Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abensour, Miguel, 265; on democracy, 181; on Gauchet, 180–81; Gauchet on, 181; on institution, 181; on Lefort, 181
Allegory: Benjamin on, 29; de Man on, 30; Feuerbach on, 51; Goethe on, 31; Hegel on, 35; Left Hegelians on, 41; Milbank on, 54; postmodernism and, 30, 34, 269; Romantics on, 33–35; Schlegel, F., on, 33
Alter-globalization movement, 279
Althusser, Louis, 86; on big Other, 211; Dosse on, 197; ideology, theory of, 88; on imaginary, 88; on interpellation, 88; Jay on, 304n106; Laclau on, 186, 190; on Marxism, 12, 87, 183; Mouffe on, 190; on society, 87–88; on symbolic, 88, 89, 305n127; Žižek on, 210
“The Apocalyptic Imagination and the Inability to Mourn” (Jay), 191
Arguments circle, 86, 197
Art, 69; Bauer on, 53; Bénichou on, 63; de Staël on, 62–63; Hegel on, 36, 37–38, 53; Hettner on, 53; Leroux on, 62; Marx on, 76; Mundt on, 39; Schelling on, 36–37; secularization of, 39; symbol and, 27; Szondi on, 39; Vischer on, 39
Autonomy, xiii; Castoriadis on, 7, 97, 122, 134–35, 140; Freud on, 121; Gauchet on, 177; Lefort on, 140; religion and, 177
Bataille, Georges, 18, 89
Baudrillard, Jean, 12, 89–93, 265; Best on, 90; on capitalism, 91, 92; Castoriadis influencing, 94–95; on gift economies, 92; on historical materialism, 93; on labor, 93; on Marx, 92–93; on melancholy, 191–92; on revolt, 93–94; on semiotics, 91; on signs, 90, 92; on symbolic, 13, 90–91, 270
Bauer, Bruno, 9, 28; on art, 53; on Bible, 44, 45, 46; on critics, 46; on Feuerbach, 46; Feuerbach on, 46–47; on free self-consciousness, 52; on Left Hegelian, 41; Moritz’s relationship with, 44–45; on religion, 44–46; on religious self-consciousness, 45; on Strauss, 43–44; Strauss on, 43
Beautiful: Goethe on, 31; Moritz on, 30; Todorov on, 30–31
Bénichou, Paul: on art, 63; on de Staël, 62; on poetry, 63; on Romantics, 139; on symbol, 63, 64
Benjamin, Walter: on allegory, 29; on Romanticism, 34; on symbol, 29–30
Bible: Bauer on, 44, 45, 46; Left Hegelians on, 43; multiple levels of meaning in, 42; Spinoza on, 54; Strauss on, 42–43; Wilke on, 44
Big Other: Althusser on, 211; Žižek on, 210–11
Boothby, Richard: on ego, 124; on unconscious, 130
Bourdieu, Pierre: on Marx, 77; on structuralism, 24
Buci-Glucksmann, Christine, 187
Butler, Judith, 5; on symbolic, 18–19
Cabet, Étienne, 67; on socialism, 71
Capitalism: alternatives to, 258; antagonism and, 245; Badiou on, 264; Baudrillard on, 91, 92; bureaucratic, 101; crisis tendency of, 1; Debord on, 90; failure of neoliberal, 273; Laclau on, 245; Marx, K., on, 1; Marx, R., on, 2; Žižek on, 245, 278
Cassirer, Ernst, 11, 104; on symbolic, 20
Castoriadis, Cornelius, xii, 9, 86, 123, 142, 265, 284–85; Adams on, 306n4; on ancient Greece, 104, 135, 174; assessment of present, 135–36; on autonomy, 7, 97, 122, 134–35, 140; background of, 100–4; Baudrillard influenced by, 94–95; on creativity, 136–37; on democracy, 134–35, 139, 143, 174; on determinism, 119; on Durand, 308n32; at École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 136, 143; on Fichte, 108–9; on Freud, 127; Habermas on, 128; on hieroglyphic, 117; on history, 98–99, 102, 104, 114, 133–34; Howard on, 306n4; on imaginary, xiii, 7, 97, 105, 113, 116, 121–22, 124–27, 134–35, 311n91; on incarnation, 116; on institution, 109–10, 112–13, 134, 140; on Kant, 108; on Lacan, 121, 127, 137; on language, 114; Lefort and, 147–49; Lefort on, 137; on Lévi-Strauss, 112–18; Lyotard on, 103; on madness, 126; on Marxism, 96–98, 102, 103; on May 1968, 131–32; on Merleau-Ponty, 110–11; on metabolization, 312n111; on metaphysics, 128; middle ground of, 132–33; in Paris, 101; political and, xiii, 6; on presence, 116, 117; on presentation, 310n83; on psychical monad, 125–26; psychoanalysis and, 120–21, 122; on reason, 126; on religion, 140; resistance to fads, 136; on science, 119–20; on self-management, 102; Singer on, 306n4; on social, xiii, 128, 133; on social-historical world, 97, 105; on socialism, 102; on society, 108; on Soviet Union, 101, 148; Starr on, 313n139; starting points, 118–38; on structuralism, 97–98, 112, 131, 137; on sublime, 129; on symbolic, 112–13, 114, 116; symbolic turn and, 112; on tragedy, 287–88; Trotskyism and, 148; on unconscious, 121, 123, 127, 130; on Whitebook, 313n129
