“The sword of Mahomet, and the Koran, are the most fatal enemies of Civilization, Liberty, and Truth, which the world has ever known; an unmitigated cultural disaster parading as God’s will.”

—Sir William Muir (1819–1905), Scottish historian who specialized in the era of Muhammad and the early caliphate

When I started this book I had thought of about fourteen or fifteen differences in the moral values between the Bible and Islam. By now, I have more than fifty, and I’m still counting:

           1.    We Are All Sinners vs. They Are All Sinners

           2.    Life Is Sacred vs. Death Is Worship

           3.    Pleasing God vs. Pleasing Human Beings

           4.    Judge the Sin and Not the Sinner vs. Judge the Sinner, Not the Sin

           5.    Redemption from Sin vs. Immunity from Sin

           6.    Guided by the Holy Spirit vs. Manipulated by Human Terror

           7.    God the Redeemer vs. Allah the Humiliator

           8.    Healing of Spirit, Body, and Soul vs. No Healing Is Needed

           9.    Jesus came to Save Us vs. We Have to Save Allah and Muhammad

           10.  Jesus Died for Us vs. We Must Die for Allah

           11.  Confession of Sin vs. Concealment of Sin

           12.  At War with the Devil vs. at War with Flesh and Blood

           13.  The Truth Will Set You Free vs. Lying Is an Obligation

           14.  Trust vs. Distrust

           15.  Faith vs. Submission

           16.  Fear Not! vs. Fear as a Tool of Enforcement

           17.  Children of God vs. Enemies or Slaves of Allah

           18.  One Man and One Woman vs. One Man and a Harem

           19.  Transformation vs. Conformity

           20.  Changing Yourself vs. Changing Others

           21.  Fearing God vs. Fearing Man

           22.  Praising vs. Cursing

           23.  Personal Prayer vs. Exhibitionist Prayers

           24.  Prayers for All vs. Prayers Only for Muslims

           25.  Vengeance Is the Lord’s vs. Vengeance Is Prescribed for Muslims

           26.  Forgiveness and Mercy vs. Reveling in Unforgiveness

           27.  Upholding Human Rights vs. Sacrificing Human Rights

           28.  Work Ethic vs. Wealth through Conquest

           29.  More than Conquerors vs. to Conquer Is to Prevail

           30.  God Loves Us All vs. Allah Hates Non-Muslims

           31.  Love Your Enemies vs. Hate Allah’s Enemies

           32.  Covenant of Peace vs. Covenant of War

           33.  Self-Control vs. Controlling Others

           34.  The Wages of Sin Is Death vs. Die in Jihad to Be Forgiven

           35.  Pride Is a Sin vs. Allah Is Prideful

           36.  Humility vs. Pride

           37.  Envy Is a Sin vs. the Envious Can Put the Evil Eye on Those They Envy

           38.  Lust and Gluttony Are Sins vs. Lust and Gluttony Are Allah’s Lure to Jihadists

           39.  Anger Is a Sin vs. Anger Is a Tool for Power

           40.  Self Reliance vs. Dependency/Reliance on Caliphate/Government

           41.  Love Your Neighbor vs. Kill Your Non-Muslim Neighbor

           42.  Both Men and Women Shall Not Commit Adultery vs. Only Wives Have to Be Faithful

           43.  Stealing Is a Sin vs. Seizing Non-Muslims’ Property Is a Right.

           44.  Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness vs. Lying and Slander Are Obligatory in Defense of Islam

           45.  Thou Shalt Not Covet vs. Covet the Possessions of Allah’s Enemies

           46.  The Bible vs. a Rebellion against the Bible

           47.  Constitutional Republics vs. Totalitarian Theocracy

           48.  Christianity Controls Sin vs. Islam Controls Governments

           49.  The Kingdom of God Is Not of This World vs. Allah and the State Are One

           50.  Government Serves the People vs. the People Serve the Government

           51.  An Ethics Revolution vs. a Counter-Ethics Revolution

           52.  In Harmony with Human Nature vs. Working against Human Nature

           53.  Joy vs. Shame

It is clear: everything God tells us in the Bible that He loves, Islam has set out to destroy. Islamic values are backward, the opposite to what every Jew and Christian holds dear. Islam rejected the God of Abraham, condemned the Bible as false, and condemned Christians and Jews to a life of oppressive subordination—or death.

