
When Brigit and Megan returned home after their all-night shift, the dog was more than ready for a nice snooze. It seemed Megan, though, was not. Once again she tossed and turned in the bed, making it impossible for Brigit to rest.

But Brigit wasn’t in the mood to go sleep on the sofa like she had last time. The couch was comfy enough, but it wasn’t as soft and warm as the bed. Besides, the sofa was in the living room at the front of the house, and Brigit’s sleep would be distracted by the noise from outside. Cars driving by on the street. Delivery trucks. People walking by on the sidewalk. The mailman.

No, it was Megan’s turn to sleep on the sofa.

The next time her partner shook her awake, Brigit put all four of her paws on Megan’s back and pushed as hard as she could. Get out of the bed.

Megan cut Brigit an irritated look over her shoulder. “You’re not the boss, you know.”

While Brigit wasn’t entirely sure of the meaning of Megan’s words, the tone was clear. Still, so long as Megan left the bed Brigit didn’t much care if her partner was angry with her. She wanted some shut-eye. She stretched her legs out and pushed again.

Finally, Megan took the hint. With a sharp breath, she threw back the covers, climbed out of bed, and marched out of the room.

Brigit took advantage of the space by climbing on top of the covers and using her front paws to scrunch them up under her for maximum fluffiness and comfort. When she got the sheets and spread just right, she flopped back down on them and settled her head on the pillow.

Aaahhhh …