Center for Philosophical Research on the Political, 196
Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, 187
Chaulieu-Montal tendency, 101
Christianity: as absolute religion, 40; Gauchet on, 172; Hegel on, 39–40; Marx, on, 144; monotheism and, 172; revolution and, 254; Romantics and, 38; Žižek on, 249, 252–54
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 294n26
Collective mythic consciousness, 44
Collège de Sociologie, 89
Communism, 21; Badiou on, 275–76, 337n41; Critchley on, 277; end of, 4; failure of, 2–3; heroes of, 275–76; Marx on, 144; as religion, 145; revival of interest in, 277; socialism differentiated from, 276; Žižek on, 274–78
The Communist Manifesto (Marx & Engels), 58
Considerations on Western Marxism (Anderson), 201
Constant, Abbé Alphonse-Louis, 67
Corpus mysticum, 301n41; body politic as, 68; society as, 68, 69
Creativity, 7, 12, 22, 76, 95, 97, 102, 105, 136–37, 149
Dean, Jodi: on Occupy Wall Street, 338n65; on Žižek, 229
De l’Allemagne (de Staël), 64
Delécluze, Étienne, 61; on symbolism, 63
“De l’individualisme et du socialisme” (Leroux), 68
de Man, Paul: on allegory, 30; on Romanticism, 34; on symbol, 30
Democracy: Abensour on, 181; Castoriadis on, 134–35, 139, 143, 174; effective, 167; French intellectuals’ turn toward, 146; Furet on, 145; Gauchet on, 167, 168, 174–76, 180, 321n136; Greek origins of, 174–75; Howard on, 286; insurgent, 181; Lefort on, xiii, 139–40, 157, 163–67, 181; Marx on, 239–40; as metaphysical event, 164; Mongin on, 146; radical, 56, 134, 169, 190, 193, 196, 208, 217, 219, 225, 233, 237, 239, 260, 263; religion and, 162–63, 165, 176; self-destruction of, 176; Žižek on, 157–58, 230, 231, 240
Derrida, Jacques: hauntology of, 194–95; Laclau on, 194–96; Magnus on, 26; on Marxism, 160, 185, 192–93, 200, 253–54; on messianism, 160–61, 162; on mourning, 193; on religion, 161, 162; Žižek on, 195, 240
de Staël, Madame: on art, 62–63; Bénichou on, 62; on symbolic conception, 64; on symbolism, 62–63
Desymbolization, xii; Left Hegelian, 41–49; Lévi-Strauss on, 20; of Marx, 59–60, 77; of Strauss, 75
Deutsche-Französische Jahrbücher, 57
Dialectic, 270–71; Jameson on, 271; Schlegel, F., on, 14; symbolic related to, 13, 14–15; Žižek on, 14
The Disenchantment of the World (Gauchet), 141, 166
“The Diversionists” (Castoriadis), 131
Dosse, François: on Althusser, 197; on Marxism, 87; on New Philosophers, 198; on poetry, 24; on structuralism, 24
Durkheim, Émile, 10, 16, 89, 105, 115, 126, 178; on religion, 170; on symbolism, 17; Tarot on, 18
Echtermeyer, Theodor: on Romantics, 28, 39; on Schelling, 47–48
École des hautes études en sciences sociales: Castoriadis at, 136, 143; Lefort at, 143
École Freudienne de Paris, 122; conflict in, 123
Ego: Boothby on, 124; Fichte on, 120; Lacan on, 124
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon (Marx), xiv
Elementary Forms of the Religious Life (Durkheim), 17
Éléments d’une critique de la bureaucratie (Lefort), 149
Emancipation, 6, 21, 28, 59, 75, 136, 214, 239–40, 246, 267–68
L’Encyclopédie nouvelle, 59
“Epilogomena to a Theory of the Soul Which Has Been Presented as a Science” (Castoriadis), 123
“L’experience totalitaire et la pensée de la politique” (Gauchet), 142
