Recently there has been a push to replace the term “Judeo-Christian” with the term “Abrahamic”—so as to include Islam in the roll of religions that are the source of our common values. Westerners are eager to show good will toward Muslims, ready to make a real effort to settle the cultural differences that have divided people from different religious backgrounds. Thus it seems to make sense to unite Islam with Christianity and Judaism as an Abrahamic faith, to tout it as preaching more or less the same principles and values. Some interfaith groups have even started referring to certain confluence between Christianity and Islam as Chrislam.
In fact, attempts to reconcile and unite Islam with Christianity are as old as Islam itself. But such attempts have always failed. A primary reason for that failure is that Islam’s moral values are diametrically opposed to Biblical moral values. Many Muslims deny this fact—particularly when communicating with Westerners. In private, in mosques, and in Islamic books, Muslims see Jews and Christians as their enemies.
It is true that Islam, like the Bible, originated in the same area of the world, the Middle East, and some call Arabs and Jews “cousins.” But close proximity and blood relations are no guarantees to harmony or compatibility. In fact some of the deadliest and most toxic relationships could stem from within the same family. Islam’s position on the Bible was the original Mideast cultural clash in which Islam charged into a bloody reversal of where Middle East Biblical values were heading. At its core, Islam came to preserve and re-assert Arabian Peninsula culture.
Islam’s opposition to Biblical and Western values explains why, wherever Muslims go, Muslim leaders stand against assimilation. Islamic doctrine absolutely rejects the Western idea of the melting pot. Muslims are inculcated with contempt for Christians, Christian values, and the Western civilization they built.
Supporters of incorporating Islam into Western culture don’t understand that co-existence as equals with other religions is prohibited under Islam. The West is only now, after decades of trying to assimilate millions of Muslim refugees and immigrants, discovering the impossibility of incorporating Islam.
Most people are unaware of the context in which Islam was born. Islam was created six hundred years after Christianity not to affirm the Bible, but to discredit it; not to co-exist with “the people of the book,”—Jews and Christians—but to replace them.
Despite Islam’s doctrine of non-assimilation, a large number of Muslim immigrants in the West have chosen to assimilate. That was my choice, as a Muslim immigrant to the United States. But many Muslim immigrants who are more faithful to the teachings of Islam refuse to assimilate and work hard against the assimilation of other Muslims. Muslim leaders frequently speak out against assimilation, as when London’s Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan said in a speech when visiting the U.S. that immigrants shouldn’t have to assimilate into American culture. The mayor did not say why assimilation was a bad idea.1
Consider that it takes more effort on the part of an individual not to assimilate than to assimilate to the society he or she lives in. To intentionally refuse assimilation is not the norm; it requires a great effort and runs against the grain of human nature, which tends to acclimate and adapt to new environments. This is how human beings are wired, and this is what I chose to do when I moved to the U.S. I assimilated because it came naturally.
The refusal to assimilate to the West by a religion or ideology should be a clear red flag. Particularly if that refusal is motivated by hostility and contempt for Western values.
But for their own reasons, liberals in the West tend to agree with Mayor Khan. Progressives share the same negative views of the melting pot as faithful Muslims. The Left’s celebration of “multiculturalism” works in tandem with Islamic teachings regarding assimilation to preserve the cultural identity, customs, and moral values of Muslim immigrants.
Neither Islamic leaders nor Western liberals talk about the end game of non-assimilation. In fact the refusal to assimilate means separation of immigrant groups and division in society—then, perhaps, if the wishes of the truly hardcore Muslims are fulfilled, Islamic dominance could be the end game.
Islam’s Goals
The strategic goals of those faithful Muslims in North America are no real secret. They can be found in Islamic books, heard in mosque sermons, garnered from the speeches of Muslim politicians, heard at Islamic conferences and on Arab media. They were summarized in a document used as evidence in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation terror-funding trial. Below is a partial English translation of the document:
Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is. . . . the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out [sic] this grand mission as a ‘Civilization Jihadist’ responsibility . . . The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers. . . . [emphasis added]2
Those, plain and simple, are the values I grew up with. All the resources and energy of Islamic culture are dedicated to conquering the land of the “kafirs” (the unbelievers, meaning non-Muslims), which is described as a miserable house. Islam regards a society based on Biblical values as a miserable abomination. Muslims must never live in such a society without the goal of rebelling against it.
The goals of Islam are not religious goals. Or at least they are not religious in the sense that Christians tend to understand religion. The aim of faithful Muslims is the submission of the whole world to Islam. In fact, submission is exactly what “Islam” means.
