THE MAN WALKED OUT of his apartment, closed the door, and entered the cool morning. He examined the gray clouds that obstructed the sun and cast a dull shadow on the neighborhood. But the clouds passed quickly and the morning brightened. He stretched his legs and twirled his arms in three clockwise circles. He took a deep breath, put on his hoodie, and then started on his run. The man turned left on Hurlbut Street toward Pasadena Avenue and then stopped. He normally turned left, but today he would do something different, so he turned right. He let his legs stretch out in long strides as his muscles slowly warmed up. His arms and legs moved as they should, as a whole, constructed as perfectly as an antique pocket watch but with slightly mismatched, salvaged parts. But those parts all fit in their own peculiar way. The man’s breathing grew heavy as his legs moved faster and faster in the cool morning. His mind was free and clear as he ran and ran and ran.