Fabre, Daniel, on symbolic, 18–19
“Faith and Knowledge” (Derrida), 162
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 9, 28; on allegory, 51; on Bauer, 46–47; Bauer on, 46; Frank on, 47, 48; on Hegel, 47, 72–73; on nonidentity, 48; on religion, 46–49, 55; on Schelling, 48; on symbol, 51
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: Castoriadis on, 108–9; on ego, 120; on imagination, 312n111; Seigel on, 109; on self-consciousness, 125
Flynn, Bernard, 163; on Marx, 77; on religion, 158
For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign (Baudrillard), 12, 89–91
For They Know Not What They Do (Žižek), 220
Foucault, Michel: on intellectual function, 199; on Marxism, 199; on mass media, 199; on postmodernism, 270; on queer politics, 206
French Psychoanalytic Society, 122
Freud, Sigmund, 11, 16, 103, 116, 123, 125, 129, 152, 189; on autonomy, 121; Castoriadis on, 127; Gauchet on, 152; on mourning, 191–92; on religion, 145
“Freud and Lacan” (Althusser), 88
Furet, François, 96, 145, 178; on democracy, 145; on French Revolution, 142, 143, 145–46, 175, 198–99; on structuralism, 86–87
The Future of an Illusion (Freud), 145
“Die Gattung und die Masse” (Bauer), 46
Gauche Prolétarienne, 142
Gauchet, Marcel, 6, 49, 141, 142; on Abensour, 181; Abensour on, 180–81; on ancient Greece, 174–75; on autonomy, 177; background of, 167–70; on Christ, 172; on Christianity, 172; on Clastres, 168–69; on collective action, 180; on democracy, 167, 168, 174–76, 180, 321n136; on dynamic of transcendence, 73, 171–73, 178; on emergence of state, 171; on Freud, 152; on historical society, 178; on history, 170; on institution, 166, 168–69, 178; on Kantorowicz, 318n89; on Lacan, 152; Manent conversation with, 174; on modernity, 146; on monarch, 172, 173; on monotheism, 171, 174–75; on political, 151; on political inconsequence, 180; on primitive society, 169; on psychoanalysis, 152; on religion, 146–47, 166, 169–75, 179, 320n109; Tarot on, 176; on transcendental, 56
“Gegen die spekulative Aesthetik” (Hettner), 53
The Gift of Death (Derrida), 161
God, 73, 158, 160, 161, 175, 242–43, 251; Leroux on, 69, 71–72; Žižek on, 251, 334n146
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: on allegory, 31; on beautiful, 31; on genius, 111; Leroux on, 63, 64; on poetry, 31; on symbol, 25, 32; on symbolism, 31
Gottraux, Philippe, 86; on “Marxism and Revolutionary Theory,” 103
Gouldner, Alvin, 83; on Marx, 76
Goux, Jean-Joseph: on Marx, 77; on symbolism, 19–20
Graeber, David, on revolution, 283–84
Gramsci, Antonio: on consent, 185; on hegemony, 185–91; influence on England, 186–87; Mouffe on, 186, 187; Showstak on, 187
Gramsci and Marxist Theory (Mouffe), 187
Grundsätze der Philosophie der Zukunft (Feuerbach), 48
Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn), 142, 198
Habermas, Jürgen, 5; on Castoriadis, 128; on Marx, 77; on psychical monad, 128
Hegel, G. W. F.: on allegory, 35; on art, 36, 37–38, 53; on Christianity, 39–40; on classical art, 37; Feuerbach on, 47, 72–73; Leroux on, 72; Magnus on, 35–36; on monarch, 223; on money, 79; presentations of, 50; on religion, 39, 72; on Romantic art, 37–38; on Romantics, 35; on signs, 27, 35–36; on Sphinx, 37, 304n100; on symbolic, 26–27, 35–36, 295n60; Žižek on, 14, 217
Hegel’s Lehre von der Religion und Kunst (Bauer), 52–53, 76
Hegemony and Social Strategy (Laclau & Mouffe), xiv, 7, 9, 184, 202; Žižek on, 208
Heine, Heinrich: on German intellectual history, 65; on Kant, 43
Hénaff, Marcel: on Lévi-Strauss, 10; on linguistics, 10; on symbolic, 20
Hess, Moses, 71; on money, 79
Hieroglyph: Castoriadis on, 117; commodity as, 79; Marx on, 79, 116; Novalis on, 33; Vonessen on, 295n45
Historiosophie (Cieszkowski), 71
