”), 565

udaybiyah, 2:114c, 2:19094c, 2:196c, 5:7c, 5:24c, 8:3334c, 8:61c, 8:74c, 9:14c, 9:5c, 9:7c, 9:13c, 9:1415c, 9:25c, 9:100c, 13:30c, 16:91c, 19:7172c, 25:60c, 47:35c, 48:1c, 48:15c, 48:1819c, 48:20c, 48:21c, 48:24c, 48:25c, 48:26c, 48:27c, 48:29c, 60:10c, 110:1c; 124647, 1573; MAPS 3, 5a

Hudāyī, Mamūd ibn Fal Allāh al-, 1666

udhayfah ibn al-Yamān, 1616

hudhud. See hoopoe

hudnah (“armistice”), 8:61c

udūd. See add punishment

uffā. See āfi

ujjah (“argument/proof”), 6:149; 6:149c, 69:29c

ujjat Allāh (“proof of God”), 6:149c, 7:181c

ujurāt, al- (“the Private Apartments”), 1257

ukm (“judgment/legal ruling”), 3:79, 6:89, 12:22, 19:12, 21:74, 26:21, 26:83, 28:14, 28:70, 45:16; 2:106c, 2:109c, 3:79c, 9:29c, 21:74c, 24:2c, 26:21c, 26:83c, 28:14c, 28:70c, 97:12c; 17078

Humazah, al- (“the Slanderer”), 1559

humility,16:48, 17:24, 17:109, 26:4, 27:87; 1:5c, 2:116c, 2:238c, 2:273c, 3:7c, 3:194c, 5:54c, 5:55c, 5:8283c, 5:11718c, 6:4244c, 6:165c, 7:12c, 7:13c, 7:23c, 7:2425c, 7:55c, 7:9495c, 8:2c, 9:124c, 12:33c, 12:53c, 14:2425c, 15:3233c, 17:24c, 17:107c, 17:109c, 18:66c, 19:58c, 23:2c, 23:9c, 23:76c, 26:4c, 26:215c, 28:14c, 35:10c, 35:15c, 48:29c, 49:68c, 49:14c, 49:16c, 57:16c, 57:17c, 59:21c, 61:23c, 62:9c, 66:5c, 84:21c, 88:2c, 102:2c, 107:45c; 1666, 1668, 1790, 1811

ums, 2:189c, 2:199c

unayn, Battle of, 9:25; 4:24c, 9:14c, 9:2324c, 9:25c, 9:29c, 9:60c; 1573; MAPS 4, 8b

hunting. See game

ūrʿīn (“wide-eyed maidens”), 44:54, 52:20, 56:22; 44:54c, 52:20c, 56:2224c, 56:34c, 56:3840c; 1853

usayn ibn ʿAlī, al-, 3:61c, 17:71c, 19:7c, 24:35c, 33:33c; 14512

usn (“beauty/goodness”), 29:69c

usn al-khuluq (“good character”), 7:89c, 101:69c

usn al-ann (“thinking well”), 21:87c, 24:12c

huwa (“He”), 59:2224c, 112:1c

uwaysh, Mullā, 1666

uyayy ibn Akhtab, 4:5152c

hypocrite(s): defined, 29:1011, 57:1315; 1:7c, 2:96c, 2:112c, 3:7c, 3:1067c, 4:91c, 4:136c, 4:137c, 4:140c, 4:143c, 4:145c, 4:146c, 4:147c, 4:148c, 9:54c, 9:58c, 9:74c, 9:77c, 12:1617c, 22:11c, 24:49c, 29:10c, 29:11c, 31:7c, 40:32c, 47:12c, 47:30c, 50:37c, 57:13c, 57:14c, 57:15c, 57:16c, 58:19c, 63:2c, 70:3233c, 73:34c, 81:7c, 107:45c, 107:6c, 107:7c; 1829, 1840, 1845; of Madinah, 3:167, 4:6168, 4:8889, 4:13845, 8:49, 9:6469, 9:7378, 9:9397, 9:101, 33:1, 33:1220, 33:24, 33:48, 33:6061, 63:18, 66:9; 2:8c, 2:14c, 2:17c, 2:26c, 2:62c, 2:76c, 2:142c, 2:143c, 2:205c, 2:212c, 2:214c, 2:217c, 3:28c, 3:121c, 3:144c, 3:145c, 3:149c, 3:154c, 3:156c, 3:167c, 3:168c, 3:173c, 3:175c, 3:176c, 3:179c, 3:188c, 3:19697c, 3:199c, 4:3739c, 4:6061c, 4:6263c, 4:6668c, 4:7273c, 4:74c, 4:77c, 4:78c, 4:81c, 4:83c, 4:85c, 4:8890c, 4:91c, 4:1057c, 4:114c, 4:126c, 4:134c, 4:138c, 4:139c, 4:140c, 4:141c, 4:142c, 5:41c, 5:42c, 5:52c, 5:53c, 5:54c, 5:57c, 5:8081c, 6:2728c, 6:109c, 6:11718c, 7:131c, 8:21c, 8:37c, 8:49c, 8:60c, 9:42c, 9:4445c, 9:46c, 9:47c, 9:49c, 9:52c, 9:54c, 9:55c, 9:56c, 9:57c, 9:61c, 9:64c, 9:65c, 9:67c, 9:73c, 9:74c, 9:7576c, 9:78c, 9:83c, 9:84c, 9:90c, 9:94c, 9:97c, 9:101c, 9:119c, 9:122c, 9:124c, 9:125c, 9:127c, 24:11c, 24:33c, 24:47c, 24:48c, 24:63c, 33:10c, 33:11c, 33:12c, 33:13c, 33:14c, 33:15c, 33:16c, 33:1819c, 33:20c, 33:22c, 33:23c, 33:48c, 33:6061c, 33:62c, 45:14c, 47:16c, 47:2021c, 47:22c, 47:25c, 47:29c, 47:30c, 47:31c, 48:1819c, 49:9c, 49:14c, 57:24c, 58:8c, 58:11c, 58:1418c, 58:16c, 58:18c, 59:1112c, 59:14c, 59:1617c, 60:13c, 61:23c, 61:1c, 63:3c, 63:4c, 63:56c, 63:7c, 70:3638c; 188, 503, 1341, 134950, 1374, 1548, 1696


