how to draw a saint bernard

Steps: 16

Difficulty: dotline2.png

The Saint Bernard is a very large and friendly breed of dog. Its thick coat originally protected it from the snow of the Swiss Alps. This dog has long hair, but a shorthair variety is also popular.


1 Make four short lines to mark vertical sections 2 inches (5cm) apart on the right half of your paper.


2 Using the marks you made in step 1, draw the main edges of the dog’s head. Draw short repeating lines at the left to indicate the thick neck fur.


3 Draw the shape of the dog’s back and chest with broken lines.


4 Complete the main shapes of the dog’s body.



5 Draw the angled edges of the dog’s upper eyelids, nose, and mouth.


6 Draw light outlines of the dark fur, mouth, and tongue and then shade them.


7 Shade the dog’s muzzle and neck with short repeating lines.



8 Shade the dark fur on the dog’s back as well as the shadow on the light fur of the dog’s chest.



Fun Fact

Adult Saint Bernards can weigh up to 200 pounds (90kg).

9 Continue shading the light and dark areas of the dog’s body and add the shadow.


10 Intensify the shading on the head, and add fur texture at the edge with short, thin strokes.


11 Draw the pupils of the eyes, and add the dark shading of the lower lid.


12 Detail the nose with short dark lines at the side and center, and add the nostrils. Darken part of the dog’s mouth, and shade the tongue.


13 Darken the shading of the dog’s back, and add angled shading to the chest.


14 Add dark details to the dog’s tail and rear leg, and the feathery hair of the front legs. Detail the shadow, too.


15 Erase some of the feathery hair of the front legs.


16 Add the darkest shading angling at the dog’s eyebrows, nostrils, and mouth.