History: Castoriadis on, 98–99, 102, 104, 114, 133–34; Gauchet on, 170; Heine on German intellectual, 65; language and, 114; Lefort on, 156–57; Merleau-Ponty on, 83; of science, 119–20
Howard, Dick: on Castoriadis, 306n4; on democracy, 286; on Marxism, 272–73; on political, 158
Humanism and Terror (Merleau-Ponty), 83
“Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses” (Althusser), 88
“The Image of the Body and Totalitarianism” (Lefort), 153, 165
L’imaginaire (Sartre), 106, 107
Imaginary, 104–12; Althusser on, 88; Bowie, M., on, 128; Castoriadis on, xiii, 7, 97, 105, 113, 116, 121–22, 124–27, 134–35, 311n91; essential poverty of, 107; Fichte on, 312n111; Lacan on, 124; Marx on, 78; perception and, 107; rationality and, 126; Sartre on, 107–8; symbols and, 116
The Imaginary Institution of Society (Castoriadis), 98; preface, 100; sections of, 99–100
The Indivisible Remainder (Žižek), 242–44
Institution: Abensour on, 181; Castoriadis on, 109–10, 112–13, 134, 140; double-meaning of, 110; Gauchet on, 166, 168–69, 178; Lefort on, 140, 153–55, 156, 158, 182; Merleau-Ponty on, 110–11
Institut Raymond Aron, 143
Intellectual function: Foucault on, 199; Laclau on, 204; Lefort on, 205
International Psychoanalytic Society, 122
International Working Men’s Association, 58
Interpreting the French Revolution (Furet), 143
In the Tracks of Historical Materialism (Anderson), 201
Introduction to the Work of Marcel Mauss (Lévi-Strauss), 15–16, 84–85
Jameson, Frederic: on contemporary politics, 264, 286; on dialectic, 271; on Marxism, 264, 273
Joachim of Fiore, 71, 251
Das Kapital (Marx & Engels), 21
Das Kapital: Eine Streitschrift (Marx, R.), 2
Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte der Synoptiker (Bauer), 44, 45
Lacan, Jacques: on alienation, 124; authoritarianism of, 123; Castoriadis on, 121, 127, 137; on ego, 124; on fantasy, 211; Gauchet on, 152; Hyppolite on, 16; on imaginary, 124; on language, 129–30; Lefort influenced by, 152–53; pass introduced by, 123; Roudinesco on, 122; on social, 127–28; Starr on, 130–31; on symbolic, 266; training practices of, 122; on unconscious, 124, 129–30, 138; Žižek and, 9–10; Žižek on, 138, 210–11
The Lacanian Left (Stavrakakis), 9
Laclau, Ernesto, 7, 9, 160, 265; on Althusser, 186, 190; on antagonism, 13, 212; on Argentinian politics, 202–3; background of, 202–3; on capitalism, 245; as cultural broker, 191; on Derrida, 194–96; on empty place, 234; on Enlightenment, 193; on hegemony, 188, 189, 267; on horizon, 236–37, 241; on intellectual function, 204; on language, 190; on Lefort, 238; on Marxism, 187–88, 192, 193–94; on post-Marxism, 184, 185; on poststructuralism, 188, 195–96; on religion, 160; on self-management, 196; on society, 188; on Specters of Marx, 194–96; on universality, xiv, 214, 233–36; Wenman on, 327n114; on Žižek, 208–9, 217–19, 245; Žižek on, 232–33, 237–39, 246
Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe, 160; on self-management, 196–97
Lamartine, Alphonse de, 70
Lamennais, Félicité de, 71
Language: Castoriadis on, 114; history and, 114; Lacan on, 129–30; Laclau on, 190; Merleau-Ponty on, 84; Mouffe on, 190; Saussure on, 15, 84; unconscious as, 129–30
Law of the Symbolic (Althusser), 88
Das Leben Jesu (Strauss), 27, 42–43; censure of, 43; controversy over, 75
Lectures on the History of Philosophy (Hegel), 27