Iamblichus. See Tamlīkhā

Iblīs, 2:34, 7:11, 15:3132, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116, 26:95, 34:2021, 38:7475; 2:30c, 2:35c, 2:36c, 2:109c, 6:4244c, 7:11c, 7:12c, 7:13c, 7:1415c, 7:16c, 7:17c, 7:18c, 7:19c, 7:20c, 7:2122c, 7:23c, 7:2425c, 7:146c, 7:156c, 15:28c, 15:29c, 15:3031c, 15:3233c, 15:3435c, 15:3638c, 15:3940c, 15:4344c, 16:61c, 17:61c, 17:63c, 17:64c, 18:50c, 19:8384c, 21:29c, 24:25c, 25:2729c, 26:94c, 26:95c, 26:99c, 34:20c, 38:7374c, 38:75c, 38:76c, 38:7983c; 641, 1042, 1101, 1631. See also Satan

Ibn ʿAbbās, 1:1c, 2:1112c, 2:19c, 2:30c, 2:31c, 2:62c, 2:78c, 2:19094c, 2:217c, 2:228c, 2:255c, 2:260c, 2:266c, 2:271c, 2:27879c, 3:7576c, 4:24c, 4:2628c, 4:31c, 4:34c, 4:48c, 4:75c, 4:86c, 4:95c, 4:9899c, 4:11719c, 4:176c, 5:6c, 5:18c, 5:4344c, 5:49c, 5:55c, 5:63c, 5:96c, 7:4647c, 9:14c, 9:90c, 12:42c, 14:44c, 16:21c, 16:52c, 16:6869c, 17:110c, 19:59c, 20:2223c, 24:32c, 24:35c, 24:58c, 24:61c, 25:1314c, 27:8c, 29:10c, 33:41c, 35:10c, 36:38c, 36:45c, 36:58c, 36:80c, 38:12c, 39:3031c, 42:23c, 44:35c, 47:16c, 50:40c, 51:50c, 51:56c, 52:21c, 52:49c, 57:16c, 62:10c, 63:1011c, 65:12c, 67:13c, 71:22c, 74:1125c, 75:1618c, 83:15c, 83:2728c, 84:6c, 84:19c, 93:58c, 96:1718c, 108:1c, 108:3c; 503, 1069, 1309, 1378, 1400, 1457, 1529, 1545, 1573, 1607, 1609, 1611, 1663, 1719, 18501

Ibn ʿAbd al-Yālīl al-Thaqafī, 43:31c

Ibn Abī Kathīr. See Yayā ibn Abī Kathīr

Ibn ʿĀdil al-Dimashqī, 1653

Ibn ʿAjībah, 2:1c, 2:60c, 2:6771c, 2:189c, 3:27c, 4:34c, 4:75c, 4:76c, 4:91c, 4:103c, 5:35c, 5:100c, 6:127c, 7:4647c, 7:204c, 7:205c, 9:84c, 9:111c, 11:11819c, 13:7c, 14:3c, 16:5859c, 16:66c, 16:86c, 16:98c, 18:110c, 19:4950c, 19:5657c, 20:1112c, 24:35c, 25:51c, 26:6970c, 27:44c, 28:68c, 33:41c, 35:12c, 35:27c, 40:60c, 42:23c, 48:26c, 54:49c, 56:3c, 56:1114c, 57:9c, 57:20c, 58:11c; lvii, 1257, 1319, 1462, 1479, 1666

Ibn al-Fāri, 16:67c, 56:1819c; xxxviii

Ibn al-Jawzī, 2:106c, 13:31c; lvii

Ibn al-Manūr, 1729

Ibn al-Nadīm, 1726

Ibn al-Raʿlā, 1824

Ibn al-āʾūs, 1726

Ibn ʿArabī, 2:28c, 2:31c, 2:48c, 2:117c, 3:7c, 4:125c, 7:156c, 7:157c, 8:17c, 15:21c, 18:6082c, 20:1112c, 20:110c, 20:114c, 24:35c, 27:3233c, 27:43c, 27:44c, 30:22c, 37:164c, 38:26c, 39:9c, 41:53c, 41:54c, 42:11c, 50:22c, 54:49c, 55:29c, 78:10c, 102:5c; xxix, xxxviii, 1672, 1676, 1733, 17401, 1743, 1746, 1753, 1841, 1850, 18534

Ibn ʿĀshūr. See Muammad al-āhir ibn ʿĀshūr

Ibn ʿAāʾ Allāh, 7:2425c, 10:65c

Ibn ʿAiyyah, lviii, 1330, 1656

Ibn ajar al-ʿAsqalānī, 1563, 1594, 1615, 16178

Ibn anbal. See Amad ibn anbal

Ibn azm, 2:75c; 763, 1716

Ibn Hishām, 16:66c, 58:22c; 788

Ibn Isāq, 7:85c, 105:12c

Ibn Jinnī, 1642

Ibn Jurayj, 107:12c

Ibn Juzayy, 13:3c, 20:2528c; lviii, 1837

Ibn Kathīr, 2:79c, 2:102c, 2:106c, 2:112c, 2:168c, 3:61c, 3:85c, 3:110c, 4:24c, 4:46c, 4:77c, 4:82c, 4:158c, 5:49c, 7:6668c, 7:203c, 9:14c, 12:69c, 16:43c, 16:65c, 16:11617c, 17:107c, 18:3941c, 18:8081c, 18:95c, 20:97c, 22:52c, 22:78c, 24:19c, 24:33c, 24:35c, 24:62c, 25:62c, 25:63c, 26:2224c, 26:128c, 26:21012c, 26:227c, 27:44c, 28:88c, 31:2c, 33:24c, 35:2021c, 36:2c, 36:48c, 37:5457c, 37:102c, 38:2124c, 40:29c, 43:3637c, 51:56c, 52:4c; lviii, 1438, 1563, 1568, 1653, 1658, 1830

Ibn Khallakān, 1728

Ibn Khaal, 3:97c

Ibn Mardawayh, 1653

Ibn Masʿūd, 3:64c, 3:152c, 3:154c, 4:40c, 8:44c, 9:104c, 11:11c, 17:8687c, 27:40c, 29:45c, 36:38c, 40:39c, 42:25c, 43:31c, 47:16c, 47:24c, 48:1c, 53:32c, 57:16c, 83:15c; xxxiv, 1573, 1581, 1610, 1681

Ibn Muʿādh. See Saʿd ibn Muʿādh

Ibn Mujāhid. See Abū Bakr ibn Mujāhid

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, 10:52c, 75:12c; 1850

Ibn Shahrāshūb, 1726, 1731

Ibn Shihāb al-Zuhrī, 5:1c

Ibn Sīnā, 6:59c, 6:133c, 19:9395c; xxxviii, 1642, 1654, 1676, 1732

Ibn ūriyā, 5:41c, 5:49c

Ibn Taymiyyah, 11:1068c; 1648, 1653, 1699, 1729, 1734, 1850

Ibn ʿUmar. See ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿUmar

Ibn Umm Maktūm. See ʿAbd Allāh ibn Umm Maktūm

Ibrāhīm. See Abraham

Ibrāhīm (“Abraham”), 628, 1421

Ibrāhīm (son of Muhammad), 108:3c

ʿĪd al-aā (“Feast of Sacrifice”), 2:200c, 2:203c, 5:27c, 7:142c, 89:12c, 89:3c, 108:2c; 1264, 1299, 1503

