The Devoted One

Things were not moving along as quickly as the Devoted One had expected, not giving the results that had been hoped for.

All I want is to talk to you. If you just give me a chance, I know I can convince you to come back.

Patience would be required. Fitting. After all, love was patient. It had said so on the cross-stitched sampler hanging on the living room wall growing up. According to the verse spelled out in blue embroidery thread, love was also kind. It didn’t envy or boast, either. Supposedly, love kept no record of wrongs, but the Devoted One thought, 1 Corinthians was being a little unrealistic with that one. We’re only human, after all. It’s natural to keep score.

But the final verse was the one that hit home.

Love never fails.

Like love, the Devoted One wouldn’t fail, either.