In the Orient, Devachan is called the home of the Devas, a great race of spiritual creations, or rather higher astral creations, who never appear on the physical plane, but function continually in their astral bodies and occasionally in their mental bodies.

Sometimes the Devas are correlated with the salamanders, but this is incorrect, as the careful student will readily comprehend. The ancients recognized three groups of these Devas: (1) the formless Devas of the higher mental planes, whose vehicles are formed of the cloudless night of the Arupa substance—abstract mental essence; (2) the embodied Devas, who are the great beings dwelling on the Rupa, or form mental plane composed of concrete mind stuff similar in texture to thought forms; (3) the fire Devas, or the inhabitants of Devachan, the higher astral plane.


The Devas are part of that great group of spiritual entities which assists in carrying out the directions of the Planetary Logos. They are marvelous beings endowed with great wisdom, glory, and power, and they never appear on the physical plane. Their knowledge is apparently limitless, and to meet one is an unforgettable experience. They form one group of the instructors of humanity on the higher planes of Nature. These beings are outpourings from the waves of creation, evolving as children thrown out of the super physical bodies of deities. Some of them are called “skin pore” creatures; others, “fire born.” In many of the ancient doctrines, they were called “blood born,” and in still others “children of thought.”

As surely as these creatures are the mind born Sons of God, so surely are the thought forms and astral elementals the mind-born and fire born sons of human beings. Man is responsible for these strange creatures who float around and battle for ages before they are finally dissolved in the essences of God’s body. Had man the power of immortal creation, he would people the elements with these demons. But as yet, he is only learning, and this is his salvation.