ʿĪd al-fir (“Feast of Breaking Fast”), 5:11213c; 1264, 1299, 1503

ʿĪd al-mabʿath, 2:56c

idle discourse, 31:6; 31:6c, 31:7c; 999

idolaters (mushrikūn): defined, 4:47c, 4:48c, 4:171c, 40:28c

idolatry. See shirk

Idrīs, 19:5657, 21:85; 5:75c, 6:85c, 7:59c, 19:41c, 19:5657c, 19:58c, 21:85c, 33:33c, 37:123c, 38:48c, 87:1819c; 764, 809

ʿifrīt, 27:39; 27:39c, 27:40c

irām, (“pilgrim sanctity”), 2:189c, 2:19094c, 2:196c, 2:197c, 2:199c, 5:1c, 5:94c, 5:95c, 5:96c, 7:31c, 16:14c, 22:29c; MAP 5a

iāʾ, xxxiv

isān (“virtue/beauty”), 4:36c, 4:40c, 4:125c, 5:93c, 16:90c, 18:30c, 29:69c, 31:22c, 32:7c, 46:15c, 52:28c, 55:60c; 17478

iʿjāz (“inimitability”), 2:23c; 1627, 1687, 1697, 1728

ijmāʿ (“consensus”), 2:106c, 2:216c, 4:115c; 1717

ijtihād (“independent judgment”), 4:1057c, 21:79c; 1700, 1705

ikhlā (“devotion”), 3:103c, 39:3c

Ikhlā, al- (“Sincerity”), 1289, 1571, 15778, 1732

Ikhwān al-afāʾ, 1673, 1732, 1752

ʿIkrimah, 26:99c

ilhām (“inspiration”), 12:15c, 18:8586c, 28:7c

ʿilm al-ladunī, al- (“God-given knowledge”), 3:8c, 18:65c

ʿilm al-mukāshafah (“unveiling”), 18:65c

ill. See kinship

ʿIlliyyūn, 83:1819; 79:25c, 83:1819c, 83:20c, 100:15c

Illumination, School of, 24:35c, 590, 16767, 17323

iltifāt (“grammatical shift”), 16:51c; 16023, 1631, 16334

Ilyās. See Elias

imām (“leader”), 2:124, 17:71, 21:73, 25:74, 28:5, 28:41; 2:124c, 2:135c, 3:37c, 4:54c, 5:32c, 5:33c, 5:42c, 6:149c, 7:204c, 16:12022c, 17:71c, 17:110c, 21:73c, 25:74c, 28:5c, 28:41c, 36:12c, 61:8c; 1610, 1761

Imam(s), 1:7c, 2:255c, 3:28c, 3:103c, 4:54c, 4:58c, 4:59c, 4:6970c, 4:83c, 4:115c, 4:140c, 5:3c, 6:149c, 7:4647c, 7:53c, 7:172c, 8:41c, 13:43c, 14:1c, 16:43c, 17:71c, 24:35c, 31:22c, 33:6c, 35:32c, 36:12c, 41:33c, 42:5253c, 61:8c, 64:8c, 74:4344c, 74:48c, 78:40c; 1650, 1654, 1664, 1772

īmān (“faith/belief”), 2:82c, 2:93c, 2:257c, 3:85c, 3:90c, 3:110c, 3:167c, 4:125c, 4:136c, 5:93c, 8:2c, 9:124c, 16:5355c, 18:30c, 22:54c, 30:30c, 58:11c, 61:1011c

immutable essences (al-aʿyān al- thābitah), 1:3c, 2:117c

ʿImrān, 3:33, 3:35, 66:12; 3:3334c, 3:35c, 19:28c, 66:12c; 126

ināth, (“females”), 4:11719c

India, 2:221c, 5:106c, 21:85c, 22:17c, 106:12c; xxix, 1595, 1613, 163940, 1682; MAP 1

Indonesian, 163940

Infancy Gospel of Thomas, 5:110c

infanticide, 6:137, 6:140, 6:151, 17:31; 6:137c, 6:140c, 16:5859c, 17:3133c; 1792

infāq (“expend”), 2:3c

Infiār, al- (“the Cleaving Asunder”), 1484, 1492

inhabitants of the pit, 85:4; 85:49c, 85:4c, 85:10c; 1496

inheritance (mīrāth), 2:180, 2:240, 4:79, 4:1112, 4:19, 4:33, 4:176, 5:1068, 89:19; 2:178c, 2:180c, 2:182c, 2:220c, 2:240c, 4:2c, 4:5c, 4:7c, 4:8c, 4:9c, 4:11c, 4:12c, 4:19c, 4:24c, 4:32c, 4:33c, 4:34c, 4:127c, 4:176c, 5:51c, 5:106c, 5:107c, 5:108c, 8:72c, 8:73c, 8:75c, 17:34c, 33:5c, 33:6c, 65:89c, 89:1720c, 89:19c, 107:12c; 13, 188, 1695, 1701, 1707, 1791, 17971801

Injīl. See Gospel

insān (“mankind”), 23:12, 50:16, 70:19, 76:12; 23:12c, 36:1c, 50:16c, 70:1921c, 76:1c; xxxiixxxiii. See also nās