The Bible and Islam do not share the same God. The true God could not have provided His creation with two opposite sets of values in two very different books. One of these books was never from God, and, obviously, it is the Koran. The Koran represents a negative power, a dark and subversive force that relentlessly challenges the authority of the Bible and God Himself.

What differentiates sharia, Islamic law, from the Biblical commandments—and any other system of law—is Allah’s delegation of his power to severely punish sins against him (and also to protect family honor). These crimes, such as apostasy, blasphemy, and adultery by women, are punished more harshly than murder and stealing.

As we have seen, Allah granted the caliphate divine totalitarian powers over both Muslims and non-Muslims. So telling a Muslim to give up on his ambition to live under an Islamic government that enforces sharia law is equal to telling him to give up on Allah.

But unfortunately, the West is under the illusion that there can be an Islam that does not aspire to live under a caliphate. And too many Christians and Jews have bought into the Islamic propaganda that Allah is the same as the God of the Bible, that Islam is an Abrahamic religion. That claim from the Koran is widely publicized by Muslims; other material in their holy book doesn’t get the same publicity—as when Muhammad commands Muslims to kill the descendants of Abraham, the Jews, wherever they find them: “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, the rock and tree will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him” (Bukhari 41:6985).

After centuries of hard work by Jews and Christians to build free societies and elevate humane values, Islam is hard at work dismantling those great achievements to replace them with totalitarian sharia law. Every Christian civilization in the Middle East has already been eradicated, and Islam is still fighting the Jews over the Biblical Holy Land. The light of the Bible in the Middle East was snuffed out by Islamic jihad. The black flag of Islamic conquests has been flying over the ruins of old Christendom for many centuries. The fervent Muslims’ goal today is to finish the job by taking over the Bible-based culture of the West.

Attracted to the Light vs. Attracted to the Darkness

You would think that most human beings, under normal conditions, would be attracted to Biblical values, but unfortunately human nature is not as simple as that. There is a side to human nature that is attracted to Islamic values. I know that from experience. Islam gives some men and women an intoxicating amount of power over other human beings. It is not a coincidence that Adolf Hitler lamented belonging to the wrong religion, saying “You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. . . . The Mohammedan religion . . . would have been more compatible to us than Christianity.”1 The Führer also complained, “Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers . . . then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seven Heavens to the bold warriors alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so.”2

Hitler lamented the defeat of Islam in Europe, because he considered Islamic values to be the right tools he could have used to conquer the world. It is ironic that Europe, which lost millions of lives fighting Hitler, has allowed itself today to be overrun by millions of Muslim immigrants and refugees who openly and proudly say that they are in Europe to take over and to turn Buckingham Palace into a mosque.3 European leadership and the Obama administration in the U.S. welcomed Muslim refugees, apparently unconcerned that Islamic terrorists were among them.4

Ironically Hitler’s wish for the Islamization of Europe is being fulfilled today. Pleasing Muslims has become a top priority of politicians in Europe and America, who put it above pleasing and protecting Western citizens.

But if we are to continue to live our lives in the light of freedom and the other Biblical values that have made the West what it is, we must exercise constant vigilance against the values of darkness, oppression, and tyranny. Human nature does not always choose the light. Many men and women are attracted to the darkness.

For those who are not comfortable with the light of truth, Islam is their answer. Defenders of Islam are many and various. Islamic jihadists openly dedicate their lives and threaten the lives of others to expand Islam. But most Muslims are more discreet. Some choose to defend and support the jihadists, others finance them, and others simply look the other way, allowing jihad violence to go unchallenged. But the most dangerous kind of Muslims are those who deny that jihadist terror has anything to do with Islam. These apparently assimilated Muslims pretend that they are completely different from the violent jihadis, and yet they too want sharia in the West. All these different groups of Muslims appear very different from each other, but in fact they all work in perfect harmony, like an orchestra playing one tune. In their different ways they are all working to bring the West under submission to Islam.

Throwing a Lifeline to a Dying Islam

Islam is not as powerful as it looks, and Muslims are conscious of its weakness. Muslim leaders dread debating Christian leaders. This is because their religion is not based on reason but on violence. Thus they are not equipped to use dialogue and logic to win debates. Their Prophet and their books have convinced them that they can only win with terror.