The existential threat that Islam poses to Western civilization is no longer the old-fashioned one of Islamic armies standing at the gates of Vienna or Spain. The conquest is being attempted again, but today it’s through immigration and by taking advantage of the Western values of inclusion and tolerance.
In the modern era, Islamic armies are weaker than Western armies. So in our day Islam has chosen conquest from within through immigration. And so far, the West has been a willing participant in its own invasion, by way of a one-sided open door policy.
While Muslim refugees and other immigrants have been welcomed into Europe and America, flooding Western cities and little towns, the Islamic nations have never reciprocated. In fact the few remaining traces of Christian and Jewish presence in the Middle East are being systematically liquidated and ethnically cleansed.
The subject of Islam and its moral values is uncomfortable to most people, and scary to many. Scared and uncomfortable is exactly how I felt when I started this project to delve into why I chose to live by Biblical values rather than Islamic values. But fear and denial are what Islam counts on to keep the West uninformed about the bold goals of Islam—and its many weaknesses. The Muslims who aim for eventual Islamic domination over Western society live in fear of exposure, but Islam thrives on other people’s human decency and fear of terror, and on human beings’ ability to compromise against their best interest in order to survive. That was how I survived life in the Islamic world for thirty years.
My life under Islam was a constant struggle to survive and placate a system that was unforgiving and unaccepting of anything less than total surrender of my humanity, dignity, and privacy—in other words, my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Every Islamic terror attack on the West sends a message: Islamic values, morality, and way of life must replace those of the West whether you like it or not. With every stabbing and beheading by Muslims chanting “Allahu Akbar” that is proudly posted on the internet, the message is Allah’s law must replace Western laws.
Islam is very competitive. Muslims constantly compare their own society with the West. Terrorism is a symptom of a culture unable to co-exist and immersed in frustration at not measuring up.
Even though, as we shall see, Islamic moral values are the antithesis of those of the West, Muslims in the West are desperately trying to convince everyone here that Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all basically one and the same Abrahamic faith. But that is an intentional lie, the opposite of everything preached in mosques.
The Koran is predominantly a book about the kafirs, or non-Muslims, rather than a book about Muslims. Sixty-four percent of the Koran speaks about non-Muslims, the kafirs, who include Jews and Christians. The Islamic God, Allah, requires his followers to dedicate their lives to change, fix, convert, or kill the evil kafirs, whom Allah calls his enemies. That, in a nutshell, is the holy mission of a Muslim if he is to please his God and go to heaven.
A Religion with No Faith in Itself
What is written in the Koran about non-Muslims should alarm the West. Islam’s focus on changing others by force has produced a system that is destructive to everyone, including Muslims themselves.
Conversion by force is necessary in Islam because Muslim leaders believe that if humanity is allowed freedom whether or not to choose life under Islamic values, Islam will disappear. In February of 2013, on Al Jazeera TV network, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi stated that the application of the death penalty for those who leave Islam is a necessity because without such severe punishments no one would choose to live under Islam. These were his exact words: “If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment Islam wouldn’t exist today.”3
Since its inception and up to today, Islam lacks confidence in itself. Muslims do not believe that their religion will be chosen without the use of force. Muslims’ frustrations and insecurity about Islam’s inability to compete with the West and its Biblical values have led them to adopt attitudes, actions, and customs unique to the Islamic community—ranging from being easily offended and avoiding honest debate to the use of threats, fear, government coercion, and terrorism to enforce Islamic “sharia” law.
The mere existence of a freely chosen competing faith threatens Islam at its very core and undermines its ability to produce the kind of society it envisions.
Thus the Bible has become the number one threat to Islam’s ability to prevail and create its worldwide caliphate.
How Multiculturalism Fails Muslims
Islam absolutely rejects Biblical values, but the multicultural Left in the West has a more complicated relationship with them. Multiculturalism means giving mutual respect and freedom to other religions and cultures. Ironically, for multiculturalism to succeed, all parties would have to share such values: co-existence, respect for other cultures, freedom of the individual, and human rights. But unfortunately that is not the reality in our world, where values are often incompatible and at odds with one another. The truth is that the freedom and mutual respect that multiculturalism is based on are ultimately Biblical values. The Golden Rule and “Love your neighbor as yourself,” which can seem obviously true and universal to those of us who live in the West, are straight from the Bible. The concept of the Golden Rule—“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”—is totally alien to Islam. Nothing like love and tolerance to other human beings just because they are human exists in Islam, but only between Muslims of the same sect.