Insān, al- (“Man”), 1009, 14512. See also nās

insān al-kāmil, al-. See Perfect Man

Inscription, the (al-raqīm), 18:9; 18:9c

in shāʾ Allāh (“if God wills”), xxxvii

Inshiqāq, al- (“the Sundering”), 1492

intercalation, 9:3637c. See also nasīʾ

intercession (shafāʿah), 2:48, 2:123, 2:2545, 4:85, 6:51, 10:3, 10:18, 19:87, 20:109, 21:28, 26:100, 30:13, 34:23, 36:23, 39:44, 43:86, 53:26, 74:48; 2:48c, 2:80c, 2:255c, 3:22c, 4:41c, 4:4950c, 4:64c, 4:85c, 5:11718c, 6:51c, 6:94c, 7:4647c, 7:53c, 10:2c, 10:3c, 10:18c, 16:83c, 16:111c, 17:64c, 17:79c, 19:87c, 21:28c, 21:107c, 22:52c, 28:68c, 31:30c, 34:23c, 36:23c, 39:4344c, 40:4748c, 40:4950c, 43:86c, 53:1920c, 53:26c, 57:13c, 74:48c; 544, 1289, 1828, 1834, 1840, 1844, 1846, 1849

interest. See ribā

In the Name of God. See basmalah

Iqbāl, Muammad, 1687

iʿrāb (“declension marks”), 1621

ʾIram, 89:7; 89:78c; MAP 1

ʿIrāqī, ʿAbd al-Karīm al-, 1728

ʿIrāqī, Fakhr al-Dīn. See under Fakhr al-Dīn ʿIrāqī

ʿĪsā. See Jesus

Isaac, 2:133, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 11:71, 12:6, 12:38, 14:39, 15:53, 19:49, 21:72, 29:27, 37:11213, 38:45, 51:28; 2:27c, 2:133c, 5:64c, 6:84c, 11:7173c, 12:4c, 12:6c, 12:15c, 14:39c, 15:5354c, 16:12022c, 17:71c, 19:48c, 19:4950c, 19:53c, 19:5455c, 19:58c, 21:72c, 28:5c, 29:27c, 36:6c, 37:101c, 37:102c, 37:112c, 38:2124c, 51:2728c; 764, 1594, 17734, 1777

Isaiah, 57:16c

Isaiah, Book of, 33:43c, 57:16c, 62:5c, 96:45c; 1777

Ifahānī, Abū Muslim al-, 2:106c, 8:6466c, 21:3031c, 24:61c; 1727

Ifahānī, al-Rāghib al-, 16:44c; lviii, 1822, 1825, 182930

Ifahānī, Muammad ibn ʿAlī ibn Mihrzād al-, 1727

ʿishāʾ prayer, 2:187c, 2:198c, 4:43c, 11:11415c, 17:78c, 20:130c, 23:6667c, 30:1718c, 32:16c, 40:55c, 51:17c, 52:49c

Ishmael, 2:125, 2:127, 2:133, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:86, 14:39, 19:54, 21:85, 38:48; 2:27c, 2:43c, 2:125c, 2:127c, 2:158c, 3:19c, 3:43c, 3:96c, 4:54c, 5:21c, 6:74c, 6:84c, 6:86c, 6:137c, 7:157c, 14:35c, 14:37c, 14:39c, 16:12022c, 19:4950c, 19:5455c, 19:5657c, 21:71c, 22:78c, 29:27c, 36:6c, 37:101c, 37:102c, 37:112c, 37:113c, 38:48c, 41:67c, 46:35c, 51:2728c, 90:3c; 764, 809, 1594, 1757, 17734

ʿishq. See love

Iskandarānī, Muammad ibn Amad al-, 16823

i (“making amends”), 2:220; 2:1112c, 2:220c, 30:41c, 38:28c

Iī, Amīn Asan, 1691

islām (“submission”), 3:19; 2:128c, 2:13132c, 2:208c, 2:213c, 3:19c, 3:52c, 3:83c, 3:85c, 4:125c, 5:3c, 5:4344c, 5:93c, 6:7172c, 8:38c, 16:12022c, 18:30c, 18:8586c, 28:5253c, 31:22c, 43:6869c, 49:14c; xxix, 1605, 1773, 1784

Islam: defined, 3:19, 5:3; 2:13132; 2:135c, 3:19c, 5:3c; 176584 passim, 1813

Islamic Law. See Sharīʿah

ʿimah (“spiritual infallibility”), 4:59c, 4:1057c, 4:113c, 4:115c, 7:151c, 26:20c, 33:33c, 48:23c

Ismāʿīl. See Ishmael

Ismāʿīl Haqqī. See Burūsawī, Ismāʿīl aqqī al-

Ismāʿīlī(s), 1664, 1677, 1732

Israel, Northern Kingdom of, 17:4c

Israelites, 2:40, 2:47, 2:83, 2:122, 2:211, 2:246, 3:49, 3:93, 5:12, 5:32, 5:70, 5:72, 5:78, 5:110, 7:105, 7:134, 7:13738, 10:90, 10:93, 17:2, 17:4, 17:101, 17:104, 20:47, 20:80, 20:94, 26:17, 26:22, 26:59, 26:197, 27:76, 32:23c, 40:53, 43:59, 44:30, 45:16, 46:10, 61:6, 61:14; 1:7c, 2:40c, 2:49c, 2:50c, 2:51c, 2:54c, 2:55c, 2:56c, 2:57c, 2:60c, 2:61c, 2:6364c, 2:6771c, 2:7273c, 2:75c, 2:80c, 2:83c, 2:84c, 2:87c, 2:89c, 2:90c, 2:91c, 2:93c, 2:97c, 2:108c, 2:139c, 2:178c, 2:211c, 2:243c, 2:246c, 2:247c, 2:248c, 2:249c, 2:25051c, 3:5051c, 3:21c, 3:26c, 3:93c, 3:94c, 4:21c, 4:6668c, 4:74c, 4:152c, 4:153c, 4:154c, 4:155c, 4:157c, 4:159c, 4:160c, 5:4c, 5:7c, 5:11c, 5:12c, 5:13c, 5:14c, 5:20c, 5:21c, 5:22c, 5:23c, 5:24c, 5:2526c, 5:2732c, 5:32c, 5:46c, 5:60c, 5:70c, 5:78c, 5:79c, 5:1012c, 5:110c, 6:86c, 6:124c, 6:146c, 7:105c, 7:12122c, 7:123c, 7:124c, 7:127c, 7:128c, 7:129c, 7:133c, 7:13435c, 7:136c, 7:137c, 7:13839c, 7:14041c, 7:142c, 7:143c, 7:145c, 7:148c, 7:149c, 7:150c, 7:151c, 7:152c, 7:153c, 7:155c, 7:156c, 7:159c, 7:16062c, 7:163c, 7:164c, 7:165c, 7:167c, 7:168c, 7:171c, 7:172c, 7:17576c, 10:87c, 14:56c, 16:124c, 17:23c, 17:4c, 17:5c, 17:6c, 17:7c, 17:8c, 17:9093c, 17:101c, 17:103c, 17:104c, 18:3233c, 18:65c, 19:26c, 19:28c, 19:51c, 20:2528c, 20:37c, 20:38c, 20:40c, 20:6264c, 20:77c, 20:8081c, 20:8384c, 20:86c, 20:87c, 20:90c, 20:9294c, 20:97c, 21:55c, 23:20c, 23:47c, 23:4849c, 24:55c, 25:8c, 26:2224c, 26:35c, 26:52c, 26:5356c, 26:5758c, 26:59c, 26:60c, 26:61c, 26:6566c, 26:7173c, 26:197c, 27:76c, 28:4c, 28:5c, 28:9c, 28:14c, 28:15c, 28:18c, 30:41c, 32:25c, 33:7c, 40:25c, 40:29c, 40:45c, 40:5354c, 43:3637c, 44:22c, 44:33c, 43:59c, 44:18c, 44:32c, 44:33c, 45:16c, 45:17c, 45:18c, 46:10c, 51:40c, 61:14c, 79:23c, 98:68c; 12, 271, 406, 693, 788, 906, 927, 945, 1009, 1206, 1626, 17701, 17757, 1781, 1783, 1798

