Welcome to A Deam of Snow, the last installment in my fantasy romance, A Winter’s Spell Trilogy. I’ve had fun venturing into fantasy romance, and I hope you’ve enjoyed this journey with me!
Thanks to my usual crew: Samwise, my husband, Andria and Jennifer—without their help, I’d be floundering. To the wonderful women authors who have helped me find my way in indie, you’re all great, and thank you to everyone. To my wonderful cover artist, Ravven, for the beautiful work she’s done and to Elizabeth Flynn, my editor.
Also, my love to my furbles, who keep me happy. My most reverent devotion to Mielikki, Tapio, Ukko, Rauni, and Brighid, my spiritual guardians and guides. My love and reverence to Herne, and Cernunnos, and to the Fae, who still rule the wild places of this world. And a nod to the Wild Hunt, which runs deep in my magick, as well as in my fiction.
You can find me through my website at Galenorn.com and be sure to sign up for my newsletter to keep updated on all my latest releases! You can find my advice on writing, discussions about the books, and general ramblings on my YouTube channel. You can also support me on Patreon, if you like! If you loved this book, I’d be grateful if you’d leave a review—it helps more than you can think.
Brightest Blessings,
~The Painted Panther~
~Yasmine Galenorn~