Lefort, Claude, xii, 86, 142, 265; Abensour on, 181; on autonomy, 140; on brute being, 151, 153–54; on Castoriadis, 137; Castoriadis and, 147–49; on Clastres, 168–69; on democracy, xiii, 139–40, 157, 163–67, 181; at École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 143; on empty place, 163–64, 208, 216; on French Revolution, 70–71; on history, 156–57; Ingram on, 181; on institution, 140, 153–55, 156, 158, 182; on intellectual function, 205; Lacan’s influence on, 152–53; Laclau on, 238; on Lévi-Strauss, 156; on Machiavelli, 154; on Marx, 154–55, 167; on Marxism, 147, 149; on Mauss, 156; on monarch, 222; on political, xiii, 6, 149, 150, 151; on proletariat, 157; on religion, 70–71, 158–60, 162; revolution rejected by, 7, 148, 182; on social conflict, 150–51; Socialisme ou Barbarie break of, 149; on society, 154; on Soviet Union, 101, 148; on symbolic, 155–56, 157, 181–82; on trauma, 207; Trotskyism and, 148; on truth, 205; on Žižek, 221
Left Hegelians, 9; on allegory, 41; Bauer on, 41; on Bible, 43; desymbolization, 41–49; Hohendahl on, 54; opposition to Schelling, 47–48; on religion, 27–28, 55; on symbol, 41; symbolic rejected by, 21–22
Leroux, Pierre, xii, 22, 57, 244; on art, 62; background of, 58–59; body politic rejected by, 68; breaking with liberalism, 58–59; on Christ, 71–72; on communionisme, 68–69; German influence on, 63–64; on God, 69, 71–72; on Goethe, 63, 64; on Hegel, 72; on Hugo, 70; on individual, 60, 66–67, 69–70; on Lamartine, 70; letter to Sand, 68–69; on literature, 61, 63; on “Mazeppa,” 65–66; McWilliam on, 300n18; as post-Christian, 71; on revelation, 73–74; Saint-Simonianism conversion of, 59, 61–62; on Schelling, 58; on socialism, 70; on society, 60, 66, 67–68, 69; on style symbolique, 61, 62; on symbol, 60–66
Lévi-Strauss, Claude: Castoriadis on, 112–18; on desymbolization, 20; on floating signifier, 20; Hénaff on, 10; Lefort on, 156; on Marx, 78; on Mauss, 16; Merleau-Ponty on, 84–85; on symbolic, 10, 11, 15–17, 113, 291n46; on unconscious, 16
Lyotard, Jean-François, 25; on Castoriadis, 103; on religion, 160; on representation, 267
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 154
Magnus, Kathleen Dow: on Derrida, 26; on Hegel, 35–36; on symbolism, 36
Maistre, Joseph de, 73–74
“Make the Links—Break the Chains,” 206
Marchart, Oliver, 9; on power, 317n54
Marx, Karl, xiv; on art, 76; Baudrillard on, 92–93; Bourdieu on, 77; on capitalism, 1; on Christianity, 144; on commodity, 78–79; on communism, 144; credibility of, 3; on democracy, 239–40; desymbolization of, 59–60, 77; on economic apparatus, 15; on emancipation, 239–40; financial crisis and, 1–2; Flynn on, 77; Gouldner on, 76; Goux on, 77; Habermas on, 77; on hieroglyphic, 79, 116; on humanity, 76; on imagination, 78; Lefort on, 154–55, 167; Lévi-Strauss on, 78; Merleau-Ponty on, 82; Mocnik on, 78; on money, 79, 80–81, 90; move to Paris, 57; on mythology, 77–78; Nelson on, 79; poetry of, 75; on religion, 21, 27, 81, 144; Romantics and, 75; on Schelling, 57; on society, 76; on symbol, 21, 303n77; Time magazine on, 2
Marxism: alternatives to, 6; Althusser on, 12, 87, 183; Castoriadis on, 96–98, 102, 103; collapse of, 4–5, 8, 203; critical, 83; Derrida on, 160, 185, 192–93, 200, 253–54; Dosse on, 87; Foucault on, 199; French intellectuals and, 4–6; Howard on, 272–73; intellectual underpinnings of, 3; Jameson on, 264, 273; Jay on, 304n106; Kellner on, 273–74; Laclau on, 187–88, 192, 193–94; Lefort on, 147, 149; Merleau-Ponty on, 76–77, 82–83; Mouffe on, 187–88; rescuing, 266; scientific, 83; Western, 82–83, 201, 304n106; Žižek on, 249, 253–54
“Marxism and Revolutionary Theory” (Castoriadis), 103
Materialism: historical, 93; Žižek on, 244
Mauss, Marcel, 15; education of, 18; Lefort on, 156; Lévi-Strauss on, 16; Merleau-Ponty and, 84–85; on symbolic, 16, 17–18; on symbols, 18; Tarot on, 89
The Meaning of Sarkozy (Badiou), 275
Mélanges de littérature et de philosophie (Ancillon), 64
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, xii, 13; Castoriadis on, 110–11; on history, 83; on institution, 110–11; on invisible, 150; on language, 84; on Lévi-Strauss, 84–85; on Marx, 82; on Marxism, 76–77, 82–83; Mauss and, 84–85; on perception, 111; on philosophy, 85–86; on revolution, 111; on Sartre, xi, 83, 85; on Stalinism, 83; on symbolic, 14–15; on theory related to practice, 15; on Western Marxism, 82–83