isrāf (“prodigality”), 3:147c, 7:8081c, 25:67c

Isrāfīl. See Seraphiel

Isrāʾ, al- (“The Night Journey”), 6934

isrāʾ wa’l-miʿrāj, al-. See Night Journey and Ascension

istawā (“turned to/mounted”), 2:29, 7:54, 10:3, 20:5, 25:59, 28:14, 32:4, 41:11, 57:4; 2:29c, 28:14c, 41:11c

istiʿādhah, (“seeking refuge with God”), 7:200; 7:200c

istighfār (“seeking of forgiveness”), 2:48c, 2:255c

istisān (“equity”), 6:38c; 1717

istikhārah, al- (“bibliomancy”), xxxix

Ifīr. See Potiphar

iʿtikāf (“retreat”), 2:125c, 2:187c, 2:222c; 1539

ʿIzrāʾīl (Archangel), 6:6162c, 27:87c, 39:68c; 1826

ʿizzah (“might/vainglory”), 4:139, 38:2; 4:139c, 38:2c


Jabarite(s), 54:49c

jabarūt (“Majesty”), 35:12c, 36:82c, 53:18c

jabbārīn (“domineering people”), 5:22, 26:130, 28:19; 5:22c, 5:2526c, 26:130c, 28:19c

Jābir ibn ʿAbd Allāh, 4:176c; 1438

Jabraʾīl. See Gabriel

Jacob, 2:13233, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 11:71, 12:46, 12:38, 12:66, 12:8384, 12:8687, 12:94, 12:9798, 19:6, 19:49, 21:72, 29:27, 38:45; 2:13132c, 2:133c, 2:136c, 3:19c, 3:91c, 3:93c, 3:95c, 4:64c 3:102c, 5:64c, 6:74c, 6:84c, 12:4c, 12:5c, 12:8c, 12:9c, 12:1112c, 12:1314c, 12:15c, 12:1617c, 12:18c, 12:30c, 12:65c, 12:66c, 12:67c, 12:7071c, 12:7879c, 12:80c, 12:8182c, 12:84c, 12:8586c, 12:87c, 12:94c, 12:98c, 15:5354c, 16:9596c, 16:12022c, 17:71c, 19:48c, 19:4950c, 19:53c, 19:58c, 21:72c, 21:85c, 28:5c, 29:27c, 38:2124c, 46:35c, 60:4c, 70:5c; 589, 764, 1594, 1672, 17734, 1777

Jacobites, 5:72c, 5:73c, 19:37c, 43:65c

jadhb (“ecstatic attraction”), 16:67c

Jaʿfar al-ādiq, 1:1c, 1:5c, 4:24c, 4:54c, 4:58c, 4:6970c, 6:51c, 7:3839c, 14:78c, 14:3233c, 16:43c, 16:97c, 17:71c, 20:1c, 26:7881c, 37:180c, 55:60c, 76:21c, 87:1415c; 1664, 1666, 1720

Jaʿfar ibn Abī ālib, 7:4647c, 10:16c, 16:41c, 33:33c, 33:35c; 764

Jaʿfarī school, 1:1c, 5:6c, 5:96c, 7:12c, 17:78c; 1642

jafr, al-, 2:1c, 7:180c, 74:30c; xxxiixxxiii

jāhil (“ignorant”), 2:68; 2:6771c

jāhiliyyah. See Age of Ignorance

i, ʿAmr ibn Bar al-, 17234

jalāl (“Majesty”). See under God

jamāʿah, al- (“community of Muslims”), 3:103c

jamal. See camel

jamāl (“Beauty”). See under God

Jāmī, ʿAbd al-Ramān, 590, 1642

janā (“wing”), 26:215; 26:215c, 28:32c

jānn (“serpent”), 28:31; 28:31c

jannah, al-. See Paradise

Japheth, 7:64c

Jaā, al-, 1642

Jāthiyah, al- (“Upon Their Knees”), 1215, 1697

jawānmardī. See futuwwah

jayb (“bosom/breast”), 24:31, 28:32; 24:31c, 28:32c

Jeremiah, Book of, 2:37c, 4:155c, 34:34c, 62:5c

Jericho, 2:58c, 5:21c, 5:2526c

Jerusalem, 2:58c, 2:114c, 2:115c, 2:120c, 2:142c, 2:144c, 2:145c, 2:148c, 2:248c, 5:21c, 7:16062c, 9:29c, 9:100c, 9:101c, 17:1c, 17:4c, 17:6c, 17:60c, 18:99c, 20:108c, 24:36c, 30:25c, 32:23c, 50:4142c, 79:14c, 95:1c, 95:3c; 693, 1594, 1703, 17589, 1815; MAPS 14

