She smelled the possum. It was right there under the porch. She didn’t scent fear, though. The stupid thing must be sleeping. If Megan would just give Brigit some slack on the leash she could claw through that rotten wood in a few seconds. She wouldn’t kill the thing, just give it a nice chase, a fun scare, show it who was boss. Dogs rule! Possums drool!
But no. Megan was being a total party pooper. Looked like Megan needed to be shown who was boss, too.
“Come on, Brig,” Megan said, turning to head back to their cruiser.
Not gonna happen. Brigit plunked her butt down on the grass and refused to budge.
Megan gave her the hand signal that meant “come.” But Brigit refused to come. Make me.
Megan crouched down and looked her in the eye. “Only good girls get treats.”
Treats? Well, now. That changes everything.
Brigit lifted her butt, wagged her tail, and followed Megan to the car, gladly accepting the liver treat Megan tossed into her enclosure before closing it. Megan put her face to the mesh screen and said, “Sometimes you’re a real pain in the ass.”
Brigit wasn’t sure what Megan meant, but she knew the tone meant Megan wasn’t happy with her. She didn’t much care. Megan would get over it. She always did. Besides, Brigit had a treat to eat. That’s all that mattered right now.