Milbank, John: on allegory, 54; on Badiou, 253; on Spinoza, 54; on Žižek, 253
The Mirror of Production (Baudrillard), 89–93
Mitterrand, François, 198
Modernity: Barth on, 49–50; Gauchet on, 146
Money: as commodity, 80–81; Hegel on, 79; Hess on, 79; Hume on, 79; Marx on, 79, 80–81, 90; as symbol, 79; Valenze on, 79
Moritz, Karl Phillip: Bauer’s relationship with, 44–45; on beautiful, 30
Mouffe, Chantal, xiv, 7, 9, 160, 265; on Althusser, 190; on antagonism, 212, 213; background of, 202; as cultural broker, 191; on Gramsci, 186, 187; on hegemony, 188, 189, 267; on language, 190; on Marxism, 187–88; on post-Marxism, 184; on poststructuralism, 188; on religion, 160; on self-management, 196; on society, 188; on universality, 214; Wenman on, 327n114
Mundt, Theodor, on art, 39
Murray, Jamie, on sinthome, 247
Mythology: Marx on, 77–78; Sorel on, 205
Novalis: on hieroglyph, 33; on symbol, 33, 51–52
Occupy Wall Street, 3; Dean on, 338n65; demands of, 282; future of, 280; international connections of, 338n62; leaders of, 283; Žižek on, 281
“Of an Apocalyptic Tone Recently Adopted in Philosophy” (Derrida), 161, 193
On the Content and Object of Presentations (Twardowski), 117
Organisation psychanalytique de langue Française, 123, 153
“Origins of the Present Crisis” (Anderson), 200–201
The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century (Furet), 145, 178
Perception: imagination and, 107; Merleau-Ponty on, 111
“The Permanence of the Theologico-Political?” (Lefort), 140, 159
Perrier-Roublef, Irène, 120–21
The Phenomenology of Perception (Merleau-Ponty), 111
Philosophie der symbolischen Formen (Cassirer), 104
Philosophy: Merleau-Ponty on, 85–86; Rorty on, 50
Philosophy of Arithmetic (Husserl), 117
The Plague of Fantasies (Žižek), 225
“La poésie symbolique et socialiste” (Limayrac), 74
Poetry: Bénichou on, 63; Dosse on, 24; Goethe on, 31; of Marx, 75; symbolist, 74; world remade through, 106
Political, 158–66; Ankersmit on, 267–68; Castoriadis and, xiii, 6; Gauchet on, 151, 180; Howard on, 158; Lefort on, xiii, 6, 149, 150, 151; Rancière on, 267; religion and, 166–75; revival of, 142
Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory (Mouffe), 186
Popular Culture Group, 187
Post-Foundational Political Thought (Marchart), 9
Post-Marxism, xi, 262; functions of, 8; Laclau and, 184, 185; Mouffe on, 184; mourning and, 192; Sim on, 5, 274
Postmodernism, 5, 30, 263–64; allegory and, 30, 34, 269; Foucault on, 270; Jay on, 191; Owens on, 269; Romanticism and, 25–26; Santner on, 191; sublime, 25; Žižek on, 240
The Poverty of Theory (Thompson), 190
Presentation: Castoriadis on, 310n83; of Hegel, 50
Der Protestantismus und die Romantik (Ruge & Echtermeyer), 28, 47–48
Protestant Reformation, 170
Prussian evangelical-Christian church, 52
Psychical monad, 129; Castoriadis on, 125–26; Habermas on, 128
Psychoanalysis: Castoriadis and, 120–21, 122; Gauchet on, 152
Radical constructivism, 6
Réfutation de l’éclectisme (Leroux), 63
Religion, 22, 158–66; autonomy and, 177; Bauer on, 44–46; Castoriadis on, 140; Christianity as absolute, 40; communism as, 145; democracy and, 162–63, 165, 176; Derrida on, 161, 162; Durkheim on, 170; Feuerbach on, 46–49, 55; Flynn on, 158; Freud on, 145; fundamentalism and, 162; Gauchet on, 146–47, 166, 169–75, 179, 320n109; Hegel on, 39, 72; insight revealed through, 159; Laclau on, 160; Lefort on, 70–71, 158–60, 162; Left Hegelian on, 27–28, 55; Lyotard on, 160; Marx on, 21, 27, 81, 144; Mouffe on, 160; Nora on, 146–47; political and, 166–75; without religion, 249–57; self-consciousness, 45; symbolism and, 32, 36; Vattimo on, 146
