Growing up, I was an avid reader of fairy tales and folklore. I was fascinated by the tales of knights and dragons, witches and wizards, and enchanted forests and magical realms. I devoured every story I could get my hands on, and I spent countless hours lost in the pages of books that transported me to worlds beyond my wildest imaginings. I was an introvert and frequently alone by choice, but when surrounded by these stories I never felt lonely.
It was this love of fairy tales and folklore that led me to create my own hodgepodge of stories where fairy tales shared one weird multiverse; a place where the tales and myths of different cultures could come together to form a rich tapestry of magic and wonder. I wanted to explore the many facets of these tales, to delve into their themes and motifs, and to create a world that was both familiar and new, timeless and contemporary. I wanted humor and tragedy, subversions and resolve in the face of adversity. I especially wanted to showcase the Filipino concept of the barkada: a group of close friends ready to ride and die for each other. I wanted to write about found families, of people who look out for one other through the good times and the bad.
I stand on the shoulders of giants. I am deeply indebted to the many authors, storytellers, and artists who have come before me, who have crafted the stories that have shaped my imagination and inspired my creativity. From the Brothers Grimm to Hans Christian Andersen to Lihui Yang, these writers have given me the tools and inspiration I needed to create my own stories.
I am also grateful to the many people who have supported me on this journey. To my family and friends, who have always believed in me and encouraged me to pursue my dreams, I cannot thank you enough. Your love and support have been my rock, and I am deeply grateful for all that you have done for me. Shoutout to my dad especially, who weaned me on ghost stories and fairy tales as a child and stirred in me a hunger for them that has never been satisfied since.
All my gratitude to my agent, Rebecca Podos, who has always been a source of comfort and cheer throughout the years we’ve been working together, and here’s to many more!
I am also indebted to my editor, Annie Berger, whose keen eye and insightful feedback helped me to shape this book into the best version of itself. Her patience, guidance, and encouragement were invaluable to me throughout the writing process, and I am deeply grateful for her help. I am also grateful for the Sourcebooks team: Sabrina Baskey, Gabbi Calabrese, Thea Voutiritsas, Erin Fitzsimmons, Laura Boren. From the cover design to the marketing strategy, from the copyediting to the typesetting, you have all played an important role in bringing this book to life, and I am deeply grateful for all that you have done.
Finally, I want to thank the readers who have taken the time to journey with me through this story, especially through the ups and downs the last few years had brought. Your support and enthusiasm have been a constant source of inspiration to me, and I hope that this book brings you as much joy as it has brought me.