If the ethics of Islam were based on the Golden Rule and generally on the ethics of the Bible, the world today would not have an Arab-Israeli conflict or a fourteen-hundred-year-old Shiite-Sunni vendetta, still going strong. Nor would we be seeing the mass flight and expulsion of Christians from the Middle East. But the brotherhood of humanity does not exist in Islam, period.
Promoters of multiculturalism have ignored the deep roots of predatory ideologies, particularly the supremacist religion of Islam. Islam is the only religion whose fundamental objective is the subjugation of all other religions and all non-Muslims to live under its own law (sharia) even if they don’t believe in it or want to. For that reason force, terrorism, humiliation, deception, and financial extortion (jizya)—all tools to make Islam supreme—are values in Islam.
Interfaith dialogue is only practiced in the West and almost always initiated by Jewish or Christian groups. To discuss religion openly with non-Muslims in a friendly atmosphere and on equal terms is an alien and uncomfortable idea to most Muslims.
Since its inception, Islam has never tolerated being compared to the Bible and its values. Islam simply doesn’t stand up well to the comparison. One way the Koran avoids being judged in light of the Bible is the claim—in the Koran itself—that Jews and Christians don’t even have the original Bible, because they corrupted it. Muslims believe that there are major discrepancies between what was originally revealed in the Bible and what the Bible says today—which the Koran came to correct.
That goes some distance to explaining why it is a stressful experience for Muslims to discuss their religion openly with Christians and Jews. In addition, there is the uncomfortable feeling Muslims have when they follow their obligation under Islamic law to lie if necessary to protect Islam. Questions about the concepts of “jihad” (mandatory war against non-Muslims), “taqiyya” (holy deception), and the “kafir” (despised unbelievers) do necessitate lying if the discussion is to be kept civil. Dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims could also bring Muslims face to face with the destructive values of their own religion, which prohibits questioning.
Christians and Jews in the Middle East, who are scorned and oppressed, would welcome any opportunity to express their concerns and fears, but they never get a chance to dialogue with Muslims. Christians who make any attempt at what we in the West call interfaith dialogue are called troublemakers and disrespectful to Islam. Sometimes they are arrested and punished. And Muslims who reach out to learn about other faiths risk being branded apostates—who are at risk of the death penalty in many Islamic countries. Although friendships between Muslims and non-Muslims do exist, they are usually kept quiet in Muslim countries, where non-Muslims are not equal with Muslims in the eyes of the law.
For centuries Muslims have been forbidden to question, analyze, or critique their own scriptures, let alone to read those of other faiths. But today it only takes an airplane flight from the Muslim world to the West for a Muslim to suddenly be told that dialoguing with Jews and Christians is a virtue.
As a former Muslim who lived in the Muslim world up to age thirty, I never heard a discussion about why Muhammad married a six-year-old girl. No one around me questioned why, and neither did I. It was only when I moved to the West and encountered Biblical values that I started evaluating the norms and values that I grew up with.
There are various defenses Muslims raise against having to answer the difficult questions about Islam that are raised by comparing it to other religions. We have all heard Muslims defend radical Islam by putting down Christianity and Judaism as not any better, or by saying that all religions have a radical side or all religions have terrorists. Such generalizations are not true; they are simply meant to end the discussion.
Multiculturalism gives Muslims permission not to reconsider Islamic values in the light of the Biblical values that have shaped the West. As an immigrant myself, I know firsthand that the message many of us heard from multiculturalists was Please don’t change. We love you and want you to stay just the way you are. This message is unhealthy for everyone involved. It only encourages Muslim immigrants who live in the West to put their efforts into remaining loyal to the old culture. This stunts the natural growth of immigrants in their new—much freer, healthier, and all-around better—environment.
Multiculturalism only tightens the taboos against questioning Islam and prolongs the ignorance that props up that religion.
The Threat Is Not Just ISIS
The threat of Islam is of course obvious in the continual terror attacks all over the world. But Islam also poses a hidden threat to the West, one that most are unaware of: the danger of the erosion of Biblical values.
I had to write this book to uncover the full scope of this threat from Islam—something that the West desperately needs to be aware of. Islamic values versus Biblical values is a bloody collision waiting to happen. The West must be warned. But I am also writing this book for Muslim immigrants who think they can be devout Muslims and at the same time good American citizens with respect for their new country’s values and Constitution. Any Muslim who is aware of Islamic doctrine should be honest with him or her self and admit that Islamic values are fundamentally incompatible with Western values, the U.S. Constitution, and the American way of life.