Religion in Democracy (Gauchet), 178
Representation: Harvey on, 271; Lyotard on, 267
Resymbolization, xii; by Žižek, 208
Romantics: on allegory, 33–35; Bénichou on, 139; Benjamin on, 34; Bowie, A., on, 26; Christianity and, 38; de Man on, 34; Echtermeyer on, 28, 39; French controversy over, 61, 63; Hegel on, 35; Marx and, 75; Ruge on, 28, 39; structuralism as second overcoming of, 26; sublime, 25–26; symbol, 29, 34, 51; symbolic, 18–19, 21–22, 269, 293n6; symbolism, 74–75
Roudinesco, Elisabeth, 122
Saint-Simonianism, 299n11; failure of, 60; Leroux converting to, 59, 61–62; love bond and, 67
Sand, George, 59; Leroux’s letter to, 68–69
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 5, 106; on imaginary, 107–8; Merleau-Ponty on, xi, 83, 85; ultra-bolshevism of, xi, 83
Saussure, Ferdinand: on language, 15, 84; on symbols and signs, 18, 25
Schelling, Friedrich: on art, 36–37; Echtermeyer on, 47–48; Feuerbach on, 48; Left Hegelian opposition to, 47–48; Leroux on, 58; Marx on, 57; positive philosophy of, 55; Ruge on, 47–48; on symbol, 27, 30, 32, 70; Žižek on, 242–44
Schlegel, August Wilhelm, 75
Schlegel, Friedrich, 26; on allegory, 33; on dialectic, 14
Self-consciousness: Bauer on free, 52; Bauer on religious, 45; Fichte on, 125
Self-management, 142; Castoriadis on, 102; Laclau on, 196; Lacoue-Labarthe on, 196–97; Mouffe on, 196
Sendschreiben an Pierre Leroux (Rosenkranz), 58
Signs (Merleau-Ponty), 84
Situationist International, 86, 197
Social conflict: Lefort on, 150–51; Žižek on, 212
Social-historical world, 97, 105
Socialism: Cabet on, 71; Castoriadis on, 102; communism differentiated from, 276; Leroux on, 70; Limayrac on symbolism and, 74; workers relationship with, 188
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (Engels), 58
La Société contre l’état (Clastres), 168–69
Society: Althusser on, 87–88; Castoriadis on, 108; as corpus mysticum, 68, 69; foundations of, xiii; Gauchet on historical, 178; Gauchet on primitive, 169; Laclau on, 188; Lefort on, 154; Leroux on, 60, 66, 67–68, 69; Marx on, 76; as milieu, 67–68; Mouffe on, 188; style symbolique and, 66–74; Žižek on civil, 226
Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, 221
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 142, 198
Sørensen, Bengt Algot, 25
“The State of the Subject Today” (Castoriadis), 120
Strauss, David Friedrich, 9, 27; on Bauer, 43; Bauer on, 43–44; on Bible, 42–43; Bowman on, 75; on collective mythic consciousness, 44; critics of, 43; desymbolization of, 75; withdraw from Deutsche Jahrbücher, 43
Structuralism, 266; Bourdieu on, 24; Castoriadis on, 97–98, 112, 131, 137; Dosse on, 24; Furet on, 86–87; May 1968 and, 130; Romanticism and, 24–26; symbolic, 18–19; symbolism and, 11–12, 113; Turkle on, 130
Les structures anthropologiques de l’imaginaire: introduction à l’archétypologie générale (Durand), 106
Style Symbolique, 74; Leroux on, 61, 62; origins of, 63; society and, 66–74
Subjective destitution, 225
Sublime, 267; Castoriadis on, 129; Hamilton on, 25–26; Larrissy on, 25; postmodern, 25; revival of, 25; Romantic, 25–26
The Sublime Object of Ideology (Žižek), 208
Symbol: aesthetic, 32, 60–66; ambiguity in, 19–20; ancient meaning of, 13; art and, 27; Bénichou on, 63, 64; Benjamin on, 29–30; Castoriadis on, 112–13; Coleridge on, 294n26; Creuzer on, 65; cryptophoric, 19–20; de Man on, 30; Descombes on, 19; Feuerbach on, 51; Goethe on, 25, 32; Grewe on, 34; Halmi on, 29, 293n6; imaginary and, 116; irreducible duplicity of, 19; Kant on, 24–25, 80, 293n6; Left Hegelians on, 41; Leroux and, 60–66; Lütticken on, 20; Marx on, 21, 303n77; Mauss on, 18; money as, 79; naturalization of, 49–54; Novalis on, 51–52; resubstantialization of, 25; Romantic, 29, 34, 51; Saussure on signs and, 18, 25; Schelling on, 27, 30, 32, 70; Todorov on, 25
