THE MAN CLOSED HIS apartment door and entered the cool evening. He stretched his legs and twirled his arms in three clockwise circles. The man took a deep breath, put on his hoodie, and then started on his nightly run, happy to be back on his usual exercise schedule after the recent disruption. Morning runs were fine, but there was something particularly cleansing about exercising at the end of the day. He turned left on Hurlbut Street toward Pasadena Avenue and then turned left again. The man let his legs stretch out in long strides as his muscles slowly warmed up. He wanted to achieve his usual peace when he ran. But something was amiss. The man sensed that something was about to change in his life. He shook his head to chase away this feeling of unease. But he could not. He approached a crow pecking furiously at a Burger King wrapper that held delicious remnants of a hamburger bun. The crow froze and looked up at the man as he grew nearer. The bird did not stir even as the man moved quickly. Finally, when the man was a mere six feet away, the crow let out an angry squawk, spread its wings, flew away, and perched on a nearby wooden fence. The man passed the Burger King wrapper and then turned his head to look at the crow. The bird spread its wings and flew back to its feast. As the man returned his sight to the sidewalk ahead of him, the crow recommenced its voracious feasting on its banquet.
Grainy black-and-white video of a busy city street with crowds of people. Ominous music. |
You’ve seen them—in your kids’ classrooms and in your churches, factories, and offices. This massive tide of fake people is draining your paychecks, fueling inflation, wrecking your schools, ruining your hospitals, and threatening your families. |
A man shoving another man, a crowd surrounding the two, some yelling, “He’s a stitcher!” and “Stitcher go home!” |
They’re losing control and shoving people in the streets. And what’s next? Are they becoming drug dealers, sex traffickers, and violent predators who freely mingle with the crowds, your coworkers, your children? You know it, we know it, everyone knows it. They bring drugs. They bring crime. They are rapists. Some are even running for Congress. |
Ominous music switches to patriotic music. |
President Cadwallader surrounded by Cabinet members during a signing ceremony. |
But only one party had the guts to say, “Enough is enough!” By signing the Anti-Stitcher Law, your president took a vital step in protecting you and your children. But without the right Congress, the president’s successes will be defeated. Your vote matters more than ever before. These midterm elections are literally a matter of life and death. |
An American flag waving. |
Patriotic music begins to swell. |
Make America safe again! |
A close-up of President Cadwallader smiling and giving two thumbs up. |
Paid for by Citizens to Make America Safe Again, fighting for a return to common sense in America, highlighting the importance of logic and reason, and defeating “wokeism” and anti–critical thinking ideologies that permeate every sector of our country and threaten the very freedoms that are foundational to the American dream. |
Music rises to crescendo. |