“What in the world?” A female voice floated into the silver closet.
Hart blinked, adjusting his eyesight to the light.
It was Sarah’s voice. Thank bloody Christ it was Sarah’s voice. Was she alone?
“Sarah, is that you?” Hart stepped into the corridor. He had his answer. “Thank God you’re alone.”
Meg remained in the shadows. Sensibly, she wasn’t about to leave the closet with her ripped bodice.
“What in heaven’s name is going on here?” Sarah’s face was a study in shock. “You were both in there in the dark? Alone? Meg, are you coming out?”
“No,” Meg squeaked.
“What? Why not?” Sarah’s voice rose in alarm.
Hart cleared his throat. “I will allow Miss Timmons to explain the situation. Being a gentleman, I must take myself off, but allow me to assure you that absolutely nothing untoward happened here. I’ll return to the dining room and tell everyone I got lost on the way to the silver closet and never made it. I’ll say you helped me locate Meg and she has a megrim and is leaving immediately.” He glanced at Meg. “Meg can explain the rest.”
“What? Why?” Sarah asked but Hart was already striding toward the dining room.
As he went, he considered what had happened in the silver closet. His throat had tightened when Meg told him she was lonely. Lonely. The word stuck in his chest like a knife. He’d never considered it. He’d known Meg was a wallflower. Everyone knew that. He’d give his right arm to be able to go to events and not be mobbed by marriage-minded misses looking to become the next Lady Highgate. He’d never considered it from her position. A young woman who was overlooked by everyone, due to her circumstances. He’d felt like an arse after bringing up her marital prospects. After she’d said she was lonely, he felt like an even bigger one.
Meg actually wanted to marry. She was looking for love of all things. It had both surprised him and softened him. Did she love Sir Winford? Was that possible? Hart didn’t want to contemplate it. His gut ached.
He pasted a false smile on his face before opening the door to the dining room. “I never found the silver closet,” he announced. “When Sarah came to look, she showed me where it was and we located Miss Timmons. She is fine but has been overcome by a megrim and Sarah is helping to call around her coach. I’m afraid she won’t be joining us for the remainder of the evening.”
He didn’t mistake the obviously peeved look on Lucy Hunt’s face.
* * *
“Come in, Sarah.” Meg gestured with her hand from her safe spot inside the darkened silver closet. “But whatever you do, do not close that door behind you.”
Sarah plucked a candlestick from a side table in the corridor and entered the closet. Five minutes later, Meg had explained the entire debacle to her. She left out the part where Hart had said he would stand up for her. She couldn’t bear to think about that. By the time Meg had finished relating the story, her heart was pounding. Had the events of the evening truly happened to her? She’d come so close to causing a scandal. With Hart. That was the last thing she wanted.
“Don’t worry. Don’t worry.” Sarah patted her shoulder. “I’ll go and grab my shawl and call for your coach. We’ll cover your bodice and I’ll explain everything to Lucy and the others. Like Hart said, I’ll tell them you weren’t feeling well. There is nothing whatsoever to worry about.”
Meg sighed a breath of relief. “Thank you, Sarah. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. I’ll wait here.”
Sarah paused, her hand on the doorjamb. “May I ask you something, Meggie?”
“Of course.”
“The key was in the lock when I came. There was no reason for the door to be stuck. Lucy wouldn’t by any chance be trying to help you win Hart’s favor, would she?” A disapproving look shone in Sarah’s eye.
Meg was relieved that she’d left out the part about Hart standing up for her. She, too, suspected Lucy was behind tonight’s little drama. It was time to tell her closest friend the truth. She nodded slowly. “I’m afraid I’ve got in over my head, Sarah. I never expected Lucy to go to these lengths.”
Sarah moved back into the closet, sighed, and shook her head. “I knew it. We are talking about the infamous Lucy Hunt, are we not?”
“I had no idea she’d conspire to lock me and Hart in a silver closet together!”
“I agree. It’s a bit much even for Lucy. When I announced I would go in search of you two, she nearly tackled me trying to send Sir Winford instead. That’s when I became suspicious. Well, I was somewhat suspicious before that, if the truth is told, as I’ve never heard of silver polish removing a soup stain from a shirt. Have you?”
“I’ve been a fool.” Meg hung her head. “You know I’ve loved Hart for an age. I couldn’t allow him to take a wife without at least trying to see if I stood any chance.”
Sarah’s eyes were filled with tears. “Oh, Meggie, I understand, truly I do. I’m sorry I haven’t been more of a help to you. You know I’ve always been convinced he would break your heart. He’s never been the type to treat a lady like a prize. I fear he’ll take a wife, deposit her in the country, and go about his business with women like Lady Maria Tempest.”
Meg gasped. “Maria Tempest? Is that who he’s been with?”
“Until recently, I believe.”
MT. Meg had her answer. Lady Maria was who Hart thought he was meeting that night. Maria Tempest was a gorgeous widow with raven hair and black eyes. Half the male members the ton chased after her.
“I know you’ve always had my best interest at heart, Sarah.” Meg laid a hand on Sarah’s arm. “But I cannot help but love him. He’s just so handsome and noble. He was so kind to me that day my mother ordered you both from the house. When he smiled at me and said such nice things, it was all over. I’ve loved him ever since.”
“I remember,” Sarah said softly, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Meg pressed a hand to her chest. “I was so ashamed.”
Sarah squeezed Meg’s shoulder. “He’s always been gallant to a female in distress, my brother. It’s his long-term commitment to them I question. I’ve always believed Hart would obey our parents and choose a wife from his pick of the lot. Not that he doesn’t adore defying Father, but I’ve believed he wasn’t interested in who he takes to wife. After his awful experience with Annabelle, he’s been resigned to his fate.”
“I know. It’s true.”
“It’s not because I wouldn’t adore you for a sister-in-law, Meggie. You know I would, but I couldn’t stand to see your heart broken. Hart is a rogue after all.”
“I know it. I’ve always known. I wish it made a difference to me. I wish I could want Sir Winford. Truly, I do.” Meg stepped forward and hugged her friend tightly. “Oh, Sarah. I could have been ruined. Hart could have been forced into marriage with me, which of course he doesn’t want and I don’t either, not that way, anyway” Meg groaned. “I should have known better than to ask for Lucy’s help.”
“Don’t worry. No one will ever find out about this.” A determined look shone in Sarah’s eyes.
Meg planted both fists on her hips. “Thank you, Sarah, you’re a true friend, and I intend to tell Lucy she is no longer employed as my matchmaker at my first opportunity.”