Jesus: and the apostles, 3:52, 5:11213, 61:14; 3:52c, 5:60c, 5:11115c, 5:111c, 5:11213c, 8:23c, 16:6869c, 36:1314c, 61:14c; 2701, 1364, 1765; birth of, 3:4447; 3:36c, 3:42c, 3:45c, 4:156c, 4:171c, 19:235c, 19:10c, 19:19c, 19:20c, 19:21c, 19:24c, 19:26c, 21:91c, 46:15c; 126, 1778; disavowals of divinity and Divine sonship, 4:171, 5:17, 5:7273, 5:75, 5:77, 5:116, 5:11718, 9:3031, 17:111, 19:3536, 43:59; 2:116c, 3:6c, 3:59c, 3:79c, 4:171c, 4:17273c, 5:17c, 5:18c, 5:66c, 5:72c, 5:73c, 5:74c, 5:75c, 5:77c, 5:116c, 5:11718c, 5:120c, 6:14c, 6:19c, 9:30c, 17:111c, 19:36c, 21:26c, 25:2c, 25:1718c, 39:4c, 43:59c, 43:65c, 112:3c; 1267, 1189, 17789; creation of, 3:59; 2:117c, 3:45c, 3:47c, 5:17c, 18:109c, 19:22c, 19:35c; crucifixion of, 3:55, 4:15759; 3:55c, 4:157c, 4:158c, 6:11617c, 43:61c; 177980; and the Gospel (Injīl), 3:48, 5:46, 5:110, 57:27; 3:34c, 3:48c, 5:46c, 5:78c, 5:8283c, 43:63c, 57:27c; 1696; and the Holy Spirit, 2:87, 2:253, 4:171, 5:110, 19:17, 21:91, 66:12; 2:87c, 2:253c, 4:171c, 19:17c, 19:22c, 66:12c; Makkan idolaters’ view of, 43:5758; 43:5758c; as Messiah (al-Masī), 3:45, 4:1712, 5:17, 5:72, 5:75, 9:3031; 3:31c, 3:45c, 4:171c, 4:17273c, 5:17c, 21:85c; 17778; miracles of, 3:49, 5:11015, 19:2934, 23:50, 43:63; 3:49c, 5:110c, 5:11115c, 5:11415c, 5:116c, 7:11920c, 16:44c, 19:26c, 19:29c, 19:3031c, 19:32c, 19:33c, 23:50c, 43:63c; 126, 2701; prophesizes the coming of the Prophet, 61:6; 7:157c, 61:6c; Quranic view of, 2:3c, 3:34c, 5:4c, 17:71c, 19:7c, 19:34c; xxix, 188, 1780; and his return, 43:61; 3:55c, 4:158c, 4:159c, 7:181c, 9:3233c, 18:98c, 19:3031c, 43:61c; in sacred history, 2:136, 3:5051, 3:84, 4:163, 5:78, 6:85, 33:7, 42:13; 3:3839c, 3:5051c, 3:103c, 5:19c, 5:4344c, 5:46c, 5:78c, 6:85c, 19:32c, 34:34c, 40:5152c, 65:12c; 1675, 1766, 1777, 1781; as Word of God, 3:45, 19:34; 4:171c, 7:157c, 7:158c, 19:22c, 19:34c, 112:3c; 763, 1720

Jethro, 7:85c, 11:8486c, 28:23c, 28:30c, 29:3637c

Jew(s): of Madinah, 2:40, 3:75, 5:4144; 2:40c, 2:76c, 2:84c, 2:89c, 2:90c, 2:97c, 2:100c, 2:113c, 2:143c, 2:144c, 2:256c, 2:177c, 3:34c, 3:12c, 3:23c, 3:28c, 3:64c, 3:72c, 3:7576c, 3:79c, 3:93c, 3:100c, 3:11415c, 3:18182c, 3:183c, 4:3739c, 4:4445c, 4:46c, 4:47c, 4:48c, 4:4950c, 4:5152c, 4:53c, 4:54c, 4:55c, 4:77c, 4:78c, 4:1057c, 4:136c, 4:153c, 5:19c, 5:2732c, 5:32c, 5:41c, 5:42c, 5:4344c, 5:57c, 5:58c, 5:59c, 5:61c, 5:62c, 5:64c, 5:8081c, 5:8283c, 6:91c, 7:157c, 7:158c, 7:159c, 7:168c, 17:7677c, 17:88c, 24:2c, 26:197c, 28:48c, 31:27c, 41:5c, 45:17c, 46:10c, 47:25c, 58:8c, 58:1418c, 59:14c, 60:13c, 63:2c, 98:1c, 108:3c; 188, 1554, 1017, 134950, 1369, 1809; MAPS 2, 6, 7b; Quranic view of, 2:62, 2:65, 2:8991, 2:113, 2:120, 2:135, 2:140, 3:67, 3:110, 4:155, 4:157, 4:16063, 5:18, 5:48, 5:51, 5:6264, 5:69, 5:82, 6:146, 7:16366, 9:30, 16:118, 22:17, 22:6769, 62:57; 1:7c, 2:62c, 2:65c, 2:78c, 2:88c, 2:90c, 2:113c, 2:120c, 2:135c, 3:67c, 3:113c, 4:48c, 4:155c, 4:157c, 4:159c, 4:160c, 4:161c, 4:162c, 4:164c, 5:18c, 5:51c, 5:60c, 5:63c, 5:64c, 5:66c, 5:68c, 5:69c, 5:77c, 5:8283c, 6:83c, 6:100c, 6:114c, 6:146c, 6:147c, 7:157c, 7:158c, 7:163c, 7:164c, 7:165c, 7:166c, 7:167c, 7:170c, 9:29c, 9:30c, 16:118c, 21:7c, 57:28c, 57:29c, 62:6c, 62:7c; 271, 176584 passim; rituals and beliefs compared to Islam, 16:124; 2:80c, 2:97c, 2:178c, 2:184c, 3:24c, 6:146c, 7:163c, 7:168c, 16:124c, 24:2c, 39:67c, 62:9c; 656; scripture distorted (tarīf) by, 2:211, 4:46. 5:13, 5:15, 5:41; 2:75c, 2:113c, 2:211c, 3:34c, 4:46c, 5:13c, 5:15c, 5:41c, 5:45c, 7:169c, 43:63c

Jibrīl. See Gabriel

jihād (“striving”), 4:7476, 4:95, 25:52; 3:200c, 4:32c, 4:34c, 4:74c, 4:75c, 4:76c, 4:95c, 4:100c, 5:79c, 13:28c, 22:78c, 25:52c, 38:50c, 57:19c, 57:27c, 61:1011c, 83:14c; 1608, 1672, 1696, 18056

jilbāb (“cloak”), 33:59; 24:31c, 24:60c, 33:59c

jinn: accountability of, 7:38, 7:179, 11:119, 32:13, 37:158, 55:33, 55:39; 7:179c, 37:158c, 55:31c, 55:33c, 72:1415c; Iblīs as, 18:50; 2:30c, 7:11c, 7:12c, 15:3233c, 18:50c; nature of, 15:27, 51:56, 55:15, 72:89, 72:11; 1:2c, 1:4c, 1:6c, 2:30c, 6:7172c, 6:100c, 6:130c, 16:48c, 27:39c, 28:31c, 52:38c, 55:15c, 72:89c, 72:10c, 72:11c; 1427; and the Prophet, 46:2932, 72:12, 72:5; 43:3637c, 46:29c, 46:30c, 46:31c, 55:13c, 71:1c, 72:5c, 72:19c, 72:2627c; 14267; as satans, 6:112, 6:12830, 15:1718, 26:21012, 26:22437, 37:610, 37:3738, 41:25, 41:29, 114:6; 6:7172c, 6:112c, 6:121c, 6:12829c, 7:27c, 15:1718c, 16:86c, 17:57c, 17:64c, 19:68c, 21:82c, 22:3c, 26:95c, 37:610c, 37:3738c, 38:34c, 41:25c, 41:29c, 42:21c, 50:23c, 114:6c; 906; and Solomon, 27:17, 27:39, 34:12, 34:14; 2:102c, 27:17c, 27:44c, 34:12c, 34:14c, 38:34c, 38:35c, 38:3738c, 38:39c; 927, 1757; worship of, 6:100, 34:41, 72:3, 72:6; 6:100c, 26:62c, 37:164c, 46:4c, 72:3c, 72:6c, 72:12c