Mazin AbdulAdhim, a Muslim imam in Canada who is affiliated with the radical Islamic global movement of Hizb ut-Tahrir, points out that “Islam and democracy are contradictory and absolutely incompatible.” He has “called on Canadian Muslims to stick to the Islamic law, reject secularism, work together to spread Islam, reestablish the Islamic State [the caliphate] and implement” sharia law.4
This sheikh is not committing acts of terror, but nonetheless he is doing jihad in the open and asking Muslims in Canada to do the same: to fight democracy and Biblical values, to defy the Canadian system of government and law, and to establish an Islamic state instead. All Western countries have hundreds and thousands of Muslim leaders and individuals who think the same way.
ISIS terrorists have already infiltrated the refugee population. But that population contains many more Muslims who are not terrorists—and yet want Islam to take over their new homes, replacing Biblical values with Koranic values. That’s ironic, considering the reason refugees from all over the Middle East are flocking to the West in the first place. The Muslim world does not have a shortage of land for its citizens. In fact the size of the Muslim world and its natural resources are larger than those of Europe. What the Muslim world lacks are stable governments, respect for human and women’s rights, equal gender and religious rights under the law, stability, and a good foundation of laws upon which citizens can build their lives and thrive. If Muslim immigrants eventually succeed in replacing Western laws and traditions and Biblical values with sharia, the very conditions that drew them to the West in the first place will have vanished.
Of course there are also Muslims among the refugees who do not want to impose sharia on the United States. But their immigration contributes to the problem in another way. The West prides itself on having a big heart, but it will not solve the problem of Islam by continuing to absorb refugees who are supposedly the moderate ones that don’t want to live under ISIS. By absorbing all the “good guys” the West is emptying Syria, Iraq, and many other hot spots in the Middle East of those who should resist the likes of ISIS. And if no one resists ISIS, Al Qaeda, and their ilk, then how will Islamic culture ever reform? The West is simply making it easier for ISIS to prevail without any resistance.
Daily, I encounter Westerners who have no clue as to what is at stake when it comes to Islam. A Jewish woman at one of my talks asked, “But how come Muslims in my interfaith group tell me that they love peace and friendship with Jews and Christians and if it wasn’t for Islamophobia and American foreign policy in the Middle East, there would have been no problems between Islam and the West?”
When I asked her, “Where was this interfaith dialogue group held?” she told me it was in Israel. Then I asked her “How many interfaith dialogue groups do you think exist in any majority-Muslim country?”
She answered, “I don’t know but I know one in the West Bank.”
“Who initiated it?” I asked.
She responded: “Israelis initiate them.”
I then asked her, “Do you think there are interfaith dialogues between Sunnis and Shiites or between Egyptian Muslims and Coptic Christians?” She said she didn’t know. I told her there are none because Islam prohibits it. Unfortunately, when the woman left, I could not tell if she was happy or disappointed with my answer.
The above dialogue is more or less repeated virtually every time I speak publicly—proving how the West is in need of the truth, regardless of how hard it is to hear.
Most of us would like to think that all religions share the same moral values, abiding by the Golden Rule and bringing out the best in their followers—making society work better and helping humanity heal and seek the truth. We prefer to believe all men and women share the same goals and worship the same God, who loves all of humanity, even the sinners.
But sadly different religions don’t share the same moral values, truths, and goals for their followers and for humanity. They don’t even share the same God. This book is not about distinguishing good people from bad ones, but about comparing cultures, their moral values and purposes, what is advocated as right and wrong, good and evil in each, and what are the fruits that such cultures produce for their followers to reap.
A comparison of Islamic and Biblical values sheds light on how they are at odds with one another and reveals that the failure of Muslim assimilation in the West is not the fault of the West but the result of a concerted effort by the Muslim community and adherents of Islamic law.
Citizens of the West have been kept ignorant about the challenge of Islam to their values, culture, form of government, and way of life by Western politicians and media, who even underestimate the threat of terror. The misinformation forced on Western citizens by those who are covering for Islam—often out of multiculturalist embarrassment about criticizing other cultures, or simple fear of being called a racist—obstructs Western citizens’ ability to do what is in their best interests.
No culture is void of goodness. My critique of Islam is not a critique of human beings, but of a toxic ideology I lived under and escaped from.
(Let me note here that I will often compare and contrast the Bible not just to the Koran, but to Islam. Unlike the Bible, the Koran is one of a trilogy of written sources for the religion it proclaims, including also the “hadith”—the various collections of the words and deeds of Muhammad—and the “sira”—his biographies. Muslim theologians must rely on those other two sources to make sense of the Koran.)