Violence and terror—both in jihad against non-Muslim governments, and in the oppressive enforcement of sharia by Muslim governments—are Islam’s tools for survival. Many Muslim leaders admit to that openly. Terror and fear can rob nations of their faith in the Bible, and the jihadis know that. They also know how to use Christians’ love, goodness, and generosity against us.

It is unsettling to see how the secular leftists in the West, who do share Islam’s rebellion against the Bible, are eager to flood America with un-vetted Muslim refugees. They are extending a lifeline to Islam; a religion that must feed itself by constantly invading new lands before it self-destructs.

Islam is a dying religion that spreads its poisonous fruits where-ever it goes, but humanity keeps resuscitating it out of certain death. This is perhaps because Islam is very useful for totalitarian regimes. Islam provides weak governments with a legal and religious formula that enables totalitarian control and forces the submission of citizens. One of the reasons for Islam’s fast expansion across the Middle East, in which whole nations were quickly converted, was its appeal to leaders who chose to compromise with the Devil to preserve or gain power over people.

The appeal of Islam to Western leftist politicians, who should know better, defies logic. Many Western political leaders often go out of their way to defend Islam and equate it with the Bible. Western countries compete to see who can take in more Muslim refugees, even at the risk of infiltration by ISIS terrorists. At the same time, Western citizens are intimidated, called racists and “Islamophobes” by their own leaders if they dare criticize Islam.5 It is not clear why this is happening, but I hope it is not because Western politicians and media have any use for Islam and its sharia.

There are powerful secular and socialist forces that share Islam’s vehement rebelliousness against the Bible and its values. But it is hard to understand why they ignore the warnings that history is full of regarding Islam. Turkey’s reformist Muslim president Kemal Ataturk (1881–1938) warned the world about his country’s religion when he said, “Islam, the absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin, is a rotting corpse which poisons our lives.”

Despite the barbaric actions of ISIS, many Muslim leaders are telling us that ISIS and Islam are the same—and no reputable Western media outlet will report it. Adel Kalbani, for example, former imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, recently said, “ISIS has the same beliefs as we do.”6 Not even such an admission from Islamic authorities will convince the Left to end its support of Islam.

The inexplicable impulse that Westerners seem to have to coddle and excuse is a lifeline thrown out to a dysfunctional belief system that otherwise would be dying from its own internal contradictions.

How the West Can Beat Islam

To beat Islam, the West will have to get ready to use extraordinary measures for self-preservation and the protection of its citizens, freedoms, and Biblical values. Since Islam only respects power, the West must be ready to use its military power. But the West must also end the denial and wishful thinking. Western citizens must be told the truth about Islam.

There is a lot of talk about winning the ideological war, but no one defines it. The ideological war between the West and the Muslim world is all about proving that Biblical values are superior to Islamic values. The values of the Bible lead to peace, prosperity, life, liberty, and happiness. And Islamic values will take any society to Hell.

The West has no time for any more appeasement, especially with the millions of Muslims Western countries are taking in. The message should go out to the Muslim world that if they continue their policy of jihad the doors of immigration to the West will be closed. Muslims will only reevaluate their life under Islam when they have nowhere else to go. By taking them in, the West is leaving Islamic lands to ISIS and other brutal jihad groups, to rule and expand. Western media characterizes any suggestion of limiting Muslim immigration as xenophobic and racist, when in fact it is a necessary tool for winning the ideological war. One and a half billion Muslims are living under the slavery of Islam, and they will never truly rebel as long as they can simply leave for the West—where they will work to impose sharia on the rest of us.

Beating Islam is necessary. But it is not sufficient. Western culture is facing other problems. The West must revive its Biblical roots and values, which are the foundation of its culture. The threat to the West from Islam is exacerbated by a more serious threat inside the soul of Western civilization today: the erosion of Biblical values.

Most Americans understand that America was founded on Biblical values, but we have been doing very little, collectively, to stop the constant assault on Biblical values by the U.S. media and education system. The secularization of American society and government is well under way.

On its own Islam is not really all that powerful. Even Muslims believe their religion cannot succeed or even survive without the use of terror. Islam can only be as powerful as Western governments and citizens allow it to be—and their appeasement is making it very powerful.

A huge storm of Islamic darkness is sweeping across our planet today. Let us never take our Biblical values for granted or think that we could maintain Western morality while rejecting “In God We Trust,” Biblically-based education, and the Ten Commandments. Our hope is the revival of Biblical values, our joy in the Lord, and holding on to our Bible. It’s all we’ve got.