Jinn, al- (“the Jinn”), 1225, 14267

jizyah (“indemnity”), 2:256c

Joachim, 3:3334c

Job, 4:163, 6:84, 21:8384, 38:4144; 2:155c, 4:163c, 16:9596c, 21:8384c, 31:12c, 38:41c, 38:42c, 38:43c, 38:44c, 46:35c; 809, 1101

John, Book of, 4:171c, 5:18c, 5:72c, 7:157c, 34:34c, 57:16c, 61:6c; 1678

John the Baptist, 3:39, 6:85, 19:7, 19:12, 21:90; 2:62c, 2:87c, 3:3839c, 5:46c, 6:85c, 17:7c, 19:235c, 19:9c, 19:12c, 19:13c, 19:1415c, 19:22c, 19:25c, 19:32c, 19:33c, 19:53c, 19:5455c, 19:58c, 21:90c; 764, 809, 1594

Jonah, 4:163, 6:86, 10:98, 21:8788, 37:13948, 68:4850; 4:163c, 6:86c, 10:98c, 21:87c, 37:139c, 37:14041c, 37:142c, 37:14344c, 37:145c, 37:147c, 37:148c, 38:48c, 46:35c, 68:4850c; 544, 1084, 1400, 1421, 1756

Jonah, Book of, 2:37c, 37:146c, 37:148c

Jordan, 2:58c, 2:62c, 2:249c, 5:21c, 7:8081c, 7:85c, 9:111c, 18:9c

Joseph, 6:84, 12:3101, 40:34; 2:133c, 4:1718c, 4:4950c, 4:134c, 5:12c, 5:30c, 6:9697c, 7:11c, 7:53c, 11:76c, 12:3c, 12:4c, 12:5c, 12:6c, 12:7c, 12:8c, 12:9c, 12:1112c, 12:1314c, 12:15c, 12:1617c, 12:18c, 12:1920c, 12:2122c, 12:23c, 12:24c, 12:25c, 12:2627c, 12:29c, 12:30c, 12:31c, 12:32c, 12:33c, 12:34c, 12:35c, 12:36c, 12:3738c, 12:3940c, 12:41c, 12:42c, 12:45c, 12:46c, 12:4749c, 12:50c, 12:51c, 12:52c, 12:53c, 12:5455c, 12:5657c, 12:58c, 12:59c, 12:6061c, 12:62c, 12:64c, 12:65c, 12:66c, 12:69c, 12:7071c, 12:7273c, 12:7475c, 12:76c, 12:77c, 12:7879c, 12:80c, 12:83c, 12:8586c, 12:87c, 12:88c, 12:8990c, 12:9192c, 12:93c, 12:94c, 12:95c, 12:96c, 12:100c, 12:101c, 12:102c, 15:29c, 16:9596c, 17:53c, 19:41c, 21:22c, 23:24c, 26:34c, 28:14c, 40:34c, 46:35c, 53:23c; xxvii, 58990, 1637, 1643, 16723, 1693, 1774

Joshua, 2:58c, 2:249c, 5:12c, 5:23c, 5:2526c, 7:155c, 18:60c, 18:61c, 18:62c, 18:6364c, 21:85c, 38:48c

Joshua, Book of, 2:249c

Jubbāʾī, Abū ʿAlī Muammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-, 1724, 1726, 1730

Judah, 12:10c, 12:1314c, 12:15c

Judah, Southern Kingdom of, 17:4c

Judges, Book of, 2:249c, 3:183c

Judham (tribe), 9:29c; MAP 4

Jūdī, Mount, 11:44; 11:44c, 95:1c; MAP 1

jugular vein, 50:16; 50:16c; xxv

Juhannas, 30:25c

Juhaynah (tribe), 24:2c; MAP 4

Jufah, 5:3c, 28:85c

Jumādā’l-Ākhirah, 2:217c

juml (“cable”), 7:40c

jumuʿah, al- (“Friday prayer”), 2:238c, 7:54c; 1369

Jumuʿah, al- (“the Congregational Prayer”), 1369, 1374

Junayd al-Baghdādī, 18:65c, 21:7c, 21:3435c, 21:88c, 24:35c, 26:7881c, 27:88c

junub (“ritual impurity”), 4:43; 4:36c, 4:43c

Jurhum (tribe), 19:5455c

Jurjānī, ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-, 1642, 1724, 1728

Jurjānī, Sawā ibn ʿAbdik al-, 1730

Jupiter, 81:1516c

Juwayriyah bint ārithah, 33:50c

Juyūb. See jayb

juzʾ (“part”), xxxivxxxv


Kaʿbah, 2:144, 2:14950, 2:191, 2:196, 2:217, 5:1, 5:95, 5:97, 8:34, 9:7, 9:19, 9:28, 17:1, 22:25, 48:25, 48:27; 2:114c, 2:115c, 2:120c, 2:124c, 2:125c, 2:126c, 2:127c, 2:142c, 2:143c, 2:144c, 2:146c, 2:148c, 2:14950c, 2:158c, 2:19094c, 2:196c, 2:199c, 2:203c, 2:222c, 3:96c, 3:97c, 4:5152c, 4:58c, 5:2c, 5:58c, 5:95c, 5:97c, 6:86c, 6:92c, 7:26c, 7:28c, 7:29c, 7:31c, 8:3334c, 8:35c, 9:14c, 9:1720c, 9:28c, 13:37c, 14:37c, 16:11213c, 16:12022c, 17:1c, 17:7375c, 17:81c, 20:1112c, 21:71c, 22:25c, 22:26c, 22:29c, 22:37c, 23:6667c, 24:36c, 26:227c, 27:91c, 30:28c, 37:104c, 48:1819c, 48:22c, 48:25c, 48:27c, 52:4c, 67:17c, 85:3c, 89:3c, 90:2c, 105:12c, 106:12c, 106:34c, 108:3c; 13, 1561, 1594, 1701, 1753, 1757, 175960; MAPS 5a-b

kabā’ir (“grave sins”), 4:31, 42:37, 53:32; 2:81c, 2:182c, 4:12c, 4:31c, 8:1516c, 21:28c, 40:3c, 42:37c, 53:32c; 1714