Symbolic: as algebraic order, 19, 89; Althusser on, 88, 89, 305n127; Baudrillard on, 13, 90–91, 270; Bowie, M., on, 128; Butler, J., on, 18–19; Cassirer on, 20; Castoriadis on, 112–13, 114, 116; conception, 64; defining, 13; de Staël on, 62–63; dialectic related to, 13, 14–15, 270–71; Fabre on, 18–19; Hegel on, 26–27, 35–36, 295n60; Hénaff on, 20; Lacan on, 266; Lefort on, 155–56, 157, 181–82; Left Hegelian rejection of, 21–22; Lévi-Strauss on, 10, 11, 15–17, 113, 291n46; Mauss on, 16, 17–18; Merleau-Ponty on, 14–15; return to, 268–69; Romantic, 18–19, 21–22, 269, 293n6; structuralism, 18–19; Tarot on, 17; Žižek on, 14, 270
Symbolic turn, 11; Castoriadis and, 112
Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Völker (Creuzer), 65; controversy over, 64
Symbolism: Caillé on, 10; Castoriadis on, 112–13; conscious, 35, 39, 40; Delécluze on, 63; Durkheim on, 17; expressive, 115; as foreign import, 63; Goethe on, 31; Goux on, 19–20; Limayrac on socialism and, 74; Magnus on, 36; presence-creating, 19; Rehberg on, 19, 115–16; religious, 32, 36; Romantic, 74–75; semiotic, 115; structuralism and, 11–12
Tarot, Camille: on Durkheim, 18; on Gauchet, 176; on Mauss, 89; on symbolic, 17
Tarrying with the Negative (Žižek), 225, 230
Time magazine: on Marx, 2; person of the year, 279–80
Todorov, Tzvetan, 25; on beautiful, 30–31; on resubstantialization of symbol, 25
Two Marxisms (Gouldner), 83
Unconscious: Boothby on, 130; Castoriadis on, 121, 123, 127, 130; Lacan on, 124, 129–30, 138; as language, 129–30; Lévi-Strauss on, 16; Žižek on, 243
Universality, 219; committed, 215, 247–48; Laclau on, xiv, 214, 233–36; Mouffe on, 214; partisan, 238–49; Žižek on, xiv, 214–15, 222–23, 233, 242, 246–48
Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 39
The Visible and the Invisible (Merleau-Ponty), 150
Voyage en Icarie (Cabet), 67
Weber, Max, xii, 82; on Protestant Reformation, 170
Das Wesen des Christentums (Feuerbach), 48, 51
Wilhelm, Friedrich, III, 52
Wilke, Christian Gottlob, 44
Žižek, Slavoj, 7, 265; on alienation, 329n32; on Althusser, 210; on antagonism, 212–13, 216–17, 244, 245; on Arab Spring, 338n64; on atheism, 250; background of, 220–22; on Badiou, 240, 276–77; on big Other, 210–11; Butler, R., on, 229; on capitalism, 245, 278; on Cause, 248; on Christ, 246, 251; on Christianity, 249, 252–54; on civil society, 226; on class struggle, 259; on communism, 274–78; Dean on, 229; on deconstruction, 221–22; on democracy, 157–58, 230, 231, 240; on Derrida, 195, 240; on dialectic, 14; on empty place, 216–17, 230; on fantasy, 211; on fetishism, 227; on God, 251, 334n146; Harpham on, 228; on Hegel, 14, 217; on Hegemony and Social Strategy, 208; on historicism, 241; on historicity, 240–41; inconsistency of, xv; on Jacobins, 226; Kay on, 229, 257; Kotsko on, 229, 252; on Lacan, 138, 210–11; Lacan and, 9–10; on Laclau, 232–33, 237–39, 246; Laclau on, 208–9, 217–19, 245; Lefort on, 221; on Lenin, 257–58; on Marxism, 249, 253–54; on Master, 255–56; on materialism, 244; on melancholy, 195; Milbank on, 253; on Miller, 327n97; on monarch, 222–27, 256; on Occupy Wall Street, 281; Parker on, 226, 228–29; on Saint Paul, 248; periods of, 229–30; on positive vision, xv; on postmodernism, 240; on poststructuralism, 221–22; on resymbolization, 208; on revolution, 217, 258–59; on Schelling, 242–44; on short circuit, 246–47; on sinthome, 247; on social conflict, 212; on Specters of Marx, 195; subject and subjectification distinguished by, 254–55; on subjective destitution, 225; summarizing early work, 227–28; on symbolic, 14, 270; on true act, 254–55; on unconscious, 243; on universality, xiv, 214–15, 222–23, 233, 242, 246–48