Major funding for The Study Quran was provided by:

The Institute for Religion and Civic Values
The El-Hibri Foundation

The following organizations and individuals provided additional support:

His Majesty King Abdallah II
The Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies
The Radius Foundation
Sheikh Abdul Rahman and Sadiqua Rahman
Steve and Debra York
The Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta

We would like to express our gratitude to our contributors for their generous support. The funds provided allowed the editors to devote their time to The Study Quran and subsidized the many research assistants whose contributions have been invaluable. We must also thank Shabbir Mansuri, Munir Sheikh, Karim El-Hibri, and Zen Hunter Ishikawa for their assistance in procuring and managing these funds.

George Mason University and the College of the Holy Cross provided generous leaves and financial assistance that contributed to the completion of this project.

The editors of The Study Quran wish to thank the authors of the essays for their excellent contributions. We are grateful to Daoud Casewit for his work on the citations of adīth and sayings, and for conceiving of and providing the initial drawings for the maps. We also wish to thank Ryan Brizendine for several years of invaluable editorial work as well as Shankar Nair, Arjun Nair, Hamilton Cook, Sayed Amir Mirtaheri, and Abigail Tardiff, all of whom helped with research, editorial work, indexes, and the preparation of the text for publication. Their work has vastly improved the final product, though any errors remain our own.

Our special thanks go to HarperOne and its editors Eric Brandt, who helped launch the project, and Mickey Maudlin, who has guided the project to completion, along with all those who helped to prepare the text for publication, especially Ann Moru, who skillfully copyedited an enormous, demanding, and complex text, as well as our production editors, Suzanne Quist and Natalie Blachere. We would like to thank Ralph Fowler, who typeset the book, and Shiraz Sheikh, who indexed it. We are also grateful to Stephen Hanselman, our literary agent, who first proposed this project when he was an editor with HarperOne. Many friends and colleagues have made helpful suggestions and provided invaluable advice along the way. They are too numerous to name here, though we owe them all a debt of gratitude. We were honored to have the American master calligrapher Mohamed Zakariya provide the Arabic calligraphy that appears in the text.

Finally, we thank our families, who have been so patient and supportive during the many years it has taken to complete this project.