Kabbalah, xxxii

Kaʿb ibn al-Ashraf, 4:5152c, 4:6061c, 9:12c, 24:48c, 59:2c

Kaʿb ibn Mālik, 9:118c

kabīrah (“difficult”), 2:45; 2:45c

kabīrah. See kabā’ir

kadhb (“lying”), 5:89c

Kāf. Hā. Yā. ʿAyn. ād. 19:1; 19:1c

kafā (suffice”), 2:137; 2:137c

kāfir. See disbelievers

Kāfirūn, al- (“the Disbelievers”), 1561, 1571, 1578

kaffārah. See expiation

Kahf, al- (“The Cave”), 728

kāhin. See soothsayers

kalālah (“one dying without heir”), 4:176; 4:176c

kalām (“theology”), 54:49c; 1668, 171935, 1737

Kalbī, Ibn Juzayy al-. See Ibn Juzayy

Kālib ibn Yūfannah. See Caleb

kalīmīs, 4:164c. See also Jews

Kanʿān. See Yām

Kanānī, ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-, 1725

Karābīsī, usayn al-, 1721

karāmāt. See miracles

kasb (“acquiring”), 8:17c, 54:49c

Kāshānī, ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-, 2:113c, 4:79c, 13:1213c, 18:79c, 24:35c, 41:54c, 47:15c, 74:47c; lviii, 1660, 16723, 1733

Kāshānī, Muammad Musin al-Fay al-, lviii

Kawkabī, Sayyid ʿAbd al-Ramān al-, 1683

Kawthar, al- (“Abundant Good”), 1554, 1568, 1843

Kawthar (river), 54:54c, 108:1c; 1568, 1833, 18434

kayd (“scheme”), 4:76c

kayfiyyah (“howness”), 20:4950c

Keturah, 7:85c

Khabbāb ibn al-Arat, 16:41c, 16101

khabīth (“bad”), 3:179; 3:179c

Khadījah bint Khuwaylid, 3:42c, 5:8283c, 28:9c, 66:11c, 93:6c, 93:8c; 693, 15356

Khair. See Khir

khālid (“abiding”), 2:25; 2:25c, 21:8c, 21:3435c, 25:1516c

Khālid ibn al-Walīd, 4:59c, 4:1012c, 47:34c

Khālid ibn Saʿīd ibn al-ʿĀ, 1622

Khālid ibn Sinān al-ʿAbsī, 5:19c

khālidūn (“immortal”), 21:8; 21:8c

khalīfah. See vicegerent

khalīl (“intimate friend”), 4:125c, 9:30c, 16:12022c

khalwah (“spiritual retreat”), 2:125c, 10:67c, 78:10c

khamr. See wine

Khān, Sayyid Amad, 16823

Khandaq, Battle of. See Trench, Battle of

kharāj (“property tax”), 8:41c, 18:88c

Khārijite(s). See Khawārij

Kharrāz, Abū Saʿīd al-, 15:21c

khāsir. See losers

Khaābī, Abū Sulaymān al-, 1723

khattār (“perfidious”), 31:31; 31:31c

Khawārij, 2:81c, 2:82c, 24:2c; xxxiv

khawā (“spiritual elect”), 7:172c

Khawlah bint Thaʿlabah, 58:12c, 58:34c; 1341

Khaybar, 5:41c, 33:2627c, 48:23c, 48:15c, 48:1819c, 48:20c, 48:21c, 48:29c, 59:2c; 1810; MAPS 24

Khaybar, Battle of, 5:54c, 6:146c, 16:8c, 33:2627c, 33:50c, 48:23c, 48:15c, 48:1819c, 48:27c; 180910

khayrāt (“good deeds/things”), 9:88; 9:88c

Khazraj (tribe), 2:84c, 3:100c, 3:103c, 3:122c, 8:49c, 8:63c, 9:107c, 53:1920c; MAP 6

Khir, 18:6092; 2:259c, 18:6082c, 18:60c, 18:61c, 18:65c, 18:66c, 18:6768c, 18:6970c, 18:71c, 18:7273c, 18:74c, 18:7576c, 18:77c, 18:78c, 18:79c, 18:8081c, 18:82c, 18:98c, 27:40c; 729

khimār (“kerchiefs”), 24:31; 24:31c, 24:60c

khubāl (“troubles”), 9:47; 9:47c

Khudrī, al-. See Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī

khulʿ. See divorce

khuld (“perpetual life”), 10:52, 21:34, 25:15; 10:52c, 21:3435c, 25:1516c

khumus (“fifth of the spoils”), 8:1c, 8:41c

khushūʿ. See humility

Khusraw Parwīz, 30:25c

Khuzāʿah (tribe), 2:168c, 3:172c, 9:14c, 9:7c, 9:13c, 9:1415c, 16:57c, 21:26c, 53:1920c; MAP 4

Kinānah (tribe), 16:57c, 1548; MAP 4

Kings, Book of, 2:61c, 3:183c, 34:34c, 38:48c

kinship, 9:8, 9:10, 23:101, 25:54, 37:158; 2:180c, 4:1c, 4:33c, 4:5152c, 4:135c, 7:199c, 8:75c, 9:5c, 9:25c, 17:2627c, 25:54c, 31:1314c, 33:5c, 37:160c, 42:23c, 47:22c, 49:9c, 49:10c, 99:2c; 1707, 1755, 1801

kiswah, 1757

Korah, 28:7682, 29:39, 40:24; 16:4547c, 28:76c, 28:77c, 28:78c, 28:7980c, 28:8182c, 29:39c, 29:40c, 39:50c, 40:24c, 43:4647c, 67:16c; 945, 1637

Koran. See Quran

Kufa, 24:58c; xxxiv, 1618, 1756

kuffār. See disbelievers

Kūfic script, 1618, 17567

Kūfī, Furāt ibn Furāt al-, 1654

kufr (“disbelief/denial”), 2:28c, 2:8586c, 2:90c, 2:91c, 2:93c, 2:257c, 3:101c, 3:167c, 3:178c, 4:1718c, 4:31c, 4:3739c, 4:48c, 4:93c, 4:115c, 4:155c, 8:23c, 9:66c, 16:5355c, 18:8586c, 19:6970c, 20:4546c, 26:19c, 39:8c, 42:48c, 80:17c, 93:11c; 1849

kun. See Be!

kunya (“sobriquet”), 24:63c

Kurdish, 1639

kursī. See Pedestal